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Finally just sat down and finished the game.

I like the small details it has to offer.
The G-shock watch
The Radio Chatter
The Scope actually reflecting real time in the real world
The environments are really nice, and the graphics are great.

I never had a glitch/error playing through the SP.

I also really enjoyed the missions and a bit of the story, I might be biased though...

So far I am really happy with this game, for me it was a thrill ride from start to finish, although I may be biased like I said...


Just wrapped it in under 5 hours on medium. It had some nice moments but there is a lot in the design department that is lacking. I'll just spoiler tag the rest of my thoughts as they mention a few scenarios and whatnot. Nothing major spoiled, but hey...

The sniper scenarios had me hunting for guys until the game gave up on me and showed them on the hud. The inability to leave the scoped mode in those sequences was very disorienting and made it hard to get an idea of where the spotter was talking about. I also wished they had included bullet drop during those long range scenarios.

Given the serious tone they seem to be going for, those ATV jumps were straight out of SSX. I also really hated the unlimited ammo idea. One of the biggest challenges for these kind of guys is balancing the operation and load out needs. Never being forced to scramble for a dropped enemy weapon, or having unlimited shotgun rounds at close to medium range took a lot of potential tension out of it.

It was enjoyable though. It was a bit too Hollywood for me at times. The designers felt the need to make the special forces sections a bit too rambo. I would have preferred they stay more focused, or in the studios own words, like a scalpel. The Ranger missions could have taken the brunt of the guns blazing gameplay.


I really love playing the Combat Mission multiplayer mode. Ended up playing it for most of the night, lots of fun. Love the gunplay in this game.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Played through the campaign on normal yesterday, took me about five hours. I liked it a lot, actually. Obviously it plays very much like any recent Call of Duty-game but what I liked about it is the sense of being in a larger and more open area. I mean, it's just as linear as COD but it looks and feels more open (there are some great scenery in the game too). While the COD-games often have more ompfh! in their scripted events they always feel more confined, at least to me (and usually far more frustrating to play too). So yeah, thumbs up for the singleplayer, I guess.

I experience one bug/glitch though. At one point you're working your way through a cave system and I noticed that if I was fast enough to shoot down some fleeing enemies before they got to cover in the next room my ally would get "stuck" before entering it, meaning that I couldn't press on and had to reload. He'd just stand there, waiting, stuck in the trip wires of scripted events. Took me a try or two before I realized I had to let a few of those guys espace.

As far as multiplayer goes I played it for about an hour (playing on X360 by the way). I experienced no lag at all (maybe due to me being in EU?). It's fun -- especially combat missions. I doubt it will be the new king of multiplayer though.


gentlemen we just seised an airfield

well that was fucking ninja

straight out of generation kill :lol


itsinmyveins said:
Played through the campaign on normal yesterday, took me about five hours. I liked it a lot, actually. Obviously it's very much like a recent Call of Duty-games but what I liked about it is the sense of being in a larger and more open area. I mean, it's just as linear as COD but it looks and feels more open (there are some great scenery in the game too). While the COD-games often have more ompfh! in their scripted events they always feel more confined, at least to me (and usually far more frustrating to play too). So yeah, thumbs up for the singleplayer, I guess.

I experience one bug/glitch though. At one point you're working your way through a cave system and I noticed that if I was fast enough to shoot down some fleeing enemies before they got to cover in the next room my ally would get "stuck" before entering it, meaning that I couldn't press on and had to reload. He'd just stand there, waiting, stuck in the trip wires of scripted events. Took me a try or two before I realized I had to let a few of those guys espace.

As far as multiplayer goes I played it for about an hour (playing on X360 by the way). I experienced no lag at all (maybe due to me being in EU?). It's fun -- especially combat missions. I doubt it will be the new king of multiplayer though.

thanks for the impressions. as i am only really interested in the SP i'm going to rent next week. I plan on playing it LOUD as i believe the sound is excellent!

I don't suppose this is 7.1 on PS3 by any chance? anyone know?


Mr_Brit said:
Does anyone know how to force 4xMSAA in this game using an nvidia card?

UE3 engine. Epic games, the very experienced PC developer decided we need special magic brown shaders and special shadows that look like the shadows in any other game, that are completely incompatible with AA for some FUCKING RETARDED FUCKTARD REASON.

Nvidia have to specifically write it into their drivers to ignore those particular edges when applying AA so stuff doesn't disappear/flicker.

NOTE TO EPIC: TURN AA ON first, then make your engine......

Simple as fucking that.


I had no issues on the PC version. Ran quite fine.

Overall, I like this better than the modern CoD, because this game is what a modern CoD or MoH should have been. None of that over-the-top America gets invaded, NASA watching nuclear EMP, and I'm pulling a knife out of my chest ending. This is a cohesive, single mission and objective. Also feels like it makes a lot more sense in the current climate of the Middle East war fighting Talibans.

Best part is
all those times when the character transitions had the moments where they were saving each other's ass. The Apache saving the Rangers, the Seals saving the Apache, all that was great.


people, use the tank vehicle thingy as cover for the infantry in MP, don't drive it straight at the enemy to be destroyed :lol


Thought so far on the game..

Single Player - Was short and sweet. Story was ok. Graphics are baaaad man. The explosions in particular are laughable. Almost PS1-like. Characters are forgettable and boring except for Dudebro Dusty. Taliban AI are stupid as hell, as are your team mates, who have no problem in camping their arses right in front of your firing line.

Multi-player - Not feeling it at all. If the lag and random d/c arent killing me, then the ridiculous spawn kills are. The maps are horribly unbalance, i.e one side of the map is perfect for camping, while the other side is....well...perfect for getting fucked upon. The game is just so brown! I know thats how it is IRL, but when the buildings are brown, the floor is brown, the enemy are brown...i just have no idea where the enemy are hiding. The game gives you no indication of where you are being fired upon. Before you even realise, you are on the floor dead. Or in my case, on the floor with your legs in the air! (yes the physics in the game suck too). No kill cam is a pain in the ass, as i mentioned, you have no idea who is shooting/killed you. The shooting is off too. I must've shot a guy 10 times and he finally died, whereas some other guy shot me once and im on the floor. In Team DM, once the opposing team starts stacking up their killstreaks, you may as well just quit out of the game because there is no coming back, they will spawn kill the whole team into next week and it is just horribly unfair and frustrating.

I expected more from this game, especially from DICE who did the MP. So much stuff to fix.


A MILLION FUCKING BULLETS into your face in "hardcore" mode should kill you!!! What the fuck did you do to this game after the beta DICE?



Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Roxas said:
Thought so far on the game..

Single Player - Was short and sweet. Story was ok. Graphics are baaaad man. The explosions in particular are laughable. Almost PS1-like. Characters are forgettable and boring except for Dudebro Dusty. Taliban AI are stupid as hell, as are your team mates, who have no problem in camping their arses right in front of your firing line.

Huh? I thought the overall look of the game was damn good -- the environment, lightning and dust moving around and etc. The characters are rather forgettable but I'm fine with that. I don't know how they'd be able to make them more memorable without tacking on a bunch of nonsense story or make them do really ridiculous stunts. The AI is pretty much what I expected -- they're either moving up quickly or hiding, sometimes not noticing that you're sitting right next to them. Standard CoD-soldiers, then. It is kinda annoying when your team mates decide to sit down infront of you though.

G_Berry said:
A MILLION FUCKING BULLETS into your face in "hardcore" mode should kill you!!! What the fuck did you do to this game after the beta DICE?


Sounds weird. Doesn't take many bullets when playing normal multiplayer. Haven't tried hardcore out -- didn't even know there was such an option in the multiplayer.


hmm haven't experienced that kind of lag, and i'm living in the Philippines, once got to no.1 in a game in Combat Mission with 900+ points and the second was 500+ :lol although in that game our team was talking and using UAVs
Choc said:
you guys are going to laugh at me but whatever.

Medal of Honor has deeply affected me. I know that you guys are like well you're just tryign to sell it blah blah but hear me out, i actually don't think the game is that good so this is NOT a sales pitch.

I fired up final code last night (which finally had all the polish and levels etc) and played through the majority of the campaign. The first hour or so i actually sat there wondering if i should be playing this, should I be having 'entertainment' from a current theatre of war. Should I be diluting what is going down in afghanistan to a video game

I kept playing and started to feel ok about playing the game until the ranger missions. Hoo boy once you unlock and see those you start to see potentially what they are facing in the real world right now and it really got to me. The game depressed me like nothing else. I have not felt this bad after playing a game since manhunt, where you really did have to go smell some flowers to feel better about yourself after playing it. This too does the same to me.

The fact we have lost a number of soldiers this year in the war, also brings it home. It's on the news every day and I am struggling with the concept of playing through a 'current' war

I know you guys will be like whatever its a video game, but if we want to push this medium forward, its discussions and feelings like this that we should be having. The hurt locker did the same to a lot of people who watched it and won many oscars. MOH is not an oscar winning game (its not great as i said) but to evoke such emotions is a potentially incredible achievement.

Agreed, it is a heck of an achievement IMHO.


Choc's post makes me want to run home and play SP now. Maybe tomorrow while the wife is out of the house!

alright, I'll be playing this tonight, so if anyone wants to jump on with me around 10pm EST shoot me a PSN message and I'll try to get you added to my buddy list, I have to rotate people alot anyhow, LOL I have a seperate PSN, so maybe I'll just use my KillaCorndog or BlOoDyHeAdTrAuMa account for GAF peeps.

Which should I use GAF?

Also, can you guys help me petition EA/Dice to add the "Private Match" function for MP? I was looking forward to doing Gamebattles for the game and just realized that there is no way to do teh matches without this option.. kinda pissed about it actually.
Playing through this game in campaign and MP, it seems they rushed this thing out in order to beat Black Ops to the market by as much time as possible. I'm only somewhere into the second mission in the campaign but there are already some quirky bugs. A lot of times there are bullets coming at me from where I know an enemy is taking cover, but I can see him and he is just crouching, he isn't pointing his weapon at me or firing. Other times they will actually stand up and fire the gun but they will not be facing you or even looking at you and the bullets still come at you. The partner AI seems slightly improved from BC2 (different dev, I know) but there are still times when they suffer from BC2 syndrome and just sit there while you take everyone out, or they pump entire clips into dudes and they don't die. There were also a few times in the first level where the game would clear me to walk onto the next objective and my teammates would calmly move around talking as if the coast was clear but there were still enemies needing to be disposed of. Other times partner/enemy players guns don't even show on the screen, they are holding nothing :lol

On the MP side I have put four or five hours in. It seems to be fairly ho hum, nothing at all stands out about it or makes it feel unique. It is stuck too perfectly in the middle of MW and BC. It really, really wants to be MW but the mechanics are just not refined enough and there's not enough depth to the gameplay. You have different classes but they all play alike. In MW I can have different classes and perks to really create a ton of different loadouts that all feel different. Then you also have a BC feel to the game with some levels having vehicles and objectives but it's not a real BC game, the levels are too small and the gameplay does not lend itself well to a BC style of modes. The Combat Mission levels all play the same way: attacking team camps their asses off, annihilates the defending team with streak attacks, wins. At least in my experience.

The game doesn't seem to have enough content to keep the MP going. There are only a handful of maps and modes, and a pathetic amount of weapons. I can't believe some of the last unlocks is the freaking ability to use the enemies weapons. What the hell? A couple of the beta issues are still in the game too it seems. Sometimes when trying to join one mode it puts you in Combat Mission. And the game still freezes at times, only it now just freezes for 4-5 seconds. Idk, but it seems to happen when I am alerted to someone signing off PSN.

Overall so far I'd agree with IGN's score of 6. It's a pretty average game. Something decent to kill some time until November 9th.


Was on the fence for this game, for a variety of reasons. After reading some user reviews in this thread I considered taking a chance. Kmart offering a $25 coupon sealed the deal.

Went straight to MP, as that is where I spend 95%+ of my gaming in shooters. Stuck to TDM for about 3 hours to get a feel for the guns, unlocks, maps, etc.

Pleasantly surprised! The movement, gunplay and net code all seem tighter than BC/BC2. It reminds me of GRAW a bit, and I think the graphics are excellent. Sound is great as always from Dice, though I didn't think to check the settings and found I was on "desktop" after my session. Looking forward to the Cinema setting today.

I'm generally a fan of larger maps, but I don't mind these smaller ones at all. That may change once everyone learns them, but they were fine for my initial impressions.

I only had a couple of obvious lag problems, and maybe a half dozen or so times hit detection seemed to be off. Out of a couple hundred kills that is acceptable to me, esp. with 24 players in game. This is a big deal since I generally like BF games, but get frustrated and irritated at the inconsistencies in hit detection and things like multiple simultaneous kills in one round. This game feels so much better.

I don't know how I'll feel in a few weeks after the player base has settled and the maps are well known, but enjoying it thoroughly right now. First time I've had to make myself stop playing in a long time.

If you're not sure, and might be interested, I'd say check it out. Especially with the $25 coupon and BF3 beta access.


Any comparisons of performance/graphics differences between X360 and PS3? Does X360 have AA and PS3 doesn't. Framerate differences, etc? I am starting to become interested in this game but may wait for a price drop.

@Drastic: where do you get the $25 coupon?
Drastic said:
I'm generally a fan of larger maps, but I don't mind these smaller ones at all. That may change once everyone learns them, but they were fine for my initial impressions.

Well, I got to play on Tuesday, and then for an hour and a half last night on the 360..... and everyone, in my experience last night, has spawn points down pat and every good spot to break out a lawn chair, snap off your left analog cuz you are NOT moving, and go to town. Two completely different experiences. Tuesday everyone was working as a team, moving to spots, trying out all the scoresteaks. Now, its snipers on one side, snipers on another, someone earns mortars, hits the other teams spawn, earns rockets, hits the other teams spawn, missles.... on the other teams spawn. Im not down on it, but it was quite the drop from how much I enjoyed the game on Tuesday.

EDIT: Also, the map with the mountains on one side, the village on the hill on the other side, and the road splitting the two dipping low between them is the worst level, IMO, in this game. If youre not sniping and trying to play Sector Control, then you are getting sniped.


Deware80 said:
what version?

Steam PC.

Third day straight and I havent been able to play a single MP game.

Get the same error "Connection Interrupted- The EA servers are currently not available. Please try again later"

When they had the open beta I had the same issues and couldnt join a single game, its the same thing now.
Bumblebeetuna said:
Overall so far I'd agree with IGN's score of 6. It's a pretty average game. Something decent to kill some time until November 9th.

Things i noticed which agree with this:

Awful scenery sometimes ,i felt like i was playing random ue fps mod. Basically game went from shooting gallery to next one.. ohh empty courtyard or village oh no whats going to happen next.
First time plane assists you to take out town, i made my way uphill before airstrike hit to notice enemies appear from thin air behind me. To make it worse i have to listen radiochatter before i can continue through invisible walls, really disturbed my gamestyle.

Enemy AI... Only few lucky bursts managed to kill me. Other than that i had nothing to worry through whole campaing. This probably killed it for me. I finished on hard in 3-4 hours. Singleplayers was too short to actualy separate rangers from seals, so storywise didnt realy matter who i was controlling.


JB1981 said:
Any comparisons of performance/graphics differences between X360 and PS3? Does X360 have AA and PS3 doesn't. Framerate differences, etc? I am starting to become interested in this game but may wait for a price drop.

@Drastic: where do you get the $25 coupon?
In their October 12th analysis of Medal of Honor: Frontline Remastered, Digital Foundry says the face-off "should be ready for tomorrow" but nothing has shown up so far.
ColeTheMole said:
Enemy AI... Only few lucky bursts managed to kill me. Other than that i had nothing to worry through whole campaing. This probably killed it for me. I finished on hard in 3-4 hours. Singleplayers was too short to actualy separate rangers from seals, so storywise didnt realy matter who i was controlling.

Agreed, I typically play most FPS game on the hardest difficulty setting because I’ve played so many and get bored by not using cover or any tactics, but Hard in this game is kind of a joke. The only instances I died was when I was bored and just wanted to move on to the next place so I would stand out in the open to try and get shot at so I knew where the enemies were.

Game just wasn’t very fun, and it’s short length combined with no memorable moments throughout the campaign kind of made it complete it and forget about it. The very forced scripting made it for a frustrating combination of invisible walls until I was “allowed” to continue and annoying glitches that forced me to restart from last checkpoint more times that I should have.
I've watched DSPs multiplayer footage. Wow, the mp seems to be (spawn)camping/sniping heaven with a lot of lag on top. Waiting for the price drop now...
TheApatheticOne said:
Well, I got to play on Tuesday, and then for an hour and a half last night on the 360..... and everyone, in my experience last night, has spawn points down pat and every good spot to break out a lawn chair, snap off your left analog cuz you are NOT moving, and go to town. Two completely different experiences. Tuesday everyone was working as a team, moving to spots, trying out all the scoresteaks. Now, its snipers on one side, snipers on another, someone earns mortars, hits the other teams spawn, earns rockets, hits the other teams spawn, missles.... on the other teams spawn. Im not down on it, but it was quite the drop from how much I enjoyed the game on Tuesday.

EDIT: Also, the map with the mountains on one side, the village on the hill on the other side, and the road splitting the two dipping low between them is the worst level, IMO, in this game. If youre not sniping and trying to play Sector Control, then you are getting sniped.

Agree with all of this. Should rename this game Call of Honor: Modern Sniping. I play on PS3 and I am not exaggerating a bit when I say it seems like 75% of the people are sniping in any mode other than Assault. Once you unlock a mortar in an objective mode then it's usually an easy ride to strafing run. Shit is ridiculous.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheApatheticOne said:
EDIT: Also, the map with the mountains on one side, the village on the hill on the other side, and the road splitting the two dipping low between them is the worst level, IMO, in this game. If youre not sniping and trying to play Sector Control, then you are getting sniped.

That is a maddeningly annoying map. I can't believe it made it through play testing and included in the game - it's just shit. It's really the only map where I've found sniping to be a problem, and boy is it annoying. Getting to the other side requires luck since there are 10 snipers all covering the road. I will say that it's hilarious how many kills you can get guarding the b flag if you hide behind the mountain off to the side of the car. I just plopped down and shot people as they tried to cap the flag until I ran out of ammo numerous times.


commish said:
That is a maddeningly annoying map. I can't believe it made it through play testing and included in the game - it's just shit. It's really the only map where I've found sniping to be a problem, and boy is it annoying. Getting to the other side requires luck since there are 10 snipers all covering the road. I will say that it's hilarious how many kills you can get guarding the b flag if you hide behind the mountain off to the side of the car. I just plopped down and shot people as they tried to cap the flag until I ran out of ammo numerous times.

Call me three for hating that map. you spawn behind the building at the top of the map and one of these three things happen seconds later:

a) you get morter struck seconds after spawning
b) you walk to the left side of the building and get sniped
c) you walk to the right side of the building and get sniped.

AARRRGGHHH, I really like the rest of the maps so far....


People who are complaining about snipers.....pop smokes out in the middle of the map and push forward, that's what I'm doing and I'm having no problems.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Gritesh said:
People who are complaining about snipers.....pop smokes out in the middle of the map and push forward, that's what I'm doing and I'm having no problems.

Smoke doesn't help on this map since you are exposed for so long from so many different angles.


Smoke helps alot, but you're only as good as the rest of your team. Which in my case, is pretty terrible. Only on assault and sabotage have I actually been on good teams with real tactics. Almost all other gametypes lately have just been sniper fests. It's infuriating that people play TEAM games as solo morons.
Anyone else watch thursday night throwdown on giantbomb yesterday? I watched for about 45 minutes and really liked it. The slower pace and smaller maps of the multiplayer appealed to me (even if they seemed pretty hohum about the game)

Anyone know if any stores besides K-Mart have a deal going on?

That said it seems like the multiplayer impressions in this thread are getting progressively worse and worse as more people online are finding ways to expolit the maps / game (not sure if "expolit" would be the best term to use but you get the idea)

Also, whats the difference between normal and hardcore online? (some mentioned it above)


HamPster PamPster said:
Anyone else watch thursday night throwdown on giantbomb yesterday? I watched for about 45 minutes and really liked it. The slower pace and smaller maps of the multiplayer appealed to me (even if they seemed pretty hohum about the game)

Anyone know if any stores besides K-Mart have a deal going on?

That said it seems like the multiplayer impressions in this thread are getting progressively worse and worse as more people online are finding ways to expolit the maps / game (not sure if "expolit" would be the best term to use but you get the idea)

Also, whats the difference between normal and hardcore online? (some mentioned it above)

You get a $10 giftcard back if you buy it at wal-mart.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
aristotle said:
Smoke helps alot, but you're only as good as the rest of your team. Which in my case, is pretty terrible. Only on assault and sabotage have I actually been on good teams with real tactics. Almost all other gametypes lately have just been sniper fests. It's infuriating that people play TEAM games as solo morons.

I definitely had some teams yesterday that simply REFUSED to try to get the flags. Always frustrating, but it's like that in EVERY FPS when not playing with friends/clan.


commish said:
I definitely had some teams yesterday that simply REFUSED to try to get the flags. Always frustrating, but it's like that in EVERY FPS when not playing with friends/clan.

Yep. I hate that you can't play with randoms and have a good time. I blame CoD.

I'll be at the midnight release for CoD :X
DICE is working on a patch to add recoil and more bullet spread for MP. That'll be a welcome change for me. It's far too easy aiming in this game at the moment. You can kill people at ridiculous ranges with even the shotgun. I still like this game more than any of the MW games though. The killstreak rewards are actually reasonable.


CrookedRain said:
DICE is working on a patch to add recoil and more bullet spread for MP. That'll be a welcome change for me. It's far too easy aiming in this game at the moment. You can kill people at ridiculous ranges with even the shotgun. I still like this game more than any of the MW games though. The killstreak rewards are actually reasonable.

I don't mind the way recoil or ranges act right now at all. There are more important things to fix on this game already. :|

I still enjoy the MP though, so I'll still be playing it for at least another month.


Topher said:
Will someone please tell me where the hell this mortar is that I'm supposed to destroy on that Apache mission?
em which one you mean? they are all rather obvious targets...


CrookedRain said:
DICE is working on a patch to add recoil and more bullet spread for MP. That'll be a welcome change for me. It's far too easy aiming in this game at the moment. You can kill people at ridiculous ranges with even the shotgun. I still like this game more than any of the MW games though. The killstreak rewards are actually reasonable.


CrookedRain said:
DICE is working on a patch to add recoil and more bullet spread for MP. That'll be a welcome change for me. It's far too easy aiming in this game at the moment. You can kill people at ridiculous ranges with even the shotgun. I still like this game more than any of the MW games though. The killstreak rewards are actually reasonable.
I was going to say how some people complain about lack of recoil in some guns in COD but this game has like no recoil whatsoever. I was burst firing with the MP7 last night and there was really no need. I agree about the shotgun range. Somebody took me out from a pretty good distance and when the pic of the type of gun that took me out popped up onscreen, I was shocked when I saw it was a shotgun!

Some recoil will be fine by me. Finally finished the single player last night. It was ok. The game turned out a little slower paced than I imagined. I thought the controls would be a little more nimble in SP. They're fine but I turned the sensitivity to max and sometimes it was still kind of tricky trying to follow enemy AI.
Just finished sp, enjoyed, yea short but as long as I had fun with it, is was also pretty easy on hard also. I definitely couldn't recommend spending $60 for sp alone, haven't tried mp yet.
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