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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


"We do the strictest steroid testing"-Dixie

Earlier tonight, Rob Terry walks out on Impact.

Who?. (googles)

Holy...... people dont look like that.

Well isnt it known that TNA do have drug tests but there problem is there is no punishment and they dont make the results public.

So someone can fail however many times they want with no repercussions.
Well the TNA Sacrifice card looks good. I'll probably end up watching the Survivor finale though. AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle should be a killer match. RVD vs Roode in a ladder match should be good. Aries vs Bully Ray should be good. Magnus and Joe vs Daniels and Kazarian should be good. This is TNA though so should should really be emphasized.
Like her, chicks are not fully developed.

Also, I asked because I wasn't sure of whether the masculine noun usage was correct ('El' vs. 'La').

Might be cheating and going with the actual spanish words. The masculine noun is probably attached to the word grasshopper, either that or none of us know spanish. She's very much a woman, just not the best pic for her form.
Might be cheating and going with the actual spanish words. The masculine noun is probably attached to the word grasshopper, either that or none of us know spanish. She's very much a woman, just not the best pic for her form.
Actually I know a bit of Spanish, just too lazy to verify the vowel ending rules. I remember most that end in "o" are masculine, and those ending in "a" are feminine. This was neither so I blanked.

Also I paid NO ATTENTION to the "AJ of the Elote Wrestling Federation" line
. :p

Dead Man

Nahhhh, son, you won't get away with that. Describe what kind of vile stuff you're posting now. I refuse to click a Bootaaay link without a description. What lies on the other side may scar me for many lifetimes.
Abdullah The Kobayashi Gets a metal bed of Nails stuck in his head at TOD 9

Um, yeah...

Edit: It's okay until they show them trying to remove it after the match
Um, yeah...

Edit: It's okay until they show them trying to remove it after the match




I don't know how you stomach so much torture porn, Bootaaay.



I don't know how you stomach so much torture porn, Bootaaay.

Get the Youtube me extension so you don't have to torture yourself anymore with wondering what lies beyond Bootaay Bloodaay's links.
Get the Youtube me extension so you don't have to torture yourself anymore with wondering what lies beyond Bootaay Bloodaay's links.

But then the surprise of normal non-Bootaaay links would be lost on me. What is WrassleGAF good for if not timely Youtube clips hiding behind mysterious blue links.
*edit, Jesus fuck, goddamn Japanese Abdullah, goddamn;


I wouldn't advise watching that while eating.

Eh, I watched a bunch of Big Japan matches when I was about 12 or 13, it kind of desensitised me.

But still, even I have to draw the line somewhere...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VViruDIX8Z0#t=33s - extremely graphic, you have been forewarned.

Fuck. That.
Fuck. I only watch wrestling sparingly but my curiosity got the best of me.

I need to go watch something happy now.


Eh, I watched a bunch of Big Japan matches when I was about 12 or 13, it kind of desensitised me.

But still, even I have to draw the line somewhere...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VViruDIX8Z0#t=33s - extremely graphic, you have been forewarned.

Fuck. That.
Without looking at the video, I'm willing to bet this involves all of the following: iwa:ms, necro butcher, mad man pondo, and killing yourself in front of 25 people somewhere in Indiana


Mexican tour on May 24-26 (Hermosillo, Aguascalientes and Guadalajara).

Advertised for the tour, the main event for the tour will be a triple threat match for the WHC between Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio, with special guest referee Mick Foley.

Sin Cara will also be in the tour, no word if he'll wrestle.

Randy Orton vs Kane in a Lucha Super Libre match.


So not worth it
Smackdown commentary:
Seriously, why is Booker so dumb? WHY? Cole goes, mathematically speaking, Sheamus has only a 25% chance of winning the fatal four way match and retaining his title. So Booker says, if you ask me Sheamus has got just a big chance of winning that match as every other man in that match."

Oh my.
I've seen the match in question. I've seen every video boootay has posted. Nothing comes close to the stupidity that is necro vs pondo

Yeah, Necro vs Pondo was dumb as hell, but at least it was kinda an accident - I think the most retarded death match moment was from the IWA:DS Carnage Cup last year, where in front of maybe a dozen people some no-name fuck let another no-name fuck stab him in the arm with a craft knife. Idiots.
WCW 2000 is really sapping energy on this wrestling re-watch.

Up to May 2000 (currently watching Hardcore Heaven 2000), but every time a WCW Show comes up, I'm thinking 'Do I have to...'. I know no-one will really know or care if I skip one, but man... I'm not sure there's one aspect of the show I like at the moment.

Hogan is feuding with Billy Kidman & Vince Russo
Ric Flair is feuding with David Flair & Vince Russo (guest starring Jeff Jarrett)
DDP is feuding with Kimberly Page & Vince Russo (guest starring Jeff Jarrett)
Kevin Nash is feuding with Jeff Jarrett & Vince Russo
Lex Luger is feuding with Buff Bagwell & Vince Russo
Scott Steiner is feuding with Rick Steiner.

Oh wait, I guess Norman Smiley is the only positive thing on the show at the moment. He's feuding with joblessness (& Vince Russo).

No idea who any of the following belts:

Tag Titles
US Title
TV Title
Cruiserweight Title
Yeah, Necro vs Pondo was dumb as hell, but at least it was kinda an accident - I think the most retarded death match moment was from the IWA:DS Carnage Cup last year, where in front of maybe a dozen people some no-name fuck let another no-name fuck stab him in the arm with a craft knife. Idiots.

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