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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


They ARE refunding Phoenix packages. Not sure about Founders, as the content is already delivered.

Yet is unused for me... Perhaps i'll demand my money back because it is a principle, doubt i'll get them back though...

We're being lied to (they promised a frigging hardcore mode, don't see one), the game's balancing is atrocious and there are a lot of other issues. Not happy.


It's a bit stupid to have two modes doing the same thing just so people don't use the 3pv.

It is a matter of principle, this game is supposed to be a simulator. Drone is a bullshit explanation. Might be useful for relaying targeting data or some such but not useful for piloting.
Fuck third person view.


Blatantly moronic. If these idiots even had a clue and actually got human beings to test instead of the mouth breathing imbecile monkeys bugs like this would never have made it into the game.
Well, you are playing a 'beta' right now, and game testing is a pretty complicated thing.
Yet is unused for me... Perhaps i'll demand my money back because it is a principle, doubt i'll get them back though...

We're being lied to (they promised a frigging hardcore mode, don't see one), the game's balancing is atrocious and there are a lot of other issues. Not happy.

Good luck. Support is somewhat swamped, as can be expected, but let me know if you get your cash back. I'm curious if they'll give it to Founder requests.

Well, you are playing a 'beta' right now, and game testing is a pretty complicated thing.

Beta's a bit of a buzzword these days. Even if we take that term at face value, then several of us have paid for the privledge of testing, and even those that don't mind the feature have been critical of it. "It's not ready" is a common line, even outside of those that are against it as a concept.

Testing IS difficult. But they've got an army of people showing them 'bugs', and a complete lack of communication in response. That's the key issue here. This feature has also been on the testing servers in the past and the reaction from those playing there was similar.

That and the consistent backpedalling is what's really getting to people.


Good luck. Support is somewhat swamped, as can be expected, but let me know if you get your cash back. I'm curious if they'll give it to Founder requests.

Said i'm considering it. I doubt i'd succeed, and not sure if i want to waste my time arguing with them (probably) unsuccessfully.
And there's always the chance they'll get someone competent to balance the game (someone who assumes players are actually good and know things), and PGI will actually implement a proper hardcore system (might throw in repair and rearmament costs while at it, along with other things fitting hardcore mode). If this will be the case, then the Founder's pack is pretty good value (Veteran tier, no mechs, higher tiers were better value strictly speaking).
Until they do fix things, i won't touch the game.
World of Tanks looks interesting...
It is a matter of principle, this game is supposed to be a simulator. Drone is a bullshit explanation. Might be useful for relaying targeting data or some such but not useful for piloting.
Fuck third person view.
I don't understand the simulator arguement, it's a game set in the distant future where you pilot 80 feet tall walking tanks. How is it ever going to simulate anything close to a reality?


I don't understand the simulator arguement, it's a game set in the distant future where you pilot 80 feet tall walking tanks. How is it ever going to simulate anything close to a reality?

It is a goddamn simulator about the goddamn Battletech boardgame mechs which make no sense realistically speaking. It ain't about realism, it is about replicating the feel of being a Mechwarrior like Battletech books describe.
And has been finest try so far. Was finest.

(Module slots were a bit of a stretch already but i figured i'd tolerate them, third person is something else).


It is a goddamn simulator about the goddamn Battletech boardgame mechs which make no sense realistically speaking. It ain't about realism, it is about replicating the feel of being a Mechwarrior like Battletech books describe.
And has been finest try so far. Was finest.

(Module slots were a bit of a stretch already but i figured i'd tolerate them, third person is something else).

Or you could have said its meant to simulate what it would be like to pilot a giant robot lol


even if i hate the inclusion of 3rd person, previous mechwarrior titles had a 3rd person view and mwo's is by far the least offensive.

and for the record, i've received a refund for the overlord phoenix package.


even if i hate the inclusion of 3rd person, previous mechwarrior titles had a 3rd person view and mwo's is by far the least offensive.

And the previous ones had single player so it was quite possible to ignore 3rd person wholly. (And MW4 certainly had awful multiplayer (awful balance, and those frigging NHUA servers, i never found a proper hardcore server... not that it would've helped Mediums or Lights).)
In MWO, it ain't possible to ignore it because others can use third person view. At least until... IF they add hardcore servers. Not holding my breath.
Wow take a break from the game and find a shit storm..... seriously no split play list? Bet they realized that the player base was not big enough to support it and said fuck it to the hardcore community.


Enabling 3PV by default was a dick move. About three quarters of the games I played after patch day had a "guys halp how do I fix dis" followed by a veritable "press F4" storm ripple through the laggy chat.

Seriously, they bolted that thing on under great community backlash. Meanwhile not giving newbs a gosh-durn tutorial to entice new gamers to join, the testgrounds are still completely useless so the newbs will have one hell of a time in the game at first, the constant nerfs and baby-ing irks the veterans, there's still no (ingame-score) incentives for any playstyle but all-out assault and only two unpolished game modes so long-term enjoyment suffers. The UI remains some weird sort of clusterfuck that is just useable enough to make complaining seem whiny, but annoying and unuseable enough to seriously complicate basically anything you could possibly want to do - and matchmaking remains fucking broken. I HATE TERRA THERMA. Having to play through that map three or more times in a row not just once, but several times in one three hour session is just nuts. There is so much that needs to be fixed, and instead they add that drone that makes me wonder why the UAVs are only on that short time limit. I mean, I can have a drone hover behind my mech pretty much indefinitely, why not send it up and let it do reconnaissance instead of looking at my mech?

... and I've been getting crashes and temporary freezes since the last patch, resulting in more than one death. I'm not one to bother with k/d ratios, but if my team relies on my Jenner to spot/harass the enemy/cap a point and I get cored since my game froze while I'm sneaking past a bunch of baddies, then that is hugely annoying for me. I can deal with exploding, but letting others down due to no fault of my own is a serious bummer.

Still a bloody newb so my view doesn't really matter much - but annoyed nonetheless.

And yet I want to play even right now after typing all of this. What is wrong with me.
What is with the Streaks? a Kinaro walked at me yesterday and kept popping a few streaks at me none stop, it wouldn't be so bad but every impact jolted my aim so i couldn't hit anything. I wouldn't say it did a lot of damage compared to anything else but it was really annoying!
Streaks are probably the easiest thing to use in the game. There's barely any aiming and they do a non-trivial amount of damage now. Now that they do buffed damage, they are better options than the smaller SRM packs due to the near guaranteed hits.

If all the Kintaro had was one SSRM2 then that's not so bad, but watch out for some boats. Even with the ghost heat, they are making a small return.


The thank god for the cockpit and ears otherwise the streakcat would be an absolute nightmare.
With the hits from the streaks that's screen shake and not crosshair shake so if you can manage to get your crosshairs over them you can still hit pretty reliably once you train yourself to ignore it.
Yeah it's always interesting when the make changes and new builds i haven't seen before start turning up.

Thankfully the MG Jager should be a thing of the past, that was evil up close.


Man, the new build screwed something up. Game doesn't exit anymore a third of the time, it just hangs at a black screen and I need to kill it using the task manager. It (rarely) crashes at random, too. Some matches seem to lag out, I had one where I basically waltzed past all baddies and sat on their base and by the time the next server update came through I had capped it down to 50% and one of them had barely managed to get killed by three TAG'd-by-me LRM salvos that had hung in the air the entire time. Chat was dead, too. Oh well, easy XP. Something to tell the kids, too. "Back in the days, my Jenner was so fast, it broke the laws of physics!"

In other news, fear my Elite Jenner skillz. Faster firing cycles leading to more heat buildup? Sign me the fuck up! *shuts down*
Any of you catching the 125 pages of responses to the official, rambling, bizarre apology from PGI's CEO?

Holy craphats. I honestly can't think of a company that is worse at community management. Bioware has it's detractors and had some really weird shit going on, but this is another level entirely.

Even PAR has a blurb on it, which is funny all things considered.


It's awful, apology while not really saying anything. Even pretty much ending the post saying that they don't know if we are going to get a hardcore mode wtf. Talking in circles about who to blame.

And seriously, he keeps bringing up the notion that player base was not happy and not going to like it, yet none of that ever stopped them from putting it in despite all the uproar?


Armlock and no radar, 3rd person is pretty useless anyway (especially with seismic), so I don't really care if there'll be a separate mode or not anyway, any 3PSer fighting me will be at a disadvantage :D


Armlock and no radar, 3rd person is pretty useless anyway (especially with seismic), so I don't really care if there'll be a separate mode or not anyway, any 3PSer fighting me will be at a disadvantage :D

Its so bad....you see the newer players panic if they are in a bigger mech because they cant see the direction their legs are pointing they run off in random directions trying to aim with the crappy crosshair all the while getting circle strafed by some guy in a jenner until they die.
I'm wondering now if its really that hard in the scope of designing a game to include some kind of tutorial and at what point it should have been made part of the game?
I mean they should have really had this planned out on the drawing board early on in development and implemented at the beginning of open beta imo.

*no promo codes atm that i'm aware of.
Its so bad....you see the newer players panic if they are in a bigger mech because they cant see the direction their legs are pointing they run off in random directions trying to aim with the crappy crosshair all the while getting circle strafed by some guy in a jenner until they die.
I'm wondering now if its really that hard in the scope of designing a game to include some kind of tutorial and at what point it should have been made part of the game?
I mean they should have really had this planned out on the drawing board early on in development and implemented at the beginning of open beta imo.

*no promo codes atm that i'm aware of.
There is that testing area to have a walk around and shoot at dummy mechs, that should give everyone the basics of movement. There does need to be something telling you how to switch views though.

But most ask in chat and after everyone says F4 and one person says Alt + F4 they know.
It should follow the War Thunder example of teaching people the ropes. I find it odd that they don't have something. Even Hawken has something of an obstacle course to throw people through.
Yea 3rd person does nothing to help newbs learn the game, if anything its more confusing for them. They don't even need a fancy tutorial, just some pop up tutorial windows with pictures and instructions like many MMOs do.


Hoo boy.

Goons are pissed. (There are Goons in MW:O? ... should've known).

People are pissed.

Man, reading through the forums is prime popcorn material. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I like the game. I'm just starting to gain a healthy dislike of the companies that make it.

Obligatory on topic content:

Probably old hat and/or map hack, but whatever. I was shown a cute little spot on Terra Therma for my LRM Boat. 100% cheese.

That's the only way to get there, as far as I know. You can walk and fly/crawl up there if you keep near the lava, even with only one JJ (but a lot of determination). Lets you spot/shoot at mechs trying to flank from the left, you can shoot into the bowl through a gap in the volcano peak or harass enemies entering/exiting the bowl through the nearby hole in the volcano; You can even watch one of the cap spots - and most mechs and pilots unaccustomed to it have serious problems getting up there unnoticed. It's a bit of a pain anyway, to be frank.
Still, it's big enough and has a small depression so you can hide from incoming sniper/LRM fire or have a cozy mech snugglefest with your friends. You can also stand on the nearby smallish peak as some sort of invincible statue of victory when the blue resource counter ticks past 749.
And then get gaussed by the last enemy mech. Situational awareness is still nonexistent.
It's hilariously broken and I try to stay away, but it's so tempting.

In other news, I recently had a dream about piloting a Jenner and using it to play basketball inside of an Orca. What does it mean?
Just read the whole gist of the events.

This company is driving the game into the ground with the Community management. Pretty obvious that the core fan base is extremely displeased...


Sabre pack upgrades.

I don't even know what the fuck anymore.
I did a bit of a double take on this myself.
Sucks because I want them but i'm determined not to throw more money at this game.
I went through my transaction records and realized that I've spent way way way too much money....


Damn, I was hoping to spend some of my birthday money on this game. But after hearing about all this bad news I think I'll keep my money. This is not good PR for Piranha Games. I'll continue playing War Thunder instead.


I've been playing for a little over 8 months (rather religiously) and I don't get all the fuzz over 3PV, the shitstorm that came after it and all the drama associated with it. I avoid the forums so maybe that's why?

3PV is essentially a gimped mode, you can't fight in it and it's only good for enjoying your mech and its camo for a while. Yes you can "ridge peek", but honestly a light or Seismic Module will give you a lot more intel than that.

The game is still fun, 12v12 made it only more fun(matches are more balanced). If you stay away from the drama, the game only got better. I can understand some of the undelivered promised features are bothering(UI 2.0, CW) but they will come eventually.

Some people are just mad for the sake(trolling) of it.


3PV isn't a problem at all, this is just the straw that broke the camels back when it comes to growning resentment over the lack of communication, balance passes and feature development that the game has been seeing of late.


3PV is fundamentally broken in that light mechs no longer need to expose their squishy parts to scout. Incidentally, Lightmechs are about the only ones I see roving about with the blinky drone. Many just seem to pop it up behind cover from time to time, but some keep it on all the time.
It's basically free intelligence. In a game where the concentrated application of force from and on slow moving assault and heavy mechs requires as much intelligence on the enemy as you can gather this is a deal breaker.

But that isn't really the problem. The main problem is that the devs repeatedly went on record that 3PV would not come, then later it was that 3PV would come, but 1PV players would not need to mingle with 3PV players, and now, finally, we have arrived where we are now: 3PV and 1PV players share one playlist. Add to that the revelation that community feedback never mattered at all, since the fans have been opposing this thing from the very beginning due to the exact problems described above (and more).

In short, PGI did their own thing and dirty sanchez'd the fans in the process. This isn't the first time either, so the peasants are starting to revolt. Who can blame them, really. I've been playing for two weeks and I'm thoroughly annoyed with PGIs handling of pretty much any public-facing aspect of the game. Can't imagine how it is when you've been enduring that over the last two years.

That Sabre pack and the recent PR disasters made me attempt to cancel my overlord pack. Let's see if they let me cancel or if they're gonna fight about it.


3PV isn't a problem at all, this is just the straw that broke the camels back when it comes to growning resentment over the lack of communication, balance passes and feature development that the game has been seeing of late.

Not a problem in the pub matches. The effects it can have in 12v12 games is another matter entirely.
They also just tossed it into the game thinking, "oh they don't need another playlist for hardcore", and now act like they don't think it's needed despite the backlash. They admit their mistake yet won't commit to fixing it. Oh we are sorry... but fuck you guys.
Sometimes that's just the decision you have to make.

It's whether the Vocal minority are enough to force a change. If they see the player numbers dropping then they'll probably make the change, but doing it just because people like to bitch on a forum is never a good idea.

I mean that's what forums are for.


I'd argue that giving scouts the ability to spot without exposing themselves is probably a good thing given the already weak armounts of information warfare in this game. Letting them actually lock on without a direct FP line of sight is a different question though. LRMs ho!


I should probably state for the record that the cancellation was quick and painless. Very professional, didn't expect that. They didn't even try to tempt me. Just "I want out" - "OK, hang on a sec" - "Finished. You have your money back now.". A pleasant surprise, really.

What I feel they really need to do, urgently, is revamp the rewards. To gain money and XP you need a brawler, sniper or an LRM boat. Anything besides combat is basically throwing away money.


Brought a gigabyte gtx 780. First game I try is MWO with the graphics cranked up to max and I get into a game. I take exactly 2 steps when the ram fails and the card craps itself lol.
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