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Media Create Sales 10/22 - 10/28 2007


So if you take the general rule of thumb ~50% weekly sales for first day, SMG may hit 300k for the week.


I meant bombed in terms of what it did first day. Its bombed first day.

I don't know whats its going to do this week or this holiday season.

It could have Brain traning like legs or it could have Final Fantasy like legs. At this point we don't know and considering the Japanese market right now you can't even make an educated guess on how the game is going to do.

A week ago people were saying that this game was going to sell 400k minimum first day. A month ago people were predicting 1 million first week and it will not only make the Wii supply constraint but also help other hardcore games sell better. You know what none of this happened. It could end like DQS or it could sell more next week than this week. At this point we don't know.

It sold 130k first day, thats the only fact we know about SMG. Hopefully it'll have great legs cause I don't want to play most of my japanese games on a 3 by 2 screen.


dark10x said:
I can't imagine Nintendo scrapping those franchises, of course, but one has to wonder if they'll be willing to spend as much time and money creating new installments in each franchise. You know what I'm saying? Consider how much time went into the creation of Zelda TP and Mario Galaxy. Clearly those games required larger budgets, a larger staff, and more time to complete. What good does it do Nintendo to focus on such productions when they can cheaply create simplistic content that will sell at a higher volume? I'd say it's pretty unlikely that they would take this approach, but it's not as if it doesn't make sense.
i dont think they lost money on Zelda Tp and i dont think they will loose money on mario galaxy..

also Nintendo has a very solid fanbase that they need when their ventures fail :lol :lol :lol (see N64 and GC)

so they really cant ignore those franchises.. and of course they wont


SMG has bombed.

God damn it, that's bullshit.

EDIT: I'm not too optimistic it'll even beat Super Mario Sunshine numbers, right now. I honestly thought this game would hit 1M out of the gate. Guess the crowd that has a Wii just isn't into Mario. :|


So is the Galaxy number absolutely, 100%, verifiably correct? That seems extremely low to me, even in light of Nintendo's casual crusade against real games.


Opus Angelorum said:
In a country with over 3 million Wii consoles, how can anyway say 130,000 first day sales for a game as big as SMG is good?

Yes, it will have legs but I find this number quite unbelievable.

Guess it depends on how much went into the game and what the publisher was expecting a game like Ash or Oopona would definately be bomb though.


ccbfan said:
I have to say this is probably the funniest and saddest thread I've seen in a while.

It went from average SMG prediction of around 400k first day -> joking around that SMG will bomb and making fun of people that thought it was serious -> SMG selling 130 k -> massive damage control -> the death of hardcore gaming in japan -> 130K for a flagship title for the most popular console in Japan are actually good numbers

IMO this just confirms that Wii is a product for casuals. Wii Fit is probably where its holyday season is at.
JavyOO7 said:
SMG has bombed.

God damn it, that's bullshit.

EDIT: I'm not too optimistic it'll even beat Super Mario Sunshine numbers, right now. I honestly thought this game would hit 1M out of the gate. Guess the crowd that has a Wii just isn't into Mario. :|

1 million out of the gate when they didn't even ship that many?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I'll be dissapointed if it doesn't ultimately sell 2 Million units.
Oh what dangerous waters we enter, where GAFers freak out at everything. Anyone who thinks that, if it is as good as people say, Mario Galaxy will not pull great numbers over its life is living in an anxious moment of anal probing. The japanese either adopt something or they don't. Sometimes they don't adopt good things, but they are usually 100 times more adept than peeps in the U.S.A., for instance, at grabbing onto good things. Although, for some reason they are also as adept at grabbing onto as much crap. If the game is good, word of mouth etc. will keep its legs moving. If that doesn't happen then whatever, the game is clearly for other markets at this point.

Either way, Nintendo is not d00med. Look at their financial statements.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Either way, Nintendo is not d00med. Look at their financial statements.
Nintendo certainly isn't doomed, but this type of things seems to suggest that traditional gaming may be (at least in Japan). :D


Elios83 said:
IMO this just confirms that Wii is a product for casuals. Wii Fit is probably where its holyday season is at.
Don't celebrate too much. The question isn't which console is the home of casuals, it's which is the home of the hardcore. It looks like, at the moment, they'll show up for one or two games per season on the DS or PSP and that's it.


loosus said:
That seems extremely low to me, even in light of Nintendo's casual crusade against real games.
:lol fuck you.

acuul said:
2.5k first day is a bomb?
Well, actually it isn't a bomb per se, but selling 10% of the initial shipment definitely is. Poor Opoona. ;_;


DeaconKnowledge said:
Disappointing to be sure, but i'd hardly call it a bomb.

I think it's just we worked ourselves into a frenzy of hype, and like most hype it didn't deliver. The Japanese consumer just wasn't as enthusiastic about the game as we were. I saw the advertising as bad (not so much bad in quality as in quantity) but other j-gaffers said it was OK. Regardless, something went wrong. Either with Nintendo, or with us. Or both. It's going to take a bit of time to sort out how good or bad this number is. I'm personally disappointed but I don't know weather I should be or not.
dark10x said:
Nintendo certainly isn't doomed, but this type of things seems to suggest that traditional gaming may be (at least in Japan). :D
I completely agree. Perhaps just d00med for the moment of this generation though. I think it is going through a natural, and needed, process of refinement. Maybe it will become as broad as the book industry, where every game has a slight variation on others and only a very very select few end up being significantly profitable. Is that where we are moving?
ccbfan said:
A week ago people were saying that this game was going to sell 400k minimum first day. A month ago people were predicting 1 million first week and it will not only make the Wii supply constraint but also help other hardcore games sell better.
I don't like being a grammar nazi (total lie, I love it, I just usually keep it to myself), but I've seen you make this mistake a few times now, so I'm going to correct you in hopes you won't make the same error in the future.

'Constraint' is a noun. You seem to be using it as an adjective, but the word simply does not work this way. The word you are looking for is 'constrained', which is an adjective.

Just another helpful tip from your friendly neighbourhood Segata!


dark10x said:
I'm really shocked and disappointed with the sales of SMG. Hopefully long term sales will look much better.

With Nintendo's BIG budget games (Mario, Metroid, and Zelda) selling below expectations while simplistic waggle productions sell in the millions, I'm beginning to worry that they will focus even less on creating content for fans of traditional games. Metroid Prime 3 completely destroys everything else on the system, yet it couldn't even come close to matching the sales of garbage mini game collections. Hopefully Mario does not suffer the same fate.

It seems that traditional games still have a place on Nintendo DS, but they just don't seem to do as well on Wii. :\

So how do you know that Galaxy will sell below expectations with only seeing first day sales from Japan?

These are only Japanese figures, I'm sure Galaxy will sell fantastic in America and Europe. And over time it will also sell great in Japan.

Lastly, Zelda Twilight Princess Wii version alone has sold over 4 Million world wide. That's already more than what Wind Waker ever did, and the game hasn't stopped selling yet.


Fry Daddy
Guys, you should listen to Segata when it comes to knowing when games bomb and systems are doomed.

After a few years, Sega fans have become attuned to those warning signs. Usually they ignore them or attribute them to evil outside forces.


DeaconKnowledge said:
130k first day is a bomb?

If the game doesn't outsell SMS in the long term, it will be disappointing, but so far it's heading for a 250-300K opening before the holiday rush, so there's nothing untoward here, some expectations were too high.

Nintendo games often have amazing legs and Wii is still the dominant system in Japan with PS3 in the usual niche secondary position and nothing suggests this is going to change in the future, so if there is a market for new versions of old games on home consoles it's going to be on Wii.

Given the lull in the home console market at the moment I see nothing of concern in SMG's sales. It's is going to be a test for more traditional gaming, but the results won't really be conclusive until mid January going by the previous trends of the Japanese market. Historically Nintendo always sells most of their hw and sw in the holidays, proportionally far more than Sony ever has, it's just the performance of Wii and DS throughout this year has made people forget this (if they were aware of the trend).
:lol The spin here is hilarious.

I think this is a situation where armchair analysts bought into the hype. SMG looks good and they want to play it. Therefore, they believe that everyone and their dog will be lining up to get a hold of the game. Plus many people seem to believe that Wii = instant million seller, which is not the case.

130,000 for the first day is not good. This is Nintendo's most important franchise.


Frillen said:
So how do you know that Galaxy will sell below expectations with only seeing first day sales from Japan?

These are only Japanese figures, I'm sure Galaxy will sell fantastic in America and Europe. And over time it will also sell great in Japan.

Lastly, Zelda Twilight Princess Wii version alone has sold over 4 Million world wide. That's already more than what Wind Waker ever did, and the game hasn't stopped selling yet.

I don't think the worry is that SMG will bomb WW. It will do great WW just like TP did. That's not the real concern. Or is there any concern of of Nintendo forgoing games like traditional mario and zelda on home consoles. The concern is where the hell are the traditional on home consoles. Nintendo will continuing making smash/mario/zelda on home consoles. There's still large market for that.

The real problem is where are the other Japanese games going to go, especially ones where 90+ percent of sales comes from Japan. The lessor games that are normally on home consoles that are popping up on handheld. What if TOS2 bombs. Will tales games appear on home consoles anymore? Will we ever see another main DQ on home consoles?
It more of the direction gaming is heading in Japan and SMG's performance is a huge indicator of where its going.

Personally I don't care how much money Nintendo makes. Wii Fit succeeding and SMG bombing is worse to me than both bombing. I only care about the parts of Nintendo that I like which are the games that I like. I'm hoping Wii Fit bombs.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
The Experiment said:
130,000 for the first day is not good. This is Nintendo's most important franchise.

no more mario games confirmed... :-/


I still find it very amusing that a few short months ago, a bunch of members in the Wii Fan Club were insisting that it was the perfect machine to inherit the hardcore, niche, completely non-casual RPG fanbase of the Atluses and the Nippon Ichis. Fun thread! But I imagine the Wii is looking less and less appealing to these publishers with every passing week.

The Experiment said:
Plus many people seem to believe that Wii = instant million seller, which is not the case.

130,000 for the first day is not good. This is Nintendo's most important franchise.

It's not an instant million seller, but Mario Galaxy will still sell a million. Perhaps not much beyond that, but it will reach that benchmark at least. But even that's going to be worrisome for third party publishers who are going to look at that to gauge the strength of traditional gaming on the system.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
By the way, I found this extremely amusing:
TOKYO (Reuters) - Nintendo Co Ltd's Wii game console outsold Sony Corp's PlayStation 3 by 2-to-1 in Japan in October, a game magazine publisher said, but its lead over the PS3 shrank for the fourth consecutive month.

Nintendo sold 110,415 units of the Wii in the four weeks to October 28, compared with 47,183 units of the PS3, Enterbrain said on Friday.

The Wii, which features an innovative motion-sensing controller that allows gamers direct on-screen play by swinging it like a racket or sword, outsold the PS3 by more than 6-to-1 in Japan in June.

But the PS3, which suffered a slow start after its launch a year ago due to its high price and scarcity of strong game titles, has been closing the gap with the Wii in recent months as Sony cut console prices and beefed up its software lineup.

The Wii's narrowing lead in Japan is a welcome sign for Sony as the electronics and entertainment conglomerate heads into the crucial holiday season.

Sony's game business posted an operating loss of 96.7 billion yen ($841.8 million) in July-September, while blistering demand for the Wii and the DS handheld player helped Nintendo zip past Sony and other corporate giants to become Japan's third-most valuable company.

During the same four weeks to October 28, Microsoft Corp sold 18,717 units in Japan of its Xbox 360, which is popular overseas but struggling in the home turf of Nintendo and Sony, Enterbrain said.

Awesome doing, Reuters! :lol

Hmm. Does Enterbrain use a combination of different people's numbers?

Because when I did the math:

Media Create Wii 10/1 - 10/28


Media Create PS3 10/1 - 10/28


Which means a Wii/PS3 ratio of 1.585/1 Not 2/1.

What gives with Enterbrain's numbers?

They have Wii selling 16,702 more than the Media Create numbers, and PS3 selling 11,919 less than Media Create in the same time period.

Am I missing something? Where do Enterbrain's numbers come from?

If Enterbrain's numbers are off, maybe Reuters should look into a new primary source for their reports.
Phife Dawg said:
So a main entry in the DW series on a bigger user-base will do worse than a Gundam spin-off? OK!
Hard to decide such things. Is it a bigger advantage that it's a main entry, or a bigger disadvantage that it's not specifically attracting the Gundam crowd? Are the crowd who bought Gundam Musou and maybe Musou Orochi earlier this year ready for more already?
AniHawk said:
Mario Party 4 outsold Super Mario Sunshine in 2002.
Good point, but part of the situation is also reversed. Super Mario Sunshine was the late July game, while Mario Party 4 was the early November game.

Mrbob said:
What did super mario sunshine sell in Japan?

Wasn't it only like 700K?
Closer to 800K.
Chû Totoro said:
300k first week and 500 000 before 2008 seems good for me.
Those would be some incredibly poor legs for a Mario title.
ccbfan said:
It could have Brain traning like legs or it could have Final Fantasy like legs. At this point we don't know and considering the Japanese market right now you can't even make an educated guess on how the game is going to do.
Well, we know Mario Party 8 and Super Paper Mario have at least tripled their first week sales. Super Mario Sunshine nearly did that back in the day. The most front-loaded Nintendo-published Wii title so far has been... Fire Emblem and Donkey Kong Barrel Blast have only done a bit more than double first week sales. Some like Endless Ocean and Eyeshield 21 might be lower, but since they didn't stick in the top of the charts long we don't have as much to go on.


listen to the mad man
ethelred said:
I still find it very amusing that a few short months ago, a bunch of members in the Wii Fan Club were insisting that it was the perfect machine to inherit the hardcore, niche, completely non-casual RPG fanbase of the Atluses and the Nippon Ichis. Fun thread! But I imagine the Wii is looking less and less appealing to these publishers with every passing week.

Ignoring the fanboys, I think this brings up a very important discussion.

You're NI/Atlus/Marvelous. The Wii has software sale issues. The 360 is a non-issue. The PS3 has even worse software sale issues. The PS2 userbase won't hold on for too much longer.

Mobile phone is not really an option for most of your stuff technically (although there are a few exceptions; Yggdra Union is the town whore.) That leaves the PSP, which TBQH has software sales that are as similarly anemic as the Wii... although they're starting to pick up... and the DS.

Do you drop console development entirely? Try to use PS2/PSP/Wii multiplat releases to shore up income? What will replace the PS2 in 2009, 2010, and onwards?


Stumpokapow said:
Do you drop console development entirely? Try to use PS2/PSP/Wii multiplat releases to shore up income? What will replace the PS2 in 2009, 2010, and onwards?
That is indeed a very interesting issue. I believe we (and the companies in question) will know a lot more after the Disgaea 3 release.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Enterbrain is Famitsu.


Why are Famitsu's numbers so different from Media Create? Does anyone know how are they generated, or is the process as "mysterious" (or shady) as Famitsu's review process?

Do they not survey certain retailers?


That's a bit less than I expected galaxy to sell on the first day, but I think it will have legs. The game is getting such good buzz from the people who are playing it, I expect that word of mouth advertising should help generate more purchases.

I wonder if this will cause a spike in wii hardware sales? If the japanese hardcore haven't bought into the wii yet, maybe this game can bring some of them over. In the USA, I think zelda instantly created a hardcore market at launch, and you can probably expect most of those people to buy galaxy, but I'm not sure about japan.


Pristine_Condition said:

Why are Famitsu's numbers so different from Media Create? Does anyone know how are they generated, or is the process as "mysterious" (or shady) as Famitsu's review process?

Do they not survey certain retailers?
Their process is very similar to Media Create's, and they survey a similar number of retailers. GAF considers both sources equally reliable.


DefectiveReject said:
it bloody better do Japan, or there'll be trouble!!


Notorious_Roy said:
Can't you make a nice overview of the hardwaresales when posting them? I say, do it the cheesemeister way, or don't do it at all. Now we have to search for the numbers of last week and that is annoying.

If you don't like how it's done, do it yourself. If you can't be bothered, then don't post complaining about how others do it.

Amir0x said:
i'm pretty shocked at those SMG sales, i mean... it'll go on to sell that 500,000+ lifetime, of course, but i thought NSMB indicated that there was still some fairly large contingent of Japan that still enjoyed games. I guess it was just that they enjoyed DS and accidentally purchased NSMB instead of Nintendogs.


Great Rumbler said:
Actually, when we the last time that a major Nintendo game in Japan was really frontloaded? All the multi-million sellers I can think of started around 300k-500k, or even less, on opening week and then just stayed in the charts for years.

Brain Training 2, New Super Mario Bros., and Pokemon had monster opening weeks.

Danne-Danger said:
Speaking of which, what is the next heavy hitter set for Japan on Wii? Apart from Wii-Fit and that whole genre.

Brawl is in late January. Maybe Mario & Sonic at the Olympics in December, but that could swing toward the "that whole genre" part of your statement.

Jcgamer60 said:
I hope Wiifit bombs.

I hope Wii Fit rockets to orbit, but I also wish the same thing for Super Mario Galaxy. There are people out there who will buy both, you know. ;)

Mithos Yggdrasill said:
2 millions is not a realistic number. It has to sell better then Super Mario Sunshine, and then it will be ok.

If it sells less than Super Mario 64, I'm not going to be completely happy with its sales.

SovanJedi said:
So does anybody have any second-day numbers to add to the boiling pot?

We'll see first week numbers next Wednesday. There's usually nothing solid given between the first day sales and the first week sales. We might get a "sold strongly through the weekend" or some other qualitative measurement, though.

As for Super Mario Galaxy's first day sales, I'm disappointed. I think anyone who even partially bought into the comparison to NSMB would be. It's certainly possible for it to sell 1 million by the end of the year, but I wouldn't consider it a foregone conclusion. Blame Nintendo for not advertising, blame Wii owners for not being hardcore enough, whatever. I'm just disappointed that Super Mario Galaxy didn't open with more sales.

Here's hoping for legs! :lol
Stumpokapow said:
Ignoring the fanboys, I think this brings up a very important discussion.

You're NI/Atlus/Marvelous. The Wii has software sale issues. The 360 is a non-issue. The PS3 has even worse software sale issues. The PS2 userbase won't hold on for too much longer.

Mobile phone is not really an option for most of your stuff technically (although there are a few exceptions; Yggdra Union is the town whore.) That leaves the PSP, which TBQH has software sales that are as similarly anemic as the Wii... although they're starting to pick up... and the DS.

Do you drop console development entirely? Try to use PS2/PSP/Wii multiplat releases to shore up income? What will replace the PS2 in 2009, 2010, and onwards?

DS. That wasn't hard.


The Experiment said:
130,000 for the first day is not good. This is Nintendo's most important franchise.
Mario a very important franchise but 3D Mario is a long way from Nintendo's most important at the moment. It matters hugely to many hardcore gamers but it's going to have to earn its place with the mass market. From the recent sales I'd say the hierarchy in terms of Nintendo's internal development priorities is:

Wii .... titles (Sports/Fit/Music/etc)
Nintendogs (or pet nuturing equivalent)
Brain Training and other non games
Pokémon main titles
2D Mario
Smash Bros.
Animal Crossing
Mario Kart
3D Mario

Stumpokapow said:
Ignoring the fanboys, I think this brings up a very important discussion.

You're NI/Atlus/Marvelous. The Wii has software sale issues. The 360 is a non-issue. The PS3 has even worse software sale issues. The PS2 userbase won't hold on for too much longer.

Mobile phone is not really an option for most of your stuff technically (although there are a few exceptions; Yggdra Union is the town whore.) That leaves the PSP, which TBQH has software sales that are as similarly anemic as the Wii... although they're starting to pick up... and the DS.

Do you drop console development entirely? Try to use PS2/PSP/Wii multiplat releases to shore up income? What will replace the PS2 in 2009, 2010, and onwards?
Yeah, it's certainly a dilemma.

There is an element of reinvigoration in the handheld market due to DS so several niche hardcore titles have sold well on the system, but this isn't happening on Wii despite its installed base, and obviously PS3 and 360 are irrelevant at the moment and have higher dev costs.

I think the best bet is to bank on DS and wait it out, then approach the system with the biggest user base, probably Wii. From what Nintendo said at their policy briefing Q&A it sounds like there is a plan for Wii to be around for a very long time, I'd guess another 5-8 years, so in a couple of years it could have a large enough installed base around the world to help many Japanese publishers/developers.

DeaconKnowledge said:
DS. That wasn't hard.


Phife Dawg said:
Seems to me that to have success with the core demographic like Iwata plans to, means that you have to change the perceiption of the Wii and it's software. Nintendo better think their marketing strategy over if they really want to make it happen (not that they need to from a sales-perspective, since they'll be selling millions regardless).
if the wii __-only buyers aren't buying many other games, then getting stronger "hardcore gamer" representation on the platform is really important for nintendo. they *do* seem to be blowing the "we're for the hardcore too" horn a bit more strongly of late.

Jonnyram said:
I think the PS3 and 360 could well fight with each other, but the Wii is a different market, and it's gonna be an ugly gen for Japanese devs. Will write more on the subject when I have time, it's a massive issue that could be good for discussion here on GAF. I just hope it doesn't get bogged down with typical GAF nonsense.
a someone who did practically all of my last-gen gaming on the ps2, and have an extensive collection of quirky japanese stuff and rpgs - this gen is starting to give me some serious concerns too. i'd surely be getting the fear if i were making big decisions regarding console development for a japanese company.

ethelred said:
I still find it very amusing that a few short months ago, a bunch of members in the Wii Fan Club were insisting that it was the perfect machine to inherit the hardcore, niche, completely non-casual RPG fanbase of the Atluses and the Nippon Ichis. Fun thread! But I imagine the Wii is looking less and less appealing to these publishers with every passing week.
it'll be interesting to see how disgaea does on the ps3, which is looking more and more like the only real go-to option with a potentially solid market for these type of games. there isn't *any* console that has proven that they can support these games yet this gen.


listen to the mad man
donny2112 said:
As for Super Mario Galaxy's first day sales, I'm disappointed. I think anyone who even partially bought into the comparison to NSMB would be. It's certainly possible for it to sell 1 million by the end of the year, but I wouldn't consider it a foregone conclusion. Blame Nintendo for not advertising, blame Wii owners for not being hardcore enough, whatever. I'm just disappointed that Super Mario Galaxy didn't open with more sales.

I don't think ANYONE thought it would sell 900k first week. I know that I personally had expected around 500k, and obviously that's not going to be possible at this point, so in a sense I'm disappointed... but I really do not think this is an epic bomb.

I personally do feel that it is a forgone conclusion that it will reach 1 million by the end of the holiday season (IE including the first two weeks in January as well). Mainly because unless sales tank catastrophically year over year, there aren't many other tentpole releases. Wii Fit, SMG, and what else? DS has Mario Party... PS2, PS3, and 360 have nothing of substance. The new SRW is megatanking.

MGS4, DMC4, and Brawl are (after Wii Fit) the next nontrivial console games. I don't see how we could see anything other than Galaxy having strong legs.

DeaconKnowledge said:
DS. That wasn't hard.

Well, no shit that the DS is a good option; but do you seriously believe that it's sufficient in terms of revenue to supplant the PS2? Consider that the 5040yen pricepoint is substantially lower than most PS2 releases, and given the graphical fidelity of NI games, I highly doubt the DS budget is substantially lower :D
Stumpokapow said:
I don't think ANYONE thought it would sell 900k first week. I know that I personally had expected around 500k, and obviously that's not going to be possible at this point, so in a sense I'm disappointed... but I really do not think this is an epic bomb.

I personally do feel that it is a forgone conclusion that it will reach 1 million by the end of the holiday season (IE including the first two weeks in January as well). Mainly because unless sales tank catastrophically year over year, there aren't many other tentpole releases. Wii Fit, SMG, and what else? DS has Mario Party... PS2, PS3, and 360 have nothing of substance. The new SRW is megatanking.

MGS4, DMC4, and Brawl are (after Wii Fit) the next nontrivial console games. I don't see how we could see anything other than Galaxy having strong legs.

Well, no shit that the DS is a good option; but do you seriously believe that it's sufficient in terms of revenue to supplant the PS2? Consider that the 5040yen pricepoint is substantially lower than most PS2 releases, and given the graphical fidelity of NI games, I highly doubt the DS budget is substantially lower :D

I would wager that the development costs for PS2 development alone are greater than the disadvantages of development for DS.

In fact, a fellow I talked to over at NI America pretty much said PSP development was a natural extension for them because the platform is so similar to the PS2 as far as resources and dev costs. The profits are so razor thin that it was one of the only options available at the time.


Stumpokapow said:
I don't think ANYONE thought it would sell 900k first week.

I didn't, either. I did think that New Super Mario Bros. would've put Mario back into enough people's minds to at least sell most of the 700K the first week. 500-600K would've been more expected to me. There's an outside chance that it could still reach 500K for the first week, but I don't consider that a reasonable expectation.
donny2112 said:
Brain Training 2, New Super Mario Bros., and Pokemon had monster opening weeks.
They started strong, but still weren't really front-loaded, though. They're still going, but so far Pokémon D/P has more than tripled its first week, NSMB has sextupled it, and Brain Age 2... uhh, I'm not sure what the word is for eleven-times-ing it.


There's been a ton of Mario advertising in Tokyo at least. I assume people who are saying there's been no advertising don't watch any TV? Most game stores I've gone to had reasonably large Mario Galaxy sections even before launch.


JoshuaJSlone said:
They started strong, but still weren't really front-loaded, though.

Agreed. Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker is the only > 1 million seller that I can think of off the top of my head that had a huge first week and didn't sell significantly past that. I was more referring to the "300-500K first week" part of his post.
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