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Media Create Sales 11/5 - 11/11 2007


Hcoregamer00 said:

I am buying RE5 for the PS3, but a RE2 remake with ramped up difficulty and a refined RE4 engine is a perfect killer app.
A RE2 remake with a real budget could be a million seller in Japan alone.

I'm not even kidding.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Dammit, any Famitsu HW numbers, at least? I want some blood. I'm thirsty here.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
So the next crazy thing will be that Link Crossbow Training will sell more then Twilight Princess.
It's certainly possible.

Pureauthor said:
That's just 120K less then Capcom's worldwide lifetime expectations! Leave some for Europe and USA! :lol
Well, I was being optimistic :D

And we all want better 3rd party support on Wii, so a big holiday success would be great.

Hcoregamer00 said:

I am buying RE5 for the PS3, but a RE2 remake with ramped up difficulty and a refined RE4 engine is a perfect killer app.
A RE2 remake would be nice, RE4 Wii style, but I'd prefer a from the ground up new RE title on Wii.

Jammy said:
Unfortunately, these games seem to be coming out at a snails pace. The Wii just needs consistent hits. It was doing well when that Gundam game, Mario Party 8, Dragon Quest Swords, etc. all released for it in a two or three week span. This needs to continue happening.
Yeah. Wii needs a build in momentum (possibly Wii Fit) and regular good releases, which is something it's struggling for.

ksamedi said:
Interesting. I think they didn't know what to expect.
You could be right. If it didn't appear on their financial projections, the thing shareholders (current and prospective) assess, it was probably not expected to figure much in their earnings.

Moor-Angol said:
According to babelfish, next stock might be shipped in middle December
If that's the case, I doubt it will manage 500K..., which is a shame.
Moor-Angol said:
According to babelfish, next stock might be shipped in middle December
Yeah, that's what I've read, too. But I wasn't quite sure if the translation is correct and I find it hard to believe Capcom would sabotage the games sales with such a late re-stock. They surely don't do it on purpose, but I wonder whats the problem with producing enough games. If they would dependent on Nintendo cartridges, okay, but a Wii game...?
So a new graph tool to show off. When I made the first hardware ones, it was very regimented, expecting one number every week on the week. For hardware shipments I had to make it a bit looser, so numbers could be used for any particular day. Luckily that second one works very well with the sometimes irregular software data we get, so it took little modification to use it with the software data I've recently been putting in the database.

Incomplete and imperfect, and never up to date with the leaked rounded cutting-edge numbers we're always discussing... but it's an alternative to ********.

Here's the page to make them. Game ID numbers can be found here, sorted by platform and release date. An abbreviation for a game is needed (well, highly suggested) because using the full name just wouldn't work, and the Game ID alone wouldn't be very informative to look at.

Example results:
WarioWare! Touched and Smooth Moves, date mode
DBZ BT2 and BT3 Wii, day mode
DS Famous Five


Saitou said:
A RE2 remake with a real budget could be a million seller in Japan alone.

I'm not even kidding.

Yes I want that and a new resident evil made from the ground up on the Wii. Make it happen Capcom.
Saitou said:
However, it would appear to be that Mario is now appealing neither casual nor core gamers in Japan. Truly a sad day.
I think this could be one of the reasons, it's an hardcore game but it doesn't have the look of it... this way it only appeals to the hardcore Nintendo crowd, and that's a shrinking market.

3D space and gravity may also be too much for the casual market, and make the game too new to attract lapsed Mario enthusiasts.
ziran said:
I don't think anybody really thought SMG would sell NSMB numbers, not with a straight face. 2 million would've been an absolute outside, unprecedented success for the game, and 1+ million was a more common bet.

However, with regards to your reasoning in bold, I think so. Now I've played SMG a good while, it's clearly not casual friendly. An amazing game, but definitely hardcore. The perspective is going to put a lot of people off, it's really odd when you first play it. It's possible a good amount of the casual audience is going to be put off just watching it and those that do give it a try are unlikely to stick at it long enough for it to become familiar.

I'm wondering if Nintendo really knew this, because I doubt a company who has had such success in the casual field would be so naive as to believe SMG would be accepted by this group, when after a matter of a few minutes play its hardcore leaning is obvious. I think it's likely Nintendo has had a new 2D Mario for Wii in the works at EAD for a long time.
i think they did know, and my reason for thinking that is the way the 2nd player dynamic works. it's like, hey, casual person, if you have a friend who is a hardcore gamer, you can join in the fun when they play!

obviously that isn't going to get casuals to buy it, but i think that mode is a pretty clear acknowledgement that player one is going to need to be a core gamer.

Umbrella Chronicles is a much easier game to pick up and play (though it's not easy).
If this source is accurate, it is without sense. Dragon Quest Swords and now UC seems to have found their audience, that is hardcore as hell. But a game like Super Mario Galaxy, that is BOTH hardcore and casual, doesn't find any of them. Why ?
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
If this source is accurate, it is without sense. Dragon Quest Swords and now UC seems to have found their audience, that is hardcore as hell. But a game like Super Mario Galaxy, that is BOTH hardcore and casual, doesn't find any of them. Why ?
You exaggerate the difference. Through two weeks, SMG is 90% of DQS at two weeks. If that 100K for REUC is true, SMG is ahead of it at that early point.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
If this source is accurate, it is without sense. Dragon Quest Swords and now UC seems to have found their audience, that is hardcore as hell. But a game like Super Mario Galaxy, that is BOTH hardcore and casual, doesn't find any of them. Why ?

How can anything, by definition, be both of them?
Aeris130 said:
How can anything, by definition, be both of them?

There are a small class of games that can be attractive to both of them. For example Animal Crossing or, Mario games.

I don't think that New Super Mario Bros. sold only to hardcore or casual, but to both ! That's why it sold so well.


Bish loves my games!
Posted this in another thread but damn, those SMG sales are just depressing. What "casual" fury hath you wrought, Nintendo?


Hmm... very interesting about the RE: UC possible 100k numbers. If that is true, Japan are a weirder bunch then I originally thought. :lol

They are becoming impossible to predict.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'm pretty confident that Mario will be topping the sales charts during the holiday season.

I said earlier that I expect it to be at about 1.75 million by the end of january.
GaimeGuy said:
I'm pretty confident that Mario will be topping the sales charts during the holiday season.

I said earlier that I expect it to be at about 1.75 million by the end of january.
I don't know about topping the charts, but unless it's selling 7K/week in the heavy parts of December/January, it will be making up ground on SMS.
ethelred said:
Math and logic trump pseudosciences like economics. Nice try, though!

It's a pseudoscience? Around here it's touted as a humanities subject because it's basically a study of human behaviour.

Although it's flawed from the outset because it assumes the average consumer has any idea what s/he is doing.


listen to the mad man
JoshuaJSlone said:
So a new graph tool to show off. When I made the first hardware ones, it was very regimented, expecting one number every week on the week. For hardware shipments I had to make it a bit looser, so numbers could be used for any particular day. Luckily that second one works very well with the sometimes irregular software data we get, so it took little modification to use it with the software data I've recently been putting in the database.

Great job.

One suggestion though; consider just putting "bullet points" for every five weeks (or in in every n weeks where total weeks/n=some hardcoded value). It's very messy to read the graphs with 100+ weeks because they're just a series of bullets. This shouldn't be technically too difficult.

Honestly awesome though.
GaimeGuy said:
I'm pretty confident that Mario will be topping the sales charts during the holiday season.

I said earlier that I expect it to be at about 1.75 million by the end of january.

Question 1: why are you so optimist ?
Question 2: why 1.75 millions and not 1.76 millions ? (don't answer "why not ?" please).


listen to the mad man
Pureauthor said:
Although it's flawed from the outset because it assumes the average consumer has any idea what s/he is doing.

This is not true. Not anywhere near all economists or schools of economics operate on homo oeconomicus (which I assume is what you're referring to--"the rational man"). Almost all of the Austrian school rejects this. You might also want to read some Karl Polanyi or pretty much any other heterodox economist. I'm not endorsing their views, by the way.

But to be honest, I may be misreading what you're saying because it's very simplified to say that homo oeconomicus means "the consumer knows what s/he is doing". It's rather that "the consumer acts in a way which s/he believes is useful."

(and here's where I detour to the bizarre tangent between ethelred and Aeris272187378632187)

For the reference, economics is a pseudoscience in the way that all soft or social sciences are pseudosciences. This does not mean they have less credibility because epistemologically science is unable to address questions in the domains that most of the social sciences attempt to examine. It is not a pseudoscience in the scope of astrology, numerology, cryptozoology, parapsychology, or other such junk that people normally associate with the term "pseudoscience" so in a sense it's disingenuous for ethelred to use that term when he knows full well that people are likely to misread it.

Although, I would agree that provided mathematics and economics are at odds, mathematics is undoubtedly the superior way of knowing by and large because mathematics is perfect based on its axioms and its axioms are so trivial that rejection thereof negates any ability for rational discourse on the subjects it addresses.

Of course, Aeris was wrong to begin with... I'm actually not sure why there's an argument about mathematics and economics because the entire chain of thought from "how can two things overlap" -> "venn diagrams" -> "economics does not allow venn diagrams. i'm talking about segmentation" -> "math is better" is useless. Economics does allow venn diagrams even thinking in terms of segmentation and positioning and there is no conflict between math and economics here.

Market segmentation is not absolute. Any reasonable definition of market segmentation assumes that sub-market segments are reasonably heterogeneous (IE that considering the segment as a segment is USEFUL) not that they are in truth two distinct groups. Market segments can and do overlap in pretty much every course past "INTRO TO MICRO/MACRO TAUGHT BY A GRAD STUDENT 101".

I hope whichever randoms called me "the worst fanboy they've ever seen" at the beginning of the thread begin to call me an economic anthropology fanboy. That would make my day.


Are yall not aware that at least half of the study of economics is firmly rooted in mathematics and models?

My millionaire ibanker friends who majored in Mathematical Economics disagree with the off-topic course this thread has taken.

Edit. Removed Stumpakdjlkdfkd name after reading his full post.
Dascu said:
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - REmix
Features an on-rails version of RE4, much like RE:UC, since Wii fans obviously like ports, RE4 and on-rails shooters. It's the only logical choice!

Linkup said:
I saw the wii fit sales predictions in the other mc thread and don't really understand why they were so high. I was thinking 70-100k yet most were higher. Like wiisports, wii fit has that same appeal, but it cost more and is not at launch so why the confidence by so many? Don't these kind of games have a decent launch and then stay in the 15-30k area for a lengthy period?
That was my line of thinking as well. The reason I have a high prediction is that BA2 had a really high opening week. Nintendo have confirmed that they expect big things from WiiFit and will probably push it hard. With WiiSports already being a phenomenon (like BA had become before BA2) and WiiFit bringing new sporty mini-games like snowboarding I think it could translate to rather high first week sales.

Midas said:
Sounds great, maybe the Wii users can get some more games then. But I wouldn't call it hardcore though. :lol
Now on-rails-shooters aren't hardcore anymore? I played tons on C64, oldschool meets hardcore.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Absolutely. As were the people expecting Super Mario Sunshine numbers from Galaxy, it would seem.
Now that's just mean *cries*.


ziran said:
I think it's likely Nintendo has had a new 2D Mario for Wii in the works at EAD for a long time.

Exactly. If Nintendo isn't prepping a 2D SMB for WiiWare, they're crazy. Hell, why not release NSMB 2 on Wii instead of the DS - or on both?

As a more hardcore gamer, I'm in love with SMG, but I can see why the same people playing Wii Sports and Brain Training are running out to get it (in Japan at least). It's more appealing to them than Halo 3, I'm sure, but it ain't exactly an "easy" or "basic" game.

Oh, and while I'm talking 2D WiiWare titles, please give us a new 2D Kid Icarus Nintendo! Thanks ;)


AlphaSnake said:
Dammit, any Famitsu HW numbers, at least? I want some blood. I'm thirsty here.
DSL 82000
Wii 35000
PSP 55000
PS2 9400
PS3 56000
360 7000

From the previous MC thread.
Stumpokapow said:
One suggestion though; consider just putting "bullet points" for every five weeks (or in in every n weeks where total weeks/n=some hardcoded value). It's very messy to read the graphs with 100+ weeks because they're just a series of bullets. This shouldn't be technically too difficult.
Actually I think it might; I don't think the JpGraph software I use for these lets you set them to anything but on or off. The points are there so it's easy to tell the difference between where there's an actual new data point and which parts are extrapolation between them. When undesired they can be turned off by setting the Mark Width to 0, though. Mostly a problem with those few games that stick around the Top 30 forever.

DS Famous Five again, but this time with a thinner line and no points.

And just for fun, the same again, but this time with ridiculously thick lines and large marks.
d+pad said:
Exactly. If Nintendo isn't prepping a 2D SMB for WiiWare, they're crazy.
If they limit a major game like that to WiiWare, they're crazy.


listen to the mad man
JoshuaJSlone said:
Actually I think it might; I don't think the JpGraph software I use for these lets you set them to anything but on or off. The points are there so it's easy to tell the difference between where there's an actual new data point and which parts are extrapolation between them. When undesired they can be turned off by setting the Mark Width to 0, though. Mostly a problem with those few games that stick around the Top 30 forever.

If you want, feel free to PM me a zip with the jpgraph source and I can add or remove functionality for you... or just give me a version number and I'll download it myself. I work on this stuff professionally.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
If this source is accurate, it is without sense. Dragon Quest Swords and now UC seems to have found their audience, that is hardcore as hell. But a game like Super Mario Galaxy, that is BOTH hardcore and casual, doesn't find any of them. Why ?

There are more than two markets/kinds of consumer, and Mario seems to alienate both that you mention.

The first 'Hardcore' are the kind of people who love games but tend towards the gritty realism side, the second 'Hardcore' fanboys are the ones buying the DQ games. Mario falls in between the two, it's not gritty enough for the teenage boys and not quite cute enough for the girls.

I see it tracking proportionally similar to the Zelda PH sales, which currently shows that there is a lot less standard nintendo gamers on the Wii than people here previously predicted. While I think that the holidays and advertising and sheer word of mouth will keep it selling high, the cheapening of the mario brand - ironically by the spinoffs that are selling by the wheelbarrow full - has put the plumber in a kind of limbo between what is acceptably cool and what is a shit hot game that all must play. New SMB overcame that with simplicity, accessibility and retro chique - the 3D nature of SMG is perfect for experienced gamers, but it does take a novice a little longer to get to grips with.


RE UC sales are good for Capcom and for the Wii but its success is not so surprising.

REUC and DQS are mostly the same type of game under different graphics ?


Saitou said:
A RE2 remake with a real budget could be a million seller in Japan alone.

I'm not even kidding.
Why do Wii fans want remakes all the time? :lol

A new RE from ground up with RE4 engine will be WAY better and sell MUCH more then any RE2 or RE3 or any other remake. That is what Wii fans should be pressing for. I mean, in the end, RE2 will still be RE2 just with some bells and whistles added.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Question 1: why are you so optimist ?
Question 2: why 1.75 millions and not 1.76 millions ? (don't answer "why not ?" please).
#1: Nintendo systems and games always dominate during the holidays. They usually explode for monstrous weeks in December and January in japan, especially things like Mario and Kirby titles.

#2: It's a nice round number. To be honest, I expect Mario to over between 50 and 100k for the next few weeks, and then explode for a few 300-400k weeks, drop to 100-150k for another few weeks, and by the end of january, be around 1.75 million.


Stumpokapow said:
I was waiting for that. The PS3 already has 2 big budget, ground up, Final Fantasy games so a remake of FFVII is the icing on the cake. There is no fucking way though that I want a FFVII remake more then I want FFXIII. The Wii fans cannot say the same about their RE games though... RE4 a port with the PS2 extra content and RE: UC which is a on-rails shooter.

I was not insulting Wii fans, just making a statement. What would you seriously want more, RE2 remake or new, ground up RE game using RE4 engine? I greatly prefer the latter.


Lightning said:
I was waiting for that. The PS3 already has 2 big budget, ground up, Final Fantasy games so a remake of FFVII is the icing on the cake. There is no fucking way though that I want a FFVII remake more then I want FFXIII. The Wii fans cannot say the same about their RE games though... RE4 a port with the PS2 extra content and RE: UC which is a on-rails shooter.

I was not insulting Wii fans, just making a statement. What would you seriously want more, RE2 remake or new, ground up RE game using RE4 engine? I greatly prefer the latter.

To be fair, most want both and those that have mentioned an RE2 remake were talking about it using the RE4 engine so, though many aspects (plot, characters, etc.) would be the same, the game would be very different than just a simple remake.
JoshuaJSlone said:
If they limit a major game like that to WiiWare, they're crazy.

You're right, they should do New Super Mario Bros 2 on Wii, if they want a Mario game to give the Wii a boost. If they just want the cash, then obviously just do it on DS.

Also, NSMB 1 on the Virtual Console--to launch the DS Channel--wouldn't be a bad idea. I'd buy it.
the R & C and CV numbers are depressing. both will be out of the top 10 by next week. well there goes my hopes of another castlevania remake for psp. =(
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