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Medal of Honor: Warfighter |OT| of Knock Knock, it's Tier 1


Neo Member
Yeah, what a pile of bull... to justify closing their site...

microdestruction : wooden planks are destructible / the level in the hotel is just a great example of microdestruction, amazing how chips of wood and marble are just thrown all over the place...

sloppy AI, lol, try playing on tier one or hardcore

glitches, texture oddities, had none of that with HD texture pack
contrast is messed up though

multi looks pretty sweet, and the presentation of unlocks etc. might be confusing, but looks damn good and accurate.
Too little microdestruction in muli though, but that is probably because it is not even Frostbite in multi...

boring maps : i'd say too many chokepoints, but this ain't battlefield, and the maps look good and are interesting to play with

the only point i agree on is the fact that the thing was rushed, no coop, no unlockables in solo, and absolutely odd looking CGI sequences...

so doomed1 is right, i have been defending this game because it deserves it, and because black ops 2 is a disgrace in comparison...MOH 2010 was also a great game, with excellent sound, in-game dialogue and gameplay, it was destroyed nonetheless...
Wow, what a shitty game.

I don't even know who or why I'm killing people in this game. Narrative is terrible, levels and missions are run of the mill with absolutely nothing that stands out. Funny enough the fucking driving missions were the best part...the first game was miles better than this turd.

At least I only wasted $25 on it on BF.


Everything is tsundere to me
Wow, what a shitty game.

I don't even know who or why I'm killing people in this game. Narrative is terrible, levels and missions are run of the mill with absolutely nothing that stands out. Funny enough the fucking driving missions were the bet part...the first game was miles better than this turd.

At least I only wasted $25 on it on BF.

Actually, EA had apparently forced them last second to rearrange the game so that it had more action up front. I think that Somali pirates level was supposed to happen AFTER you shot the guy threatening the HVT on the boat. So much was lost with the narrative because of that remix by EA marketeers. Hell, even the tutorial level was the second level in the game. Incidentally, Greg Goodrich, the executive producer on the game was quietly removed mere months before the game dropped. Take that as you will.

Still, there's lots of fun to be had in the multiplayer. Give it a shot, just don't play it like CoD or BF3. It takes its own pace and skillset to get through. If you're on the PC, hit me up on battlelog. We can use the GAF server for VOIP since the one in game seems to be borked at the moment.


Everything is tsundere to me

New DLC goes live on the 18th. It's free to everyone who preorded and $10 for everyone else. It includes 2 new maps, 14 new weapon camos (including my personal favorite, Tactical Pink), and weapon attachments for the EBR, AK-103, MG4, G36, Mk. 16 PDW, and OBR 7.62.

More details here

But EVEN BETTER is the PATCH! Which goes live on December 17th on PC, December 18th on Consoles, and December 19th on EU PS3s

Tweaks, Fixes and Additional Content

  • VoIP improvements
  • Front-end visual improvements in MP
  • Increased bullet damage in Real Ops
  • In-game Party improvements
  • Shortened post-match timer and updated post-match progression display
  • Several fixes for Eyefinity setups (PC)
  • Added server leaderboards post-match
  • Added Fireteam leaderboards in Battlelog
  • Added Quick Select for classes/weapons
  • Added server password protection support (PC)
  • Added ability to modify FOV through in-game options (PC)
  • Added ability to modify ADS mouse speed option (PC)
  • Improved stability for SP and MP
  • Numerous fixes addressing known bugs and exploits
  • Additional content and changes in preparation for the Zero Dark Thirty or The Hunt Map Pack
* The Zero Dark Thirty (North America) or The Hunt (Rest of World) Map Packs contain the same exact content.


So who's coming back to Operate? :D


Neo Member
Great news Doomed1...sure i'll give it a go.

oh and a bit of ranting now...the kind of haters above that write posts with little to no argument just makes me laugh, instead of this, try to debate in a constructive manner...this is still a game that is leaps and bounds about black ops 2 in all departments, and multiplayer with the patch will be even better, especially with me playing real ops most of the time...
yes, i found the narrative to be lacking too, i agree that the driving seq are cool, those are a valid point, and there is a lack of cohesion and it was probably reedited as Doomed1 pointed out, and no coop for god sake, but...
You can take time to write a coherent post with details about pros and cons (as i did in previous posts and review, along with some others), yet nobody responds to it, because this is not a discussion forum, this is just a "let us post my tweet of random trash or assinine comments about a game i barely played"...browse one or two pages back and read, and tell me if what i write is great about this game is not 100% true...show some respect for Goodrich and the devs for a start, and the community support despite poor sales !

final comment, in the patch, they don't seem to mention addressing the cheevo glitch though, that stupid tour with all classes glitch makes me and many others mad...
Great news Doomed1...sure i'll give it a go.

oh and a bit of ranting now...the kind of haters above that write posts with little to no argument just makes me laugh, instead of this, try to debate in a constructive manner...this is still a game that is leaps and bounds about black ops 2 in all departments, and multiplayer with the patch will be even better, especially with me playing real ops most of the time...
yes, i found the narrative to be lacking too, i agree that the driving seq are cool, those are a valid point, and there is a lack of cohesion and it was probably reedited as Doomed1 pointed out, and no coop for god sake, but...
You can take time to write a coherent post with details about pros and cons (as i did in previous posts and review, along with some others), yet nobody responds to it, because this is not a discussion forum, this is just a "let us post my tweet of random trash or assinine comments about a game i barely played"...browse one or two pages back and read, and tell me if what i write is great about this game is not 100% true...show some respect for Goodrich and the devs for a start, and the community support despite poor sales !

final comment, in the patch, they don't seem to mention addressing the cheevo glitch though, that stupid tour with all classes glitch makes me and many others mad...

Yes the game has it's issues. Among them for me would be the short campaign length and the disjointed narrative but at it's core the fundamental moment to moment gunplay feels triple A. From gun recoil, to player movement, and the ability to slid and use cover I think it plays better then Cod or Battlefield. And quite frankly it's refreshing to play a mp game that focuses so heavily on gunplay over perks, killstreaks, and vehicles.

New DLC goes live on the 18th. It's free to everyone who preorded and $10 for everyone else. It includes 2 new maps, 14 new weapon camos (including my personal favorite, Tactical Pink), and weapon attachments for the EBR, AK-103, MG4, G36, Mk. 16 PDW, and OBR 7.62.

More details here

But EVEN BETTER is the PATCH! Which goes live on December 17th on PC, December 18th on Consoles, and December 19th on EU PS3s


So who's coming back to Operate? :D

Aw shit. I have exactly one day to play before heading home (Dec 17th). I shall be on.


EA fucked this game so hard. It's been how long, and this is the first patch we get? This is probably going to be the only patch we get which is a shame because there is a great game in there but it's got so many bugs. And each day that goes by the community drops more and more.

I didn't know Greg was kick off the project as well as the principal military consultants and writers of the games story breaking ties and leaving the project around the same time. Real shame because this ground type of shooter MoH became was a step in the right direction. I'm worried that this is now going to turn into Battlefield: Black Ops or something instead of carving out its own path.


Everything is tsundere to me
final comment, in the patch, they don't seem to mention addressing the cheevo glitch though, that stupid tour with all classes glitch makes me and many others mad...
That might already be addressed in the "Numerous fixes addressing known bugs". I wouldn't know though, as I'm PC.

EA fucked this game so hard. It's been how long, and this is the first patch we get? This is probably going to be the only patch we get which is a shame because there is a great game in there but it's got so many bugs. And each day that goes by the community drops more and more.

I didn't know Greg was kick off the project as well as the principal military consultants and writers of the games story breaking ties and leaving the project around the same time. Real shame because this ground type of shooter MoH became was a step in the right direction. I'm worried that this is now going to turn into Battlefield: Black Ops or something instead of carving out its own path.
Well, I think that's all going to depend on if there's going to be a second map pack. Since the first one has a large amount of bundling with the LE, it doesn't provide a very good picture of potential post-release monetization, so I'm thinking EA might push a second map pack, maybe around March, and at the least, we'll get a patch with that release. After that, it all depends on the performance of that pack whether or not EA wants to continue that DLC cycle. Though performance this map pack, ie downloading numbers and similar metrics, might kill it even before a second pack.

Though in the end, it's all EA's fault. Let's see if they deny it and take it out on MoH and Danger Close or admit their wrong and try it again better next time.

Aw shit. I have exactly one day to play before heading home (Dec 17th). I shall be on.
Sadly, DLC isn't coming until the next day! Make sure you get in either way, bro. Need someone to OPERATE it up with.


microdestruction : wooden planks are destructible / the level in the hotel is just a great example of microdestruction, amazing how chips of wood and marble are just thrown all over the place...
There is nothing special about the 'microdestruction' in Warfighter. I understand why it wasn't in the last MOH but here it just seems lazy as hell given the pedigree of the engine.
sloppy AI, lol, try playing on tier one or hardcore
EL. OH. EL. The 'AI' in Warfighter is nonexistent. The only thing that makes them a challenge on harder difficulty is their LASER PRECISION and the total ineptitude of your AI teammates shooting into the nearest wall. Which felt like it was actually a parody, because here you have barely trained militia folks snapshotting you from across the area with iron sights and your super Tier 1 badasses can't hit a dude literally three feet from them on the other side of a car because they keep shooting into the hood.
so doomed1 is right, i have been defending this game because it deserves it, and because black ops 2 is a disgrace in comparison...MOH 2010 was also a great game, with excellent sound, in-game dialogue and gameplay, it was destroyed nonetheless...
The sound is a downgrade from the last MOH, and a HUGE downgrade from BF3. Like, painfully. The in-game dialogue is bad, the plot is absolutely atrocious (the final level just left me scratching my head, why was the training mission you as a terrorist for just that one section, why the obsession over PETN like it's some miraculous new explosive, etc) the banter was just vapid dudebro 'Murica fuck yeah stuff (maybe the specops dudes really sound like that, don't know, but I'm a veteran and I was cringing at times). The gameplay was nothing special except that I really liked the cover dynamic and how you could control lean. So many sections literally ripped off MW3 (the drones particularly) that I actually felt sorry for the devs it felt so forced. I really liked the last MOH and still play it (not much online though, that's a shitshow now) and this one was a downgrade all-around.

Say what you will about the BO2 MP, but they told a tight story (well, minus the crazy 30-year Xanatos gambit that was lame) and you could make actual choices that had a big impact on the storyline. Warfighter was just a desperate attempt to copy MW3, with a storyline written by people who obviously could not write their way out of a Harlequin Romance, and a dev team who should have been able to just take BC2 and make it tighter and grittier but couldn't even manage that.


Neo Member
Still don't agree with your vision of the AI, especially not the friendly AI, who can actually kill a lot of bad guys very efficiently, with good use of grenades and even switching to handguns in close combat...
And no, on hardcore, the ennemies don't have laser aim, they miss quite a bit, depending on the weapons and attachment, and i completed hardcore and tier-one.

They don't seem to like people rushing to you though, on that i agree, but give them 2 secs and they'll react, and it might be intentional so rushing ennemies actually surprise you and add some sort of tension to avoid you hiding behind cover all the f... time !

About the sound, i play on 5.1 surround with a big mosquito subwoofer, the sound has a few glitches, i hate the sound of the mounted gun (when you use it) because it lacks LFE, but the rest is just as good as the first one, if not better.
The sound in SP and MP is one of the best things about this game, so what, you play with a headset, right ?
I wouldn't say it is exactly on par with BF3 though, because the vehicles add a lot to the atmosphere !

Sound in Black ops 2 is a joke in comparison, nothing sounds right, and there is no LFE at all ! pop pop pop guns...

See, that is good to have a discussion, thanks for your post and taking time to counter review !


Everything is tsundere to me
It seems they updated the changelist under our noses. There's going to be 10 more ranks in MP
Added 10 multiplayer ranks
  • Atlas Commander Bronze 1/2/3
  • Atlas Commander Silver 1/2/3
  • Atlas Commander Gold 1/2/3[/INDENT]
Now if they'd only tell us of any gameplay balances. The AK5C needs a buff, damnit!


Everything is tsundere to me
After a short delay, Zero Dark Thirty map pack and patch are now live on PC! Update your games via Origin! If it doesn't work at first, try rebooting your computer. It took a reboot for my Origin client to get the picture, the piece of shit.


Everything is tsundere to me
any of you pc players have info on how the patch has improved or made the game worse?

Improvements: FOV slider (though that's only in game), Improved server browser, quick-select weapons and class, unlocks are clearer as to their requirements, UI is a little better, and everything feels a bit more stable.

Worse: Honestly, the choice to increase bullet damage and lower health in hardcore mode is a bit frustrating.

The Same: VOIP is still borked, there doesn't seem to be any gameplay balance changes, so the AK5C is still hopelessly underpowered, and the TAC-50 is still something that you can shoot accurately while standing unsupported, and there's still the occasional black-screen post-match bug, but it's much rarer now. They also haven't fixed the whole inability to switch teams or fireteam buddies, even when more than one lack a fireteam buddy, which is the only real problem that's left.

Bonus: The new maps and attachments are awesome! The Tactical Pink was the pink camo I wanted all along. Now I can have an abomination of an AK too!
While the previous interface didn't bother me the new UI is much better organized and layed out for unlocks. I just wish there were people playing the new maps. Then again playing at 8am on a Wednesday morning isn't the best time.


Everything is tsundere to me
So anyone else still playing? Since the patch, things are SO much better. VOIP is still borked for me, but now the game is running so much better, barring Verizon throttling my bandwidth during peak hours.
So anyone else still playing? Since the patch, things are SO much better. VOIP is still borked for me, but now the game is running so much better, barring Verizon throttling my bandwidth during peak hours.

I've been on a couple times since the patch. The new maps are nice but Darra gun market is clearly the better of the two. I'm not really a fan of the wide open middle area of chitral compound.
Doomed, you still playing? I've hopped on these past few nights (albeit, very late) to try the new patch/maps. I should be on tomorrow night/this weekend.


Everything is tsundere to me
Doomed, you still playing? I've hopped on these past few nights (albeit, very late) to try the new patch/maps. I should be on tomorrow night/this weekend.

Yeah, course I am. Took a few days off playing The Witcher, but 2 isn't everything I hoped (they wrote Shani out, man!), but I'm always good for a round. I'll look if you're on this evening.


Everything is tsundere to me
They're closing their website because of micro-destruction?

And I thought I hated Medal of Honor: Warfighter.

Yeah, and they still haven't reopened it after the patch and the very excellent ZD30 maps. Also me and Anton went on a TEAR last night. Made a clan that was stacking the other team quit out. The buddy system is a real brilliant little gem, so it's a shame more people aren't playing. Playing with a buddy is so rewarding. Now they only need to get voip working properly and there might get that level of reward for any random you get paired with.
Yeah, and they still haven't reopened it after the patch and the very excellent ZD30 maps. Also me and Anton went on a TEAR last night. Made a clan that was stacking the other team quit out. The buddy system is a real brilliant little gem, so it's a shame more people aren't playing. Playing with a buddy is so rewarding. Now they only need to get voip working properly and there might get that level of reward for any random you get paired with.

Ah yeah, that was a great time. There was a marked difference in my deaths when I was separated from my buddy (doomed, for most of the rounds) and when I went on my own.

Might have some time this weekend. Been entranced by DayZ lately.


Everything is tsundere to me
Any idea what the PC population is like?
Smallish, but dedicated. I usually don't find too much trouble finding a full or nearly full game in a game mode I enjoy. Not sure if I'd recommend you to pick it up cold though. I'd wait for a sale or something.

Ah yeah, that was a great time. There was a marked difference in my deaths when I was separated from my buddy (doomed, for most of the rounds) and when I went on my own.

Might have some time this weekend. Been entranced by DayZ lately.
A game filled with griefers over teamplay goodness that is Warfighter? Alright, I guess I don't have much to say since I was absorbed by Witcher 2, which I finished.
I was left unsatisfied.
Just picked up the LE 360 version at Target (on sale for $20 this week) Anyone in here play this on 360 with the disc installed? I installed the HD pack and game but it sounds like its constantly reading from the disc.


Everything is tsundere to me
Just picked up the LE 360 version at Target (on sale for $20 this week) Anyone in here play this on 360 with the disc installed? I installed the HD pack and game but it sounds like its constantly reading from the disc.

The HD pack as I understand it is just textures. The game still needs data in the form of models and terrain data.
The HD pack as I understand it is just textures. The game still needs data in the form of models and terrain data.

So it's just getting extra data off disc? I installed HD pack and both discs. Still spins in between missions. Just thought it was weird. Game plays fine just usually when I install to HDD the disc spins like a minute at startup and never again.


So it's just getting extra data off disc? I installed HD pack and both discs. Still spins in between missions. Just thought it was weird. Game plays fine just usually when I install to HDD the disc spins like a minute at startup and never again.

Since the last Xbox update the disc can spin for some time before it stops.


That's a shame. I haven't played in a month because of Red Orchestra 2, but I think I'll give it another shot.


I liked the game and played a tonne of MP on 360 (35 hours worth). I was actually thinking about getting it again on PS3 as it's only $29.99 now. After yesterdays announcement I guess I'll wait for it to drop even more.


What are the plans for the future? Any more DLC or anything? I don't own the first map pack since I got this during a sale(PC), but I'm not sure it's worth it at this point. The PC playerbase is sadly rather low these days, or so I find.


Everything is tsundere to me
What are the plans for the future? Any more DLC or anything? I don't own the first map pack since I got this during a sale(PC), but I'm not sure it's worth it at this point. The PC playerbase is sadly rather low these days, or so I find.

Support's pretty much a dead end. We might get a patch to clear remaining bugs and gameplay balances, but are you filtering out the servers with DLC in the server browser? Most full and active servers have the DLC, so paying in that 10$ will open up a number of active US servers. You'll also get a couple nifty attachments, like the RMR on the AK-103.

What's your Origin, out of curiosity? I'm always looking for people to play with, and the game is SO much more fantastic with someone to play with.


Ah, okay. I filtered them out because getting kicked for not having the maps was frustrating.

My Origin is Godofnerdiness, feel free to add me. Anyone else who wants to can as well :v


I've been curious to check this out since it released, and have been thinking of giving it a shot as it's $15 at Best Buy for Reward members.

Does anyone know if the online is dead on PS3?

I've been enjoying the heck out of BF3 lately and I also own Blops 2 (haven't been playing much lately). Worth buying MoH or should I slap myself in the face for even thinking of buying this?

I've heard you should play the game differently than either BF or CoD. I'm just wondering how you're supposed to play MoH?


I've been curious to check this out since it released, and have been thinking of giving it a shot as it's $15 at Best Buy for Reward members.

Does anyone know if the online is dead on PS3?

I've been enjoying the heck out of BF3 lately and I also own Blops 2 (haven't been playing much lately). Worth buying MoH or should I slap myself in the face for even thinking of buying this?

I've heard you should play the game differently than either BF or CoD. I'm just wondering how you're supposed to play MoH?

You play it like any other shooter, MoH isn't special at all. Just remember it doesn't do anything better than either of those 2 games. The online has some nice ideas, but it gets trampled by just how bad everything else is.


Everything is tsundere to me
I've been curious to check this out since it released, and have been thinking of giving it a shot as it's $15 at Best Buy for Reward members.

Does anyone know if the online is dead on PS3?

I've been enjoying the heck out of BF3 lately and I also own Blops 2 (haven't been playing much lately). Worth buying MoH or should I slap myself in the face for even thinking of buying this?

I've heard you should play the game differently than either BF or CoD. I'm just wondering how you're supposed to play MoH?

The PS3 is the most active, actually. At 15$, that's totally worth it. After a couple hours if you still like it, be sure to grab the map pack.

As for the gameplay, it's not as fast or frantic as CoD, but it's still about small space tactics, unlike BF3. What Warfighter would classify is team-based. You really do have to work WITH your team, particularly your fireteam buddy. Sometimes, they don't work with you, and it's sorta frustrating, but as long as you have it in your head that you can stomp peeps and carry like CoD, you won't. The gameplay is much more intentional, slow, and at the same time, lightning quick compared to much larger games like BF3. You have to move as fast as CoD, but you have to think like in BF3.

And don't listen to Cudder. Going into it with that attitude is a guarantee that you won't enjoy it at all. Just play smart, stick with your buddy when possible, PTFO, and you'll do fine.
I've been curious to check this out since it released, and have been thinking of giving it a shot as it's $15 at Best Buy for Reward members.

Does anyone know if the online is dead on PS3?

I've been enjoying the heck out of BF3 lately and I also own Blops 2 (haven't been playing much lately). Worth buying MoH or should I slap myself in the face for even thinking of buying this?

I've heard you should play the game differently than either BF or CoD. I'm just wondering how you're supposed to play MoH?

If you went and picked up the ps3 version add me. PSN Rated-rsuperstar


Everything is tsundere to me
*sigh* I wish EA wasn't such an awful publisher. Then maybe this game could have been saved. If anyone is still out there, have something I found a couple weeks ago but haven't posted yet.

I think it's a pretty... *sunglasses*

Breach'n song



I'm going to re-download this and see if Doomed is just crazy in the caboose or my irrational hatred for anything EA is clouding my judgement.


Yeah, I just ain't bored of this kind of game yet.

If you don't mind games where you walk down a corridor shooting dudes, this one is pretty fun.

I like it with the controls set to Vegas style, the automatic aim down sights when leaning thing turned off and aiming on a toggle. Then you sprint between cover popping out to shoot things.

And the driving sections are great.


I've looked and posted elsewhere but cannot find an answer.

Would buying the 72 soldier shortcut on PSN get you the Warchief trophy for unlocking all 72 soldiers? It sounds like a dumb question and probably is but I'd like to know. I did this one 360 by grinding it out but would like to speed up my time online with this on PS3.


This game is only $8 now on sale, it it worth getting on PC for multi-player? Are there still people playing? Is multi-player any good?
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