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Media Create Sales 2/12 - 2/18

Oh My Gawd said:
Well that's wrong simply by defualt. In 2 years, its already has a bigger fanbase in an untapped market. Gamecube was a successor to a console that sold 32 million, a number PSP userbase will also eventually pass.

Defining PSP a failure for being a multimedia device isn't reasonable, its not just gaming and people do buy it solely for it's other features, thus software is obviously not going to be as great as a medium centered completely around the idea of gaming.

I'm pretty sure you all already know this an djust like to troll it becuase it has the Sony brand though.

Then explain to us why 3rd party devs are dropping support for the PSP, and oftentimes in favour of the DS.

software is obviously not going to be as great as a medium centered completely around the idea of gaming.

Brilliant. So Sony screwed up by making the PSP a multimedia device. It's probably true, but it's not anything that hasn't been tossed around before.

Is it just me or did we get a sudden and humongous influx of delusional Juniors here recently?


This thread needs a healthy dose of;

"What have you done for me lately."

PSP's current situation, is on the decline. Thats what is current people.


I just caught up with this thread.

Oh My Gawd said:
GTA, Battlefront, SOCOM, MPH 1, HSG, Ridge Racers and first Need for Speed. MHP 2 being #8.

PSP third party million sellers > DS third party million sellers, i thiink there have only been 3, maybe 4 worldwide correct? That's simply pathetic considering DS has sold 33-35 million~ consoles worldwide.

PSP having higher budget is the main reason average PSP game is $40. A PSP game that sells 200k brings in the same amount of money that a DS game that sells around 260k~, so budget cancels out considering more money is brought in with each game sold.

Of course PSP 2005 is going to be bigger than PSP 2006, considering the gigantic launch it had in the US and Europe.

First party sales were never in the discussion, and has nothing to do with support given to the system by third parties.

Gamecube IS NOT COMPARABLE to PSP. Period. PSP is more comparable to Ipod than Gamecube.

The PSP's success is quite impressive, but in the same way that your red headed fiend cousin's graduation from community college is. Nothing wrong with that.
Pureauthor said:
Then explain to us why 3rd party devs are dropping support for the PSP, and oftentimes in favour of the DS.

Same reason they do it for any system. They aren't happy with the software sales (or/and) they jumped to a ship that is selling more and faster.

I choose the latter, because they are still selling decently on the PSP in all way shape and form. EA might be jumping ship to DS, but they are still selling more units for Madden and NBA Live and SSX and such than they are with JUST the Sims for the DS and Sims Pets (though those 2 games are catching up VERY quickly).

They go where the system is selling most.


apujanata said:
Don't forget this is quarter to quarter comparison, which is quite different compared to year to year comparison.


PSP software sales (shipments)

Q3 2006: 21.2 million (increase of 4.1 million)

Q2 2006: 12.9 million (increase of 3.9 million)

Q1 2006: 9.1 million (increase of 4.2 million)

Q4 2005: 10.6 million (calculated number/increase of 4.9 million)

Q3 2005: 17.1 million

Q2 2005: 9.0 million

Q1 2005: 4.9 million

2004: 5.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in last year:
53.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in year before that:
31.7 million

Whatever floats your boat...
HyperionX said:

PSP software sales (shipments)

Q3 2006: 21.2 million (increase of 4.1 million)

Q2 2006: 12.9 million (increase of 3.9 million)

Q1 2006: 9.1 million (increase of 4.2 million)

Q4 2005: 10.6 million (calculated number/increase of 4.9 million)

Q3 2005: 17.1 million

Q2 2005: 9.0 million

Q1 2005: 4.9 million

2004: 5.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in last year:
53.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in year before that:
31.7 million

Whatever floats your boat...

Very nice way to silence the crowd. Though i wonder if those shipments were actually sold.

Alas, it still shows the current situation of PSP software sales


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Ship != Sold as always, especially with Sony. I do wonder how many games were shipped in those quarters though.

ITA84 said:
Well, the European market helped a bit in 2006, I think.
That's hard to believe if weekly EU charts are accurate.


HyperionX said:

PSP software sales (shipments)
Q3 2006: 21.2 million (increase of 4.1 million)
Q2 2006: 12.9 million (increase of 3.9 million)
Q1 2006: 9.1 million (increase of 4.2 million)
Q4 2005: 10.6 million (calculated number/increase of 4.9 million)
Q3 2005: 17.1 million
Q2 2005: 9.0 million
Q1 2005: 4.9 million

2004: 5.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in last year:
53.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in year before that:
31.7 million

Whatever floats your boat...
Q3 2006 vs 2005 : 21.2 vs 17.1 : 4.1 increase, or 24% increase from 2005 to 2006
Q2 2006 vs 2005 : 12.9 vs 9.0 : 3.9 increase, or 43% increase from 2005 to 2006
Q1 2006 vs 2005 : 9.1 vs 4.9 : 4.2 increase, or 85% increase from 2005 to 2006.

notice any trend yet, from Q1 to Q2 to Q3 ?

(Q1+Q2+Q3) 2006 vs 2005 : 43.2 vs. 31 : 12.2 increase, or 40% increase from 2005 to 2006
Did you notice that the 3 quarter increase in percentage (40%) is higher than the last quarter (Q3) increase (24%) ?


dabbled in the jelly
I don't think people would be so hard on PSP if it wasn't for all the boasting Sony did before its release forget the fans. You can defend that its not a failure but wether its a success or not is very subjective especially when considering Sony's bold proclamations.



More data:

PSP lifetime hardware shipments (as of last year): 24.7 million
PSP lifetime software shipments (as of last year): 90.5 million
Attach ratio on shipments: 3.66 : 1

For comparison:


DS lifetime hardware shipments (as of last year): 35.61 million
DS lifetime software shipments (as of last year): 154.23 million
Attach ratio on shipments: 4.33 : 1

So basically, going by shipments, the average DS player (retailer) bought almost one more game than the average PSP player (retailer). It's unclear what the 1st/3rd party breakdown is.

EDIT: Fixed numbers.


jj984jj said:
That's hard to believe if weekly EU charts are accurate.

But you said it yourself: Shipped != Sold.
It's still a bit hard to believe, but after-launch shipments are usually high, whatever numbers they're selling; that's especially true for PSP, if US numbers are of any indication. I didn't mean the increase in shipments is all because of Europe, but it helped nonetheless.
HyperionX said:
PSP lifetime software shipments (as of last year): 85.4 million

DS lifetime software shipments (as of last year): 154.23 million
The real question is, what percentage of the software LTD has actually been bought and isn't lying around as store inventory.
I would suppose 1st party sales are a huge percentage of the shipments... just a wild guess since Nintendogs and NSMB combined are 18 million. Then there's the touch generation adding another 15 or so million.

Yea I'd say they are a huge chunk.

Matter of fact, the top 7 titles (combining Nintendogs and Pokemon) on the DS total 45 million in sales worldwide. 2 of which were ONLY released in Japan.


you can't put a price on sparks
Mr. Pointy said:
The real question is, what percentage of the software LTD has actually been bought and isn't lying around as store inventory.

why is that a real question? are they going to send the games back to sony/nintendo if they don't sell?


Really, honestly, anyone who follow software sales would be hard pressed to say PSP software is selling great.

As a nominal figure, it may be increasing, but monthly charts tell a vastly different story.
davepoobond said:
why is that a real question? are they going to send the games back to sony/nintendo if they don't sell?
No, they dump them in a crater in the Nevada desert, along with old ET cartridges, 32Xs and Phantoms.


you can't put a price on sparks
Mr. Pointy said:
No, they dump them in a crater in the Nevada desert, along with old ET cartridges, 32Xs and Phantoms.

just like all those unsold copies of games that best buy is having a clearance for

oh wait
I bet in the year 5,000 or so, when Earth is a deserted ball of blasted sand and smog, aliens will visit the planet to figure out what happened and find thousands of unopened copies of Geist and Ford Racing.


you can't put a price on sparks
Mr. Pointy said:
I bet in the year 5,000 or so, when Earth is a deserted ball of blasted sand and smog, aliens will visit the planet to figure out what happened and find thousands of unopened copies of Geist and Ford Racing.

they'll surely find extra copies of GTA: San Andreas, the M->AO version since they're all in GameStop/EB warehouses since they can't sell them

what do you think happens when a publisher gets a game back? they burn them? no, they just redistribute it or pack it away. they don't disappear.
LanceStern said:
If you guys can't find a legitimate rebuttle or argument, will you quit with the sarcasm and taking every word from a poster out of context?

While Oh My Gawd may be contentious and come off as foolish, you guys are no better with:

- The elitism ("OH my gawd the juniors!!!"). You were all juniors once so quit it.
- Calling PSP a failure as big as GCN. Wrong in 2 ways that GCN wasn't a failure, and PSP certainly isn't a failure, gaining almost as big as the GCN fanbase worldwide (and Xbox for that matter) in 2 years what they did in 4.
- PSP software sales for third party titles in the US are still decent. USED to be better than DS's but now with the proportions to the sales, it's about even. Even the first party is doing well and decent.

To look at it another way, PSP software is selling about what's expected to PSP hardware (a little behind though), and same for DS. Both 3rd and First party.

- PSP is more comparable to ipod than GCN. The look, the design, the functions, and the way they were advertised all scream comparison.

Gosh, every freaking thread. Someone brings up one point someone doesn't agree with, and everyone jumps on it with sarcasm, stupid images, calling it BS etc.

Lance, please, don't reduce yourself like that. This thread is already a fanboy domain and we don't need trolls anymore.
I think really that the PSP vs. DS discussion is stupid on so many levels.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Lance, please, don't reduce yourself like that. This thread is already a fanboy domain and we don't need trolls anymore.
I think really that the PSP vs. DS discussion is stupid on so many levels.

Still better than the PSP vs iPod discussion!
they should rename this thread the nintendo fanboy orgy. sony and microsoft fanboys enter at your risk.
seriously anyone who dares suggests anything against nintendo is jumped upon with their lols and sarcasms:lol . come on now ninty fanboys, be nice. :(
cank stoochie said:
they should rename this thread the nintendo fanboy orgy. sony and microsoft fanboys enter at your risk.
seriously anyone who dares suggests anything against nintendo is jumped upon with their lols and sarcasms:lol . come on now ninty fanboys, be nice. :(

I haven't seen much anti-Nintendo talk. It's more pro-Sony (PSP) being refuted. Which is only partly Nintendo-related, when you compare it to the DS.

And we've seen this so many times before:

"The PSP is doing better, if you exclude everything on the DS that has sold well."

"LOL the PSP is dead"

"DS non-games ftl"

"no games on PSP"

Is there really a right side to this argument? No. Because the PSP is neither winning nor dying.


HyperionX said:

PSP software sales (shipments)

Q3 2006: 21.2 million (increase of 4.1 million)

Q2 2006: 12.9 million (increase of 3.9 million)

Q1 2006: 9.1 million (increase of 4.2 million)

Q4 2005: 10.6 million (calculated number/increase of 4.9 million)

Q3 2005: 17.1 million

Q2 2005: 9.0 million

Q1 2005: 4.9 million

2004: 5.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in last year:
53.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in year before that:
31.7 million

Whatever floats your boat...
Oh my god. Didn't anyone read this? It totally mis-represents the data.

It was for FISCAL Years 05 and 06, ending 1st quarter of the next calender year. Didn't you notice it didn't yet have the forth quarter data for FY06? And you didn't add in the 2004 numbers, so your conclusion is comparing sales of 4 quarters to 3 quarters.

Here's the same data with the CORRECT marking and conclusions:

Q1 2005: 10.6 million (ready for US launch, that's why it's high)

Q2 2005: 4.9 million
Q3 2005: 9.0 million
Q4 2005: 17.1 million

Total of 31 million for the last 3 quarters of 05
(And a total of 26.1 million for the last 2 quarters of 05)

Q2 2006: 9.1 million
Q3 2006: 12.9 million
Q4 2006: 21.2 million

Total of 43.2 for the last 3 quarters of 06
(And a total of 34.1 million for the last 2 quarters of 06)

We can only fairly compare the last 2 quarters, since it wasn't launched everywhere until Q3 2005.

Thus, directly comparing Q3 + Q4 of 2005 to 2006, PSP software SHIPMENTS have only gone up 30%, even though the userbase had more then doubled.

And this is only shipments. If PSP hardware shipments (vs sales) have taught us anything it's that Sony waaaaaay overshipped PSP.

It's software sales suck, and even Sony's shipment reports prove it. Case closed.
O'Doyle: Mortal Kombat for the Sega Genesis is the best game ever made.

Billy Madison: I disagree, it's a very good game, but I think Donkey Kong is better.

O'Doyle: Donkey Kong sucks!

Billy Madison: You know what? You suck!

That basically sums up how this thread is turning out.
HyperionX said:

PSP software sales (shipments)

Q3 2006: 21.2 million (increase of 4.1 million)

Q2 2006: 12.9 million (increase of 3.9 million)

Q1 2006: 9.1 million (increase of 4.2 million)

Q4 2005: 10.6 million (calculated number/increase of 4.9 million)

Q3 2005: 17.1 million

Q2 2005: 9.0 million

Q1 2005: 4.9 million

2004: 5.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in last year:
53.7 million

PSP software sales (shipments) in year before that:
31.7 million

Whatever floats your boat...

It's a bit ridiculous to compare sales from the first couple quarters it was out to quarters in 2006. It wasn't a worldwide launch so of course software shipments are going to go up year over year as the system launches in more regions.
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