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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


@Michael; you get used to it... and you especially come to appreciate it once you're in groups and frequently waiting on people before dropping. It's quite nice to have a breather between each match to surf and browse the web.

I'm am going to be streaming for a bit if anyone wants to check it out. http://www.twitch.tv/dig_douglas First timer here, so tips are welcome. :))

Edit: I'm done streaming. 6 matches and one Kill. Really fun tho.

This game is a double whammy of shit for new players.

Experience makes a huge difference even if the mechs were the same.

But the difference between trial mechs and fully modified mechs are night and day.

So ultimately, you'll have to persist through the pain... work on building an understanding of the battlefield, and move behind other players.

Once you have enough coin, you can work on buying a mech. A Raven 3L is a good starting point. Cheap enough to kit out (11million Cbills) and is still one of the two best mechs in the game.

The correct build is:

295XL, Ferro Fibrous, Endo Steel, 2 Streaks, 2T ammo, 3Medium Laser and 12 Double Heat Sinks. Distribute armor favouring the torso and the front (don't strip it all off the back though).

Alternatively a Commando 2D is very potent as well. Similar to the 3L, cheaper, trades 2 lasers for 1 streak (I actually don't even have lasers, opting for more ammo instead), less armor.

From there you can start building up the cash for larger more fun looking mechs.


I'm one of founders ;)

But still the wait to implement basic features world of tanks had when it launched into beta years ago is painfull :)

That's a fair call. It is a tiny thing to change as well...

But from what I can tell, they're holding back a large number of UI changes for their UI/Mechlab 2.0

I assume that means they're pretty much rewriting the whole lot and just letting the current system stay as useless as it is until they bring the new one in.

I mean... another basic function would be to reorganize the mechs... but apparently that one is coming in 2.0 as well.

Oh well. They have at least gotten the mech designs right (as opposed to MWTactics that chose to base its designs of the Dark Ages stuff... big mistake) and have made the core gameplay extremely fun... although a large part of that is inherent to the universe and property rather than whatever design decisions they made (i.e. you drive big stompy mechs that gouge parts out of each other in a slower paced tactical manner that is able to leverage high quality teamwork).


Yeah, PvP only right now. No word on any kind of coop or SP modes.

Oh well. They have at least gotten the mech designs right (as opposed to MWTactics that chose to base its designs of the Dark Ages stuff... big mistake) and have made the core gameplay extremely fun... although a large part of that is inherent to the universe and property rather than whatever design decisions they made (i.e. you drive big stompy mechs that gouge parts out of each other in a slower paced tactical manner that is able to leverage high quality teamwork).

Yeah, with the new improvements to the netcode the core gameplay is starting to feel very complete minus a few balance passes (i'm looking at you Large Pulse Lasers). It looks like a lot of focus now is going into the 'new user experience', making the game more accessable presumably.


Thanks for the suggestions, Nickiepoo and Llyranor. It says a lot about my trust in both of you that I went out and spent ~8 million C-biils on doing the 2X variant you proposed :)

When playing around in it, I'm surely packing a great deal of damage, e.g. getting some really quick kills. However, maybe my piloting skills suck, but I often get blown to pieces much faster than I usually did in an armor-equivalent Streak Catapult A1. Do you experience the same type of vulnerability in the 2X or is it just me that is forcing the issue?

Yeah, with the new improvements to the netcode the core gameplay is starting to feel very complete minus a few balance passes (i'm looking at you Large Pulse Lasers). It looks like a lot of focus now is going into the 'new user experience', making the game more accessable presumably.

Yeah, I feel the same way. The game feels more engaging and rewarding than last time I was playing it (1-2 months ago). Maybe it's the map and mech diversity that has been increased or something.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
They still have not reimplimented resupply and repair bills yet? There was like one little glitch with it last year, everyone freaked and it hasn't been back since. What gives?


Thanks for the suggestions, Nickiepoo and Llyranor. It says a lot about my trust in both of you that I went out and spent ~8 million C-biils on doing the 2X variant you proposed :)

When playing around in it, I'm surely packing a great deal of damage, e.g. getting some really quick kills. However, maybe my piloting skills suck, but I often get blown to pieces much faster than I usually did in an armor-equivalent Streak Catapult A1. Do you experience the same type of vulnerability in the 2X or is it just me that is forcing the issue?
Possibly your playstyle. You're possibly slower than your catapult, and you probably get focused on more by the entire enemy team because you're a bigger threat. If you brawl, you're a fairly short range mech. Use terrain to your advantage and don't engage in open ground where many enemies will get free shots at you. Use cover (or other teammates) while moving in. As a 'phract, you have MORE armor than the 'pult - at least in theory.

They still have not reimplimented resupply and repair bills yet? There was like one little glitch with it last year, everyone freaked and it hasn't been back since. What gives?

I was fine with R&R since it forced players to play more carefully, but I don't miss it now that it's gone. I always play carefully anyway (or try to), so it didn't really affect my playstyle. The issue one might have with it, though, is that it punishes inexperienced players disproportionally. They're already making less money from losing the match, but an additional penalty on top of that makes the 'noob' experience less-friendly. It also makes the transition from trial to custom mech pretty harsh. You weren't doing great, but at least not having repairs. Once you finally get the funds to buy a mech, obviously you buy one - only to get smashed up over and over. Since you've used up all your Cbills, and spend a good amount of your new income in repairs, the income gain becomes slow (at least relative to a better player). Without repairs, there's no double penalty in terms of 1) earning less from losing and having less achievements in combat, and 2) repairs. The good player will still earn more from doing better (kills, assists, etc), but there'll be less of a difference.

Doesn't affect me, honestly. Just play as you would if repairs were in. Don't waste ammo, don't be reckless, keep yourself alive, etc.

Game still needs more maps.

Feb 19: Alpine Peaks
Mar 19: Desert

IIRC, both (or at least one of them) are larger maps. YEAH!


I've been researching a bit on Piranha's opinion on the possiblity of a singleplayer campaign and I stumbled upon this interview with Rock Paper Shotgun:

Piranha “would love” single-player for MechWarrior Online

“I think we’d all love it,” he said. “I just think that it’s really tough. The industry has made that tough. You know, what people expect today for a single-player game [is much more complicated than previous MechWarriors]. I’ve almost at times lost ties with some of my friends that the current state of the industry is almost the death of the single-player game. Now, it feels like unless it’s the latest Call of Duty, Halo, or Assassin’s Creed — each publisher may have one brand they put that kind of money into to make that single-player experience — [it's a huge risk]. I mean, it costs tens of millions of dollars to make a good single-player campaign now.”

Barring a full campaign addition, possible PVE encounters on a smaller scale was also a feasible solution suggested by Bullock. “That’s a half-way step of giving players the opportunity to play against AI with friends,” he said. “And after that, you know, we’ll see where things take us.

“We would love to believe we’ll have enough success with MechWarrior Online that it will allow us those kind of opportunities. There’s probably some in-between opportunities that we can take as a step to get there. One of them is, of course, the game we’re making, but also looking at adding PVE encounters to MechWarrior Online. That’s a half-way step of giving players the opportunity to play against AI with friends. And after that, you know, we’ll see where things take us.”

“I’d love to see a big, new ten hour single-player campaign for MechWarrior.”

Here's the original RPS interview: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/10/16/piranha-wants-single-player-mechwarrior-but-its-tough/


Also, I stumbled upon this old magazine advertisement for Mechwarrior 2 back in the day (nostalgia incoming):


Sorry if the non-MW:O talk gets too much


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Man, I hate that. Fucking industry. Fuck Call of Duty shit. Fuck reviewers who demand endless superfluous bullshit that costs millions to produce. Just give me Shogo with better AI in the MW:O engine.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
They should just make what they want and have Paradox publish it. Fuck the "AAA" mentality. It's a lie that's killing the industry and everyone knows it.


By the way, I don't know if it is legal or not, but I know a way for non-US customers of PC Gamer to acquire the exclusive skin and bobblehead for free. It is offered freely by PC Gamer themselves, so would it be okay for me to show how? Or would it be against the rules or illegal even?

Man, I hate that. Fucking industry. Fuck Call of Duty shit. Fuck reviewers who demand endless superfluous bullshit that costs millions to produce. Just give me Shogo with better AI in the MW:O engine.

heh, I was actually playing Shogo some weeks ago and during the first couple of missions in the game I thought to myself that the singleplayer levels and enemies were quite expansive and numerous, which allowed for much more freedom and versatility in my playstyle, compared to today's AAA games.

I actually felt a feeling of fun, you know.


XL Engines. Get one or not?
The weight freed by a XL would be so useful... but i really, really don't like how vulnerable they make a mech. And the price is even worse, especially for the larger ones.

Some mechs can use XLs without having to worry about the vulnerability so much: Dragon for example. Its center torso is so large it is going to take a lot of hits.
Also generally it seems that any mech with sufficiently low armor could use XL engine without worrying: Low armor means they're going to die fast if they take hits anyway so the extra vulnerability is not a big concern.
For brawlers, it is absolute no-no, you want to be able to stay in fight as long as possible.

But that damn price. Almost feels like it is a better idea to get a modernized mech variant and take its engine for another mech, or switch it around as you need.


OK, what the fuck is the normal Raven RVN-3L fit?
It seems to be two or three Medium Lasers and 2 Streaks, along with upgraded engine and ECM, no?
How do people armor those things? That is, what i should shoot in them, legs?. Can't shake 'em (even with 130KPH Cicada) so i have to fight. Don't have ECM so i need to end quick too.

EDIT oops, double post.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
A Raven 3L is a good starting point. Cheap enough to kit out (11million Cbills) and is still one of the two best mechs in the game.

The correct build is:

295XL, Ferro Fibrous, Endo Steel, 2 Streaks, 2T ammo, 3Medium Laser and 12 Double Heat Sinks. Distribute armor favouring the torso and the front (don't strip it all off the back ).

Just getting back into it now, I haven't played frequently since like July or August. Using my founders Atlas at the moment but just bought a Raven 3L and I am building it to the spec you listed (need a couple more matches for the XL engine before I can use the mech).

Looking forward to seeing how this build works.


XL Engines. Get one or not?
The weight freed by a XL would be so useful... but i really, really don't like how vulnerable they make a mech. And the price is even worse, especially for the larger ones.

Some mechs can use XLs without having to worry about the vulnerability so much: Dragon for example. Its center torso is so large it is going to take a lot of hits.
Also generally it seems that any mech with sufficiently low armor could use XL engine without worrying: Low armor means they're going to die fast if they take hits anyway so the extra vulnerability is not a big concern.
For brawlers, it is absolute no-no, you want to be able to stay in fight as long as possible.

But that damn price. Almost feels like it is a better idea to get a modernized mech variant and take its engine for another mech, or switch it around as you need.

You don't have repair costs anymore, so if you can afford it, the XL engines are worth it. Just remember that it needs 2 x heat sinks to function, so account for an additional 2 tons.

I normally prefer to just buy a new mech or some additional upgrades rather than spending money on an XL engine, though.


XL Engines. Get one or not?
The weight freed by a XL would be so useful... but i really, really don't like how vulnerable they make a mech. And the price is even worse, especially for the larger ones.

Some mechs can use XLs without having to worry about the vulnerability so much: Dragon for example. Its center torso is so large it is going to take a lot of hits.
Also generally it seems that any mech with sufficiently low armor could use XL engine without worrying: Low armor means they're going to die fast if they take hits anyway so the extra vulnerability is not a big concern.
For brawlers, it is absolute no-no, you want to be able to stay in fight as long as possible.

But that damn price. Almost feels like it is a better idea to get a modernized mech variant and take its engine for another mech, or switch it around as you need.

As a fairly seasoned player... I use XL engines in most of my mechs.

The increased speed largely compensates for any torso blow out will kill you factor; been able to get into the right positions on the battlefield and away from slower mechs is an important but often underrated and underobserved part of the survivability effect.

Additionally, much of the time, in situations where you get blown up in the LT/RT, you wouldn't have lasted much longer with a STD engine either.

Finally, you can do much to actively mitigate death by using cover and torso twisting, and avoiding heavy hitting mechs; dual gauss, multi PPC, dual AC20 builds.


You don't have repair costs anymore, so if you can afford it, the XL engines are worth it. Just remember that it needs 2 x heat sinks to function, so account for an additional 2 tons.

I normally prefer to just buy a new mech or some additional upgrades rather than spending money on an XL engine, though.

I don't think i can really afford them: I need to change my mech, my style, tactics constantly or i get bored. Patterns kill interest for me. But i'd also like to have a lot of options withing a mech variant as well.

I'm probably better off buying a mech with XL engine and then moving that engine as needed.
The lack of maps is really weird. This isn't like a normal FPS where maps need to be meticulously balanced, nor is it a MOBA that requires mirrored maps. It just seems like in a game like this they'd be able pump out maps at a much faster pace than what they've been doing.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
The lack of maps is really weird. This isn't like a normal FPS where maps need to be meticulously balanced, nor is it a MOBA that requires mirrored maps. It just seems like in a game like this they'd be able pump out maps at a much faster pace than what they've been doing.

Well technically the games still in beta. So there's that. I'm sure once all of the basics are done, the flow of maps will be much faster. They just have a lot of basic stuff that still needs to be implemented that takes priority.


Now, if they could make machine guns useful. Not just crit weapons...
Say, increase the damage to 0.1, with ten shots per second... this gives MG's DPS of 1, assuming everything hits. (Alternatively, increase the rate of fire a lot, increase damage very slightly).
Might be a bit high damage for them... OTOH, they have limited ammo and very short range. A small laser is a tad more efficient: 3 damage for half a ton weapon and unlimited ammo.


Went to take a look at the official forums and holy shit many of them complain a lot. It's fine to criticize something, but it's like most people over there have no patience at all.


I played some games against you Llyranor over the weekend. I thought I recognized the name from GAF. I am pretty bad, probably only averaging in the 200s in damage per round. Switching to faster, lighter mechs, with more SRMs is meshing better with my playstyle though, so hopefully I improve.


Argh, the game's been so fucking laggy today. My ping's been 25-50% higher than normally, constant nudging and warping make things impossible. Also need new trial mechs, can't they change those without a patch?


Earlier i said something about HBK-4SP not being quite that good... or something.
Anyway, been playing with it (got bored with Cicada, that one needs XL engine which i don't have) and it feels pretty good. There's just something inherently cool with 2 SRM6-packs. And unlike Centurion, this one doesn't lose its fighting capability quite as fast even when damaged.
Wonder if i should buy one and tweak it a bit, 4 medium pulse lasers would be an interesting upgrade: they would make stripping armor easier in order to utilize the SRMs well. Also Artemis IV for the packs, SRM6's have quite much spread at certain distances.


Llyranor... The Hunch 4G w/AC20 was fun in the end. But it was still a mistake to buy it. Should've gone the 4H.

Maybe AC20 + 2MG when they buff the critical ripping ability of the MG.


Tell me, is Artemis IV worth it for a missile boat?
Planning a Catapult CPLT-4C, with 4xLRM15 (something of an overkill...). Without AIV, i can fit 2xML and 8 tons of ammo along with some extra armor, without it, i'll have to do with 6 tons of ammo, 2xSL and less armor. Endo-Steel, 260XL, 10 DHS, no jump jets.

And what about a Beagle Active Probe for a missile boat?
Does it stack with Artemis?

EDIT haven't bought anything yet, just planning. I need some 12 million for everything i need, possibly more.

EDIT also, HBK-4SP is intriguing, and i have some upgrades in mind for it BUT i don't think they're really worth it, modest increase in firepower (and reduced range) and cooling and rather high expense (5.5 million at least). Probably better off playing with the trial one and getting something else.


I'm curious, what are people's opinion on the pricing model of the game so far? I see a lot of bitching about the cost of the hero mechs and the implementation of MC, but that might just be the official forums more than the game.

Tell me, is Artemis IV worth it for a missile boat?
Planning a Catapult CPLT-4C, with 4xLRM15 (something of an overkill...). Without AIV, i can fit 2xML and 8 tons of ammo along with some extra armor, without it, i'll have to do with 6 tons of ammo, 2xSL and less armor. Endo-Steel, 260XL, 10 DHS, no jump jets.

And what about a Beagle Active Probe for a missile boat?
Does it stack with Artemis?

EDIT haven't bought anything yet, just planning. I need some 12 million for everything i need, possibly more.

Ask yourself: Do you want to maximize damage output pr. shot (AIV) or do you want longer longevity in a match (ML)?

Personally I'd probably go down some notches in the XL engine, use the extra space for more ammo, skip the lasers, put some heatsinks on it, and stay behind as a missile support. But it depends on how good your teammates are :)
I'm curious, what are people's opinion on the pricing model of the game so far? I see a lot of bitching about the cost of the hero mechs and the implementation of MC, but that might just be the official forums more than the game.

I got in on the $60 founders program, so I haven't had an issue with C-Bills or MC. I've bought 6 mechs (three Hunchbacks and three Cataphracts).
I'm curious, what are people's opinion on the pricing model of the game so far? I see a lot of bitching about the cost of the hero mechs and the implementation of MC, but that might just be the official forums more than the game.

I think the pricing model is a bit too much, on the Mech side of things anyways. I have my 20,000 MC from the Founder's Package and have only actually spent 300 MC of it. That's more because I'm perfectly content with piloting my Atlases and Jenner's though and I'm waiting on the paint system revision they mentioned. The Mech Bay's seem to have a fair value. As per actual BattleMech's, I think that they should all be a bit lower. It just seems kind of pointless to have them priced so high when you could buy some Premium Time instead and get enough C-Bills fairly easily. The Hero Mech pricing is okay but it's gonna get a bit ridiculous with the Assault Hero Mechs.


I'm curious, what are people's opinion on the pricing model of the game so far? I see a lot of bitching about the cost of the hero mechs and the implementation of MC, but that might just be the official forums more than the game.

Ask yourself: Do you want to maximize damage output pr. shot (AIV) or do you want longer longevity in a match (ML)?

Personally I'd probably go down some notches in the XL engine, use the extra space for more ammo, skip the lasers, put some heatsinks on it, and stay behind as a missile support. But it depends on how good your teammates are :)

Pricing: I know i ain't paying for anything. Well, maybe for more premium time once the game is in such state i'm willing to activate my Founder time. Also might pay for Clan OmniMechs once/if implemented and assuming their MC cost isn't utterly ridiculous, AND assuming i don't have enough C-Bills for them already if they can be bought with C-Bills. And of course extra mech bays.
I don't have any problem with the model per se, i just find there to be little point in paying for anything. I don't need/want camo and colors, non-descript suits me and makes me less attractive target (maybe...). Cockpit items are distracting. C-Bills for mechs can be grinded (and getting something after work is more rewarding). Converting XP... meh, i can do without the extras if needed, and there ain't any modules i'd really need, or be willing to pay for (in C-Bills).
As for Hero Mechs... they're a bit pricey but that's not a big issue for me. What bothers me more they have this non-changeable unique paint job that screams "shoot me". So far i haven't seen any that would really interest me either, considered YLW mostly because i didn't want to buy CN9-D for my third Centurion.

AIV: At most i can go down to 250XL, to have 10 DHS in it. But i'd rather not, since it would free mere 0.5 tons. And the speed 260 gives is about the minimum i'd like to have.

If i don't have any lasers, i'd be better off buying -A1, i could fit it with LRMs and SRMs for short range work... But i hate concentrating all my weapons in just two locations.
I prefer to have some backup weapons always, just in-case i lose my main weapons, if i need to shoot an ECM carrier, or some other situation i usually find myself in.

As for longevity vs damage... AIV works only in line of sight, no? So, arguably packing more extra missiles and shooting a couple extra volleys might be a better idea, especially with randoms. Catapult lacks mobility to dictate range in battle anyway, so keeping an enemy in LRM range but also in line of sight is not that easy.
In theory. Other people change thigns radically, and randomly...

EDIT still want to know if Beagle Probe stacks with Artemis. And whether it is worth it for missile boat without Artemis, hanging back for fire support, is the faster lock-on speed worth two slots and 1.5 tons?


XL Engines. Get one or not?
The weight freed by a XL would be so useful... but i really, really don't like how vulnerable they make a mech. And the price is even worse, especially for the larger ones.
XL is a very expensive upgrade. BUT, I find it very worthwhile. It's very very useful in lights and in the cicada. It's almost essential in the dragon, and there's almost no downside to use it in the catapult since you'll rarely get side-torsoed. For brawlers like the hunch, cataphract or atlas, I don't use it.

The Centurion D and the Atlas K come with an XL300, IIRC. Cicada 3M with a ?320/340?. The XL300 is a very very versatile XL engine. It's useful for the jenner, the catapult, and the dragon.

You don't have repair costs anymore, so if you can afford it, the XL engines are worth it. Just remember that it needs 2 x heat sinks to function, so account for an additional 2 tons.
Not sure what you mean. Min required is 10 heat sinks. 250 engine is 10 HS. 225 is 9, 200 is 8, etc. 275 gives one extra slot to fit a HS inside the engine (but you still need to have the spare tonnage to do it), 300 is 2 slots, 325 is 3, etc. It doesn't matter if it's XL or not.
Rich motherfucker. ;)
Zap has like 25 mechs in his mechbay or something. He has more mastered mechs than I have mechs.
Also need new trial mechs, can't they change those without a patch?
Changes about every 2 weeks or so.
Earlier i said something about HBK-4SP not being quite that good... or something.
Anyway, been playing with it (got bored with Cicada, that one needs XL engine which i don't have) and it feels pretty good. There's just something inherently cool with 2 SRM6-packs. And unlike Centurion, this one doesn't lose its fighting capability quite as fast even when damaged.
Wonder if i should buy one and tweak it a bit, 4 medium pulse lasers would be an interesting upgrade: they would make stripping armor easier in order to utilize the SRMs well. Also Artemis IV for the packs, SRM6's have quite much spread at certain distances.

I quite like the 2-SRM6 + medlasers build. Gives more survivability to the hunch since both torsos are useful/expendable.

A warning about BAP and Artemis = both are rendered useless by ECM. BAP is general kind of useless anyway unless you're a LRM boat and have a spare 1.5 ton. Snipers don't need a real target lock to fire anyway.

Artemis is a useful BUT relatively expensive upgrade. It is not a win-button, and comes at a cost in-game (1 extra ton and 1 extra crit space per launcher is a significant price). LRM boating without Artemis is VERY viable, and you can be effective at it if you do it well. Again, ECM also makes Artemis USELESS. If you want a simple cost-effective way to improve your LRM efficiency, put a TAG; it'll also counter ECM as a bonus.

I'm curious, what are people's opinion on the pricing model of the game so far? I see a lot of bitching about the cost of the hero mechs and the implementation of MC, but that might just be the official forums more than the game.
Mechbay slots and premium is fair, I think. MXP-->GXP is a convenience/anti-grind thing, and I don't find the cost too unfair.

Mechs are pretty expensive, though. I own a few hero mechs, but I acknowledge that they're ridiculously priced. Though, they're prestige items, so maybe that's the cost of that. People would buy more regular mechs if they were cheaper, though, I feel.

Cockpit items and colors and pretty pricey. Especially because colors are just a one-time change.
I played some games against you Llyranor over the weekend. I thought I recognized the name from GAF. I am pretty bad, probably only averaging in the 200s in damage per round. Switching to faster, lighter mechs, with more SRMs is meshing better with my playstyle though, so hopefully I improve.
Ah, did you? Did I kill you? :D Did I make a fool of myself? D:



Also, I just realized that even though there's a bunch of us talking about a game, the only people I consistently play with on GAF are Nickiepoo and Zap "Death's Knell" Truder. I know I'm guilty of ignoring a lot of people on the in-game friendlist - I don't remember who's a GAFer or who's a random!


- I just made a GAF steamgroup. Join up! Feel free to friend/MSG me if you want to play.

- I don't want to advertise, but since it's the primary TS server we play in, if you're interested in playing with us, you can go to tacticalgamer.com and sign up on their forum. They will have easy details on how to join the TS server.

- There is a public (but passworded) TS server dedicated for MWO. We use it to fight randoms when there aren't enough of us around.
na1.mech-connect.net (PW is WordofBlake)


A warning about BAP and Artemis = both are rendered useless by ECM. BAP is general kind of useless anyway unless you're a LRM boat and have a spare 1.5 ton. Snipers don't need a real target lock to fire anyway.

Artemis is a useful BUT relatively expensive upgrade. It is not a win-button, and comes at a cost in-game (1 extra ton and 1 extra crit space per launcher is a significant price). LRM boating without Artemis is VERY viable, and you can be effective at it if you do it well. Again, ECM also makes Artemis USELESS. If you want a simple cost-effective way to improve your LRM efficiency, put a TAG; it'll also counter ECM as a bonus.

I closed the mechlab site already (and didn't save my design) so i can't check but i think i had space and weight for BAP for the CPLT-C4... so i guess i should fit it.
TAG is more problematic. Holding it down is inconvenient (don't have enough buttons in my mouse), modifying that one file to make it fire permamently messed some key settings and the TAG can reveal my position if constantly firing. Also, don't have a free hardpoint, nor weight for one.
Too bad randoms are not reliable for tagging/NARCin or generally revealing enemies...


Have you noticed that majority of people don't seem to be realizing ECM can jam enemy ECM? Or that it is what people should be doing, it is much more effective to jam enemy ECM than try to disrupt their systems if one ECM vs one ECM (team mates being able to lock on jammed ECM and take it out...). In case of 2v1, one should counter and the other disrupt.
Of course people in this game insist on firing non-ER PPCs under 90 meters and and firing LRMs under 180 meters... Competent people are rare.


Not sure what you mean. Min required is 10 heat sinks. 250 engine is 10 HS. 225 is 9, 200 is 8, etc. 275 gives one extra slot to fit a HS inside the engine (but you still need to have the spare tonnage to do it), 300 is 2 slots, 325 is 3, etc. It doesn't matter if it's XL or not.

I just received a message when using an XL engine on a Catapult or a Raven that it needed 2 allocated heatsinks at minimum to function - i.e. 12 HS at minimum.

Zap has like 25 mechs in his mechbay or something. He has more mastered mechs than I have mechs.

:lol, how much do you play, Zaptruder?

Mechs are pretty expensive, though. I own a few hero mechs, but I acknowledge that they're ridiculously priced. Though, they're prestige items, so maybe that's the cost of that. People would buy more regular mechs if they were cheaper, though, I feel.

Yeah, I don't mind that they're expensive in so far as to make them rare or more exceptional when you finally meet one. Still, I see at least one or two Hero mechs per match, so people are still buying them.

Cockpit items and colors and pretty pricey. Especially because colors are just a one-time change.

Yeah, the one-time color change is ridiculous. PGI has mentioned they will look into making the change permanent though.



Also, I just realized that even though there's a bunch of us talking about a game, the only people I consistently play with on GAF are Nickiepoo and Zap "Death's Knell" Truder. I know I'm guilty of ignoring a lot of people on the in-game friendlist - I don't remember who's a GAFer or who's a random!

True, I wish I could sort my friendlist or categorize it in order to show who's from GAF and who's from other places. Hopefully the UI overhaul will make it better, but I don't know. In addition to that, unfortunately the time differences between some of us also make it kind of hard to set up a proper game.

Have you noticed that majority of people don't seem to be realizing ECM can jam enemy ECM? Or that it is what people should be doing, it is much more effective to jam enemy ECM than try to disrupt their systems if one ECM vs one ECM (team mates being able to lock on jammed ECM and take it out...). In case of 2v1, one should counter and the other disrupt.
Of course people in this game insist on firing non-ER PPCs under 90 meters and and firing LRMs under 180 meters... Competent people are rare.

I use my ECM to jam lights and Atlas ECM many, many times. It's so incredibly worth it and it seems like my random PUG teammates are much more able to coordinate and focus on the same target when I'm jamming. More people should utilize it if they aren't outnumbered by ECM or targeted by missile boats.


Okay, so I'm trying to install MWO for the first time.

I just downloaded 1.6gb through the patcher, which gets the bar to halfway. Then the game gives me a prompt that says "You are closing the patcher while it is in the state of patching the game. Blah blah blah blah corrupt state." with Quit or Cancel options.

Choosing Cancel does nothing, choosing Quit quits the game. When I relaunch the EXE the patcher bar fills back up to 50% and the same prompt comes up.

It's an infinite loop.

EDIT: Stuck here, doesn't move:


Okay, so I'm trying to install MWO for the first time.

I just downloaded 1.6gb through the patcher, which gets the bar to halfway. Then the game gives me a prompt that says "You are closing the patcher while it is in the state of patching the game. Blah blah blah blah corrupt state." with Quit or Cancel options.

Choosing Cancel does nothing, choosing Quit quits the game. When I relaunch the EXE the patcher bar fills back up to 50% and the same prompt comes up.

It's an infinite loop.


Try uninstalling the launcher or game and try again. While you're waiting you can check out the training ground in order to familiarize yourself with the game.

But, antitrop, be aware that the game is not very good at introducing the mechlab, gameplay, item commands, and so on. It's very, very unfriendly to newcomers in its current UI state. Hopefully the videos make the introductory process a bit smoother - just be prepared to be overwhelmed a bit in the beginning.


Have you noticed that majority of people don't seem to be realizing ECM can jam enemy ECM? Or that it is what people should be doing, it is much more effective to jam enemy ECM than try to disrupt their systems if one ECM vs one ECM (team mates being able to lock on jammed ECM and take it out...). In case of 2v1, one should counter and the other disrupt.
Of course people in this game insist on firing non-ER PPCs under 90 meters and and firing LRMs under 180 meters... Competent people are rare.

I just bought a mech with an ECM, though I am out of money to kit it out so I haven't used it. Do you activate the ECM on a target the same way as firing a weapon?

On the subject of bad people, I was dead and spectating and the dude I was specting with was in an all medium laser hunchback I think. His enemies were 450m away. He gets on top a hill and starts firing, revealing his position if they didn't already know. He happily keeps firing his out of range weapons while getting raped by PPCs. It was amazing to watch.

I am Alecto22 if anyone wants to add me.


I just bought a mech with an ECM, though I am out of money to kit it out so I haven't used it. Do you activate the ECM on a target the same way as firing a weapon?

Nope, in jam mode it effects every hostile in a bubble area around you. In counter mode it effects the nearest hostile with an ECM in jam mode (inside that same bubble area) and stops it working.

Totally passive, the only thing you need to do is switch modes when the situaiton calls for it.


I just bought a mech with an ECM, though I am out of money to kit it out so I haven't used it. Do you activate the ECM on a target the same way as firing a weapon?

On the subject of bad people, I was dead and spectating and the dude I was specting with was in an all medium laser hunchback I think. His enemies were 450m away. He gets on top a hill and starts firing, revealing his position if they didn't already know. He happily keeps firing his out of range weapons while getting raped by PPCs. It was amazing to watch.

I am Alecto22 if anyone wants to add me.

ECM is always active: By default ECM is on Disrupt mode, which creates a bubble with 180m diameter, allies in the bubble are hidden from sensors and enemeis withing the bubble can't target anyone along with other stuff... By pressing J (default key for ECM mode), you can change the mode to Counter, which blocks enemy ECM.
One ECM can counter one ECM, so if two enemies have ECM on Disrupt mode, you can't counter them.
So, when with allies, keep the bubble up. But if you're withing 180m of enemy ECM, change to counter mode.

And yeah, i've seen stuff like that. All Medium Lasers Hunchback is not a bad mech, but it needs to get close (270m is the optimal range) to do any real damage.

EDIT, i probably should add GAFers to my friend list... it is empty at the moment. My nickname's Empyrus, same as my XBL GT.
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