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Media Create Sales 10/22 - 10/28 2007

AniHawk said:
Whoa. Flashback to 2002 here. I think SMS did 300k its first week. I expect similar numbers for lifetime sales with Galaxy.

No, I would exclude this. Mario Party 8 sold 800k, so I don't think that Mario Galaxy will have the same legs then a stupid Mario Party. And you have to consider that Christmas will have a big effect. Probably a lot of Wii's owners will buy it later.

Yeah, I'm not 100% sure, but this is what's likely. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that the game will sell like Twilight Princess: like shit. But for God's sake: this is a Mario game after all ! And Mario = biggest legs in the entire industry.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
No, I would exclude this. Mario Party 8 sold 800k, so I don't think that Mario Galaxy will have the same legs then a stupid Mario Party. And you have to consider that Christmas will have a big effect. Probably a lot of Wii's owners will buy it later.

Yeah, I'm not 100% sure, but this is what's likely. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that the game will sell like Twilight Princess: like shit. But for God's sake: this is a Mario game after all ! And Mario = biggest legs in the entire industry.

Mario Party 4 outsold Super Mario Sunshine in 2002.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
this is a Mario game after all ! And Mario (on DS) = biggest legs in the entire industry.

Outside of Wii Sports (and probably soon Wii Fit), Wii sales are still a completely separate beast than DS sales.
verplant said:

Wii recruiting impression by thing mentioned elsewhere "Super Mario Galaxy" of present.

The sales number at the sale first day is about 130,000 more than Wii "Mario party 8".

If you think the sales number is about 280,000 per first

It can be said as many as 300,000 exaggerated good starts that can be aimed during the first.

I want to expect where to expand in special procurements of Christmas of the Nintendo established custom within the year.

Good translation, but let me say that the trick: "it has sold more then Mario Party 8, who sold 130k", is a perfect way to generate caos. Stupid Shinobi.


goldenpp72 said:
35k isnt that terrible for ac6 but yeah, could have been better. Hope it hits that magic 100k mark in japan.

How is the 100k mark magic? Does Namco suddenly get a $10,000,000 bonus or something?
Stupid Japan.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

YOu keep your god damned handhelds, Nintendo don't worry us English, Europeans and Americans will give your game the credit it needs.

Move your ass to Europe and just give Japan some Wii______ games now and again. We want Mario, we want Nintendo fucking hardcore games, if Japan rejects Mario Galaxy then i no longer hold any respect for Japan.

Anway still semi-decent numbers :lol :lol


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Good translation, but let me say that the trick: "it has more then Mario Party 8, who sold 130k", is a perfect way to generate caos. Stupid Shinobi.

That isn't my translation... it's from http://www.excite.co.jp

So it is:

The sales number at the sale first day is about 130,000 more than Wii "Mario party 8".


The sales number at the sale first day is about 130,000, (which is) more than Wii "Mario party 8".


AniHawk said:
How is the 100k mark magic? Does Namco suddenly get a $10,000,000 bonus or something?

Yes. That's how MS Japan plays. If your game sells over 100k, you get 10 million as a christmas gift from Microsoft Japan.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
AniHawk said:
How is the 100k mark magic? Does Namco suddenly get a $10,000,000 bonus or something?

Because 6 digit numbers are sexy.

Also, maybe Nintendo will give up on the whole Wii thing, and focus on the DS.


most 360 titles in japan seem to die at the 100k mark or near it (dead rising, gears, lost planet), with the only one going more then that I think being blue dragon.

Aka, the general cap for the big 360 japanese games seems to be 100k, pathetic, but yeah.


because profits for japanese developers don't get a nice boost for hardware install base :p

However, 100k is a nice figure to pad the worldwide I guess. AC6 100k in japan? Maybe it could do 500k here and 400k in the rest of the world.. :eek:
AniHawk said:
SMG's nostalgia calls back to a game that sold 1.6m. NSMB's nostalgia calls back to a game that sold 6.8m.

Yeah, this is true. 2D Mario games in Japan sold incredibly well, but 3D games (even Super Mario 64) didn't sold as their predecessor.

This plays surely a big factor, but I expect always in the long term more then 1 million.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Yeah, this is true. 2D Mario games in Japan sold incredibly well, but 3D games (even Super Mario 64) didn't sold as their predecessor.

This plays surely a big factor, but I expect always in the long term more then 1 million.
I expect it to have BIG legs as word of mouth flies around and holiday sales start to pick up
it bloody better do Japan, or there'll be trouble!!
DefectiveReject said:
I expect it to have BIG legs as word of mouth flies around and holiday sales start to pick up
it bloody better do Japan, or there'll be trouble!!

I think that Nintendo has had a big part into this disappointed start. With all the money they have, and now that DS and Wii are leaders, they should push a lot more the marketing. The reports of Siliconera and Vinnk said FFCC VII has had a LOT of advertisments into all major stores and that the hype was high.
Super Mario Galaxy should have had the same treatment. But it hasn't. I blame Nintendo for that.


I refuse to believe this Galaxy fiasco. Not because I don't want to (it IS part of the scary realm of possibility after all)... but we're trusting machine translations of handed-down data from other sources put into poorly-worded Japanese sentences to begin with. Shinobi is usually accurate, but this isn't the first time mass confusion has arisen because of him.

duckroll said:
He didn't say. But when retailers say it's a good start, it means it sold within expectations, so the shipment likely isn't huge. What Nintendo is probably gunning for is to keep selling until Christmas hits.
Weren't original 1st week retail orders totaling 700K as of last month?
EDIT: Did a search, the same site was reporting 700K retail pre-orders... so really, if you add up all the info we have, you get a great big DOES NOT COMPUTE.


On sheer quality alone, Galaxy is going to have massive legs. It will be sitting in that top 10 for a long, long time.


Hey guys, remember me? The guy you were dogpiling on in the other thread for saying I didn't think SMG was going to be a killer app in Japan like Wii Fit was? Hi.
Frillen said:
I think only the persons who actually want it to flop, thinks it flops, just because of these "not any lines" speculations.


M-create UPDATED:

DSL 76,243
PSP 59,792
Wii 27,502
PS3 18,785
PS2 11,698
Xbox360 3,718
GBM 64
GC 58
DS 30
Can't you make a nice overview of the hardwaresales when posting them? I say, do it the cheesemeister way, or don't do it at all. Now we have to search for the numbers of last week and that is annoying.
Terrell said:
Weren't original 1st week retail orders totaling 700K as of last month?
EDIT: Did a search, the same site was reporting 700K retail pre-orders... so really, if you add up all the info we have, you get a great big DOES NOT COMPUTE.

RETAILERS pre-orders. NOT consumers pre-orders.


Terrell said:
I refuse to believe this Galaxy fiasco. Not because I don't want to (it IS part of the scary realm of possibility after all)... but we're trusting machine translations of handed-down data from other sources put into poorly-worded Japanese sentences to begin with. Shinobi is usually accurate, but this isn't the first time mass confusion has arisen because of him.

Weren't original 1st week retail orders totaling 700K as of last month?
EDIT: Did a search, the same site was reporting 700K retail pre-orders... so really, if you add up all the info we have, you get a great big DOES NOT COMPUTE.

Several people on this board speaks japanese, some even live there...

Retail preorders != sales.


Sharp said:
Hey guys, remember me? The guy you were dogpiling on in the other thread for saying I didn't think SMG was going to be a killer app in Japan like Wii Fit was? Hi.

It won't even be a killer app in America, though the Wii doesn't need one there.
AniHawk said:
It won't even be a killer app in America, though the Wii doesn't need one there.

Shit, but it doens't make sense. Tell me it's a Wii problem to not be hardcore enough, because this is the only explication I can found, but this is valid in Japan. After all Twilight Princess sold very well in USA and I expect these same people to buy Mario Galaxy as well.

And maybe we're discussing for nothing, because nothing is official yet...
No way, I can't believe what I'm reading! How can SMG sell so badly?!

Maybe it'll pick up during the next few days as people buy it for the weekend!



Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Shit, but it doens't make sense. Tell me it's a Wii problem to not be hardcore enough, because this is the only explication I can found, but this is valid in Japan. After all Twilight Princess sold very well in USA and I expect these same people to buy Mario Galaxy as well.

And maybe we're discussing for nothing, because nothing is official yet...

I mean, Galaxy isn't needed to sell systems in America. Galaxy will sell VERY well here, like TP did, but it's not a necessary title. Wii Fit will probably gain more recognition, and SSBB is going to be THE big hardcore game in Japan and the States.


So you mean that the mainstream media advertising and the *very, very, very* heavy focus on casual games, Wii Sports and people of all ages playing hasn't attracted hardcore gamers who buy games day 1?

Who would have thought.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
RETAILERS pre-orders. NOT consumers pre-orders.
But retailers are being quoted as being pleased with the sales. 700K - ~300K first week sales =/= something retailers would be the least bit happy about. Hence, does not compute.


stilgar said:
We still don't know the real numbers, but 130 000 more than MP8 is not what I'd call a "fiasco".
No, but about 3 different interpretations of the same quote IS.
EDIT: Yeah, see? NOW you understand, and that's all that's important.


Jonnyram said:
Ooh, he says the 360 Value Pack is really popular.
Looking forward to next week's charts :D

NicoNico game rankings

You can tell that again. :)

The race is still on!

reilo said:
Right. But if SMG numbers had exceeded FF7CC first day sales, you'd have no problem doing the comparison then, would you?
Well that would've been pretty incredible sales considering the series is not as front-loaded, no? I don't get your direction. The two series are not comparable in the slightest sales-wise.

Notorious_Roy said:
Can't you make a nice overview of the hardwaresales when posting them? I say, do it the cheesemeister way, or don't do it at all. Now we have to search for the numbers of last week and that is annoying.
Why should he do that? Cheesemeister will make his post later anyways, this is just for people who don't refresh those sites (like me).

Kildace said:
So you mean that the mainstream media advertising and the *very, very, very* heavy focus on casual games, Wii Sports and people of all ages playing hasn't attracted hardcore gamers who buy games day 1?

Who would have thought.
This has some truth to it. When I last meet up with a couple of friends one of them showed me MP3 (don't have time atm to play so I haven't bought it yet) and everyone was surprised. "That's on Wii? I thought that was all about "those" games (meaning WiiSports, Mario Party etc.) and the gfx aren't too bad either."

Seems to me that to have success with the core demographic like Iwata plans to, means that you have to change the perceiption of the Wii and it's software. Nintendo better think their marketing strategy over if they really want to make it happen (not that they need to from a sales-perspective, since they'll be selling millions regardless).
Bebpo said:
Outside of Wii Sports (and probably soon Wii Fit), Wii sales are still a completely separate beast than DS sales.
If any game can generate very positive word of mouth and translate that into sales like Wii Sports(and demonstrate monster legs), it's a main Mario game(along with Wii Fit, of course).

No doubt that SMG will do considerably better in the West during it's initial sales period but what I worry about is that even though Nintendo generates 70%++ of thier incone from us, they listen to their Japanese customers more.


It'd be the coolest thing ever if X360 got back in the race in Japan and all three systems started doing within reasonable amounts of each other.

It'd seriously become the most exciting time in consoles in forever, seeing three systems fighting back and forth with ups and downs.


Bebpo said:
It'd seriously become the most exciting time in consoles in forever, seeing three systems fighting back and forth with ups and downs.
I think the PS3 and 360 could well fight with each other, but the Wii is a different market, and it's gonna be an ugly gen for Japanese devs. Will write more on the subject when I have time, it's a massive issue that could be good for discussion here on GAF. I just hope it doesn't get bogged down with typical GAF nonsense.
I wonder if Nintendo shipped 700k after all....

Not bad for AC6 considering its platform...but its just bad for the franchise, looks like it'll do like the PSP one or even a little less. At least it had a good sell through.

Just wow at Opoona numbers and sell through...also at SRT 2nd Scramble which is at 10k, pretty bad too.


Jonnyram said:
I think the PS3 and 360 could well fight with each other, but the Wii is a different market, and it's gonna be an ugly gen for Japanese devs. Will write more on the subject when I have time, it's a massive issue that could be good for discussion here on GAF. I just hope it doesn't get bogged down with typical GAF nonsense.

I would love to have a decent thread about this because it´s worth discussing indeed. I am worried about japanese developers. Will look for your thread.


i'm pretty shocked at those SMG sales, i mean... it'll go on to sell that 500,000+ lifetime, of course, but i thought NSMB indicated that there was still some fairly large contingent of Japan that still enjoyed games. I guess it was just that they enjoyed DS and accidentally purchased NSMB instead of Nintendogs.
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