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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


Yeah, well, the game's lacking some pretty basic stuff, like good UI... Audio callouts are, like, advanced stuff for PGI, i reckon..


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Challenge completed. Griffin 3M is too strong.

I also bought the Cicada 3M on sale, since I already have the X-5 and 2A. Now this is my kinda ECM mech. I feel bad for he poor Kit Foxes when I catch them alone, but they're definitely teaching me to always keep my Fox close to something heavy.


Frigging challenge... the only mechs i can use for it are my Raven and that trial Orion.
I don't like playing with Raven anymore for some reason, i reckon i would like stock Raven for stock games but otherwise... ugh. And trials in general are terrible.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Forget kills was my strategy; just touch as may enemies as possible for the assists. A few 2 kill, 8 kill assist matches will rack up points in a flash.

I enjoy when these challenges are on, because the variety of mechs you see in matches goes way up.

The trial Orion actually isn't so bad. At least not as bad as the trial Cent.


Got the challenge but it wasn't easy, nor fun.
The trial Orion is terrible. It lacks range despite its slow speed, and for close combat it lacks speed. It has standard engine (i like the survivability) but Orions' CT is so large i find this questionable, especially since they don't work as zombies either.
And it has 2xSSRM2, which is highly questionable IMO. I'd rather have SRM4 and an extra heat sink.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Oops I was thinking of the trial Victor.

Yeah, true, I run XLs in my Orions because 7/10 times I get my CT cored first. Except in my 2x LB10x Protector, because people fear that thing.


The Victor on the other hand uses UAC5s, the weapon i just can't learn to use. Clan UAC? No problem. PPCs? No problem (ignoring that i don't like them). Everything else, no problem... but UAC5...

EDIT I got an impressive glitch. I lost my left torso... but not my left arm. It still worked, didn't lose my weapons. My LT was black, no armor, no internal structure, apparently. I did lose everything in the LT though.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
The Victor on the other hand uses UAC5s, the weapon i just can't learn to use. Clan UAC? No problem. PPCs? No problem (ignoring that i don't like them). Everything else, no problem... but UAC5...

EDIT I got an impressive glitch. I lost my left torso... but not my left arm. It still worked, didn't lose my weapons. My LT was black, no armor, no internal structure, apparently. I did lose everything in the LT though.

I fell you man. Some matches I'm really impressive with the UAC5, other matches I seem to jam it every other shot. Of course the people who are more serious about it just use a macro program to fire them perfectly every 1100ms. I do use a program to allow toggle TAG to be a hands free on/off toggle, but the UAC macro seems wrong to me.

That's an amazing glitch lol. Only ones I've had are where I get stuck in the environment, and become a turret until the other team picks me apart.


After thinking about it a bit, i may have had less than 1 but more than 0 internal structure left, since the next time i took a shot there, i did lose my arm (and got promptly destroyed anyway). But... is that even possible? Either way, it was odd, probably one of those one in a million things.

As for UAC5's my problem isn't jamming really (it seems the sooner you fire again, the bigger the jamming chance is), but rather that i barely remember to double shoot, and when i do, i don't hit anything with the second shot.
Oddly, i do remember to use double shot with Clan UACs, and i do hit them with too (i suspect this has to do with them being burst weapons in the first place, aiming with them is different than with the IS autocannons).
On the other hand, CUAC2s don't suit me, unlike AC2s. Halved damage just makes them feel so weak, even though they just spread it more.


Knowledge is power, guard it well

That's AMAZING lol. Hand clap for those guys.

St. Ives Blue, damn good looking mech. Good looking. No comment on the stats.
Might get this from sale, on the account of being a Capellan and Vindicator fan.

Seriously an awesome rendition. As soon as I saw it in-game, I had to buy it. The Quickdraw has been dethroned.

Looks great in the Mechlab:

After 4 matches, I'm 6 kills to 1 death. Running an ERPPC, 2x ML, 2x SRM6, 4xJJ, XL250.


didn't the closed beta mechs have that same coat of paint? it looks fantastic

No, in Closed Beta initially all mechs were kind of a golden brown. Then they were changed to army green at the time that camo patterns came into the game.


Vindicator doesn't look very special, hardpoint- and specs-wise. It is clearly a generalist mech. In other words, it suits me well.
Add XL225 (because i have one, not super fast even with speed tweak but whatever), upgrade to DHS, add Endo-Steel, upgrade weapons and some armor, and we get a mech that should be relatively effective for its size in good hands. It can snipe some and add some missiles to a barrage, while being mobile enough it can cap bases, flank enemies, or be just plain surprising. It could be a crit-seeker, it could be a brawler.
And of course, it looks pretty awesome, and seems to have good cockpit view.
I think it and the Kit Foxes are going to keep me running till i get my hands on a Summoner (another arguably sub-par, non-ideal, somewhat ineffective generalist mech... I just happen to like its kind).

EDIT Another reason, for me, to use XL225 is to keep the mech design tabletop-legal, and keep the spirit of a mech. I like certain additional limits (mech ratings being multiples of mech weights). Makes customizing mechs considerably more interesting, because working within limits is very much fun, requires creativity to get the best out of limited options.
Not doing some things like adding CASE to mechs with XLFE though, they really need to buff CASE to make it worth it. I think making it, well, the IS CASE given that the Clan CASE is applied to everywhere and is thus actually useful, to work like CASE II might be worth it. CASE II's primary effect is reducing the possibility of crits (IIRC) and reduces the internal structure damage taken from ammo explosions to 1.
Though in the tabletop game, CASE redirects ammo explosion to the back of the mech, in otherwords you're going to lose all of your back armor, but that is arguably worth saving your mech otherwise, quiaff? Not sure if that is needed in MWO though, still the IS CASE needs a buff or something to make it useful, even when using XL engines.


No, in Closed Beta initially all mechs were kind of a golden brown. Then they were changed to army green at the time that camo patterns came into the game.

it's the sheen and quality of the render i'm referring too. the vindicator looks more metallic which makes it look more like a robot while the closed beta mechs went from having the same qualities to being dull, lifeless and almost toy like in appearance.

and the original 8 mechs each had their own unique texture and color which looked amazing. if i were still into the game, i'd consider paying MC for the original catapult and dragon skins, changing colors be damned.


it's the sheen and quality of the render i'm referring too. the vindicator looks more metallic which makes it look more like a robot while the closed beta mechs went from having the same qualities to being dull, lifeless and almost toy like in appearance.

and the original 8 mechs each had their own unique texture and color which looked amazing. if i were still into the game, i'd consider paying MC for the original catapult and dragon skins, changing colors be damned.

Ah yeah, they've started giving the special mechs a different material quality to their surfaces than the regular mechs. It first debuted with the Golden Boy I believe. People were asking if they could get that same gold color that it has for their other mechs, but the answer was the specular was set on the material so it wasn't possible to apply as a paint.

Which just translated to me as "We want to make sure you have to pay a premium to be shiny".

My Invasion variants of the Clan mechs are all shiny =D


Yeah, on PC, most gamers who use voice chat aren't going to use whatever's built in, no matter how good it is. Even Blizzard tried for World of Warcraft, and everybody still just used TS (plus their implementation did kind of suck).

What *could* help is a command wheel that has audio callouts. It's been helpful in some games and horribly abused and spammed in others.

VGS system is still king for that kind of implementation, provided that it is not overly bloated.


This UI 2.0 is making me bonkers. Where can I see my current tonnage when customizing my loadout?

The loadout UI is such a hassle.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Settled on 2LL, 2SRM6, and the Vindicator is feeling pretty good to me.

It also helps that the Vindi has really good hitboxes, and it doesn't suffer from PGI's usual 'medium mech as big as a heavy' disease, which was my biggest fear prior to release.

This UI 2.0 is making me bonkers. Where can I see my current tonnage when customizing my loadout?

The loadout UI is such a hassle.

Bottom right corner in the stats section.
Stopped using the atlas and went back to my hunchback, the speed is amazing and not being an assault i don't feel pressure to do well so i can enjoy it more.

LRM's seem to be on the increase, which i don't really like and i'm seeing a bit of a trend where the team with the most heavy/assault clan mechs wins even on conquest.


LRM's seem to be on the increase, which i don't really like and i'm seeing a bit of a trend where the team with the most heavy/assault clan mechs wins even on conquest.

The Clan's range advantage is probably the reason for LRMs becoming more common, along with them being so good.
Cut the Clan ranges a bit, tweak the LRM angle of attack (too steep at the moment, cover doesn't help), buff AMS a bit (target missiles aimed at you first, then those hitting friendlies, and don't fire those not targeted anywhere, don't fire underground).
Of course, i'd like a somewhat radical change: Cut the LRM range to 700m (a bit more than in the TT), though this might require other weapon ranges being cut a bit too. Make sniping a specialized thing, not the standard combat.

As for Conquest, i stopped playing it. Not because of the mech ratios but because it simply sucks. Unfortunately Assault sucks too... Especially in River City. And Alpine.

The Vindicator. How to keep customized variants effective in normal gameplay but also keep the spirit of the mech? Giving it left-hand AC doesn't feel right. Giving it (ER)LLs in both arms doesn't feel right. On the other hand, merely upgrading the base mech doesn't quite feel right either. Though perhaps i should wait till i get one and try it out in-game but on paper it doesn't feel right.
My Firebrand is a mech that keeps the original's (well, the Rifleman's...) spirit with long-range mix of ballistics and lasers, but is also optimized (more armor, cooling and stuff).
Do note i'm just theory-crafting at the moment, not buying St. Ives Blues until it is on sale (preferably 50% sale, Heroes have good value then), and the normal C-bill Vindys are a couple weeks away still.

Damn i'd love a stock mech matchmaking ((ignoring that DHS-equipped mechs would be rather superior). Joining those player made leagues is too much effort, i just want to play a few games casually every now and then, not at set times.
Unfortunately such thing would not make money so it is not like PGI is ever going to consider it... unless they find a way to sell it (weekly-passes, something) but then it would be player-starved.


So, yeah, this game.
I see this Firestarter, doesn't appear in my HUD so i assume there's ECM (there isn't as i realize soon after) and shoot the Firestarter. Teamchat: "Stop shooting him", OK, i stop, write i have HUD issue... and then the Firestarter kills me. What.
I mean, the fucking game glitched so that a friendly appeared without the blue indicator... for fucks sake this game is buggy mess.


that's an oldie but goodie bug. Just make sure to offer quick apologies, or someone will team kill you.
not a lot of team spirit among the unhappy mercenaries and pugs.


that's an oldie but goodie bug. Just make sure to offer quick apologies, or someone will team kill you.
not a lot of team spirit among the unhappy mercenaries and pugs.

I've never met this bug before so that it applies only to one mech. Once i had everyone but my own lance missing from my HUD though.

Also damn this weekend's challenge. 30 fucking victories.... ugh. I'm assuming i need to play some 60 matches today and tomorrow in total...


Also damn this weekend's challenge. 30 fucking victories.... ugh. I'm assuming i need to play some 60 matches today and tomorrow in total...

I'm having a hard time getting motivated to even go for 10...free mechbay is nice, but I dunno if its worth the headache of actually trying to win 10 and have a good time.


I'm having a hard time getting motivated to even go for 10...free mechbay is nice, but I dunno if its worth the headache of actually trying to win 10 and have a good time.

I would have preferred the C-bills to be the first reward, need hard cash. No need for another mech bay or premium time i won't be using (it most likely won't be banked time after all).

EDIT almost 900dmg with a Kit Fox. Though the enemies were idiots...

EDIT wait. What. 50 victories for the C-bills? What the heck? Not going to happen.
I can hopefully get to the 10 wins, i don't think i'll play enough for the rest.

Quite looking for to mastering a light and the need the extra slot.


I was thinking that getting those wins is relatively easy, by sort of abusing the system.
Individual light mechs don't have much impact on the game, so drop to a game with a light, do something, die, disconnect, drop with another light, and so on. I don't say you should just suicide right away (i did see someone doing that), but don't bother staying alive, just tag a few enemies to get assist C-bills (even better if you do get a kill or something to help your team). By dying fast enough, you can have a lot of games on-going at once, and one light mech less doesn't impact the game too much so getting wins should be relatively fast.
This can be done with the trials relatively easily if you don't actually own lights.

Perhaps playing a heavy/assault properly would be more reliable but also slower for sure.

EDIT and frankly, due the way the game and the challenge works, i don't have problem with anyone doing this, as long as they don't just suicide right away. The least you can do is to find the enemies for your team.


So, yeah, this game.
I see this Firestarter, doesn't appear in my HUD so i assume there's ECM (there isn't as i realize soon after) and shoot the Firestarter. Teamchat: "Stop shooting him", OK, i stop, write i have HUD issue... and then the Firestarter kills me. What.
I mean, the fucking game glitched so that a friendly appeared without the blue indicator... for fucks sake this game is buggy mess.

This happened to me in a match. We were in the Crimson Canyon and a Jaegermech comes around the hillside with no blue triangle over his head. I figure that he's an enemy mech under ECM coverage and I let loose on him. He was friendly, oops. For the next 10 minutes the kid is screaming in chat that I shot him. I really didn't care.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I've ha the 'no blue triangle' bug happen twice over the last week. One, in a Conquest match on Frozen City Night', I turn the corner and see a Firestarter on Kappa with no triangle, so I give him a couple alphas of C-ERMLs + LB20X, killing him. THEN he decides to say "Kevjack wtf are you doing?!"

Yesterday, on Canyon, I come around a corner and a friendly Cataphract starts lighting up my Stormcrow. I say "I'M ON YOUR TEAM", but he dies a second later, because a teammate thought he was just a team killer and just executed him immediately.

Just got my 50th win too! The 4x C-ERML + LB20X Stormcrow is really too much. Carrying that kind of payload at 106kph just doesn't seem fair. I guess I'll spend it on another Radar Derp.

EDIT: Oh, also, I freaking love the Vindicator. I've already played it enough to have 48k XP saved up, so I can immediately buy all the Elites and the Master module slot once they're available, when I Basic two more Vindis. It's just a great mech for my playstyle.
What amuses me in this game are people that don't say anything about if they want help, where they want team mates to go. But immediately criticise the team when they get killed.

If you're so good why don't you take charge and give team mates directions.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I have learned that giving suggestions in chat, then leading the way, will get people to follow you to victory.

It's been fun seeing the "high ELO" players whining about teams losing. Yeah ass, you're in an LRM boat sitting 1k meters away from the enemy, berating teammates for not getting their heads blown off to get you your precious locks. No wonder everyone is ignoring your advice.

I give courteous orders and lead by example, which is why they say "rgr" and get behind me.
So I haven't touched this game in almost a year despite being a Founder.

Has there been any update on the Community Warfare aspects?

If it is actually as ambitious as they originally planned for, then I may end up returning to the game.


So I haven't touched this game in almost a year despite being a Founder.

Has there been any update on the Community Warfare aspects?

If it is actually as ambitious as they originally planned for, then I may end up returning to the game.

Today is an update... for CW module 1, basically guild/clan system, as far as i know. No idea when the rest are coming.
Don't hold your breath.


Any chance for oficial Oculus DK2 support ?

It would be a game changer and bring much more atenttion and focus to MWO

They're late at everything, there is no practical chance of this happening unless it would bring them money. Everything PGI does at the moment seems to based around selling content, not making the game better. Unfortunately.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Man I want more Vindicators. The instant gratification part of me says screw it it's only MC, but there's no way I can use MC on a basic medium mech. The week's wait is going suck.

New module system is actually useful.


New module system is actually useful.

The changes they made to the weapon modules did make them useful, but they also made them boring. Now they're just a flat upgrade over not using them, and anyone who doesn't have them finds themselves at a universal disadvantage.

I thought the system they had before where the modules came with a tradeoff was an interesting system, and had a lot of potential for great choices to be made, it was just that the tradeoff they had implemented was terrible. Marginally more range for more heat. Nobody anywhere would tell you that having a range advantage of 12-24 meters is worth increasing the heat of your weapons. However, if they put in a tradeoff of say an extra 33% range at the cost of 10% longer cooldown on your weapons.

Whatever the specific numbers are could be tuned, but if you had a variety of modules with different tradeoffs like that, then I could see some really interesting choices to be made.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
They definitely could do something to create interesting tradeoffs.

More range, but longer cooldown
Lower cooldown, but shorter range
Increase projectile speed, but more heat

Didn't think those through, just examples.


Regardless of how they are tuned, they are still weightless and spaceless direct upgrades which create a power creep instead of simply providing more options.

Building that system into the targeting computers, with larger/heavier computers giving more slots and concurrently being tied to (at least loosely) TT guidelines for fitting requirements would have been far more interesting as a whole.

Tommy DJ

I just bought my first Awesome and, despite recent patch notes, its still a huge piece of shit compared to any other assault mech. Your main energy mounts are all so low that you basically have to out in the open to fire half of them. Unless I'm missing something, its only somewhat bearable when I play with decent players and act as fatter medium.


I like the look of the awesome but it never seemed like a good idea to be that fat.

How does the CW play?

It just a clan system at the moment... at least that's what the patch notes imply.

Awesomes. Always like how they look but yes, they're too wide. I would not play one, though along with Warhawk, they might be my assaults of choice if i actually used such (i'm not one to bother with what's good and bad really).
This would not be a big issue if the weapons had spread (possibly patterned so it could be learned a la Counter Strike) or the weapon convergence wasn't instant.

Low slung hard points? Would not be an issue if the game was about mobile, close-medium range combat, not "sit behind rocks and snipe and fling missiles". EDIT And if they fixed the map hit boxes and objects, it is so fucking frustrating to shoot and see your weapons strike empty air...
They're late at everything, there is no practical chance of this happening unless it would bring them money. Everything PGI does at the moment seems to based around selling content, not making the game better. Unfortunately.

Sad to hear =/

I want to hear the Reactor Online, Sensors Online, Weapons Online, VR Online, all system nominal.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Haven't played in about a year, but was a pretty serious player back then. Have they managed to come close to fixing weapon balance yet, or is it still stuck in a yo-yo loop?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
EDIT And if they fixed the map hit boxes and objects, it is so fucking frustrating to shoot and see your weapons strike empty air...
Which ones? Just tested and it's still impossible to hit anything on top of HPG.

Haven't played in about a year, but was a pretty serious player back then. Have they managed to come close to fixing weapon balance yet, or is it still stuck in a yo-yo loop?

I'm not sure. What problems did you have a year go?
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