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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread

"Anybody playing this with a flight stick setup? I used to use a saitek x52 to play MW4 Mercs, but I keep hearing M+K is much better for this game"

I use a hybrid throttle + mouse setup. Mouse is undoubtedly better for aim. Unquestionably. However, a throttle for other controls/throttle works just fine and isn't inferior to KB at all.


Anybody playing this with a flight stick setup? I used to use a saitek x52 to play MW4 Mercs, but I keep hearing M+K is much better for this game

I use a hybrid throttle + mouse setup. Mouse is undoubtedly better for aim. Unquestionably. However, a throttle for other controls/throttle works just fine and isn't inferior to KB at all.

Better joystick support is in the works. Their work plan states:

Joystick Support ongoing but low priority at the moment.

Besides, they have been promoting the special MW:O HOTAS, so I think they will try to balance joystick vs. mouse+keyboard. I just don't know how they will accomplish that (hopefully not auto-aim)
"Better joystick support is in the works. Their work plan states:"

Better joystick support isn't the issue. Arm aiming is simply going to be better on a mouse as it is no matter what. I'd love if that weren't the case because Joystick has that experience factor over mouse in this kind of game, but yeah.


Yeah, no way Joystick is ever going to be truely viable in this game. It probably only even works decently at short range with slow mechs as it is. For sniping or lights, forget it.
Does anyone know whether the devs will be adding a story element to the game. I love the gameplay. But I am missing that extra bit of background info and lore.
Well, maybe not a story per se. But something in the game itself to give context to the situation. Like what planet are we fighting on and what for. Who is fighting? And on what side are we fighting?

It would be even better to have a persistent conflict in in which we can determine the outcome. I know this could make integration with the current lore more difficult but it would add an extra dimension to the player experience.

Currently, with only some news reports, it's kind of bare bones.


I've started team-damaging to the big gold medal.

Sick to death of teammates backing into you while firing, doing a huggy ballet with some targets and just generally being in the way. Now I just tap them slightly with the Gauss in their fat face, they tend to move.

But holy fuck the lag in this game is reaching preposterous levels, on the edge of completely unplayable. Especially with slow-load single fire weapons.


No resets this patch, but unfortunately no DX11 or 3D yet. Engine has been updated to 3.41 though and levels have received lighting passes.
The city map has been changed quite significantly. The ramp towards one base has been changed to a long tunnel. And it seems that some buildings have gotten more detailed.
Yeah as much as I really really love the game even in it's current state....It's too early especially since the core meta elements are VERY VERY far away it seems. Or are those elements going to silently get cut or something? I don't think you can even call it a beta if half of your gameplay elements aren't even implemented.

Too bad because I think they are going to shoot themselves in the foot by giving the impression that it is just a cookie cutter deathmatch game.


I haven't been able to play this game in a couple months. First the patcher would keep crashing upon trying to update.

Now, I've deleted and reinstalled, and the textures don't turn up (In the one and only game I played, my founder's mech got caned, and I haven't been able to repair it since). I haven't been too plussed until the last couple days - because I've been busy playing other games.

But I'm kinda annoyed that my premium account will tick down in open beta. I was planning on upgrading my comp, but shit needs to be resolved before then...

Some players will see this as my problem - it doesn't seem to be a common problem, but between playing it, having it update, and not been able to play it, they've clearly fucked up something on their end.


The learning curve for this game is too damn high for newcomers to become addicted to spend money on it.
  • trial mechs don't make sense
  • the weapons don't even have damage or min/max range info to them (in mech lab)
  • you cannot group weapons out of combat,
  • matchmaking is broken
  • only one mode, in which the evolved tactics of veteran teams/players might be difficult to learn.

One alarming thing about this announcement is the fact that they re-inserted the Founder's Advertisement on the Homescreen last patch. This, along with the announcement of an open beta despite the state of the game, might indicate that Infinite Publishing is pushing Piranha to force the issue.


It's possible that the open beta patch is going to be a huge bug-fixing feature heavy patch with a hugely updated matchmaking system and UI.

...but somehow I doubt it, we'll see.


It doesn't even make sense in terms of the current competition in the Fall/Winter release schedule. The playing time will probably already be occupied by the big mammoths like Assassin's Creed, CoD, Dishonored, Halo, X-Com, Far Cry 3, etc. Not saying the games are alike, but in terms of hitting a broad consumerbase, many players will probably spend their attention to the high-marketed games.
It doesn't even make sense in terms of the current competition in the Fall/Winter release schedule. The playing time will probably already be occupied by the big mammoths like Assassin's Creed, CoD, Dishonored, Halo, X-Com, Far Cry 3, etc. Not saying the games are alike, but in terms of hitting a broad consumerbase, many players will probably spend their attention to the high-marketed games.

Well the game was never going to reach a broad customer base. The sim PC only nature of it was always going to turn off a large amount of players away and be more of a niche product. While Open Beta is technically the games launch, many wont see it that way either and will wait till the game has it's supposed final launch.

What this hurts the most is those who spent money on founders packages and their benefits are going to get used up quickly when the game feels incomplete.
It seems founders don't just want to deal with changes and future resets anymore. Lot's of topics have sprung up asking for an option to put premium time on halt. There's just too much uncertainty about the quality of the game and user experience during the rest of the beta.


They should just give us the option of when to start getting our founder benefits.

I agree, but mostly because I can't even play it until next month because the cellular internet here doesn't play nice with online games.

But yeah really wasn't expecting OB to start so early. I mean, back in July I expected it around this time, but having seen their progress myself I don't think it's quite ready. Game was still super fun when it was barebones though so can't say that it's a totally bad idea.


The problem is that most people assumed that there would actually be any content around once open beta starts. There's currently one mode with rudimentary match-making which is kind of a joke if you have to use your premium time for this.
The problem is that most people assumed that there would actually be any content around once open beta starts. There's currently one mode with rudimentary match-making which is kind of a joke if you have to use your premium time for this.

They announced while ago that there would only be the four maps and the one mode at "launch". But they don't even have in all the mechs and features in that were supposed to be coming to the game. Most expected all the main features and such to be in place at Open Beta as they claimed it was going to be the launch technically. As been said, it feels like they are getting pressured or something into getting this out in it's incomplete state. Unless the open beta update is MASSIVE, it's going to be launching missing a ton of content. Are we even going to get all the mechs they said were going to be there? Wheres the factional stuff? Persistant conflict functions? Most at least expected the feature sets to be complete with them just adding mechs, maps, and modes over time to trickle in...
They should just give us the option of when to start getting our founder benefits.

This is spot on.

Wasting it away when there's a fraction of the game on the plate is aggravating. I fear for the future of this endeavor if they think they'll be able to drum up any sort of serious support with the lack of content they've got and the lack of a plan on rolling it out in any sort of timely manner. I mean, shit. Look at how long it took to get the Raven on the plate.

Just as a quick comparison, look at the Hawken alpha. Based on that, I imagine that when they go open in December, the amount of content on display will be significantly beefier.

I like MWO too much to want to see it rushed like this.


Well, last Online Update sure as hell gave me a lot of confidence in them!

Open Beta:
We have decided to push Open Beta back. We agree that the game's current state of stability is not allowing us to get the latest experience across to new and veteran players alike. This is a short push back on the date and will depend on the stability and playability of the build.

The developers at PGI are all veteran game players. Many of us were or still are competitive gamers and truly know the feeling of a great match played between two equally matched teams.

The next 3 stages of planned releases for Match Making involve the following:

Phase 1:
Reduce the maximum # of players in a group to 4. This means when players form a group, they will only be able to add 3 people. When that group launches, they will be put in a bucket. The match maker will then fill the rest of the 8 player team with 4 PUGs or any partial groups that are looking for a match at that moment. The same will happen for the other team. Matches will still be 8v8 but instead of playing against 8 people in an organized premade, you will see a max of 4.
Now before you light your pitchforks, we know that this does not address all the issues and that 8-player groups are the mainstay of community and organized team-play. This is why we move to Phase 2 VERY soon after Phase 1.

Phase 2:
Players will be able to convert their 4-player group to an 8-player group similarly to how World of Warcraft’s group to raid conversion works. With a click of a button, a group leader can convert a 4-player group to 8-players and invite 4 more players to the group. There is a limitation to this however. If the group leader decides to convert to an 8-player group, they MUST have 8 players in order to launch. (i.e. you cannot launch a game with 5,6 or 7 players). In addition to that, your 8-player group will be matched to another 8-player group ONLY. This does reduce the change of finding a match quickly but at the same time 8-players teams will finally be matched to other 8-player teams exclusively.
At some future date we will also want to include the ability to challenge a specific 8-player team to a match in a competitive/eSport manner. But as stated, this will be coming at a later date.

We have been examining the various ranking systems in other games/structured tournament play etc. This includes ELO, TrueSkill and others. Our current plan is to use a hybrid system that uses the mentality of ELO with a weighting system that we’ve determined that drives down to player effectiveness/skill in a match. In order for this to work properly, we will need to do heavy pre-release testing before it goes live to the community and hence the amount of time to get it implemented.

We currently cannot go into detail as to how this system will work because we are not going to over-promise something that may change during implementation. We will try to keep you as up to date on this as possible.

Founder’s Premium Account Status:
We have heard your cries and we are responding to them…

On the date of Open Beta, your Premium Account timer WILL start ticking. Around Open Beta, a button will appear that will allow YOU the Founder’s account holder to decide when the timer starts to tick down. At the same time as this button appearing, your used Premium Account time will be reset to its full value. At that point, you can click the button to start your timer but you cannot stop it. It will be up to you to decide when the Premium Account starts to tick.

Please note that this only applies to Founder’s Premium Account Bonus. Founder’s Mechs behave as planned from Open Beta onward.

Players who purchase a Premium Account AFTER Open Beta will have their timers start immediately upon purchase.

New User Experience:
We are adding a lot of tutorials for new players, and we believe this will help greatly. We’re also tightening the UI to make the flow easier to understand. In general, we’re adding a lot in the coming days, and we do understand this is needed to help new players the various complexities of MechWarrior Online.

Videos of every aspect of Mech Warfare will be coming soon, including moving your Mech, arming your Mech and tactics with your Mech.
So do I get it right? At the time of the open beta the Premium counter will reset and start ticking again? So whatever it does now, we get it redeemed at the open beta again? Because it's ticking for me now.
Well, last Online Update sure as hell gave me a lot of confidence in them!

Not sure if you mean you're not confident in the product as of last major patch or your confidence fell because of this back-peddling?

Taking the criticism at face value, realizing the community was correct and it's not ready for Open status and helping assuage some of the Founder's concerns was the right way to go.

Or I'm just assuming sarcasm where there isn't any.

So do I get it right? At the time of the open beta the Premium counter will reset and start ticking again? So whatever it does now, we get it redeemed at the open beta again? Because it's ticking for me now.

This is correct.


Good changes, and I hope these tutorials are worth a damn. I love Battletech, but feel absolutely hopeless as a pilot, and if I could at least figure out how to point my damn weapons at something, I'd feel a bit better about giving the game another shot.


Not sure if you mean you're not confident in the product as of last major patch or your confidence fell because of this back-peddling?

Taking the criticism at face value, realizing the community was correct and it's not ready for Open status and helping assuage some of the Founder's concerns was the right way to go.

Or I'm just assuming sarcasm where there isn't any.

High confidence in a developer isn't a default stance, that is something a developer earns, just like respect. I see a good amount of complaints and a week later they address all of them basically - I even had a few concerns myself. You don't see that often and it inspires confidence.
High confidence in a developer isn't a default stance, that is something a developer earns, just like respect. I see a good amount of complaints and a week later they address all of them basically - I even had a few concerns myself. You don't see that often and it inspires confidence.

I agree with this stance completely. Addressing most of what I cared about in this email is a boon.

I'm just used to jaded internet sarcasm and assumed you were yankin' my crank. My bad.


Good changes, and I hope these tutorials are worth a damn. I love Battletech, but feel absolutely hopeless as a pilot, and if I could at least figure out how to point my damn weapons at something, I'd feel a bit better about giving the game another shot.

Is there something in particular you're having trouble with?

Here's a rundown of what I consider the basics of MWO:

- Use the arrow keys and R Ctrl to set your weapon groups. These are bound to 1-6, or some of your mouse buttons. These are very important to manage your heat. For example, you put a ballistic weapon in weapon group 1, 2 lasers in WG2, your LRM's in 3, WG fires all your ballistics/lasers, etc.

- When you move your mouse around, you have both a circle and a cross reticle. The circle represents your arm weapons, and the cross is your torso weapons. Since your arms are faster and can turn wider, there'll be times when the two will not converge. Set your weapon groups accordingly. Eg. Your have a gauss on your arm, and lasers on your torso. You turn sideways to shoot a mech with the gauss. 1 second later, your torso converges at the same location, and you can then fire your lasers. Timing is essential.

- Weapon limitations: LRM's can only fire btw 180-1000 meters. PPC's have a minimum range of 90 (ERPPC have no min). You need a lock on before firing LRM's (and someone in your team needs to maintain a visual on the target before the missiles hit, otherwise the missiles won't track anymore. Streak(homing)SRM's also need a lock before firing.

BTW, updated weapon stats based on the latest patch (improved firing rate and ammo for some ballistics)


- General overview of the weapons:
Small, medium, large lasers. The bigger they are, the longer range, but also the more heat they generate. Pulse variants = more heat, heavier, but deals the damage in less time (thus allowing you to slip into cover if need be); worth considering if you're hit-and-run, or if you have so many heat sinks so as to not care about heat efficiency and just want to deal more damage efficiently.

PPC are massive energy cannons. They're not laser beams that last a while, rather they're single shots that deal the damage as soon as they hit. Heavier, more heat, more range, more tonnage than lasers.

TAG laser is a direct laser tag that will help allied LRM's home onto your target more easily.

Autocannons-2, 5, 10, 20. Ballistic weapons, uses ammo. The higher the number, the more damage, the more heat, the more tonnage, the LESS range. Variants: LBX-10: like an AC-10, but more spread (shotgun). Ultra-AC5 = slightly faster (heavier) than AC5, but can also fire while it's reloading (thus double the firing rate), though doing so risks it jamming. The advantage over lasers is that it makes less heat, the disadvantage is that it requires ammo (instead of more heatsinks).

Gauss rifle. Long range ballistics with very little heat.

SRM's. Short direct-fire missiles. No target lock required. SSRM's = streaks which home onto the target, but require a lock, and are great against fast targets. LRM's = indirect long-range missiles that need a lock.

NARC missiles are direct-fire missiles that stay on the target for a few seconds, during which LRM's will hit it more efficiently. I find these pretty underpowered presently, especially compared to TAG.

AMS: Anti-missile system. Machine-gun system that automatically shoots enemy missiles within a certain radius.

*Note: if you lose a mech part that carries ammo (ballistics or missiles), that part may explode and damage surrounding parts. You can counter this by putting a CASE in that mech part, a casing that envelops the ammo and prevents it from exploding onto the rest of the mech.

- Movement is basically tank controls. W and S are throttle. It's not just instant walk forward and backwards at the press of the key. You increase or decrease (down to reverse values if need be) the throttle as you hold the keys. X sets the throttle to zero. A and D turn your legs left or right.

- Your mouse aim moves your arms and your upper torso. Independently of your legs. You can walk in one direction and fire in another.

- Press 'R' to highlight a target. This is the only way for teammates without direct line of sight of a target to be able to highlight the same target if only you see it. The longer you maintain this target acquisition, the more details you get on the mech itself (upper right of the screen). This includes weapons and mech integrity/damage.

- Your own mech damage status is at the bottom left. Notice you have a center torso, a right and left torso, right and left arms, right and left legs, and a head. The side + center torsos also have BACK armor (which is generally a lot less). If you lose your center torso or your head or BOTH your legs, you are dead. If you lose a side torso, you lose the associated arm. It is very important to keep an eye on which areas are damaged. Defend those areas. If your torso is about to get destroyed, use your arms to shield it (turn sideways before you think the enemy is about to shoot you). If your front armor is almost depleted, it might be wise to turn your back to the enemy while trying to reach a teammates (you might have less armor to begin with in the back, but it'll keep you alive for a bit, maybe). If your main gun is in your right arm, use your left arm/torso to shield it from incoming fire.

- This also applies for the enemy's mech status. See where the enemy is weakened and go for that part. Some mechs have their main weapons usually placed in specific spots, eg. the hunchback has its main arsenal in the right torso ('shoulder'). If you see it with a AC-20 aimed at you, you need to take out its right torso ASAP.

- XL engines are special lighter engines. It allows mechs to carry higher-capacity engines (due to the lighter weight), which allows for faster speeds, or just put it more weapons/armors/heatsinks. The downside is that the engine takes space in both side torsos and the center torso. What this means is that even if one side torso is destroyed, the mech blows up. If you see a mech with faster speed than usual, or more weapons than expected, it might be an XL engine! Blow up its side torso and laugh at it. They're expensive to repair too, so that's twice the laughs.

- Last but not least (this is the most important aspect of mech combat) = the vertical bar right of your radar. This is your heat level. Don't overheat! Spread out your shots, set up your weapon groups properly, don't overfire! Shutting down just means free shots by your enemy into vulnerable spots that you can't dodge.

Oh gosh, I started rambling on and completely lost my train of thought. I think that's most of it, anyway. Hope it helps!

Oh yeah, just a random tidbit: in some maps, heat vision is really helpful when the enemy is too far away. H by default to activate it. N is nightvision, but I haven't found that too helpful yet. Oh, right, also remember to use zoom when shooting enemies at a distance!


Is there something in particular you're having trouble with?

Here's a rundown of what I consider the basics of MWO:

- Use the arrow keys and R Ctrl to set your weapon groups. These are bound to 1-6, or some of your mouse buttons. These are very important to manage your heat. For example, you put a ballistic weapon in weapon group 1, 2 lasers in WG2, your LRM's in 3, WG fires all your ballistics/lasers, etc.

- When you move your mouse around, you have both a circle and a cross reticle. The circle represents your arm weapons, and the cross is your torso weapons. Since your arms are faster and can turn wider, there'll be times when the two will not converge. Set your weapon groups accordingly. Eg. Your have a gauss on your arm, and lasers on your torso. You turn sideways to shoot a mech with the gauss. 1 second later, your torso converges at the same location, and you can then fire your lasers. Timing is essential.

- Weapon limitations: LRM's can only fire btw 180-1000 meters. PPC's have a minimum range of 90 (ERPPC have no min). You need a lock on before firing LRM's (and someone in your team needs to maintain a visual on the target before the missiles hit, otherwise the missiles won't track anymore. Streak(homing)SRM's also need a lock before firing

I actually get all of that. I'm just shaky when it comes to actually controlling these machines in the heat of battle, with my cockpit rattling and enemies on all sides. My ability to aim is also trash, despite understanding the reticules. I feel like I need time to orient myself to the controls, but it's no fun dragging your team down with 35 damage done for the match.


I actually get all of that. I'm just shaky when it comes to actually controlling these machines in the heat of battle, with my cockpit rattling and enemies on all sides. My ability to aim is also trash, despite understanding the reticules. I feel like I need time to orient myself to the controls, but it's no fun dragging your team down with 35 damage done for the match.

Do you use a joystick or KB/M?

If you're having trouble in the heat of battle or in the middle of the melee, try playing more support/long-range roles and skirmish. You'll have to deal with less at the time while getting a better look at the big picture.


Been away all week, but apparently the Cicada is the next mech to be implemented in the game:


The camouflage feature is going to be operational by November 13th according to their Beta forum threads. Meanwhile, a Conquest mode is also in the works.


Been away all week, but apparently the Cicada is the next mech to be implemented in the game:


The camouflage feature is going to be operational by November 13th according to their Beta forum threads. Meanwhile, a Conquest mode is also in the works.[/QUOTE]

Are its weapons in arms or in torsos?
If its weapons are in the torsos, what's the point of armoring its arms? Not worth the weight, even as shields i think.


Doesn't look like they've got hardpoints in them though.

Cicada only carries 2 medium and 1 small laser by default, and they seem to be on the torso.


Guys and gals.

Check out the new patch.

EDIT: Damn, seems like their servers went down. It looks like they changed the patching method and also introduced the Yen-Lo Wang.
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