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commish said:
Uh... I went online again, after a week or so of Blops, and there were 200 people in sector control total... unfortunate.

I still believe those numbers are wrong because I can't see how a game with 1 month and sold at least 2 million copies, only have 7500 people online like I saw last weekend.


Did they ever patch the console versions for sniping? I traded mine in after being frustrated with Dice/EA's inability to deal with the multiplayer issues. It's really too bad because I think the base game there is generally more solid than Blops, but with a lack of customization and a lack of support, my interest died.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FLEABttn said:
Did they ever patch the console versions for sniping? I traded mine in after being frustrated with Dice/EA's inability to deal with the multiplayer issues. It's really too bad because I think the base game there is generally more solid than Blops, but with a lack of customization and a lack of support, my interest died.

I know EA doesnt' really care, but the lack of support and content is pretty bad and I won't rush to buy any EA FPS in the future. This whole "give them a little, give them the rest later on" type situation is terrible.
Just got this for $40 on Ebay. Hopefully the multiplayer will hold out for a while. I image the bulk of the people have gone to Black ops, and the ones that are still playing will be playing for a while.


Everything is tsundere to me
lastplayed said:
PC population still seems pretty strong. Don't usually have trouble finding full servers.
ooo~ Post your steam and EA name, I'll add it when I get back from thanksgiving with family

Mine's doomed1 and mulletalchemist respectively.

Heh, it's nice about how this game keeps me in a good mood. I tend to do pretty well most of the time, so I'm not usually for want, even when losing, it's just a damned fun game. It would get bogged down with things like the perk system in CoD. More weapons is always nice, and the customization aspect in Blops are nifty too, but MoH has it's moments too. :3

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Neuromancer said:
Hey guys, thinking of picking this up soon and I was just wondering how the campaign compares to Black Ops. Thanks!
Well they both have atrocious scripting, look great in some parts and horribly in others, are over incredibly quickly and end anti-climatically.

You kill less enemies in MOH.
lastplayed said:
PC population still seems pretty strong. Don't usually have trouble finding full servers.

Servers tend to keep games going longer on PC. Matchmaking services usually just make games die off quicker. Less players the harder to find matches via matchmaking so people just give up, while with servers, you can always find where the players are at.

Mikey Jr.

Fuck guys, help me.

On the mission where you are piloting the helis.

There is one part where I have to take out an "embedded mortar turret", and I must have done this part atleast 10 times. I am blasting the EVER LIVING FUCK out of it with my hellfire missles, but I jsut keep getting a mission failure because I didn;t do it fast enough.

The fuck does this game want from me? I blast it with my guns at full blast, and shoot everything at it, but I get nothing.

edit: Ok, this game is glitched. I cant get past that part no matter what I do. She puts a box around what I have to shoot, and I blast the hell out of it, but I constantly fail the mission.
doomed1 said:
ooo~ Post your steam and EA name, I'll add it when I get back from thanksgiving with family

Mine's doomed1 and mulletalchemist respectively.

Steam/EA = MedievalSam

I agree about having fun even when losing, it's a very atmospheric game even in multiplayer. It has the frontline dynamic of BF:BC2, yet also has the fast paced combat of a CoD game. Sure, it doesn't have many customisation options, but I prefer it because it actually feels like a real war zone.


Mikey Jr. said:
Fuck guys, help me.

On the mission where you are piloting the helis.

There is one part where I have to take out an "embedded mortar turret", and I must have done this part atleast 10 times. I am blasting the EVER LIVING FUCK out of it with my hellfire missles, but I jsut keep getting a mission failure because I didn;t do it fast enough.

The fuck does this game want from me? I blast it with my guns at full blast, and shoot everything at it, but I get nothing.

edit: Ok, this game is glitched. I cant get past that part no matter what I do. She puts a box around what I have to shoot, and I blast the hell out of it, but I constantly fail the mission.

You have to use the other missiles... the one where you have to charge up a bar and release before it fires.

Mikey Jr.

Strider2K99 said:
You have to use the other missiles... the one where you have to charge up a bar and release before it fires.

Theres another? How do I access that? I press triangle and I can only switch between the machine gun and the hellfire missiles.


Mikey Jr. said:
Theres another? How do I access that? I press triangle and I can only switch between the machine gun and the hellfire missiles.

I played it on the 360 and I believe it was LB for me, so maybe L1/L2 for you? The game tells you to use the missile near the beginning of the level as part of a tutorial, you're gonna have to check again if you forgot.

Mikey Jr.

Strider2K99 said:
I played it on the 360 and I believe it was LB for me, so maybe L1/L2 for you? The game tells you to use the missile near the beginning of the level as part of a tutorial, you're gonna have to check again if you forgot.

Ohhh, ok, got it. Yeah, have to wait for a box to show up. Cant do it other wise.



Everything is tsundere to me
Mikey Jr. said:
Ohhh, ok, got it. Yeah, have to wait for a box to show up. Cant do it other wise.

Yeah, I missed it the first time too. Had to restart the mission and I noticed the button was 4 on the PC. Alot of people seem to have missed it.

Mikey Jr.

I must say, I liked this game A LOT.

Played on the PS3, and had a fantastic time with it. Maybe because I went in with lower expectations? Not sure. But I liked that it wasn't another "stop the nuke" story bullshit like Cod. It was just about men being a cog in a machine. Plus Lean and Peek was a great fucking feature. More games should have it.

Wasn't as polished as other games, but the gun and sounds were fucking great. Really liked the game a lot.


BattleMonkey said:
Servers tend to keep games going longer on PC. Matchmaking services usually just make games die off quicker. Less players the harder to find matches via matchmaking so people just give up, while with servers, you can always find where the players are at.

I use a site called http://mohstats.com/ to see how many players are online. Right now there's 3k on the PC, 3.2k on the 360, and 5k on the PS3. 11.2k concurrent players on all platforms does seem rather worrying.

I also did a search on how many people are playing the Hot Zone DLC on the PC and it seems...bad - http://www.gametracker.com/search/moh/?query=hot zone&sort=c_numplayers&order=DESC.
That's a pretty cool site. I used a similar one for BC2 but didn't think to check one for MoH. :D

It'll be interesting to see how that number changes, it'll find its niche level if it hasn't already.


Everything is tsundere to me
Honestly, I've come to prefer losing objectives defending until the last one in Combat Mission. That doesn't mean I won't make the other team earn it, but Aside from just racking in more points, it's more fun to bring it down to the wire.

Also, the first objective in that mountain level is SO skewed to the defenders, especially with how much open space you have to cross to get to the crashed chinook.

Also, stats:


So I just got this in from gamefly and I went online and WTF are these numbers accurate? There's only a few thousand people online, I can't believe that after not even two months that this game became completed deserted. Did everyone trade it in for Black Ops? :lol

Played the first single player mission and did a few games on team death match and I like what I've played so far, seems like a good rental.


witness said:
So I just got this in from gamefly and I went online and WTF are these numbers accurate? There's only a few thousand people online, I can't believe that after not even two months that this game became completed deserted. Did everyone trade it in for Black Ops? :lol
Never passed 10k since release date.
Just got this and i gotta say..... i fucking love combat mission. Shits intense, the sound design really kicks in on this, with the APC thing moving up laying down fire while your teammates move the line forward, then with all the radio chatter, explosions, smoke grenades and gun shots going crazy, its amazing with headphones on. Absolutely love it :D
i dunno about the MP in this game.

I liked the SP but multiplayer matches have so far mainly consisted of me spawning and within about 10 seconds being sniped by someone I cannot see on the other team.

Within very, very close proximity to the area where my team is spawning. I'm playing that objective mode but it's just not very fun. Snipers seem very overpowered and once people get in position to use them it's pretty tough to stop.

I hate sniper rifles in games. They ruin everything.

Mikey Jr.

PS3 version so close to plat.

Just need the firemaster trophy where you have to call in a cruise missile, and the tier 1 campaign mode. Both shit I do NOT want to do. So I think I am officially done. MP was fun for the 11 hours I sunk into it, but ultimately, it was very shallow. The foundation is there for a great mp, but it just didn't have the ambition. Feels very "let's get the fucking game over with. I'm tired developing it" feel.

Loved SP though. Has real heart in it, and although a little short, it beats the MW2 campaign I think.

edit: Also, installed and played MoH Frontlines.

Fuck, this game is old as shit. I can't even play it, it's terrible. One of the worst parts is that the only hit markers are on your compass. The fuck? I played the first level and thought I was doing amazing not getting hit, then I looked at my health and I was down to a quarter.

Yeah, fuck that game.


Okay this campaign just keeps getting better and better, sure it has some technical issues but the way that it runs the missions together and how they're just all connected seamlessly is very very impressive. The chat amongst the soldiers is done very well, loved the Apache pilot communication back and forth.


Mikey Jr. said:
PS3 version so close to plat.

Just need the firemaster trophy where you have to call in a cruise missile, and the tier 1 campaign mode. Both shit I do NOT want to do. So I think I am officially done.
Same here, would like to join GAF for a boost :D


Neo Member
CartridgeBlower said:
Say what? I thought this game sold at least 750k on 360 alone and they've never had more than 10k playing online at the same time? That can't possibly be right...

Yeah thats not right at all. I never saw it go higher than 35 K players (which I saw on the weekend of the week it was released), but when i played the norm was usually around 14k. So its not much better but it was higher than 10K for quite a while.
I still have this wrapped up, and I'm thinking of returning it. So the question is- I want a quick and fun multi experience (that's not cod) and a fun single player game. Should I open it?
sniper game



Neo Member
I played for a bit last night and I'm left a little cold.

The campaign started off alright, and the nighttime setting was pretty cool. I think I just prefer a game that isn't set on real world events. I really enjoyed Bad Company's campaign, and maybe I was expecting more of the same, but it's not doing it for me so far. I've also had lots of audio glitches that make it literally painful to play at certain parts.

I only played a few rounds of the multiplayer. It was fun, but too many campers. I didn't have a sniper problem, but the maps are way too small and they all look the same.

I might power through, but so far I'm not impressed.


doomed1 said:
Well, it looks like they might have given up on extra support of the multiplayer... they've released a multiplayer shortcut pack for the 360. It's been on the PC for some time, but this is a bad sign... I'm still hoping for some new stuff, but I'm not expecting it.


They did the same for Battlefield BC 2, could just be an effort to get more cash out of lazy late comers


picked this up on black friday, still havent played (finals this week)

Hope to get into the multiplayer before its dead :(

also i wonder if you have to have the game to access the BF3 beta


Everything is tsundere to me
dorkimoe said:
picked this up on black friday, still havent played (finals this week)

Hope to get into the multiplayer before its dead :(

also i wonder if you have to have the game to access the BF3 beta
Community's still quite alive on the PC side. Despite the ominous support omens (which may very well be premature on my part), I don't ever really have trouble finding a server with a good ping. There are only a few, but that's enough really.

I just wish they would unlock the LMGs for everyone to use >:|

and would it kill them to let me see my ping on the leaderboard in game?
I just watched that doco film Restrepo. Now, I've never been to Afghanistan nor been in combat, but if that film's anything to go by, then MoH captures the atmosphere of combat in Afghanistan perfectly.


lastplayed said:
I just watched that doco film Restrepo. Now, I've never been to Afghanistan nor been in combat, but if that film's anything to go by, then MoH captures the atmosphere of combat in Afghanistan perfectly.

Really hoping i get this for XMAS now.
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