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McCain’s Surgery May Be More Serious Than Thought, Experts Say



The condition for which Senator John McCain had surgery on Friday may be more serious than initial descriptions have implied, and it may delay his return to Washington by at least a week or two, medical experts said on Sunday.

The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has already announced that votes on a bill to dismantle the Affordable Care Act will not begin until Mr. McCain’s return. A statement released by Mr. McCain’s office on Saturday had suggested that he would be in Arizona recovering for just this week, but neurosurgeons interviewed said the typical recovery period could be longer.

The statement from Mr. McCain’s office said a two-inch blood clot was removed from “above his left eye” during a “minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision” at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, “following a routine annual physical.” Surgeons there are not conducting interviews. Mr. McCain’s communications director, Julie Tarallo, said further information would be made public when it became available.

A craniotomy is an opening of the skull, and an eyebrow incision would be used to reach a clot in or near the left frontal lobes of the brain, neurosurgeons who were not involved in Mr. McCain’s care said.

“Usually, a blood clot in this area would be a very concerning issue,” said Dr. Nrupen Baxi, an assistant professor of neurosurgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.

He added, “The recovery time from a craniotomy is usually a few weeks.”

A statement from the Mayo Clinic Hospital said that the senator was recovering well and in good spirits at home, and that tissue pathology reports would come back in several days.
I'm wondering how this will effect the healthcare vote, if they're trying to push it through this ain't going to help matters


A craniotomy costs about $50-100k in the US (way way less in europe), which would bankrupt most Americans. Must be nice to have that health insurance.


Keep delaying that vote!

But I hope come vote time you will remember your free treatment you got from your government healthcare provided for you. Think of others for once.
get well John McCain,

I was disapointed that he decided to chose Party First since Trump's victory

nonetheless, I wish him a speedy recovery


I'm wondering how this will effect the healthcare vote, if they're trying to push it through this ain't going to help matters

It was delayed because he went into surgery initially. They really can't afford to vote without him, so I imagine it will be delayed until he can return, which might honestly sink the whole thing.


I have enormous respect for the man but I don't respect his politics at all.

I also wish him a speedy recovery.


get well John McCain,

I was disapointed that he decided to chose Party First since Trump's victory

nonetheless, I wish him a speedy recovery

Disagree with that specific point, I am not wishing death on him but I wouldnt mind if he is out of commition for a while.


Getting a spine transplant as well as some balls?

Sounds "concerning"

Must be nice going through a big surgery and not worrying about how you can afford it.

How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.
I hope he gets well soon, and takes the opportunity to relax and recover. He deserves to spend a few weeks at home, maybe even a month or two, until he really feels he's ready to go back to work with all the experience he gained interacting with the health care system.
How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

Thank you, Compassionate Moderate, for exposing the vitriol of those nasty liberals who have the nerve to criticize a decorated veteran and public servant
who would very likely vote to deprive millions of vulnerable people of their health insurance, condemning many to an agonizing death.

Your civility and unwavering compassion, even to the undeserving, set an example for us all. We are not worthy.
How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

Yes, after 70+ years, I'm sure he'll finally turn it around and instead find it in his heart to not strip tens of millions off of insurance, make it even more expensive, cause even more bankruptcies, and more deaths. He's a massive piece of shit with zero backbone. Wants the benefit from people like you who believe his "concerns" yet falls in line and votes for damn near the worst possible outcome nearly everytime. Those jokes pale in comparison to actual action of destroying lives and families. Shame on you for implying they're anywhere near the same orbit.


How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

What did you expect tbh? He is Republican and they are free prey here on GAF more often that not.


How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

Mine wasnt a joke just the reality/truth. I wishes he gets better but dont expect him to put the country before the people.


How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

McCain is a man who is spending the final years of his life fighting tooth and nail to further the heartless policies of a man who he pretended to be morally opposed to until that man won the election. Doesn't deserve anything if you ask me.

Won't be holding my breath for his magical epiphany any time soon.
How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

They're pretty much a copy-and-paste from the thread of the original issue. Not original at all.


Must be nice going through a big surgery and not worrying about how you can afford it.

It's how it works for everyone in most developed countries.

If you want change, americans will have to vote for change.

Hope the guy recovers well.
I'm wondering how this will effect the healthcare vote, if they're trying to push it through this ain't going to help matters

It'll come to a complete halt. GOP have literally zero wiggle room with the current draft on the table.
Any further concessions risk losing votes on either side of the divide between moderates and ultra-conservatives, so I don't even think further revisions can be considered.


What did you expect tbh? He is Republican and they are free prey here on GAF more often that not.

Maybe they should stop being shitty people, all the time, and it won't be deserved. Might see your point then.

I don't wish the man dead or ill or anything like that but it can't be denied that him being down right now is a good thing for millions of people considering what is happening.


How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense.
Republican leadership will see to the deaths of thousands with how they vote and you make a character judgements based on a few jokes.


Thank you, Compassionate Moderate, for exposing the vitriol of those nasty liberals who have the nerve to criticize a decorated veteran and public servant
who would very likely vote to deprive millions of vulnerable people of their health insurance, condemning many to an agonizing death.

Your civility and unwavering compassion, even to the undeserving, set an example for us all. We are not worthy.

I never said it wasn't warranted.

Yes, after 70+ years, I'm sure he'll finally turn it around and instead find it in his heart to not strip tens of millions off of insurance, make it even more expensive, cause even more bankruptcies, and more deaths. He's a massive piece of shit with zero backbone. Wants the benefit from people like you who believe his "concerns" yet falls in line and votes for damn near the worst possible outcome nearly everytime. Those jokes pale in comparison to actual action of destroying lives and families. Shame on you for implying they're anywhere near the same orbit.

I never say he will. I said I hope he does.
They're pretty much a copy-and-paste from the thread of the original issue. Not original at all.

What's wrong about showing as much concern for McCain as he has for people that depend on healthcare in the US?

You know what else isn't original? A Republican that strives to fuck over as many people as humanly possible.
How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

I would guess, when you are John McCain? Did I win? Fuck him.


What did you expect tbh? He is Republican and they are free prey here on GAF more often that not.

If he gets out the hospital and votes no on the disaster health care bill, then I might feel bad. Chances are he's gonna get out of the hospital after recovering and then vote yes on a bill which would ensure bankruptcy for pretty much any other American needing the same procedure.


Healthcare hot takes aside, I hope he pulls through. Casual endorsement for the death of an opposing politician ain't my style.

He didn't look well at all during the Comey hearing, that was a really rough look for him and it was televised.


Hoping for a speedy recovery. It gives me deja vu that republicans are pushing this health bill and have one of their star republicans health failing just like democrats did with Ted Kennedy having his health issues.
Craniotomy sounds like such a made up procedure.



When you're a politician who blithely discards the health, welfare, and humanity of the folks whom you're supposed to be serving, don't act surprised or indignant when the sentiment is returned.


How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.
To most Americans, He's just some guy who wants to take away their healthcare. These responses are tepid at worst.


Healthcare hot takes aside, I hope he pulls through. Casual endorsement for the death of an opposing politician ain't my style.

He didn't look well at all during the Comey hearing, that was a really rough look for him and it was televised.

His voting record, as well as the rhetoric he and his party spreads has caused innocent people to die. You really want him to keep voting? He isn't just a mere "opposing politician" he is part of a system of oppression and tyranny.
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