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Media Create Sales 2/12 - 2/18


ethelred said:
Why do you keep trying to derail the subject?
It's page 12, what else is there to do?

It's tangential, but related. Overseas sales of Japanese devd games are still 'Japanese sales' related, since it has to do with Japanese developer support. Did Capcom waste their money with Lost Planet because of it's Japanese sales? No. But they did have to allocate resources to it, which affects what games they DO target at Japan.

Basically, it's a topic about Japanese devs, and so I'm drawing on a broader definition of 'Japanese sales.'

I'm not denying Monster Hunter's sales are impressive (especially for a basic port of IMO a sub-par PS2 game). But it is the only Japanese developed game on the PSP that can truly be described as having impressive sales on a worldwide basis.

This was not the case on the GCN, which had (in my estimations) about 20-30 3rd party Japanese developed worldwide million sellers (Sonic 1 and 2, Sonic Mega Collection, Sonic Heroes, Both Monkey Balls, Soul Caliber 2, All 3 Resident Evils, Crystal Chronicles, Tales of Symphonia, etc etc etc)

And if you add in 1st party (for the separate argument of 'which platform has been more successful all round'), then the GCN simply dwarfs the PSP's software sales. Even now too - the GCN sold more software then the PSP last December in the US.

apotema said:
Are we comparing PSP with GC???

I thought the rivalry was PSP with DS
Now irrelevant. The DS is so far ahead that comparisons are meaningless.


Arguing over GC and PSP software sales is kind of like arguing over who would win in a race between Charles Barkley and Dick Bavetta.


powerless or are they? o_O
D.Lo said:
Now irrelevant. The DS is so far ahead that comparisons are meaningless.

It's only irrelevant in Japan. In Europe and North America the PSP is alive and healthy, as well as stiff competition for the DS.


powerless or are they? o_O
NintendosBooger said:
Who cares about regions. PSP software sales overall blow.

Considering that I live in the US, I care about its performance here more than in Japan. But yeah, in the last three months, I've probably bought something like 5 DS games and one PSP game.
Barf_the_Mog said:
It's only irrelevant in Japan. In Europe and North America the PSP is alive and healthy, as well as stiff competition for the DS.

Well, it's certainly still selling hardware in the US and Europe, but aren't software sales pretty slack? I'd also debate "stiff competition", as since the launch of the Lite the DS has rocketed away in both territories. While US may still be relatively close (what is it now - 2 million units?) I wouldn't be surprised if Europe was closer in marketshare proportions to Japan, based on what figures we have been getting.

The PSP is shifting a reasonable amount of hardware and software, but I think that it's going to become increasingly irrelevant as the DS userbase swells worldwide.


powerless or are they? o_O
Yeah, its software sales do suck...especially since the beginning of 2006. All one needs to do is look at the sales of GTA 1 and 2 on the PSP. STEEP decline.


I wouldn't call the PSP 'healthy' anywhere. The Gamecube and original Xbox both sold more software then the PSP in December in the US - are they 'healthy', or even 'alive'? And then there was that 'trade the past, play the future EBs thing. It's anecdotal, but Europe seems to be even crazier then Japan for DS.


D.Lo said:
I wouldn't call the PSP 'healthy' anywhere. The Gamecube and original Xbox both sold more software then the PSP in December in the US - are they 'healthy', or even 'alive'? And then there was that 'trade the past, play the future EBs thing. It's anecdotal, but Europe seems to be even crazier then Japan for DS.

The potential for the biggest DS growth is in the west, yes. Europe just because it's never been a region Nintendo's performed too well in, and in NA because it's actually sold less DS systems than Europe and Japan. Pretty weird.
PSP's hardware is doing decent for the piss poor performances of software. I think Monster Hunter is the only game series keeping the thing alive. That and the Tales games that provide a brief spike in sales.

Despite a great year for PSP gaming in 2006, software sales were pretty pitiful. With the DS doing relatively well, developers are probably finding it harder and harder to keep supporting the PSP.

The hardware performance shows that people are apparently using it for other things. Maybe they are buying used games, for multimedia purposes, or for piracy. They sure aren't being used to buy new games.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
enishi said:
If anyone cares, Famitsu predicts the savior (aka Gundam Musou) sell around 120k - 130k in its first week.
It is based on Amazon pre-order number and comparison with VF5 first week sales.

It also talks about Monster Hunter Portable 2 drives PSP hardware sales. Around 15k MHP2-PSP bundles sold on its first day.
Interesting predictions.

We know about the bundle though, it sold 15k, over 70% of it's shipment. Sony really dropped the ball there imo if they only shipped like 20-25k bundles or something. I think they could've sold more hardware than that with the rise the week before the game even came out. I suppose people will just pick up the system and the game separately so we can still expect good hardware sales regardless.


powerless or are they? o_O
cvxfreak said:
The potential for the biggest DS growth is in the west, yes. Europe just because it's never been a region Nintendo's performed too well in, and in NA because it's actually sold less DS systems than Europe and Japan. Pretty weird.

It's not weird in the least bit. It can easily be attributed to the strong hardware performance of the PSP, which gave a surprisingly strong holiday show, and the GBA, which was hands down that system's most lucrative region. If one was to magically give the DS the sales that the GBA had received throughout 2006, then North America would be as big of a market for it as Japan.
How people are comparing PSP to Gamecube is mind-blowing in my eyes. Gamecube was first party loaded, PSP is the exact opposite. PSP has been on the market for just 2~ years worldwide, and already sold more hardware than Gamecube did LTD (or just around the same amount).

Also, PSP is a MULTI-media device, and a handheld console. Gamecube could not even play DVDs. PSP has devices like GPS and camera's being released, and the vocal point since it's release from the mouth of Sony is MULTI-MEDIA, not jsut gaming. They are completely different products in completely different markets.

For what the PSP is software sales are simply put, outstanding. Far beyond the expectations any reasonable person had, but for some reason people here are judging like it's a home console.


Barf_the_Mog said:
It's not weird in the least bit. It can easily be attributed to the strong hardware performance of the PSP, which gave a surprisingly strong holiday show, and the GBA, which was hands down that system's most lucrative region. If one was to magically give the DS the sales that the GBA had received throughout 2006, then North America would be as big of a market for it as Japan.

But that's why it's weird. :p NA is the exception this time around (it was too for the Xbox, but the DS is a winning system).
Oh My Gawd said:
How people are comparing PSP to Gamecube is mind-blowing in my eyes. Gamecube was first party loaded, PSP is the exact opposite. PSP has been on the market for just 2~ years worldwide, and already sold more hardware than Gamecube did LTD (or just around the same amount).

Also, PSP is a MULTI-media device, and a handheld console. Gamecube could not even play DVDs. PSP has devices like GPS and camera's being released, and the vocal point since it's release from the mouth of Sony is MULTI-MEDIA, not jsut gaming. They are completely different products in completely different markets.

For what the PSP is software sales are simply put, outstanding. Far beyond the expectations any reasonable person had, but for some reason people here are judging like it's a home console.

So Sony released PSP expecting shit software sales? Are you serious? Did you read their PR before release?

Nintendo fans 1995 = Sony fans 2007, I'm ****ing telling you guys. This is so ludicrous.

When N64 started doing poorly, I bought a PSone. I didn't make mind-boggling, asinine justifications for its performance.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Oh My Gawd said:
For what the PSP is software sales are simply put, outstanding. Far beyond the expectations any reasonable person had, but for some reason people here are judging like it's a home console.
So PSP is for non-gamers who don't even buy non-games? :lol


powerless or are they? o_O
cvxfreak said:
But that's why it's weird. :p NA is the exception this time around (it was too for the Xbox, but the DS is a winning system).

Well, in any case, North America has always been a region that has the ability to support multiple systems. I'd rather have the DS handicapped by the sales of other systems than to see it grab the entire market and squeeze the others out.
PSP software sales are high for third parties in the US, and that's about it. That doesn't mean they are "fine" because the budget might've been more than sales could gather, but third party sales are still higher for the PSP in the US than the DS.

But since the recent DS boom, it won't be that way for long.


jj984jj said:
So PSP is for non-gamers who don't even buy non-games? :lol


(Just like the Dreamcast)
PSP has still sold more third party software in NA than DS, PSP has aproximently 8 million sellers in just 2 years worldwide. I know these arent related to Japan or the media create thread, but you people went far beyond these boundries long ago.

PSP least successful market is Japan, and it still sold 5 million systems and will have 2 million sellers in just 2.2 years time. Basing PSP entire success on it's least successful market is simply ignorant.
Oh My Gawd said:
PSP has still sold more third party software in NA than DS, PSP has aproximently 8 million sellers in just 2 years worldwide. I know these arent related to Japan or the media create thread, but you people went far beyond these boundries long ago.

PSP least successful market is Japan, and it still sold 5 million systems and will have 2 million sellers in just 2.2 years time. Basing PSP entire success on it's least successful market is simply ignorant.

PSP's signs of strong sales in NA are from its first 8 months of popularity. They've been unabashed shit since summer 2006.
EA is still making out like a bandit in the US, and Activision is doing nicely too, but original software is doing pretty badly everywhere, Metal Gear and Monster Hunter aside.

The key point to make here is that the games are selling way out of proportion to their quality and the userbase. All of them. Madden is about the only thing I can say is hitting its deserved/expected sales. Maybe Tony Hawk 8. I don't get it at all.
Oh My Gawd said:
PSP top 5 third part > DS top 5 third part in NA for 2006.

What in the world are you babbling on about?

PSP budgets > DS budgets
PSP overall software sales < DS overall software sales
PSP software sales 2006 <<< PSP software sales 2005

Do you know how to read trends?

Not to mention that a good chunk of the PSP's third party sales are from EA and Take Two. Sony+EA sales on PSP are about the same percentage of overall sales as Nintendo alone on DS. The average third party doesn't give a shit if their money is going to Nintendo or EA.

GameCube owners used to try to exclude enough of reality to make it look like GCN was in an upswing, but it was never a realistic way of looking at things. When you have people citing sales of GPS add-ons to make up for software sales, there's a ****ing problem.
AdmiralViscen said:
PSP budgets > DS budgets
PSP overall software sales < DS overall software sales
PSP software sales 2006 <<< PSP software sales 2005

Do you know how to read trends?

Not to mention that a good chunk of the PSP's third party sales are from EA and Take Two. Sony+EA sales on PSP are about the same percentage of overall sales as Nintendo alone on DS. The average third party doesn't give a shit if their money is going to Nintendo or EA.

And it's the last point of those three that's the devastating one for the PSP. Third parties aren't blind to that kind of thing. Or to put it another way - after LCS, VCS was a slamdunk to be created/released. Now, after VCS, are we so sure about SAS?
Oh My Gawd, can you please explain to me why EA, Sega, etc. have publically announced a development shift from PSP to DS? Can you please explain this?
cvxfreak said:
What are the PSP's 8 million sellers?


Hmmm...Hot Shots...anything else we'd need some Euro sales figures on, because the only stuff even close in NA sold like poop-la in Japan. I really have my doubts the Euro gamers bought a quarter of a million Star Wars Battlefront, but maybe?

edit: How much did Ridge Racers sell in Japan?


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
cvxfreak said:
Not at all. RR sounds reasonable although I have my doubts... anything else?
His source is vgcharts of course so it's not unreasonable to have your doubts. :lol
GTA, Battlefront, SOCOM, MPH 1, HSG, Ridge Racers and first Need for Speed. MHP 2 being #8.

PSP third party million sellers > DS third party million sellers, i thiink there have only been 3, maybe 4 worldwide correct? That's simply pathetic considering DS has sold 33-35 million~ consoles worldwide.

PSP having higher budget is the main reason average PSP game is $40. A PSP game that sells 200k brings in the same amount of money that a DS game that sells around 260k~, so budget cancels out considering more money is brought in with each game sold.

Of course PSP 2005 is going to be bigger than PSP 2006, considering the gigantic launch it had in the US and Europe.

First party sales were never in the discussion, and has nothing to do with support given to the system by third parties.

Gamecube IS NOT COMPARABLE to PSP. Period. PSP is more comparable to Ipod than Gamecube.
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