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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


Raven is pretty terrible b/c it's legs are too vulnerable. The only really effective thing you can do with it is put LL's on it and keep at far range. I mean it does that job well, but so does every other light mech. I say this as someone who loves their Raven 3L, but also recognizes its shortcomings.

The two lights that (pre-Clan invasion) are the cream of the crop are the Jenner and the Firestarter. Spider does well too, but if weight isn't a consideration, the Jenner and Firestarter are only ever so marginally slower and can bring more firepower to the fight. The Firestarter basically obsoleted the Spider (ECM excepted).
The thing about the Raven is that it is beautiful looking machine. Plus it is a CapCon mech, unlike the Jenner (Kurita), or Firestarter (Lyran).
Either way, with the Kit Fox so close, i probably won't get an IS light soon. Or if i do, it will be for stock matches.
Do note that i don't need a superb design, as long as i like playing with it (the Thunderbolt is generally speaking held to be a medicore heavy, as far as i know, and a too generalist to the boot, but it fits me perfectly and i do well with it. Also remember i'm a fan of the Summoner (in theory anyway), despite the mech being rather weak for MWO as it is).

They changed UAC firing this patch so you explicitly have to fire again during the reload window in order to fire the extra shot instead of just continuing to hold the fire button down. It makes it easier not to jam but on some of the faster firing weapons can make it a little tricky to double-fire properly in time.

Noticed the change. Tried out it with that trial Victor. Didn't help me any. Perhaps UACs just are not for me as weapons.

Perhaps i should try out some assaults, figure if any one of them actually suits me.
In MW4, i loved Victor but then that game allowed to make utterly ridiculous mechs (my Victor in that game's single players was fast, jumpy, heavily armored and a lot of firepower...).
Unfortunately in MWO, assaults lack the agility they had in MW4. Also they're expensive.


It seems i have used Centurions after any possible reset, i bought A and AL, and both have basic skills. I think i intended to get the D but didn't bother.
In any case, i will get YLW once it is on sale, and master the Centurion chassis. The D doesn't offer anything i need, A is good enough for most things.
You only need three mechs for mastering, right? You don't need them anymore after mastering them all, you can sell the the "extras" and keep one, no?


YLW is fun, but everybody knows that your heavy firepower is likely to be concentrated in that right arm and people will aim for it first. You can try to protect it by torso twisting, but the YLW has its Lower Arm actuators removed to fit the AC20 so it can't move its arms laterally like the other Centurions. If you want to bring that AC20 to bear on a target, you're going to have to face them and expose it to fire. I'd say it's still easier to protect that right arm than the Hunchback hunch though.

Generally speaking, unless you are going for max speed in the YLW, you are almost always better off taking a different variant and putting a guass in the arm instead. This doesn't imply that the YLW build isn't fun to play (I know folks who would argue that till their last breath that it is fun).


Currently running my Centurion A with a gauss rifle (because it is cool running and i can't afford DHS for the mech ATM). Don't like the weapon. I hit it with well enough, better than with many others, but it isn't for close range fighting. And it doesn't feel good, the sound and graphics effects for it are too lame. It should boom and leave a clear trail of air-turned-plasma.

When it comes to direct fire mid-long range combat, i prefer lasers and lower-class ACs, PPCs are and gauss rifles are not my thing.


It seems i have used Centurions after any possible reset, i bought A and AL, and both have basic skills. I think i intended to get the D but didn't bother.
In any case, i will get YLW once it is on sale, and master the Centurion chassis. The D doesn't offer anything i need, A is good enough for most things.
You only need three mechs for mastering, right? You don't need them anymore after mastering them all, you can sell the the "extras" and keep one, no?

More or less correct. You don't need to Master them all if you only want to keep 1. In order to unlock Elite, you need to complete Basics on 3 variant chassis of a mech. In order to unlock Master, you need to Elite 3 chassis of the same weight class. Once you've done that, you don't need to keep other variants you don't want.

Currently running my Centurion A with a gauss rifle (because it is cool running and i can't afford DHS for the mech ATM). Don't like the weapon. I hit it with well enough, better than with many others, but it isn't for close range fighting. And it doesn't feel good, the sound and graphics effects for it are too lame. It should boom and leave a clear trail of air-turned-plasma.

When it comes to direct fire mid-long range combat, i prefer lasers and lower-class ACs, PPCs are and gauss rifles are not my thing.

CN9-A is a wicked zombie. 2 MPL, 3 ASRM4: http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=7&l=4ead337a79f60e922ace1006a72df4f8471a4111 Even until you can afford upgrades like DHS, you could run 2ML instead.


I think i will keep my A for stock mech matches. I happen to like its default loadout even if it is a tad slow. I could upgrade it merely to have more ammo after Endo and DHS... but i don't think i will bother. I have a lot of XP stocked up for it.

Instead, i will probably upgrade AL for matchmaking proper (i have some XP stocked up for it), though i will try to be economical with its upgrades.

It is a great zombie but i don't need to make one right now, as there's still a zombie Centurion trial.


All original mechs and their variants, including heroes, Atlas, Hunchback, Catapult and Jenner are on 50% sale, BOTH MC AND C-BILLS!


When it comes to Hunchies, my preferred ride is the 4SP. Dual SRM6, STD250, some lasers, max armor. Walk behind enemies, strip some armor and loose missiles.
Difficult but awesome.
That said, having a big fucking cannon is also awesome.
Or a ton of lasers the Swayback has.

I think it depends on what you like.

EDIT as for Jenners, i have no advice to give. I don't pilot one, nor have i ever really liked that one. Raven and Owens are my IS light mechs (the latter one is not available, obviously), and Kit Fox from the Clans.

EDIT, you know what? I'm going to get a Grid Iron. Just because. It can both a BFG (AC10/LB-X 10, AC20, or even Gauss, even though i have some problems with Gauss guns) and SRMs, ie both of my favorite weapon systems.


JR7-D>F (assuming missile changes are still good)

HBK-4SP (assuming missile changes are still good)>HBK-4P (ghost heat)>HBK-4H (hardpoint bias/total hardpoints)>HBK-4G (LOL 3 ballistic slots)> HBK-4J (different mechs just do this config style better without the hunch...)


Yeah Hunchie G is not really good. It doesn't have tonnage to fit 3 AC5s and ammo and keep decent speed, and everything else is not good idea.
Unless you're going to do something odd like 2xERPPC, 3xMG, 1xMLAS, it isn't a good mech.
H can do everything G can (except twin UAC5/AC5 or triple AC2 but why would you do that?) and do that better to boot.


Free mech bay and 24 hour premium time until 4 PM PDT.

It was only until 1PM PDT, 4PM PDT is when they started the injections according to http://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/161961-complimentary-premium-time-and-mech-bay/

All original mechs and their variants, including heroes, Atlas, Hunchback, Catapult and Jenner are on 50% sale, BOTH MC AND C-BILLS!

Oooh! This is a great chance for me to pick up the Catapult A1 and Hunchback 4P variants that I sold off in the past. I've always regretted selling those two off.

What are the recommend variants of Hunch and Jenner?

For Hunchback, I'll echo the sentiments on the 4SP. It's a freaking brilliant mech. Sure there are some 55 tonners that can wield the same loadout w/ Jumpjets now, but 5ML, 2xSRM6 just wrecks so much face. There were times before SRMs hit detection broke that I'd take any mech no matter how big in a brawl and usually come out the winner. Now that SRMs are fixed again, I've been having great success with it again when I've taken it out.

My generally preferred loadout: http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=22&l=12e72aaee4271fb1eaf1fe5f11e52a0b3ff5c7f0
It can easily be tweaked a little bit to provide more accurate missiles (Artemis) or AMS cover by sacrificing a little heat dissipation capability. This is the balance that I've found I like the best though.


So i like the Gauss Rifle on my Grid Iron. Guess the high mounting makes it feel better?

Also HBK-4P is neat. Too bad we can't mix tech, having six differently colored lasers would be wonderful, like puking rainbows.

And HBK-4SP is great even in stock form.


Immediately followed by "Heat level critical", "Emergency shutdown overridden", "Flushing coolant".

Worth it.

BTW, XL engines and gauss rifles don't work well together. I've died like three times from my GI's gauss blowing up and taking the XL engine with it.
I should just stick to a standard engine... i just want too much secondary weapons (3 medium lasers) and i'm not willing to sacrifice armor for them.
Ah, well, guess i'll figure out good balance at some point.
Happy overall with Grid Iron though.

(Yes, sold my Centurions. Yes, i took loss considering i didn't use them much)


Worth it.

BTW, XL engines and gauss rifles don't work well together. I've died like three times from my GI's gauss blowing up and taking the XL engine with it.
I should just stick to a standard engine... i just want too much secondary weapons (3 medium lasers) and i'm not willing to sacrifice armor for them.
Ah, well, guess i'll figure out good balance at some point.
Happy overall with Grid Iron though.

(Yes, sold my Centurions. Yes, i took loss considering i didn't use them much)

This is, in a nutshell, why people biased towards cents over hunchies for the longest time prior to the shadowhawk being introduced. The guass being in the arm lets you get away with it on a medium, even though the XL reduces the zombie appeal of the machine in spite of the shield arm.

Theoretically, the wolverine should do the same, but the hardpoint spread is trash. /shrug

This invariably comes back to the discussions originally about customization and limits at all with one group needing strict limits in order to curb design problems while the other group insisting that those limits are the design problem and will just bias people towards specific builds/chassis instead of having a more wide variety of machines present (tonnage to engine ratio bias not withstanding).


Always liked the Hunchback despite its problems. Make that a problem: the hunch.
I figure that good piloting solves that problem mostly, along with smart build.
The Hunchback is a backstabber mech, i think, if you're getting shot at, you're doing it wrong most likely. The Centurions and Shadowhawks seem to be more like front-line mechs, as much as mediums can be that.


One thing that's promising is with the arrival of the clan mechs and their back-end tech, PGI has the ability to give individual mechs, and even individual body parts quirks beyond the standard increase/decrease to turn rate/range. Individual parts have seen things like increased internal structure health (seen on Light mech legs), and decrease in energy weapon cooldown time (seen on Dire Wolf).

Imagine if someone at PGI wakes up and starts handing out quirks like 33% less damage taken by the Hunchback right torso, or +1 PPC simultaneous fire capacity to the Awesome 8Q. It could be a really good way for PGI to improve mechs that are rendered sub-par by their hitboxes or other meta-related reasons.

It might be too much to hope for, but since the tech is now there I want to see them do it.


Always liked the Hunchback despite its problems. Make that a problem: the hunch.
I figure that good piloting solves that problem mostly, along with smart build.
The Hunchback is a backstabber mech, i think, if you're getting shot at, you're doing it wrong most likely. The Centurions and Shadowhawks seem to be more like front-line mechs, as much as mediums can be that.

Actually, the shadowhawk does that better since it is more mobile. Cent D and YLW were also far more mobile.

Hunch is a turtle that pokes mostly until a full out brawl happens.


33% damage resistance? Won't happen. 10%? May happen.
I think.

Also, i have this insane idea of putting twin-LB10-Xs to Grid Iron. Won't have much ammo... but i figure it will surprise anyone, especially if they don't have armor left...
The neat thing about this is the gun placement. You can do twin LB-X on many mechs but most don't have them clumped like Hunchies.

EDIT it also occurred to me that 4P might as well be run with an XL engine, losing the RT means you just lost majority of your firepower so dying right away is not that big deal, i think. Sure, Hunchies have head energy slot so they can zombie somewhat but i reckon the speed increase afforded by an XL engine for 4P. Doesn't necessarily apply to other Hunchies, and most certainly not for 4SP.


Similar to the dual ac/UAC5 builds that LBX build was a ported one over from Atlas D/D-DC primary armarments. Someone else has to do most of the work for you unfortunately with that one due to the weight involved.
Don't like look of the madcat/timberwolf the,shoulder pods need to be the same as the catapult.

Also does anyone have any good atlas d/dc builds, picked one up in the sale bur I'm not really being very effective so far. Two ll's, an ac20 and srm6.


Don't like look of the madcat/timberwolf the,shoulder pods need to be the same as the catapult.

Also does anyone have any good atlas d/dc builds, picked one up in the sale bur I'm not really being very effective so far. Two ll's, an ac20 and srm6.

You're running it with ECM, are you not? Because the biggest mistake people do is to run an ECM chassis without ECM (and fucking frustrating too. Think this: you start match, don't see a single ECM in your team... but you do see Atlas D-DC...).

Here's what i'd run with for close combat, adjust armor as you wish, use the leftover tons as you wish: http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=17&l=8f74841caf220eb4929ed0fe855f6c8ecbecd5a4

If you want more range, use ER Large Lasers, Gauss and LRMs (or alternatively less LRMs and dual AC5/UAC5, or even (ER)PPCs+Gauss or something).

Just remember to use STD engine and keep it high rated enough to get better torso twisting (you're slow as fuck in any case, agility is what matters as i understood it), and keep ECM always on.

EDIT i have no really idea how to play with an Atlas though. They're far too slow for my tastes.

EDIT 2 STD325 because it seems to be the most common choice: http://www.mechspecs.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0
Presumably it is more or less the sweet-spot engine for Atlai.
Thanks i wish the ui 2.0 wasn't so difficult to use when building mechs.

I didn't have the cbills for an ecm but do now so installing that.

Played a match last night and they were raining lrms, bought ecm straight after.

Is anyone been using or consistently playing against the clan mechs? How do they feel balance wise?


I don't even notice when i'm fighting a Clanner, unless it happens to be a Nova with a lot of ERSLs/ERMLs. The Clan mechs are sturdy due to how their XL engine works but they don't seem to be that much better really. Aside from their small and medium lasers, their weapons are not really any better either, though they do pack more of them (and consequently overheat faster so they're not necessarily stronger).

As long as you stick with your team, they're not a problem, though if one team has considerably more Clan mechs, there may be problems but this is, fortunately, rare.

Though perhaps this does depend on the mech you use. I use close combat Hunchbacks, a LRM Catapult (bought one even though i'm bored of Catapults really) and a generalist Thunderbolt, and all of them work fine vs Clans, provided i get to use them as intended.


How do the UAC's work/ hold up, are they burst fire?

UAC's can be fired during their normal reload/cooldown with a 15% chance of jamming by hitting the fire button again during the reload.

All Clan AC's fire a burst of rounds (with the total being the damage rating of the AC), while the Inner Sphere AC's fire a single slug.
Atlas is hard, there's not much room for error as you can't back out of a bad situation.

Having to switch to a more ranged approach so i don't get caught out as often. But i still struggle with the Gauss rifle charge up when i'm getting hit.


Atlas is hard, there's not much room for error as you can't back out of a bad situation.

Having to switch to a more ranged approach so i don't get caught out as often. But i still struggle with the Gauss rifle charge up when i'm getting hit.

If the Gauss feels difficult to use (some think it is much better if arm-mounted so Atlas might not be a good platform for it), switch to AC10 (not as much range but easier to use) or AC/UAC5, though that will reduce your damage significantly.
I've found that AC10 is pretty damn nice weapon (for Hunchbacks at least), with relatively good range, damage and being generally relatively easy to use.
I'm going to try and double up on UAC5's and see how that goes. The advantage of the Gauss is the complete lack of heat it generates, i was finding even with sustained fire i didn't get close to overheating.


So, i went insane and bought Firebrand from sale even though i didn't like it on test server.
I found i actually like it once i figure out how to use it. Definitively going to need to Elite it at least though, so i think i'll get Jagers DD and A (ballistic boat and hybrid/missiles) to get maximal variety of Jagers to play with.
Also figured that having two Hero mechs is actually good for grinding C-Bills, as i still haven't activated my premium time.

The rest of my MC i'll save for now (probably will use it for mech bays later on, possibly for Clan heroes depending on how they will work).


Its been a little while since the clans have been released so i was wondering, how is everyone doing? Has much changed for you in game since their release? Are your games harder but more fun?
For me i was surprised after getting into my wolverine after piloting nothing else but clan mechs for the past few days. IS mediums have it all over clan mechs in general i've found.


This fucking moron cost us a victory. We were winning with resources, everyone is yelling for this one survivor to get away, run but no, he just fucking fights against TWO HEAVIES (the enemy team had 3 survivors) in an Ember.
What a fucking idiot. If he had run for 52 seconds, we would have won with resources.
This game needs much, much more incentive to win, either cut loser's rewards or increase victor's, either one makes winning more important. As it should be in a team game.
Yeah i hate that, why can't people just leg it.

I haven't been playing to much, but the clan mechs seem ok, not too unbalanced, which is a minor miracle.

I'm actually pretty surprised how many people have them.


I'm actually pretty surprised how many people have them.

I'm not, assuming this game really has rather low population (i get to play a lot with the same people again and again so i reckon this is actually the case). I reckon the most loyal fans have bought them mostly, and since they play the most...

As for balance, yeah, the IS mechs are still surprisingly competitive though i wonder if it is only the meta builds, assuming equally skilled players...
I find it pretty balanced at the moment, the only slight issue could be lrm boats. But even those need a spotter.

Can only get my Atlas to work with an AC20 and two LL's, with ecm and ams. Pretty much the same set-up as my cataphract lol.


LRM boats would not be an issue if people played more aggressively. LRMs are not good in close combat, or that good in general. Analogue: In medieval warfare, you stop archers from firing at you by charging into them (usually lighter skirmishers... but that won't work in MWO because the fucking role warfare doesn't exist).
Now, arguably the map design does make approaching a bit difficult, most maps could use more cover. This would, in general, reduce the combat distance and reduce effectiveness of sniping, poptarting or otherwise.
Indeed, the original plan was to have more urban maps as to avoid excessive circle strafing and jump sniping but it seems this plan was dropped early on.
AMS could use a slight buff though, not just modules (which are not that good but would be better if the base equipment was better). At least temporarily.

I'm currently working to elite Raven 3L (noticed that mastering is utterly pointless as i have no extra C-Bills for modules, and they're trash mostly anyway). First i gotta grind 2X and 4X... ugh. Budget Ravens, no DHS, Endo or even Ferro, built upon what i already have (XL225 and 260 respectively). Primary equipment for both is ERLL and TAG.
Yeah i don't think lrm boats are really a bad thing. Just that when there's a number of them on one team they are devastating and can be difficult to counter.

At least the raven is pretty cheap, i need to save up cbills for another two atlas's to master my ddc.


Right, patch day apparently.
Wondered why the game was so laggy... and why it suddenly threw me to login screen.
Goddamn patch times, ideal playing time in Europe. Guess they can't move them a few hours back :/


And the patch notes:

Front End
Added "Rejoin" functionality
Players are now able to rejoin back to their match if they have been disconnected.
If the player rejoins within 2 minutes of when they disconnected from the match, their rewards will not be affected.
If the player rejoins after 2 minutes of when they disconnected from the the match, they will not receive any rewards.
If the player died in the match before the disconnect occured, rewards will be given regardless of the 2 minute timer.
Added "Play Now" Options Menu
Game Modes selections are now stored locally on the client PC.
Every time the player clicks 'Play Now' will automatically launch with the selected game mode choices in the game configuration drop down.

ALL LRMs and StreakSRMs now have the same on collision behavior treatment that the SRMs recently have had.
LRMs and Streaks will now deal direct pinpoint damage to the component they come in contact with without splashing neighboring components.
Clan LRMs now have no minimum range
All Clan LRM weapons to deal an exponential amount of damage from 0 -> 100% damage between 0 -> 180 meters respectively. This means that the closer you are to the target, the more reduction in damage you will be dealing.
180+ meters - 100% damage
160 meters - 79% damage
140 meters - 60.5% damage
120 meters - 56% damage
100 meters - 30.8% damage
90 meters - 25% damage
60 meters - 11% damage
30 meters - 2% damage
Jump-Jets heat enabled
Heat increases on a linear scale with each additional Jump-Jet.
Classic Clan Faction thumbnails and avatars voted for by the Community now replace the Re-imagined logos.

Settings / Controls
Mouse wheel binding now works correctly
Arm lock is now a true toggle
Turning and Throttle controls are now possible when using the Battlegrid
Any Turning/Throttle controls that have been rebound from the defaults will need to be rebound to allow movement in the Battlegrid screen. This is due to the introduction of a new action map for the Battlegrid and is unavoidable.
Absolute Inputs are now available for Joystick players (cl_joystick_absolute_inputs=1 in user.cfg)
Deadzone for Rudder and Joystick separated (cl_joystick_deadzone and now cl_rudder_deadzone)
MatchMaker Improvements
Improvements to the matchmaker to better balance team sizes in group games
More robust group matching rules, including group size handicaps
Improved internal monitoring and configuration tools
Changes to how lances are assigned in public games
Improved tonnage matching for solo games

The MWO Repair Tool is now being shipped with the game. It is available through the patcher via the options button (top-right, next to the minimize & close buttons).

Known Issues
Quitting on the Death Screen and rejoining may sometimes cause the player to be stuck in a static death cam upon rejoining and spectating.
Rejoining in front of a turret will either force the turret to be non-visible (if alive) or appear as active (if destroyed)
Players with limited bandwidth may be unable to rejoin a match in progress.
If disconnecting while targetting an enemy, that enemy will not be targetable upon rejoin until you target another enemy.
Component destruction VFX triggers upon rejoining a match.

Bug Fixes
Battlegrid now works correctly in Testing Grounds.
The shadow of the player's mech no longer appears cast within the cockpit.
Raven Cockpit Glass has had it's texture fixed.
Corrected a text issue where player's could highlight lance names in the Mission Summary screen.
Corrected a similar text issue where the "You Have Been Destroyed" text can be highlighted.
Fixed the Front-End activity spinner overlay from appearing behind open prompts rather than on top of.
Removed the overlap of the Group Chat window over the Social Drop Down Options in 1024x768 resolution.
Adjusted the misplaced mouse-over highlight for friend options on the Social Tab.
Added the mouse-over highlight for the Add Friend button on the Social Tab.
Convinced the MechLab to visually factor in weapon modules for Heat Management values.
Downsized the upper screens in the Cicada Cockpit.

EDIT and additional news... the next map is at least 60 days out.

EDIT and someone suggested the maps are taking backseat for another mech collection ("Clan Buster"). I would not be surprised if that's the case.
Gotta say getting some old Star League designs ComStar has would be neat though, not that i'd approve them making more mechs when the game still needs fixing and updating.
For those who don't know, Clan Buster mechs were ComStar mech variants upgraded with stored Star League tech (and some actual Star League era mechs i think). Not actually more advanced than the current (3050) high-tech IS mechs but the ComStar's stores allowed fielding more of them, and they performed better than the Succession Wars downgraded mechs, naturally.

And just to make it clear, this was just someone's suggestion, it is not even a rumor, let alone sure thing to happen.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Added "Play Now" Options Menu
Game Modes selections are now stored locally on the client PC.
Every time the player clicks 'Play Now' will automatically launch with the selected game mode choices in the game configuration drop down.

Turning and Throttle controls are now possible when using the Battlegrid

These I like a lot.

We'll see how 'no min range' C-LRMs affect the game balance. I'm a bit worried.


These I like a lot.

We'll see how 'no min range' C-LRMs affect the game balance. I'm a bit worried.

I'm not. That damage falloff is pretty severe. You lose nearly half the damage by the time you get to 120m, and then another half of that by 90m. So at half minimum distance you're doing 1/4 damage - spread out to random locations in a relatively slow DPS.

But I could be wrong and maybe it's terribly unbalancing. Who knows. We'll have to wait and see.

I'm just surprised they haven't nerfed Radar Deprivation yet. I'm hoping that they're just saving that until they get to the module revamp, b/c right now it's pretty much the 1 module to rule them all. LRMs? What me worry?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Yeah I finally just bought Radar Deprivation a couple days ago. It's so good for my medium brawlers.

I selfishly almost don't want a nerf lol.
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