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Media Create Sales 10/29 - 11/4 2007


Magic Mile said:
So 251k is a bomb, but 77k is a WOW AWESOME!

You still repeating yourself lol

But 251k is for Mario on the fastest selling console platform in Japan of all time. 77k is for friggin Ace Combat, on the slowest selling console platform in Japan of all time.

However, 251k for Mario is hardly the end of the world, it's still a great figure, and especially good if it has the legs of certain DS titles.

gimz said:
i bet it will have long leg like this one

Holy shit not her again. She freaks me the hell out.


Agent Icebeezy said:
700,000 is the number I see tossed around

Yes, Super Mario Galaxy was the largest retail ordered Wii game or something like that with 700,000 retail pre-orders.


pswii60 said:
However, 251k for Mario is hardly the end of the world, it's still a great figure, and especially good if it has the legs of certain DS titles.

No way. It will have Mario Party 8s legs except 1 month longer thanks to the holidays.


Draft said:
Why does that matter? Was their another 2D Mario in the last 5 years that also sold well (honest question.)

Obviously it is too early to call SMG a bomb but at the same time to just dismiss it being outsold by SMS and whatever the fuck else with the whole "long legs" argument is easily as shortsighted.

THERE not 'their'.

Finally got you Amigo!


Terrell said:
Also, anyone who thinks that Wii Fit is going to kill any interest whatsoever in Mario Galaxy need to remember that the average consumer isn't like us and buys something when it comes out only to completely lose interest in it when there's another game on the shelf, and truthfully, these casual gamers might see a Mario title as slightly more approachable than other hardcore content and pick it up out of *gasp* SHEER CURIOSITY. (I know, I have some gall to insinuate that casual gamers might want a "real" game... get out your thumbscrews, fellas)

I don't remember anyone saying Wii Fit would kill any interest in Mario Galaxy. And the scenario could happen exactly as you say it will, but I still think it's reasonable to predict that once Wii Fit releases, it will outsell Galaxy, and probably stay ahead of it in sales until at least February. It just has a broader appeal than a platformer does, regardless of the main character or quality of the game, and during Holidays, the games that get the biggest boosts are the games that have the broadest appeal. All games get a boost during holidays, but not all are boosted equally.


ZealousD said:
2.) You're also a damn loon if you think that Nintendo is going to cancel their fantastic traditional gaming lineup because the don't perform as well as their non-games. Franchises like Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, and Metroid have continued to live on despite non-earth shattering sales.

I think people here need to read that quoted above.

Nintendo know that you have to sell to multiple markets, anything else is commercial suicide. Traditional games of Mario Galaxy's quality will always be produced at Nintendo. They are profitable, selling consoles and software is more complicated than going with the flavour of the week (this week it is mostly casual/non-games/minigames). You need the core gamers, you need casuals, you need 3rd parties committing to your platform.

Mario galaxy will crack a few million worldwide, so will SSMB, without a doubt. People just relax.....


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
FieryBalrog said:
You say that like 3 years between home console Mario-as-main-character Platformers is some sort of eternity.

2002-2007 = 3 years?

lern2maths pls

Regardless, even it was 3 years, that's still a long as time to wait.


What? I thought it was well-established by now that that's a dude in that pic. Hell, I thought it was entirely self-evident just LOOKING AT IT.

justchris said:
I don't remember anyone saying Wii Fit would kill any interest in Mario Galaxy.

Smiles and Cries said:
People saying Galaxy will be on the charts yada yada yada, NO Galaxy needed to do most of its sales right now in the next few weeks before December 1st. BEFORE Wii Fit


Don't you people understand if this game does not beat the non-game madness we will be stuck with Wii Fit games for the next 5 years?
This seems to indicate some urgency by at least one poster that Mario Galaxy is only going to get lost in the shuffle as Wii Fit puts a final nail in the hardcore gaming coffin, doesn't it?

justchris said:
And the scenario could happen exactly as you say it will, but I still think it's reasonable to predict that once Wii Fit releases, it will outsell Galaxy, and probably stay ahead of it in sales until at least February. It just has a broader appeal than a platformer does, regardless of the main character or quality of the game, and during Holidays, the games that get the biggest boosts are the games that have the broadest appeal. All games get a boost during holidays, but not all are boosted equally.
I never understood how Mario Galaxy is supposed to somehow INEVitABLY trump sales of Wii Fit before its crushed under its foot in ANY sort of capacity. These games, despite popular GAF opinion, can co-exist. NSMB didn't kill Brain Training, Brain Training didn't kill NSMB, they co-existed quite nicely. It's not written in stone that one will outdo the other by nature of the game's first few weeks of sales. For all we know, Wii Fit won't even trump Wii Sports in the way people are anticipating. People hinge WAY too much on Mario Galaxy AND Wii Fit's out-of-the-gate performance when it all seems rather irrelevant without knowing what kind of legs are present, but the inclusion of Wii Fit on the shelf isn't going to decrease interest in the game, nor is it certain Wii Fit is going to light Japan on fire. There's a lot of buzz about it doing well, but HOW well still hasn't been determined.

Too much up in the air for people to say what Galaxy's first few weeks will mean long-term.
Well, I thought this was going to be more exciting...bannings and such...but most people just look disappointed.

I'm interested in seeing next Famitsu chart already (the one with Galaxy debut) to see the sell through...but I'll have to settle for other sell through tomorow (WEDS, FFTA2, Ghost Squad, Imabikisou...). By the way, #4 #6 and #8 last week (imabikisou, code geass and god of war 2) went from there to out of top30 :/


Kenka said:
Holy sh......

And I was in the classroom
And this is why I have that handy status bar on my Safari windows that show a link's address before I ever click it and tend not to click random crap. At least the front page isn't NSFW.


Oblivion said:
2002-2007 = 3 years?

lern2maths pls

Regardless, even it was 3 years, that's still a long as time to wait.

Nintendo aren't as big a company as Sony or Microsoft.

Besides, we get a lot of games from Nintendo throughout the gen, their focus isn't only Mario.

We get-

Roughly 2 Zeldas every gen (most likely only 1 for Wii. TP doesn't count)
1 Mario
1 Animal Crossing
1 new IP
1 shitty or good DK (man I hope Barrel Blast wasn't the only DK game..)

And this gen we will possibly get

Pikmin 3
New Kirby game

Those games are all handled by Nintendo themselves. Im probably forgetting a few games.


Annoying Old Party Man said:
Has the 360 ever passed ps3 in japan before?

Nope, none of the consoles this generation have actually crossed streams. If 360 sells more than PS3 this week (MC numbers atleast) it will be the first time the streams crosses when it comes to PS3/360/Wii.
Ouch! that's not good for SMG! Actually, how many days were counted for SMS's first week? (This is only 3 days worth of sales for SMG remember!)

I reckon it'll have legs, but it'll be hard for it to break a million (Should beat SMS though, christmas will definately help!)

Wii Sports and Wii Play going back up is a good sign for H/W sales at least, also ACWW is back!
Uh, 251,000 is less than SMS, but it isn't horrendous. It's ok.

Do we wish it sold through all of it's stock? Yeah. Give it a couple of weeks and the holiday months, it'll do fine through word of mouth.

Nintendo's lack of advertising is really starting to bite them in the ass. They have the games, and even some third party games on board (Capcom!), but no one will buy the good games if they don't know they exist. You gotta spend money to make money.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Uh, 251,000 is less than SMS, but it isn't horrendous. It's ok.

Do we wish it sold through all of it's stock? Yeah. Give it a couple of weeks and the holiday months, it'll do fine through word of mouth.

Nintendo's lack of advertising is really starting to bite them in the ass. They have the games, and even some third party games on board (Capcom!), but no one will buy the good games if they don't know they exist. You gotta spend money to make money.
I'm hearing conflicting reports about how much and how well Nintendo advertises non-casual software in Japan. What's the score?

Kenka said:
You mean he still has something hanging between his legs ? And you mean that you actually read the content of this website ?
I dunno, I'm just guessing. I only opened the website in a new tab, saw the title, then closed it. Made me lol though.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Uh, 251,000 is less than SMS, but it isn't horrendous. It's ok.

Do we wish it sold through all of it's stock? Yeah. Give it a couple of weeks and the holiday months, it'll do fine through word of mouth.

Nintendo's lack of advertising is really starting to bite them in the ass. They have the games, and even some third party games on board (Capcom!), but no one will buy the good games if they don't know they exist. You gotta spend money to make money.

Can everybody stop posting this bullshit?

Jonnyram has already said that there is advertising and no there isn't a lack of it!

As if SMG will have sold out of 700k first week. Nintendo just shipped a lot so the game wouldn't have any stock problems after the first month.
pswii60 said:
You still repeating yourself lol

But 251k is for Mario on the fastest selling console platform in Japan of all time. 77k is for friggin Ace Combat, on the slowest selling console platform in Japan of all time.

something of an exaggeration "slowest selling of all time"? It is about to pass the Xbox LTD in style this week after all. No mean feat given the bad will the original box created toward the brand.

This is of course to say nothing of real flops like the NGage etc etc.


Ofcourse Mario selling 250k is not bad, but the message is clear. Japan is part bored with traditional games, another part is bored with Nintendo games and another part doesn't like all the complexity the latest games tend to have. Mario Galaxy is just a continuation of Mario Sunshine, its fresh but that doesn't mean its new. A lot of people probably see it as the sequel to Sunshine wich wasn't good in the first place. The Gamecube failed with these Zelda's and Mario's, I don't see why it should be a succes on the Wii. Only if Nintendo comes up with a fresh gameplay mechanic around the Wiimote will these games do better numbers then there predecessors again.

Nintendo needs to clear the GameCube pipeline and start releasing actual Wii content.


you can't put a price on sparks
Mario Galaxy will be the last "traditional" Mario game

helloooo Mario's Jumping Training featuring Wii Fit board


davepoobond said:
Mario Galaxy will be the last "traditional" Mario game

helloooo Mario's Jumping Training featuring Wii Fit board

And we should see Mario Legs Training for Wii, after the Wii fit board makes its way.


davepoobond said:
Mario Galaxy will be the last "traditional" Mario game

helloooo Mario's Jumping Training featuring Wii Fit board

I disagree, Nintendo is at its best when it tries to innovate. Look at Zelda PH, great game.
SMG results confooze me. I was really expecting Wii owners to lap this up, but perhaps the slump in console sales lately, along with the less than spectacular software sales, is indicative of something else; that Japan is moving more towards handhelds than home consoles.

Hardware numbers will be an interesting read when they are released. When do famitsu release their take on the hardware numbers?


ksamedi said:
Ofcourse Mario selling 250k is not bad, but the message is clear. Japan is part bored with traditional games, another part is bored with Nintendo games and another part doesn't like all the complexity the latest games tend to have. Mario Galaxy is just a continuation of Mario Sunshine, its fresh but that doesn't mean its new. A lot of people probably see it as the sequel to Sunshine wich wasn't good in the first place. The Gamecube failed with these Zelda's and Mario's, I don't see why it should be a succes on the Wii. Only if Nintendo comes up with a fresh gameplay mechanic around the Wiimote will these games do better numbers then there predecessors again.

Nintendo needs to clear the GameCube pipeline and start releasing actual Wii content.

What the heck...

sionyboy said:
SMG results confooze me. I was really expecting Wii owners to lap this up, but perhaps the slump in console sales lately, along with the less than spectacular software sales, is indicative of something else; that Japan is moving more towards handhelds than home consoles.

Hardware numbers will be an interesting read when they are released. When do famitsu release their take on the hardware numbers?

Japan has always been heading in that direction since the introduction of the ds and psp. Though I didn't think it would become some kind of preference, or eat into home console/software sales. I don't think the sales are bad though looking at it again, things are woking different this gen so guess last rules can't apply.


he's Virgin Tight™
First interesting Media Create thread in a while. Anyway... I don't think SMG will do bad in the long road... and USA sales will make up for it =P


Mario Galaxy numbers are very good. We all know it will have legs too. It will be over 1m before the year is up. Easily.



listen to the mad man
I can't believe this thread has been 6 pages of discussing the same shit that the last 15 pages of last MC thread discussed. Right down to 50% of the posts being wander-ins who say "Y IZ GALAXY BAD? BIG NUMBER!!! HOW BAD?" despite the fact that the question was already answered a billion times in the thread.


Hrm. As I stated when the first-day sales for SMG came out I'm pretty shocked by those numbers. That is one hell of a slow start. Very disappointing, even given the fact that recent Nintendo games seem to rely more on legs than on first-day sales. Three days or not, 250k for SMG is. not. good.

Oopona didn't manage to sell much of anything, it seems. I hoped that this game would manage to sell at least decently, against all odds. Drat. The screens looked so promising. Maybe it's just not fun to play. Hopefully it sees a european/stateside release so we can judge on its quality.

Nice to see FFTA2 hanging in there. Now why did they not include basic touch controls and a decent story? Disappointing on a different level. (Will buy nonetheless, enjoyed the first part very much.) Let's hope it keeps some legs, sales haven't been up-to-expectations if I'm seeing this right.

The quality of this thread is disappointing too I must say. Lots of system wars and spin attempts drowning out numbers, graphs and sincere discussion. Are the good guys still in shock about the NPD announcement, or have they already left for greener pastures? Ah well. Wake me when we get hardware numbers.

Thanks to Cheesemeister for the OP, as always.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
gimz said:
i bet it will have long leg like this one

Haven't you posted this before? Someone's posted this before, like we're supposed to go "wow, look at those legs!" when they;re average, at best.

Is it your wife or something?


Kind of dissapointing debut for Mario. It'll have legs and word of mouth and this only account for 3 days though so I expect it to sell well in the long run.

I would like to know though, what Sunshine's debut was and how many days it had in the charts (since Galaxy had only 3 days). Does anyone know?


Mama Smurf said:
Haven't you posted this before? Someone's posted this before, like we're supposed to go "wow, look at those legs!" when they;re average, at best.

Is it your wife or something?
I find it ironic that your tag is "my penis is still intact" while quoting somebody who's a probably a tranny.

Oliver.S said:


251k isn't bad, but dissapointing in the sense that you'd hope for a great number rather than an OK one. It should sell well through the holidays though and perhaps have legs beyond that.
Green Shinobi said:
So a bunch of Japanese gamers bought the system for Ace Combat, then decided they needed something else to play on the system and bought Idol Master and EDF 3? EDF I can see, but I didn't realize there'd be so much overlap between the Ace Combat and Idol Master fanbases.
I think there was some new hardware SKU's released this week to, and a larger shipment of Elites or something.
Loudninja said:
SMG: 250k
Ace Combat 6: 65k

They were almsot right on SMG, but pretty off on AC6
Neither is "right", they're both estimations by different trackers.
rakka said:
also DQS did 300,000 in 1 day didn't it?
x3sphere said:
Wow, surprised at Mario Galaxy numbers. Sunshine did about 400,000 in its first week.
Sunshine did 280k first week. It then dropped relatively rapidly but eventually reached 790k lifetime.
TreasureHunterG said:
Well, for a notorious million seller series, even the side-games (DQM Joker says hi), could have being better.
Actually if you compare DQ:S to all DQ spinoffs instead of just the best selling ones, it did quite well.
test_account said:
Nope, none of the consoles this generation have actually crossed streams. If 360 sells more than PS3 this week (MC numbers atleast) it will be the first time the streams crosses when it comes to PS3/360/Wii.
The streams crossed this week by Famitsu numbers.
davepoobond said:
Mario Galaxy will be the last "traditional" Mario game

helloooo Mario's Jumping Training featuring Wii Fit board
Poor joke or plain old stupidity?
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