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Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
commish said:
Best shotgun in a game was MOH: AA. I would DOMINATE with that f'ing gun. It was unfair how awesome it was.
Awwwww yeah. I wasted hours in Destroyed Village, dominating with the shotgun. The sound felt so good.


Paper or plastic?
I really have to comment on the quality of the sound in this game. Absolutely phenomenal. I think this is the only game that surpasses BFBC2 in terms of atmosphere. Literally feeling the bass from mortar strikes, bullets, explosions, grenades, is a rush.


TheApatheticOne said:
Day 1 - Everyone running around, going for objectives, good flow to the game.

Day 2 on - Snipers on one side, snipers on the other, objectives seem to be captured by accident on the way to camp. Team got more captured points then you? Who cares when youre sporting a sexy 10-4 K/D! Its funny (in a sad way) how bad, in my experiences since launch day, the camping is now. I will literally see 5-6 teammates, side-by-side, staring out a window or on a cliffside with sniper rifles.

I really liked this the first day, but my experiences since then have given me buyer's remorse.
I've been seeing this often now too. This is probably the first FPS I've played where I'm not touching TDM too much. I'm having fun with the Sector Control and Combat Mission modes. In CM I'm always trying to cap sections but a lot of times I'll run past two/three guys on my team all camped out with sniper rifles.

And this is in the objective modes. I decided to play Team Assault to get the trophy for playing it for two hours and a lot of times I'd run past half of the team I'm on just sitting there camping with a sniper rifle.

But I'm enjoying Combat Mission and Sector Control, though they really need to do something about the spawns. Really sucks when your team is all spawning in the same area and you spawn, not even take two steps and you're taken out by a sniper.

I replayed the SP over the weekend on Hard and I swear there was literally no difference between that and Normal. I figured I'd have to use cover more and really be on my toes but I ended up finishing it faster on Hard than on Normal!
aristotle said:
Well to be honest, I hate the sniping on the Combat Mission game mode. Anything else though, it's easy to get around. If anything, some of the sniping should be buffed from long range. I've only sniped long enough to level up and get the open tip ammo. Even then, last night I was sniping people and they wouldn't go down at all. I'm not sure why since I was doing headshots. Then other times, I would hit them in the kneecap (sticking out from cover) and I would get the kill. The hit detection seems to be off a bit or something. Also, when I unload on a guy somewhere around the neck/head area, he should go down with an assault weapon. When I pump 8-10 bullets in him and he somehow comes away with the kill, something is bjorked. I've been getting killed with shotguns from a medium to long distance too. I remember there was this same issue in BC2 at first. I hope they fix that soon as well.

I think the hitbox for the head is messed up, I have lots of trouble sniping when a guys head is peeking out as opposed to body shots or legs. I think it applies to the other guns too, the head hitbox is smaller than the head model or something.

doomed1 said:
So it's only the bolt actions then? Well that makes sense. I think the real problem though is the lack of killcam. With this kind of lethality and speed, not having one creates issues like these. At the least, it would discourage camping.

I think it will settle down once everyone starts getting a feel for where the sniping spots are. Usually (at least in the rush gametype) there are good spots to offensive snipe and good spots to counter-snipe, but only a couple with decent sightlines. At least that's what it seems like to me so far. People will figure out those spots and learn where to throw smokes eventually.

Assault needs to start with at least 2 smokes though. Serious.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
You can unlock another grenade spot. I just wished it lasted a tad longer than 5 or 10 seconds.


doomed1 said:
So it's only the bolt actions then? Well that makes sense. I think the real problem though is the lack of killcam. With this kind of lethality and speed, not having one creates issues like these. At the least, it would discourage camping.

I would rather have the BF2/2142 system of when you die the camera points towards the direction of your killer. That would of been my preferred implementation for BC2 as well. Less of a arcade type feature then the kill cam but still just as informative


I tried multiplayer the second night it was out and it was laggy and unenjoyable, but I played again last night and had a blast. Combat mission was fun on both sides, and though there was excessive sniping going on, I still got top3 on my team fairly often.

Level 7 now, and it feels like it keeps getting better.
So what's the consensus on the A.I., and are you given any choice in how you tackle each encounter? I'm not interested in another fucking COD, especially not right after Halo Reach.


mr_nothin said:
"Stop complaining and stop playing like an idiot" is what I see.

Which is what he closes with. Which is great and all but isn't a solution so long as you're playing with the general public.

This is shit where dedicated servers that you can modify come into play. Hate the AWP? Servers out there block it out. 6 snipers a side killing the flow in Avalanche? Lots of servers limit to 2 per side.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FLEABttn said:
Which is what he closes with. Which is great and all but isn't a solution so long as you're playing with the general public.

Exactly. Oh the irony; include a shitty party system and no clan support then tell people to party together and play together to overcome these evil snipers. What a joke. I still love the game, but come on.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I hate how the game spawns you in the same corner in TDM and theres always 8 snipers on the other team....:lol


Alienshogun said:
Play a bit more, you haven't played very much looking at your XBL stats, (around 2 hours, not even level 4 in a class yet) it may begin to wear on you soon enough.

Yeah I didn't get a bunch of playtime in yesterday but first impressions were not bad. Time might change that but, I doubt it. This game is not perfect and needs a patch or two but, it's not trash either. This game has a place with me, and I will come back time to time and have a good run.


I can't believe that was the reply.

There are real problems. The maps are too small, there are too few routes out of an area, the smoke grenades don't last long enough, you don't get enough of them, and with the limited number of ways around the map they don't help a situation where your entire team is spawning from one node, dying to snipers, and getting rained on by score streaks.
Dice -2
for arrogance

They're reaching IW levels of apathy toward their customers.
Glad I didn't buy the game. I'll only rent it to experience the singleplayer.
I don't know, I had to return the game today but I have been crushing people in Team Assault with the sniper being my least used weapon, just need to learn the map and keep moving, too many people are camping and I just come up and push them out. Movement I found is a key to success.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
CrazedArabMan said:
I don't know, I had to return the game today but I have been crushing people in Team Assault with the sniper being my least used weapon, just need to learn the map and keep moving, too many people are camping and I just come up and push them out. Movement I found is a key to success.

According to your profile you didn't even play online for 2 hours, perhaps you didn't get a high enough of a skill ranking to run into the issues.

It's one thing to "crush" people who also don't know the game, it's a completely other issue once you get into the game and play with people who know the maps, kits, and how to exploit both.

The game has some serious issues.

It's OK when it works, but even when it works it's not good enough to be a contender IMO.

Granted, with some patches that may change, but I doubt any substantial fix is incoming.


codecow said:
I can't believe that was the reply.

It's dumb and two-faced. One of the Dice devs is saying on his twitter that snipers are getting nerfed. Meanwhile, their webpage is posting that the game is fine, l2p.

Okay, Dice, which is it?
Alienshogun said:
According to your profile you didn't even play online for 2 hours, perhaps you didn't get a high enough of a skill ranking to run into the issues.

It's one thing to "crush" people who also don't know the game, it's a completely other issue once you get into the game and play with people who know the maps, kits, and how to exploit both.

The game has some serious issues.

It's OK when it works, but even when it works it's not good enough to be a contender IMO.

Granted, with some patches that may change, but I doubt any substantial fix is incoming.

I had a 2000 skill or close in the beta and I have around 1000 with this game with only 2 hours. So I don't know, I've had no problems in either version.


FLEABttn said:
It's dumb and two-faced. One of the Dice devs is saying on his twitter that snipers are getting nerfed. Meanwhile, their webpage is posting that the game is fine, l2p.

Okay, Dice, which is it?

Both possibly. Due to certification on 360 and PS3 the update probably cannot come quickly. Therefore they decide to point out that snipers are not OP and can be countered.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
CrazedArabMan said:
I had a 2000 skill or close in the beta and I have around 1000 with this game with only 2 hours. So I don't know, I've had no problems in either version.

Beta had less maps, and you played under 2 hours in this version. 1k is pretty low skill for the game right now though.

You probably just didn't run into the main issues yet. Not that you will since you already got rid of it anyway.
Whatever you say, My total time played was around 1:56 when I turned it in, so under 2 hours, I just got used to the maps, and when I did, it was smooth sailing, not to say there isn't any problems but I just never encountered anything. Last 4 games today I averaged over 20 kills I believe and I really was having fun, but I did enjoy the MP beta also and averaged around the same. Almost had a cruise missile the last game I played, someone got a lucky headshot on me before I could deploy the airstrike on the other team.


FLEABttn said:
It's dumb and two-faced. One of the Dice devs is saying on his twitter that snipers are getting nerfed. Meanwhile, their webpage is posting that the game is fine, l2p.

Okay, Dice, which is it?

Patrick Liu is the producer for the MP side of the game. Listen to him.


I picked this up on impulse on the weekend (got the limited edition with Frontline included).

I don't get all the hate - the SP is not too bad on Hard difficulty - not hard though, but the Tier 1 experience is ace.

Tried multiplayer for a bit as well - seems solid, but too many snipers etc, but I'm sure that will even out.

It doesn't have any perk rubbish etc - just a solid MP based on gun battles - I like it.
Ugh, done with this game unless/until they nerf the snipers. It's not hard at all to dominate them but it's just boring. There's no point in playing modes like Sector Control or Combat Mission because fucking everyone is sniping. It gets old playing SC and seeing half of your team crouching mere feet away from flags that the enemy controls but they're too busy sniping to care. Maybe I would rage on the mic but it's pointless because no one has a mic anyway. How funny is Objective Raid? The games usually last like 90 seconds.

The spawns need fixing too. In Sector Control enemies start the game sometimes literally right next to one another :lol


This game pretty much encourages sniping. Tons of spots where you can see all the way across the map. "Cover" where your head sticks over the top while crouching, but you can't laydown or shoot over unless you standing. WTF were they thinking when they design this. MW2 has many BS moments, but I went back to that over this.


I haven't played since Friday because I don't like getting maps in the rotation that encourage the all out sniping. It's too trial and error getting into maps I like. Hope that patch comes soon.


krioto said:
I don't get all the hate - the SP is not too bad on Hard difficulty - not hard though, but the Tier 1 experience is ace.

There are scripting and AI issues that make for an inconsistent experience. It's possible to play through without encountering these, but the majority of people have experienced varying levels of problems. Fallout New Vegas is the same way, but people are more forgiving in a long RPG versus a short FPS.


I made the mistake of posting a couple things they should fix on EA site, the first response read:

Mate there's no point trying dice dont care there too busy making another * game called battle field2. and EA dont give a monkeys either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But one thing have learnt is that DICE can not make full proper quality games like infinityward or treyarch or bungie or epic games to name a few. And are just a poor studio.
I believe that EA will never use them again..........................

Man oh man....


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Cornbread78 said:
I made the mistake of posting a couple things they should fix on EA site, the first response read:

Man oh man....
Concise, factually correct and detailed response, written in a clear manner. The internet works.


I'd be in the dick
I've been having some disgusting lag today. When I try to play MoH online I have to make 3 steps in order to travel forward the equivalent of one because it keeps snapping me back to the spot I started from. Anyone else having the same issues? I checked my modem and everything seems to be fine. Other games and Netflix are working flawlessly.


RoboPlato said:
I've been having some disgusting lag today. When I try to play MoH online I have to make 3 steps in order to travel forward the equivalent of one because it keeps snapping me back to the spot I started from. Anyone else having the same issues? I checked my modem and everything seems to be fine. Other games and Netflix are working flawlessly.
I haven't played today but last night I didn't really have issues. But there are other things I've noticed. When someone on my friends list signs off (ps3) the game will actually freeze up for a second or two, then the little grey box in the corner telling me someone is offline and the game unfreezes.

I've also had the game freeze on me when I hit the select button to look at the scoreboard. Disappointing some of the stuff that got past testing/QA in this game, SP and MP. :(


Nobody posted this yet? Surprised.



Over 1.5 million of you stepped up to Tier 1, and now, we’re bringing you a free download pack with a new mode and new maps, expanding Medal of Honor’s online experience. On November 2, we’ll be releasing the Clean Sweep multiplayer mode, in an elimination/last-man-standing mode, coupled with two new maps, Bagram Hanger and Khyler Caves, and redesigned versions of the Diwagal Camp and Kabul City Ruins maps.

This content comes free with any redeemed Medal of Honor Online Pass. If you already have an Online Pass, this content will be available in the Medal of Honor in-game store. If you don’t have an Online Pass with your copy of Medal of Honor, you have the option to purchase a code for $9.99 in the PlayStation Store and 800 Microsoft Points through Xbox Live, with the new Clean Sweep mode and maps will be included with your purchase.

Four minutes. Two teams. No respawns. Happy hunting and we’ll see you online!
RoboPlato said:
I've been having some disgusting lag today. When I try to play MoH online I have to make 3 steps in order to travel forward the equivalent of one because it keeps snapping me back to the spot I started from. Anyone else having the same issues? I checked my modem and everything seems to be fine. Other games and Netflix are working flawlessly.

The game won't play at all if you're lagging. You get that stutter movement where it takes 20 minutes to walk 10 feet. I had the same problem, but figured it out on my end. Shitty how they handle it though, cause I put in Reach during the same conditions and was able to play well enough.

Check your router/modem and stop any downloads, see if you can figure out what's slowing your connection.


LOL, I forwarded my post to DICE and got the following auto-response:

Thanks for contacting DICE.

Due to an extremely high work load at the moment we are not able to answer all emails that we receive. Please find some useful links for further assistance.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
The trailer for the new content is footage from the PC version (you can tell by the keyboard references in the hud) so Shacknews was just starting cruel rumors :(
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