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davidjaffe said:
Agree with the 8/10's I'm seeing on here. Best MOH- hands down- since Underground and one of my fave SP war FPS ever. Was digging MP the first day/second day but now everyone is so ranked up that my deaths don't feel fair (i.e. a result of me playing poorly) but instead simply feel like the result of me being out ranked by the enemy (I'm level 3 getting insta killed by level 11s with much more powerful weapons). So I'm thinking my MP MOH days are over. Loved the SP tho. Hell, loved what I played of the MP actually the first few days. And clearly- if you look at sales of games like MW2- the vast majority of players don't seem to have an issue with that whole 'level 1 up against a level 20' discrepancy. So it's prob. just me.


I love you!


Everything is tsundere to me
Everdred said:
Any PC deals anywhere for this game?
Nope, though there MIGHT be one around when Black Ops releases on Steam, or else during the usual Christmas Steam sales. Nothing now or in the immediate future though.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
alr1ghtstart said:
Does this run like crap during the ATV sections or is my 360 ready to die once again?
The was one of a very few areas where the game dropped from 60 fps for me on PC, so I think it may be one of the more intensive areas to render (plus you are moving through it quickly).


Wow after putting in some time with this today in mp, really having a blast. Really refreshing to get kills based on my skill than from perks. Really had a good time playing this game with some friends. Can't understand why so few maps though they need some asap.

Started out on the fence with this one but glad I picked it up. Give this one a shot lots of fun to be had imo. Still going to play this after COD releases. Hope the game keeps it's numbers.


Neo Member
Got a bit further into the game and it's slowly starting to come together nicely. The hut mission is probably one of the best FPS levels I have ever played. The game definitely lacks some polish especially in its scripting. There have been times where I come out of an intense, dramatic firefight to my AI buddies at complete stand still and me walking around the map questioning what the hell I'm supposed to be doing before the AI kicks in again. It's like going to a Rush concert and right in the middle of YYZ Neil Pert goes offbeat and everyone else gets thrown off.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yopis said:
Wow after putting in some time with this today in mp, really having a blast. Really refreshing to get kills based on my skill than from perks. Really had a good time playing this game with some friends. Can't understand why so few maps though they need some asap.

Started out on the fence with this one but glad I picked it up. Give this one a shot lots of fun to be had imo. Still going to play this after COD releases. Hope the game keeps it's numbers.

Play a bit more, you haven't played very much looking at your XBL stats, (around 2 hours, not even level 4 in a class yet) it may begin to wear on you soon enough.


Everything is tsundere to me
Alienshogun said:
Play a bit more, you haven't played very much looking at your XBL stats, (around 2 hours, not even level 4 in a class yet) it may begin to wear on you soon enough.
Okay, you know what, I can deal with you having a negative opinion on the game. It's perfectly acceptable and you're welcome to express it here even if I don't agree on the reasons, but to go and say "Just wait, you'll probably hate it soon enough" is crossing the line.

Just like you're allowed to have a negative opinion of the MP, Yopis is allowed to have a positive opinion. Something that pertains directly to you like "I felt the game started to wear after I'd played it after a bit longer than you have so far" then fine, that's perfectly acceptable since such a thing is framed as your opinion. But your presumption that one person will have the exact same opinion as you for the exact same reasons is simply ludicrous. If you're going to be like that then you can just leave the thread and post elsewhere. I mean, you're at the top of the number of posts in this thread with almost double the next highest poster and double mine.

Sorry, it's just kind of bizarre, you know? You seem quite intent on talking about the game despite not liking it too much. I just thinks it's a bit odd. I tend to avoid threads for games I don't like.
Finished the single player today. Was fun, but wayyy too easy. Game could have really used a Veteran difficulty. Even on Hard you can take an RPG to the face and keep on trucking. Haven't tried Tier 1 mode, maybe that's harder, but if the only differences are a par time and no respawn, then I guess not. No need to worry about respawning when you don't die.

Was enjoyable though. About the same as a COD for me. Less ridiculousness, but I ran into more scripting bugs. Couple times I had to knife my partner in the face to stop him from running in place so he could trigger the next event.

Mp has some problems. They really need a timer on Combat Mission. If the offense is all snipers that barely move, it takes forever to whittle them down. My entire team ended up quitting the match since there was no point. Snipers in general kinda took the fun out of the game. Sector Control was a blast though, since it was the only game type I found where people would actually try to win.


Absoludacrous said:
Finished the single player today. Was fun, but wayyy too easy. Game could have really used a Veteran difficulty. Even on Hard you can take an RPG to the face and keep on trucking. Haven't tried Tier 1 mode, maybe that's harder, but if the only differences are a par time and no respawn, then I guess not. No need to worry about respawning when you don't die.

Was enjoyable though. About the same as a COD for me. Less ridiculousness, but I ran into more scripting bugs. Couple times I had to knife my partner in the face to stop him from running in place so he could trigger the next event.

Mp has some problems. They really need a timer on Combat Mission. If the offense is all snipers that barely move, it takes forever to whittle them down. My entire team ended up quitting the match since there was no point. Snipers in general kinda took the fun out of the game. Sector Control was a blast though, since it was the only game type I found where people would actually try to win.

yup, playing exclusively on Sector Control now, people are always moving around
I wasn't too hot on the MP at first, but the more I play it, the more I enjoy it. I just had to remember to pace myself after playing as a scout in TF2 all week. I put in some crazy long sessions over the weekend because I couldn't stop playing. I think I've hit at least rank 12 with all 3 classes now. One thing that I really love about the Frostbite engine is that you can pretty much shoot through any slit, crack or hole that you can see through. You can wreak havoc shooting through those little slits but it also leaves you more vulnerable than most people realize.
shagg_187 said:
MOH:AA is the best multiplayer MOH game ever! ;)

For atleast two years straight, I clocked in atleast 2 hours on that game. I was shit addicted to it!
The original and best CoD. Fucking brilliant game. I loved, LOVED freeze tag objective. Why don't games these days include freeze tag!? Jesus christ, I know it was a mod in all those games, but it was so damn good. It would be so damn fun in Halo.
Absoludacrous said:
Snipers in general kinda took the fun out of the game. Sector Control was a blast though, since it was the only game type I found where people would actually try to win.

Pretty much *Points at AJ and Broken*

My biggest pet peeve in objective-based games is when people don't care about the objective and rely on kills so that their kill/death ratio is awesome.

Fuck K/D ratio when the team is losing cause they don't track K/D ratio in MOH!

There is no point in having 40/0 K/D when you are camping at the edge of the map with a sniper.

Sure, it makes sense when you are on defense and not offense but when the bomb is planted, none of them give a fuck. As much as I enjoy mission-based matches, I think I will stop playing them real soon and stick to other modes.

I am most of the time the only one running for the bomb, planting or defending. Attackers stay beside the tank and chill or hide with a sniper; and defenders take sniping to the next level. I'm glad every weapon is less than 10 bullet kill cause you can get even with the snipers and campers.

Mr Sandman said:
The original and best CoD. Fucking brilliant game. I loved, LOVED freeze tag objective. Why don't games these days include freeze tag!? Jesus christ, I know it was a mod in all those games, but it was so damn good. It would be so damn fun in Halo.

Right. fucking. on! :D

I remember having clan matches and tournaments on my local gaming cafe and it was shit crazy! All (and I mean all) the cafes in the city would meet up in one cafe and do a mass tournament. There were team deathmatch tournaments where everyone would strategize when and how to attack. Both sides would camp and camp and camp and camp and slowly advance to attack to get that one kill. One kill and all hell would break lose! One kill starts a whole shitstorm and you only have 60 seconds left by then. We named every room by colors and items, and we named every camping or hiding spot.

We never won a tournament though, but came real close. My brother won a buckshot (aka shotgun) tournament and I still remember it cause everyone thought we cheated and I helped him out cause his last few kills were me. I miss those days!
Day 1 - Everyone running around, going for objectives, good flow to the game.

Day 2 on - Snipers on one side, snipers on the other, objectives seem to be captured by accident on the way to camp. Team got more captured points then you? Who cares when youre sporting a sexy 10-4 K/D! Its funny (in a sad way) how bad, in my experiences since launch day, the camping is now. I will literally see 5-6 teammates, side-by-side, staring out a window or on a cliffside with sniper rifles.

I really liked this the first day, but my experiences since then have given me buyer's remorse.
I seem to be loving the SP more than MP now. The ingame chatter with the characters is awesome. Just finished that rangers level.. fucking hell.. felt so intense. And the music was fantastic too.

Shame it looks like I'm going to be trading this in for CoD though.
acevans2 said:
You guys who are complaining about the visuals (in the campaign) are baffling me. I am consistently enjoying the visuals, and have no problems with the framerate either.

Its already been proven beyond doubt that both console version have an issue maintaining a steady framerate, particularly the PS3 version, so whether it affects you is irrelevant, the issue is still there and its wrong to gloss over it. T
Foliorum Viridum said:
Why does my PC fail to run this?

5850, 4GB RAM, Phenom 955BE, W7 64bit.

With everything on high and v-sync enabled at 2048x1152 I get 50-60fps, but then randomly it drops to fucking 10-15fps. It's not even during heavy firefights or anything. Just randomly happens.

I could run Metro 2033 better than this. :lol It doesn't even look great so what's happening? Anyone else had this? Not going to play it like that because I should be getting a rock solid 60 at all times.

Force triple buffering through D3DOverrider. Standard double buffer v-sync always leads to sharp performance drops. If that doesn't fix it then its a bug.
I think everyone snipes because getting sniped is so irritating you think to yourself, damn it, I'm going to find that guy and snipe him.

I can see why EA sort of rushed it out before Black Ops, the window they have for when I would be open to giving MOH a shot is pretty much this period when MW2 is a little stale. I don't know if this will be my go to post Nov. but if there is a sequel (lol) I will definitely give it a shot again. I like the tone of the single player and the back to basics multi.


Everything is tsundere to me
I'm curious, why didn't this sniper issue come up during the beta? Wouldn't this sort of issue be cleared early on, or is this just an issue that's come up with the bolt actions and not the BRs?


Everything is tsundere to me
secondspace said:
You didn't have instant access to sniper scopes in the beta, you had to slog through with the starting rifle and a red dot sight.
Well yeah, but there wasn't much of a massive complaint to the power of the weapons. Sniper rifles would still be an issue with small maps like on team assault.
doomed1 said:
I'm curious, why didn't this sniper issue come up during the beta? Wouldn't this sort of issue be cleared early on, or is this just an issue that's come up with the bolt actions and not the BRs?

I think most people didn't bother unlocking the bolt actions, but since they are an LE bonus this time everyone has access.

To be honest, I think some of the weird lag issues encourage sniping. There feels like there is some issue with lag on consoles right now, compared to the last PC beta where I could pick a low ping server. The game feels really good on more even ping, but on consoles some of the gunfights don't feel fair so I will swap to the bolt action.

The battle rifles are pretty awesome though IMO, I actually do best generally with red dot battle rifle treating it like an assault weapon.

Also, I think the bolt actions are only a real problem in that Rush mode because of the map size and set spawns. Every other mode the spawns will flip and there are flanking routes. Having more smokes as an assault would help a ton though.
You also have two different audiences. You had the hardcores playing the beta as it should be played and now you have a ton of casual Cod players trying this game out. They tend to do the cheap stuff to get kills.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
They tend to do the cheap stuff to get kills.


I complained about the snipers in the PC beta thread. However, Monday compared to Thursday was a world of difference and the snipers sniping snipers that was occurring on Monday had more or less been mitigated by Thursday (less people doing it, people figured out strategies to mitigate sniping).

I've found it to be worse on the 360 though. Sniping wasn't a big deal the first day and now it's really ramped up. There are a number of maps where you have two sides and a big lot of nothing in the middle which only encourages it; half your team or more will be sitting near the spawn areas sniping. The maps with a lot of stuff in the middle will only have 2 people or so per side sniping and no surprise these maps play a lot better.

I too saw the Dice employee twitter where they said snipers will be nerfed. Looking forward to it.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
You also have two different audiences. You had the hardcores playing the beta as it should be played and now you have a ton of casual Cod players trying this game out. They tend to do the cheap stuff to get kills.

I hate campers with a passion but I don't blame those that use those tactics, I blame the developers for allowing camping to be the best way to get kills in a fast paced shooter.

Nerf the sniper rifles, don't allow them in small maps/certain modes, limit the number of snipers by team, have a time limit that forces you to move X distance if you stay in one spot for more than Y seconds, just do something that discourage people from sniping/camping.


FLEABttn said:
I too saw the Dice employee twitter where they said snipers will be nerfed. Looking forward to it.

Well to be honest, I hate the sniping on the Combat Mission game mode. Anything else though, it's easy to get around. If anything, some of the sniping should be buffed from long range. I've only sniped long enough to level up and get the open tip ammo. Even then, last night I was sniping people and they wouldn't go down at all. I'm not sure why since I was doing headshots. Then other times, I would hit them in the kneecap (sticking out from cover) and I would get the kill. The hit detection seems to be off a bit or something. Also, when I unload on a guy somewhere around the neck/head area, he should go down with an assault weapon. When I pump 8-10 bullets in him and he somehow comes away with the kill, something is bjorked. I've been getting killed with shotguns from a medium to long distance too. I remember there was this same issue in BC2 at first. I hope they fix that soon as well.


doomed1 said:
I'm curious, why didn't this sniper issue come up during the beta? Wouldn't this sort of issue be cleared early on, or is this just an issue that's come up with the bolt actions and not the BRs?
It was the same during the beta. People voiced their opinions about the snipers then too and the issue popped up just as frequently. BUT, people also werent using smokes/suppressors. About 1 in 10 (maybe even 20) actually knew how to get around/take care of snipers. The issue is probably woorse because there's more players now and probably has a lot more "casual" players in the mix.

People have realized that you cant just go full Rambo and run&gun in this game so they've taken it to the extreme opposite of the spectrum and just camp.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
doomed1 said:
I'm curious, why didn't this sniper issue come up during the beta? Wouldn't this sort of issue be cleared early on, or is this just an issue that's come up with the bolt actions and not the BRs?

Besides that one cave map with the road down the middle, I still don't see any problems with snipers... and even on the cave map, it's gotten better, as everyone seems to have adjusted to the fact that the map encourages sniping. Even now, usually not much of a problem getting across the street and once over there, you can knife a bunch of snipers. The more I play, the better the game seems to get as I learn the maps better.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
aristotle said:
Well to be honest, I hate the sniping on the Combat Mission game mode. Anything else though, it's easy to get around. If anything, some of the sniping should be buffed from long range. I've only sniped long enough to level up and get the open tip ammo. Even then, last night I was sniping people and they wouldn't go down at all. I'm not sure why since I was doing headshots. Then other times, I would hit them in the kneecap (sticking out from cover) and I would get the kill. The hit detection seems to be off a bit or something. Also, when I unload on a guy somewhere around the neck/head area, he should go down with an assault weapon. When I pump 8-10 bullets in him and he somehow comes away with the kill, something is bjorked. I've been getting killed with shotguns from a medium to long distance too. I remember there was this same issue in BC2 at first. I hope they fix that soon as well.

Yes, in Combat Mission, the sniping is RIDICULOUS. That's the only mode where it is bad. I mostly play sector control, though.
Love this game so far.

Played a good amount of multi. Lvl 6 and above with all kits now.

Then decided to jump on and do the SP.

Played through on HARD first time without much of a problem at all.

Only missed 3 trophies

crowd control (kill 5 w/ 1 nade) ---- this is fning hard. anyone got a tip?
AC130 destroy camp
take out that gun in under 2 mins.

Guess I will have to load up each mission when I get off work and snag those.
commish said:
Yes, in Combat Mission, the sniping is RIDICULOUS. That's the only mode where it is bad. I mostly play sector control, though.

I went 54/2 last night on there. playing as rifleman though.

long range with the M16 plus all my offensive support tearing them a new one.

then I switch over to the one where you have two objectives and went 47/1 on there. got them locked in their spawn with my M16 and then started dropping all my offensive bombs on it.

ending up going all the way to the cruise missle in about 10+ seconds. hahahhahahahhaha


Here are my general thoughts on MoH after my first weekend of gameplay:

- Fun (seriously, nothing else really matters other than this)
- Gunplay is great!
- Hit detection is great
- Noob Tubes are balanced
- Game modes are fun
- Classes are well thought out
- Maps are smaller then BFBC2, and offer lots of places to hide and move around
- Fu(king hatchet is awesome
- Knifing is balanced

- OMG, SNIPERS....WTF fix this $hit please
- Spawn rapeage... Seriously give me 2 seconds to run at least
- Party system still sucks, entering games the party of continually get's split up.
- I have no idea who is talking and when, need squad list and mic indicator
- No Private match option, WTF (want to do GBs for this)
- Shotgun range unrealistic, that needs nerfing

Overall, the game is a ton of fun with it's mix of play style between BFBC2 and MW2. If they can just fix a few of the errors that are there and polish the game a little it would be an amazing game.
I havent used the shotguns yet.

50 yrd kills?

I don't know why people complain about shotgun distance though. If you shoot someon with .00 buckshot at 50 yds they won't be standing either.


MidnightRider said:
I havent used the shotguns yet.

50 yrd kills?

I don't know why people complain about shotgun distance though. If you shoot someon with .00 buckshot at 50 yds they won't be standing either.

But they are unaccurate as hell at long range.


One of the biggest oversights in this game, unless I'm mistaken, but:

No voice chat in the party lobby. WTF? Not as bad for PC and 360 players, but PS3 players sure get screwed.


Everything is tsundere to me
itsnervedamage said:
I think most people didn't bother unlocking the bolt actions, but since they are an LE bonus this time everyone has access.

To be honest, I think some of the weird lag issues encourage sniping. There feels like there is some issue with lag on consoles right now, compared to the last PC beta where I could pick a low ping server. The game feels really good on more even ping, but on consoles some of the gunfights don't feel fair so I will swap to the bolt action.

The battle rifles are pretty awesome though IMO, I actually do best generally with red dot battle rifle treating it like an assault weapon.
So it's only the bolt actions then? Well that makes sense. I think the real problem though is the lack of killcam. With this kind of lethality and speed, not having one creates issues like these. At the least, it would discourage camping.


Strider2K99 said:
One of the biggest oversights in this game, unless I'm mistaken, but:

No voice chat in the party lobby. WTF? Not as bad for PC and 360 players, but PS3 players sure get screwed.

Yeah, this is total BS. the party/squad and matchmaking are totally fu(ked in this game...


Everything is tsundere to me
Cornbread78 said:
But they are unaccurate as hell at long range.
So? They're point and shoot. Also, keep in mind that there are SLUGS in this game. The power is high and the range is longer, so next time you get killed at 50+ yards with a shottie, look to see if there are slugs in the corner of the "you were killed by..." window.


doomed1 said:
So? They're point and shoot. Also, keep in mind that there are SLUGS in this game. The power is high and the range is longer, so next time you get killed at 50+ yards with a shottie, look to see if there are slugs in the corner of the "you were killed by..." window.

tomorrow night I'll just run around with an 870 and let ya know. Hell, I was a shotty whore in KZ2, why not whore it in MoH as well?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
doomed1 said:
Okay, you know what, I can deal with you having a negative opinion on the game. It's perfectly acceptable and you're welcome to express it here even if I don't agree on the reasons, but to go and say "Just wait, you'll probably hate it soon enough" is crossing the line.

Just like you're allowed to have a negative opinion of the MP, Yopis is allowed to have a positive opinion. Something that pertains directly to you like "I felt the game started to wear after I'd played it after a bit longer than you have so far" then fine, that's perfectly acceptable since such a thing is framed as your opinion. But your presumption that one person will have the exact same opinion as you for the exact same reasons is simply ludicrous. If you're going to be like that then you can just leave the thread and post elsewhere. I mean, you're at the top of the number of posts in this thread with almost double the next highest poster and double mine.

Sorry, it's just kind of bizarre, you know? You seem quite intent on talking about the game despite not liking it too much. I just thinks it's a bit odd. I tend to avoid threads for games I don't like.

I suggest you look back in this thread, I had nearly the exact same post as his earlier, then my view shifted, I was letting him know he may still be effected by "newness" never did I say he WILL hate it, but hey, keep fighting the good fight champ.


bish gets all the credit :)
Finished the campaign.

More realistic feel than other games of the same cloth
Voice acting
Some great levels (
shootout from hut was very tense)

Enemies were difficult to see. If you have autoaim turned off it would be difficult just seeing where they were.
Very glitchy. Texture load issues, stuttery framerates. I had to restart checkpoints three different times because I didn't walk on the scripted path and the game refused to load the next section.
The ATV sections. yeah, just terrible.
The AI is downright stupid sometimes.

It was good, not great.


Cornbread78 said:
tomorrow night I'll just run around with an 870 and let ya know. Hell, I was a shotty whore in KZ2, why not whore it in MoH as well?
I despise your kind!
All shotties need to be like how they are in counterstrike.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
mr_nothin said:
I despise your kind!
All shotties need to be like how they are in counterstrike.

Best shotgun in a game was MOH: AA. I would DOMINATE with that f'ing gun. It was unfair how awesome it was.


mr_nothin said:
I despise your kind!
All shotties need to be like how they are in counterstrike.

Trust me, I hate having to stoop that low, but I've been sniped a few times already with a shotty, so I'll have to give it a whirl and see.
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