The Rock and Batista would be perfect for it.
I've always thought Batista would be perfect as Marcus Fenix.
I've always thought Batista would be perfect as Marcus Fenix.
Microsoft presents a WWE Studios production, Gears of War: The Movie.
Starring: Mason Ryan, Ezekiel Jackson and Ryberg.
you need a big guy with frosted blonde tips for baird too
zigglers close but not big enough
I was watching some old RAW'S and came across this little Gem that I had forgotten all about.
Stone Cold confides in Tajiri
I would kill something this good from someone other then Daniel Bryan. Good lord the current product is garbage. I'm going to watch CHIKARA to cheer myself up. BTW did we ever do a Wrassle GAF viewing of the Chicago show? Would be something fun to do tonight!
I was watching some old RAW'S and came across this little Gem that I had forgotten all about.
Stone Cold confides in Tajiri
I would kill something this good from someone other then Daniel Bryan. Good lord the current product is garbage. I'm going to watch CHIKARA to cheer myself up. BTW did we ever do a Wrassle GAF viewing of the Chicago show? Would be something fun to do tonight!
My personal favorite.
Pro tip: Read this like you're Paul Bearer.
You didn't include the best part, which was Chuckie T and omega's tag team name: men of low moral fiberAs someone from Tijuana I need to buy this shirt.
Edit: this feud sound awesome:
Starting in 2009, Taylor began a heated rivalry with popular regular El
o, stemming from his dream of opening an orphanage called "Los Angelitos de El Generico" and Taylor's hatred of orphans. After he was unable to secure a 1-on-1 victory, Taylor acquired the lp of fellow PWG newcomer Kenny Omega, a fellow orphan hater who also faced, and subsequently lost, a singles match to Generico the next month (wikipedia).
Pro tip: Read this like you're Paul Bearer.
Pro tip: Read this like you're Paul Bearer.
Pro tip: Read this like you're Paul Bearer.
ROH is streaming a free CM Punk/Bryan Danielson match right now on, but it isn't working for me, which should be no surprise as the fuck everything up. Is it working for anyone else?
ROH is streaming a free CM Punk/Bryan Danielson match right now on, but it isn't working for me, which should be no surprise as the fuck everything up. Is it working for anyone else?
Supposedly it's a test for the ippv system in a few days. Good luck to those 2 or 3 of you guys that buy those.
ROH Fans - We apologize for the difficulties in watching the Free Punk Vs Bryan Video as we did not anticipate the exorbitant amount of fans trying to watch it all at once. For those that missed it, we will leave it up through the weekend as well as post it to YouTube.
Rest assure, this was due to our media server not handling the load that was created by this free video. For our iPPV this weekend, we will be using a highly regarded Content Delivery Network (CDN) to prevent anything like this from happening.
Posted to ROH's Facebook.....
Sadly, they really ARE that stupid.Same bullshit excuse they always use. You don't expect fans to come watch a free match between 2 of the best wrestlers in the world that are also going to main event the next WWE ppv between each other when you offer it for free and send press releases to the main wrestling sites advertising it? These guys just can't be that stupid. They run a promotion catering to internet nerds.
Same bullshit excuse they always use. You don't expect fans to come watch a free match between 2 of the best wrestlers in the world that are also going to main event the next WWE ppv between each other when you offer it for free and send press releases to the main wrestling sites advertising it? These guys just can't be that stupid. They run a promotion catering to internet nerds.
Put a wig on Ryback. Done and done.
.In the segment-by-segment, Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show lost 378,000 viewers. Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler lost 465,000 viewers. Kelly Kelly & Layla vs. Natalya & Maxine lost 207,000 viewers. Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho & Alberto Del Rio in the top of the hour segment gained 191,000 viewers, which is weak for the slot, and did a 2.89 quarter. Brodus Clay vs. The Miz gained 55,000 viewers in what is usually a losing segment. The Paul Heyman interview gained 123,000 viewers. And the most noteworthy of all is that C.M. Punk vs. Lord Tensai & Daniel Bryan in the overrun lost 105,000 viewers and did a 2.94 rating. Its virtually impossible for the overrun to lose viewers since youve got the people coming on board for the next show, but this one did. Punk and Bryan arent ratings draws, but its clear that whatever appeal they have was overridden by the negative appeal of Tensai.
Elijah Burke said:Have anyone heard from Marty Chairnetty??? You know, the guy that single handily almost did in one night to Balls Mahoney what sex, drugs, and ECW couldn't do in 20yrs; End His Freaking Career!?!??
Well, If ya hear from the coon, let'em know that Pope is out of semi retirement for the moment and is hoping that he grow some balls, head to Orlando, do what Pope won't do, and that's kiss Hogan's @ss, and beg for the opportunity to show up on iMPACT WRESTLING OFN and call Pope out. Hopefully he's dressed in his 1980's Rockers attire, otherwise Pope may not recognize him! ~ PHS.
Marty Jannetty said:Someone get this word over to big mouth Elijah "The Dope" Burke . it's really quite simple..take a look at the suicide dive over the top rope on Jerry Lynn(photo below)..Jerry Lynn is one hella competitor, so I brought my A+ game to that took a lot out of me and out of Jerry but,the crowd of 1300 were on their feet cheering BOTH of us on as the match progressed..we gave everything we had in the ring, neither of us had much energy left to walk back to the dressing room, where we were met with a standing ovation. and word in the streets is people have been talking about it ever since..Here's the thing you need to think about Mr Burke.. I like Jerry he's a friend, I like Mahoney, he's a friend(he just couldnt keep up the blistering pace) what that means to you Elijah Butts(whatever your name is this week), things in the ring with you will be a whole hella lot, if you got any "Balls" like your boy Mahoney..stop talking shit and get in the ring with me. You wanna call me out on where? South Compton Street Corners? Sheeit I'll come there to you, I probably got more friends there than you gonna find out the in the worse way, I aint your average white brother..(b4 anyone hits me up with this being racist over these comments, consider I have a black girlfriend and the Compton comment is because I heard that's where he was hidding out, or was "hangin out" this past week with TNA.. I tell you you what Mr. Butts, rather than you just bumpin your gums and flapping your yap all negative about me and what you can do about it, let me put it out there like this..ANY PROMOTER, ANYWHERE WANTS TO BOOK A ""STREET FIGHT"" BETWEEN ME MR BUTTS (OR WHATEVER HE CALLS HIMSELF , THE POPE) I'M READY TO SIGN FOR THE FIGHT RIGHT NOW..ANYWHERE..BUT HEY HOW BOUT THIS MR BUTTS, RAHWAY,NJ WHERE YOUR BOY THREW UP, I'M SURE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO COME THERE IN HIS DEFENSE AGANST ME..BUT THIS IS OPEN CHALLENGE TO ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY, HELL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!!..POST THIS ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE YOU WANT AND CAN(IN FACT EVERYONE DO THAT, WATCH HOW FAST WE FLUSH THIS RAT OUT).. STEP UP MR BADD AZZ ELIJAH BUTTS..POST THIS ON PLACES YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH.CAUSE WE TALK ABOUT IT, OR WE CAN BE ABOUT IT..I CAN SHOW MUCH BETTER THAN I CAN TELL YOU WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN TO YO AZZ IF YOU GRAB THE NUTS TO STEP UP IN THE RING IN STREET FIGHT MATCH WITH ME..WAIT,QUIETLY LISTEN FOR A COUPLE SECONDS........YOU HEAR THAT?...THAT'S THE SOUND OF MR. BUTTS SHITTING IN HIS PANTS RIGHT NOW!
WrassleGAF is deathly silent tonight.
Clearly this is the result of Kane going on dark match duty.
I like Bryan (started to find Punk annoying, but I know he has talent), but man, neither of them are draws. Seriously. There's only one man who can save RAW now.
WrassleGAF is deathly silent tonight.
Clearly this is the result of Kane going on dark match duty.
Damn, a TMZ level post.
Imagine if Kane and Boozer played together. Man, oh man.Kane averages 16/12? That's better than Boozer!
I'll tell you one wrestler who hasn't slept with her. Someone who has too much respect for his wife to do that.
"- Vince McMahon has been talking about doing another "Stand Up for WWE" campaign. He's told people that WWE will be getting a lot more aggressive about the persecution from the "liberal media." One person close to the situation said that if Linda McMahon doesn't do good in the current Senate bid, then they are looking to get more outspoken."
from the observer posted on
"- Vince McMahon has been talking about doing another "Stand Up for WWE" campaign. He's told people that WWE will be getting a lot more aggressive about the persecution from the "liberal media." One person close to the situation said that if Linda McMahon doesn't do good in the current Senate bid, then they are looking to get more outspoken."
from the observer posted on