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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


who remembers when the game used to look like this?

imo, the mechs no longer look like premium warmachines and are slowly starting to resemble toys, with that hideous hero Victor pushing it further towards that direction.

Ridiculous paint jobs don't help.

Also, why haven't I seen you online, sir?! D:


Okay, so I'm finally working on the OT for full release. Any general thoughts on what essential information and links it needs to include? Tone, content, and length are going to be fairly similar to the OT of this thread, though I am making new images.

My custom Steam icons:

Mechwarrior: Online


And there's a brief history of the Mechwarrior games if you want to include that in the OP (don't know if it's relevant, but it's still pretty nostalgic to go through): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7w88yQVlVY


Okay, so I'm finally working on the OT for full release. Any general thoughts on what essential information and links it needs to include? Tone, content, and length are going to be fairly similar to the OT of this thread, though I am making new images.

Links to sarna.net and that smurfy.mwo.net or whatever it is that you can used to make custom mech configs.


Okay, so I'm finally working on the OT for full release. Any general thoughts on what essential information and links it needs to include? Tone, content, and length are going to be fairly similar to the OT of this thread, though I am making new images.
Descriptions of the weapon classes and their differences, maybe a description of the various upgrades. Those things aren't immediately clear to newcomers imo.


Descriptions of the weapon classes and their differences, maybe a description of the various upgrades. Those things aren't immediately clear to newcomers imo.

This reminds me: Tell people that swapping beetween upgrades costs, even if it is a "downgrade".
Also, Missiles can't fired beyond their max effective range, unlike other weapons.
EDIT and that ECM has jammer mode and it would be greatly appreciated if people used it.


This reminds me: Tell people that swapping beetween upgrades costs, even if it is a "downgrade".
Also, Missiles can't fired beyond their max effective range, unlike other weapons.
EDIT and that ECM has jammer mode and it would be greatly appreciated if people used it.
Oh, and maybe a short explanation of how to set weapon groups and chain fire.

This is all assuming there will be no real tutorial to speak of. I'm curious if they have one ready for release and what will be included. Really needed to ease in newbies.


Okay, so I'm finally working on the OT for full release. Any general thoughts on what essential information and links it needs to include? Tone, content, and length are going to be fairly similar to the OT of this thread, though I am making new images.

MWO mainly attracts two kinds of people, those who are looking for a "thinking man's shooter" and those who played the old Mechwarrior titles. So I think it would be helpful if the OT had some bullet points near the beginning along the following lines,maybe after the "Sounds nifty! What does it play like?" heading:


Although the game looks superficially like an FPS, there's really nothing else like it on the market. It's more of a cross between an FPS and a simulation. Key differences from the average FPS include:

  • You move like a tank (sorta). Your upper body moves independently from your legs, so you can run in one direction and twist your torso to face a different direction. There is no strafing but you can circle strafe by moving your legs in a circle and keeping your upper body facing your target. Mechs have a real sense of mass and momentum that makes piloting them very different from just running around in a big robot suit ala Shogo. This is the hardest thing to get used to if you haven't played a previous Mechwarrior title.
  • But you don't really move like a tank. Mechs have legs so they can go up steep inclines and step over obstacles that tanks can't. In fact you can climb steeper hills than you can in most FPSs. Some mechs also have jumpjets that give them a limited ability to fly over obstacles and cushion their landings.
  • You don't always aim at the dead center of the screen. Take a look at the following screenshot:

    This looks busy, but for now just focus on the middle part of the screen. The cross reticule represents where your chassis-mounted weapons are pointing, and the circle reticule indicates where your arm-mounted weapons are pointing. Both of them have a certain amount of independence from the dead center of your screen, and you can aim them independently if you want. It looks complicated but you'll quickly get the hang of it once you start playing. Good pilots know when to keep their arms locked to their torso to maximize convergence and when to unhinge them to get the greatest freedom of motion. Arms are locked to the torso by default; hold SHIFT to unlock them.
  • TTK is measured in minutes, not fractions of a second. Mechs are pretty tanky relative to the damage they do and success in a fight depends more on precise aiming and good positioning than fast aiming and quick reflexes.
  • Locational-based damage is everything. This is what separates MWO from Hawken. Many FPSs have locational damage but the only consequence of getting hit in one body part versus another is a different damage multiplier. In MWO, every body part has individual health and armor, can be blown up independently of the rest, and houses different components. A mech only dies when the cockpit, engine or both legs are destroyed, not when a health meter goes to zero. You'll constantly have to make decisions like "Should I target that guy's right arm to blow up his biggest autocannon, or would it be a better use of time to just kill him outright? Wait, he's separated from the rest of the fight---maybe I should just leg him and let him rot while I switch targets?" This is also why aiming isn't trivially easy in this game despite how big and slow the mechs are.
  • Heat is a constraint. Firing your weapons generates heat. Your mech automatically shutdown when the heat meter reaches 100%. You can override the shutdown and go above 100% at the risk of damaging your internal parts. Good heat management is a major factor in being a successful pilot.
  • Maps are relatively large, open and simple. There are buildings here and there but you can't enter them and there are no real corridors, interior rooms, etc.
  • You get one life. No respawns, no healing or regenerating health, no ammo restocking, no weapon pickups. You start a match with everything you will ever have. This may sound harsh but it adds a degree of tension and excitement that is unmatched in games with respawns.


  • The game is designed for KB+M controls from the beginning. Using a joystick puts you at a serious disadvantage. The flip side is that targeting specific locations on a mech is more important than ever because it's easier to do than in past games. The game also includes a throttle decay option that is checked by default and makes your mech control more like a human (pressing W sets your throttle to 100%, letting go of W makes you stop instead of freezing your throttle at the current level). The end result is that mechs feel more responsive in MWO than they did in previous mainline games.
  • Mech customization is a mix between MW4 and the earlier games. There are hardpoints, so you cannot equip an autocannon on a location that only has energy mounts. But the mechbay still uses the concept of critical slots like MW2 and MW3. This is a compromise to control the boating that plagued earlier games while preserving flexibility.
  • The game is currently online PvP only. No SP campaign mode, bots or offline play yet.
  • The game has a F2P structure. MWO uses a typical two-tier currency system, one earned in-game and one purchased with real money. Both can be used to unlock mechs. There is also a light XP/skill tree system called "efficiencies" that provide passive benefits to mechs and unlocks "modules" (basically weightless spaceless perks) that you can slot in your mechs.
  • You can aim your arms independent of your torso. This takes some getting used to be but provides greater range of motion for arm-mounted weapons. Arms are locked to the torso by default; hold SHIFT to unlock them.
  • Radar doesn't magically see through obstacles. It is blocked by line of sight. However, the game does have target sharing so you can lock onto enemies that any teammate can see.
  • ECM is more complicated than in past titles. It's easiest to just read this article on the wiki.
  • Clan mechs and equipment aren't in yet but will probably arrive later this year.
  • No lateral jump-jetting. Sorry :(


Don't expect Clan stuff this year. Seriously. They're adding the PP mechs... I think i saw some mention to "three quarters after launch". So next spring perhaps.


The last I'd heard was November but that might've been outdated info.

Considering they're only launching the game soon, and there are some features missing and more IS mechs still coming until January (non-PP Battlemaster), expecting Clan Invasion for November is wildly optimistic.


Also, why haven't I seen you online, sir?! D:

i've been playing sparingly knowing that starting tomorrow i'll be running at 60fps with max settings :D

and i've been catching up with the films i've missed during the duration of the nba playoffs/finals


Discobird, can I condense that a little bit and use it if I credit you?

Sure feel free. Parts of it may end up changing between now and launch. Like I would delete the sentence about climbing steeper hills than you can in other FPS based on what Llyranor just linked. And on the bullet re clan tech I would say clan tech is coming sometime after launch instead of specifying later this year.


In addition, I should also note that running into an actual vertical wall reduces the mech's forward movement considerably, so you will no longer have the ability to navigate by perpetually bumping into stuff.

yes! i'm now even more excited for the next patch

back to closed beta skilled piloting :D


Gold Member
Is there a thread/post with active player in game names?
Also, does anyone that actively play have Mumble of Vent? It's the only way to do this.



Is there a thread/post with active player in game names?
Also, does anyone that actively play have Mumble of Vent? It's the only way to do this.


I'm Discobird

Most players who use voice comms at all seem to use TS. The Comstar NA TS server is open to the public:

Address: na1.mech-connect.net
Password: WordofBlake

Dunno if there is an MWOGAF voice comm server


Yeah, that movement change looks awesome. Should really improve the situational/tactical awareness required to win matches and should be really nice at blocking some of the more popular sniping spots from anything but jumpjet mechs (so screw you 6ppc stalker on a hill!).

Better still, the raven has had another relative nerf compared to the Jenner and brawls in general should be more interesting when it becomes harder to escape over a hill.

Dunno if there is an MWOGAF voice comm server

There isn't, we just use comstar. There's not really enough of us to justify anything more.


Was kind of shocked at how project phoenix didn't let you choose your mech, nor does it come with MC like the founders program did. I guess they've given up on the value seekers and are going straight for exploiting their old legendary founders.

But then I saw this:

Q: When will the Standard Variants be purchasable with C-bills or MC?
A: For those who do not Buy a Project Phoenix Package - The Standard Variants release schedule is currently set as:
Oct 15, 2013: Locust
Nov 20, 2013: Shadowhawk
Dec 18, 2013: Thunderbolt
Jan 22, 2014: Battlemaster

So, unless you pay $80, you can't get the battlemaster until next year.

That's...wow. They went from saying no pay to win ever, to permanent boosts, to exclusive variants, to paid consumable items (with superior MC versions), to entire finished mechs you cannot get with c-bills.

Can you imagine what clans will be like? $120 tier with a Daishi that won't be available to those dirty free players for 6 months. Just keep that in mind if you're actually planning on buying into that battlemaster.

...man, I bet it'd be real depressing if you took a look at my post history in this thread and the official forums and watch how I gradually lost faith in PGI. Although I'm expecting them to backpedal on project phoenix after the community beats some sense into them again.
Bear with me for a second, since I'm feeling like playing Devil's Advocate.

That's...wow. They went from saying no pay to win ever, to permanent boosts, to exclusive variants, to paid consumable items (with superior MC versions), to entire finished mechs you cannot get with c-bills.

So...what would you have them sell?

The XP boosts attached to mechs are no more pay to win than the concepts of premium time. It's a grind reduction; and a key tenet to how these payment models work. I wouldn't lump these things together.

Premium mechs are hit or miss. They are balanced relatively well (in as such that a premium variant isn't usually that much better than a free one) and it's main draw is visual, and further grind reduction.

The MC consumables was extreme horseshit, and it's good on the community to bite back on that. They now occupy some weird middlespace where they aren't better than the free options and they aren't worth the real money at all. Which is a good thing, really. This is how it should have been. The fact that they tried otherwise is some bullshit though.

Early access to the Battlemaster isn't pay to win unless the Battlemaster is far and above the best mech in the game. People are paying for early access. That's about it. Paying for early access is basically all you pay for in this game. Pay for earlier access to modules, to mechs, to perks, to anything. The only change this time is that there's a much longer wait you're cutting down that you can't skip with just grinding for 5 hours a day.

With that one exception, I literally don't see the issue.

Although I'm expecting them to backpedal on project phoenix after the community beats some sense into them again.

Bundles should come with MC and let you choose your mech instead of just handing out the Locust like candy. Outside of that there is really nothing wrong with this initiative.

The biggest sin everyone behind this game keeps committing is how they go about game balance issues. They try to patch fundamental problems through sledgehammer like sweeping changes instead of fine minor tweaks.
Don't see how this is pay 2 win in the slightest. Yea you pay to get stuff early, whatever it's just another mech skin that isn't going to mean much in the end. Already seems to be lots of redundancy in the mechs and it's going to get worse with each mech release.
loooooved mechwarrior 2 as a kid. I was hyped for this game and downloaded it. Doesn't run that well but I do have a gtx 770 coming next week. Even so, it was so daunting trying to select a mech and spec it out. jeebus......I guess I had more patience as a kid but I just couldnt get into this. As soon as I get my card Im gonna give it another go.


This game really needs an audio notification when people invite you / message you, sorry Teepo :<

loooooved mechwarrior 2 as a kid. I was hyped for this game and downloaded it. Doesn't run that well but I do have a gtx 770 coming next week. Even so, it was so daunting trying to select a mech and spec it out. jeebus......I guess I had more patience as a kid but I just couldnt get into this. As soon as I get my card Im gonna give it another go.

If you're new I would just copy a well-regarded build until you learn what works in this game (it's balanced differently from the old games). http://www.mechspecs.com/forum/ or ask here


Bought the $80 package but I agree it's kinda bullshit that payers get such a big lead time advantage with respect to the Shadowhawk/Thunderbolt/Battlemaster. This is not an advantage that can be made up by grinding harder. You could say the same about premium mechs but as far as I know none of them gave early access to a chassis whose variants you couldn't otherwise buy with C-bills on the same date. And at least two of the Phoenix mechs offer something you cannot get on an existing chassis (Shadowhawk is a 55 tonner with JJ and the Battlemaster is an assault with 7 energy hardpoints).

Also think it's kinda shitty that light pilots get shafted in the Phoenix Locust, the most laughably terrible mech in the game*, while the other Phoenix mechs look at least decent and the Phoenix Battlemaster could shape up to be one of the best mechs in the game.

That said, PGI has my money so yeah

*Sure MGs might get buffed between now and when the Locust comes out, but it's still going to be worse than the Spider 5K in every way unless it has hitboxes the size of a cricket. We already know it has no JJ and can't go any faster than a Spider.
So I finally got around to installing the video card I had ordered before MWO launched (my second child was born around this time, so that obviously did not help). At any rate, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I've played all the previous Mechwarrior games, so I understand the basics.

For a newbie, I'm assuming using the Trial Atlas is probably best for now? Plenty of armor and weapons, and no need to worry about using maneuverability to attack.

What mech should I save my C-bills for? I generally prefer Heavy or Assault classes, and I like my armaments to generally be pretty diverse (my least favorites are the heavy energy weapon variants that tend to overheat).

Any advice is appreciated.
So I finally got around to installing the video card I had ordered before MWO launched (my second child was born around this time, so that obviously did not help). At any rate, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I've played all the previous Mechwarrior games, so I understand the basics.

For a newbie, I'm assuming using the Trial Atlas is probably best for now? Plenty of armor and weapons, and no need to worry about using maneuverability to attack.

What mech should I save my C-bills for? I generally prefer Heavy or Assault classes, and I like my armaments to generally be pretty diverse (my least favorites are the heavy energy weapon variants that tend to overheat).

Any advice is appreciated.

All of the Trial Mech's asides from the Spider are pretty decent right now. The Hunchback-4P is the best pick though, since it's an upgraded version rather than stock loadout.

As for Mech's to save up for, the Atlas is always a good pick (but quite expensive). It was my first Mech and still one of my favorites. Get any variant except for the AS7-K, they all have uses. If you want an Assault with a bit more maneuverability you could go with the Highlander. The jump jets may come in handy with the movement change this upcoming patch. For Heavy Mech's I would probably recommend either Catapults, Cataphracts, or JagerMech's. All three are viable. JagerMech's are a bit more risky than Catapult's if you plan on fitting it with an XL Engine as the side torso's are fairly easy to target, same as Cataphracts.


Can this be our new mech fanart/fanfiction thread? Here's my design of the locust.

It's like the eyeball guy from Monsters Inc. became a Mortal Kombat fanboy

What mech should I save my C-bills for? I generally prefer Heavy or Assault classes, and I like my armaments to generally be pretty diverse (my least favorites are the heavy energy weapon variants that tend to overheat).

The best heavy or assault with a diverse armament is probably the Atlas D-DC.

Here is a pretty cookie-cutter D-DC with AC/20, 3x SRM4+Artemis, 2x ML.

Alternative version with AC/20, 2x LL, 3x SSRM2, runs hotter though.

Problems with diverse builds: (a) like in so many other games, it is better to specialize, pick a range and dominate it instead of spreading yourself thin trying to do everything at once; (b) the best ballistics by far are the AC/20 and Gauss and they are very heavy; and (c) missiles are generally underwhelming right now except Streaks are death incarnate vs lights.

So the strongest heavy/assault builds in the current meta look like this:
  • Stalker 3F with 4x PPC, probably the best mech in the game right now. Excellent hitboxes that make it easy to protect your CT, high-mounted weapons for sniping over ridges, small profile for an assault. You can stick up to 6x PPCs on a Stalker but most people gravitate toward 4 for the heat efficiency.
  • Highlander 732 with 3x PPC, 1x Gauss. Very strong if you're good at jump sniping (have to snipe at the apex or descent of your jump, not the ascent since you shake too much). May be better than the Stalker after the next patch makes it harder to climb slopes without jumpjets.
  • Highlander Heavy Metal with 2x PPC, 1x Gauss, 2x SSRM2. Better than the 732 against lights.
  • Cataphract 3D with 3x PPC, STD 285 engine. Pretty slow but I think XL engines are too big a liability on Cataphracts.

5x LL Stalkers and 4x LL Cataphract 3Ds aren't far behind. For pub stomping the much-complained about 2x AC/20 Jager with 2-4x ML is also good.

Why did I list so few mechs and why do they all boat energy weapons (except the AC/40 Jager)? Because the game isn't very balanced right now. All of the ballistics other than the AC/20 and Gauss are too heavy for what they do and/or require you to stare at your opponent while you DPS them, leaving you vulnerable for too long. LRMs are alright when you boat a lot of them and work in a coordinated group but it's hard to do consistently well with them in pugs. SRMs are too weak and hopefully PGI buffs them soon since they should be the #1 thing keeping snipers in check and there's a new thread about them every day on the official forums.

As far as mechs go... Dragons and Awesome have such huge CTs that they're subpar because of their hitboxes alone. Quickdraws are OK but it is hard to justify using them over a Centurion on the one hand (which is much tougher) or a Cataphract 3D on the other (which carries more firepower and can also jump). Catapults have bad hitboxes and missiles aren't great right now, plus the K2 doesn't do anything that Cataphracts can't do better. AC/40 Jagers are good but the other Jager builds are also overshadowed by Cataphracts IMO. Atlases are decent but are held back by the sniper-dominated meta. That said I have seen D-DCs tear up pug games pretty consistently since pugs do not react well to ECM as a rule.

I don't mean to discourage you from playing what you want since a good pilot can make many different builds work. But C-bills take a long time to grind so try and make a wise investment for your first mech. Also I wouldn't buy anything before July 2 since we're expecting a patch with some balance changes.

-edit- Do give lights and mediums a try though, they are better in this game than in previous MW titles (especially lights!)


July 2, 2013 patch notes

Nothing on PPCs, SRM damage, Streaks or other balance changes other than the climbing change and the 120% overheat damage change. Pretty underwhelming,

Hello MechWarriors!

Servers will be coming down at 10am PDT and will be down for up to three hours. I will update as soon as we return. Patchnotes will be added soon.

See you starside, folks!



Greetings MechWarriors,

So we have gone and done it again! Victor Hero is releasing first and what a beauty it is. Having The Dragon Slayer in your Mech lab will probably melt your face off with pure "Mech goodness". Then again, if you don't buy one, someone else will and they'll melt your face off in battle. The 30 percent C-Bill boost doesn't hurt either. Did you know with a hero Mech and a Premium account you can literally** swim in C-Bills? Sometimes I upgrade and downgrade double heat-sinks just to have a laugh and burn through some C-Bills.
Oh boy It's the ATLAS Champion! Want to try the Atlas RS build that was the Piranha Favourite for much of closed beta? Here you go! It's a mostly-brawler, sometimes sniper build we found very, very fun. So go check it out!

Hey look some Cockpit Items! Mech Statues. Enjoy!

Hey Look a new Mech Pattern! Tartan!...Bless you.... Thank you... You're Welcome!

We have some interesting gameplay tweaks that are going to change how you play. Movement on inclined surfaces and a new overheat mechanic so watch your heat or you might get beat.

Various other Items are all in the patch notes for you to read so go ahead and read them!
See you on the Battlefield!

Matt Newman
**and by literally I really mean figuratively swimming in C-Bills


New Hero Mech

"Dragon Slayer" VTR-DS
&#8226; Tonnage: 80
&#8226; Engine: 330 XL
o Top Speed: 66.8 kph
o Max Engine Rating: 400
&#8226; Torso Movement:
o 90 degrees to each side.
o 20 degrees up and down.
&#8226; Arm Movement:
o 20 degrees to each side.
o 30 degrees up and down.
&#8226; Armor: 494 (Standard)
&#8226; Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
&#8226; Weapons & Equipment:
o Left Arm: PPC
o Left Torso: SRM 6
o Right Torso: Medium Pulse Laser x2
o Right Arm: Gauss Rifle
&#8226; Hardpoints:
o Left Arm: 1 Energy
o Left Torso: 2 Missile
o Right Torso: 2 Energy, 1 AMS
o Right Arm: 2 Ballistic
&#8226; Heat Sinks: 14 Double
&#8226; Jump Jets: 4 (4 Max)
&#8226; ECM Capable?: No
&#8226; Module Slots: 2
&#8226; 30% C-Bill Bonus

New Trial Champion Mech

Atlas AS7-RS©
&#8226; Tonnage: 100
&#8226; Engine: 325
o Top Speed: 52.6 kph
o Max Engine Rating: 360
&#8226; Torso Movement:
o 80 degrees to each side.
o 16 degrees up and down.
&#8226; Arm Movement:
o 40 degrees to each side.
o 30 degrees up and down.
&#8226; Armor: 608 (Standard)
&#8226; Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
&#8226; Weapons & Equipment:
o Left Arm: Medium Laser x2, AMS
o Left Torso: LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS x2
o Right Torso: Gauss Rifle
o Right Arm: Medium Laser x2
&#8226; Hardpoints:
o Left Arm: 2 Energy, 1 AMS
o Left Torso: 2 Missile
o Right Torso: 1 Ballistic
o Right Arm: 2 Energy
&#8226; Heat Sinks: 13 Double
&#8226; Jump Jets: 0 (0 Max)
&#8226; ECM Capable?: No
&#8226; Module Slots: 2

New Trial Mechs

&#8226; Commando COM-2D
&#8226; Blackjack BJ-1X
&#8226; Catapult CPLT-C4
&#8226; Atlas AS7-RS©

Cockpit Items
&#8226; Jagermech Statue.
&#8226; Trebuchet Statue.

New Skin
&#8226; Tartan skin.

&#8226; New Movement Archetypes.
o Mechs are now unable to traverse slopes greater than 45°
o Mechs will now slow down when climbing slopes from 20° to 45°, depending on mech size.
&#8226; Critical Heat Damage System.
o Mechs reaching 120% heat will start taking damage to their center torso at (0.75 damage + (0.001 damage per tonne) + (0.001 damage per engine rating)) / 1.5 sec.
o The damage will continue until heat drops below 100%. This damage will occur both during an automatic shutdown and when overriding shutdown.
o To indicate this heat damage is being applied, a yellow siren light will turn on inside the cockpit.

User Interface
&#8226; Now showing all three lances on the EoR Screen.
&#8226; Changed all references to "Team Commander" to "Company Commander".
&#8226; Minor clean up for Lance UI.

Bug Fixes
&#8226; Quickdraw will now have jump jet effects.
&#8226; Fixed an issue where LRMs shot at close range & off target were causing the missiles to perform a gravity whip maneuver.
&#8226; Heavy Metal will no longer play it's on kill music if the mech if it's not fully powered.
&#8226; Fixed an issue where LRM volleys would share the same spread pattern when firing from a weapon with a small tube count - ie. LRM15 from a 6 tube launcher. Subsequent volleys will now have a different spread.
&#8226; Fixed an issue with SRMs and closed weapon doors. SRMs would launch instantly on the client from a weapon with closed weapon doors; however, the server would properly delay the shot to simulate the weapon doors opening. This could result in missiles colliding on the local client but not register any damage. This fix will now open the doors properly before firing. Please NOTE: This issue ONLY occurred with SRMS being fired from launchers WITH CLOSED weapon doors.

&#8226; Jenner Founder has a new pattern, with this pattern comes the ability to color it as well. Other Founder Mechs will be getting the same treatment and will come in later patches.
&#8226; Added environmental sounds to the levels.
&#8226; Updated spawn locations so lance mates will spawn together.
&#8226; Improvements to 'Mech damage glow.
&#8226; Re-enable F9 button to display the FPS and users location.

We thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
- The MechWarrior® Online&#8482; Team


if they're not running only gauss rifles and medium lasers, heavy and assaults mechs often hit the 120% threshold when trigger happy


Yeah, that emergency final alpha to try to get a kill when already at 90% heat is suddenly that much more risky.

Having said that, probably won't make that much difference, the movement stuff is the real interesting part there, like we didn't all know that already.
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