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Media Create Sales 2/19 - 2/25

It's too late for anyone to create a new generational strategy. Those things take years to put on paper, develop, and then finally put to practice. The MAN himself said DS would either take the Big N to heaven or plunge them into hell. Had the DS strategy been a failure, Nintendo would have been ****ed, because they knew there would be no turning back after they released it. They've spent a lot of money on implementing their current strategy, and to change it would do more harm than good at this phase. No company has been able to successfully do it.
Sim City DS is back on amazon.jp chart, so probably they got a new stock, cause it dropped a lot in latest days.

Also Layton is doing good and happy to see "Pedobear" is slowly going to page 2 :lol

Gundam Musou has already lost some positions, maybe who says that it will not affect PS3 sales so much is right


I think we can all agree. Next weeks numbers will be very, very interesting. If Gundam doesn't move PS3 hardware, then there's nothing left for the 'just wait for x game' excuse.

Dare I say it. And I hope this isn't regarded as a troll. But if sales don't pick up with Gundam, do we officially say PS3 bombed?
Martoo said:
Dare I say it. And I hope this isn't regarded as a troll. But if sales don't pick up with Gundam, do we officially say PS3 bombed?

Nah, it just got rumble back - watch sales shoot up on the back of the news...



What's the problem with shortages in so many games? Are retailers underordering? Are companies underproducing? Aren't there enough carts for everybody?


Martoo said:
I think we can all agree. Next weeks numbers will be very, very interesting. If Gundam doesn't move PS3 hardware, then there's nothing left for the 'just wait for x game' excuse.

Dare I say it. And I hope this isn't regarded as a troll. But if sales don't pick up with Gundam, do we officially say PS3 bombed?

After Gundam Musou, Sony will have to wait until Heavenly Sword to have another shot at a spike in PS3 sales, which, according to Gamespot, is being released on June 1st. That's a 3-4 month span between "killer" apps for a system, which is a long time given how competitive the console industry is now. Also, when you factor in the iminent release of Big Brain Academy for the Wii in April, things aren't looking too bright for Sony.
While there will definitely be some unknown/pushed up games coming out in the next few months, it looks like JP PS3 is in for a long drought, seemingly at least 2-3 months. If Sony does not make some major announcements on the OS side like new functionality or some small games appealing to the Japanese gaming market, I think they're all but done in Japan. Sure MGS4, FFXIII, and Tekken 6 will do well but at this rate lower profile Wii titles will probably do twice their sales. A full recovery looks very difficult at this point. Nintendo would have to make some horrible moves and Sony would have to make a few perfect ones and have as attractive a JP lineup as Nintendo.

Of course some unexpected PS3 game could explode and cause some snowball effect but what's to say the Wii won't do the same.
NintendosBooger said:
It's too late for anyone to create a new generational strategy. Those things take years to put on paper, develop, and then finally put to practice. The MAN himself said DS would either take the Big N to heaven or plunge them into hell. Had the DS strategy been a failure, Nintendo would have been ****ed, because they knew there would be no turning back after they released it. They've spent a lot of money on implementing their current strategy, and to change it would do more harm than good at this phase. No company has been able to successfully do it.

Some differences is that Nintendo was the underdog. The Game Cube was dead last and with the PSP juggernaut looming ahead, Nintendo had no choice but to go all or nothing. I think its great that Iwata took the huge risks because its clear Microsoft and Sony didn't. They relied on the same thing.

As for it being too late, I don't think so. Things change. PS3 is still too new to be considered a flop. It has an uphill battle now against the multi million unit leads of Microsoft and Nintendo but with this generation lasting several more years, things can change. After all, PlayStation and Saturn was neck and neck and Nintendo 64 was supposed to rule all. The end result was far different. If we were to determine how things would be right off the bat, the PS would be a sales failure.

Still, there is some potential. The potential is lessening, sure, but crazy things happen.


The Experiment said:
As for it being too late, I don't think so. Things change. PS3 is still too new to be considered a flop. It has an uphill battle now against the multi million unit leads of Microsoft and Nintendo but with this generation lasting several more years, things can change. After all, PlayStation and Saturn was neck and neck and Nintendo 64 was supposed to rule all. The end result was far different. If we were to determine how things would be right off the bat, the PS would be a sales failure.
Why is this?
Sony saying the PS3 is going to last 10 years is just retarded. Support, maybe, if you count shitty third party crap as support. But the primary system? I give it 6 years at best, and that's assuming Microsoft don't undercut them again.


TheGreatDave said:
Sony saying the PS3 is going to last 10 years is just retarded. Support, maybe, if you count shitty third party crap as support. But the primary system? I give it 6 years at best, and that's assuming Microsoft don't undercut them again.

What are they gonna add more horsepower? Devs are having a hard time as is dealing with next gen development costs.
Dante said:
What are they gonna add more horsepower? Devs are having a hard time as is dealing with next gen development costs.

If not graphical power, than just more features. End of the day I think it's a bit premature to declaire this gen the furthest a games console can evolve to. The next gen will be in 4-6 years and everybody will be bringing new things to the table. You constantly need a new product to maintain interest.
Cosmonaut X said:
Nah, it just got rumble back - watch sales shoot up on the back of the news...


All that happened was Sony can now use rumble if they wanted to. But just a week ago Phil Harrison I think it was said Rumble was a last gen feature and not really important. I don't think they are interested in putting rumble in unless they were lying.
perfectchaos007 said:
All that happened was Sony can now use rumble if they wanted to. But just a week ago Phil Harrison I think it was said Rumble was a last gen feature and not really important. I don't think they are interested in putting rumble in unless they were lying.
Remember, this is the same man who talked about the SIXAXIS motion control as an example of Sony's innovation.


I think you guys need to understand that Nintendo is not a semiconductor company and does not manufacture the ROMs that go into their DS cards. They purchase them from Mask ROM suppliers like Macronix. When you look at Macronix's most recent quarterly report, you can see that since the middle of 2005, they have averaged over 100% utilization of wafer output. Nintendo can't force ROM manufacturers to build more fabs (~150 million to 1 billion USD investment per fab). They would need to do something like offer to pay more per ROM, which would increase the cost of DS games or decrease publishers profit margins.
perfectchaos007 said:
All that happened was Sony can now use rumble if they wanted to. But just a week ago Phil Harrison I think it was said Rumble was a last gen feature and not really important. I don't think they are interested in putting rumble in unless they were lying.

Of course they were lying. Sony didn't beleive that stuff any more than anyone else did, I'm sure... they just had to say it because otherwise there was no way to justify the lack of rumble in the controller. Now that they've finally admitted that there was no way they could win in court and decided to stop delaying and settled with Immersion (that is, paid Immersion a lot of money), I'd expect a SIXAXIS DUAL SHOCK to be announced in not too long... maybe even SIXAXIS FORCE FEEDBACK, but as no console game controllers (except for some racing wheels) are force feedback, that's too much to hope for I think.


Just for my own clarification -

Why does the ridiculously bad sales of the PS3 get a pass and a "it's not too late to turn it all around!" from media outlets, while when Nintendo and its GC was in last place, it was getting a "Nintendo R teh D00MED!!!1" everywhere you looked? The hypocrisy is maddening.

Heh, probably should have thrown in a question mark considering the sentence was a question. ;)


Finn said:
Just for my own clarification -

Why does the ridiculously bad sales of the PS3 get a pass and a "it's not too late to turn it all around!" from media outlets, while when Nintendo and its GC was in last place, it was getting a "Nintendo R teh D00MED!!!1" everywhere you looked. The hypocrisy is maddening.
Because SDF are living in a denial mode. Soon they'll move on to approval mode which won't be pretty... Lots of pain and tears. After that it's just a long but quite a peaceful recovery process.


You guys were talking about S-E was crazy for not shipping more than 500k week one for FF12:RW, but isn't the cart different from the FF3 and DQM:J cart. Ain't it smaller. So it should be easier and faster to produce!
Finn said:
Just for my own clarification -

Why does the ridiculously bad sales of the PS3 get a pass and a "it's not too late to turn it all around!" from media outlets, while when Nintendo and its GC was in last place, it was getting a "Nintendo R teh D00MED!!!1" everywhere you looked? The hypocrisy is maddening.

Heh, probably should have thrown in a question mark considering the sentence was a question. ;)

Because Sony have dominated for 10 years. Nobody expected them to not win this generation a few years ago, and nobody expected the Japanese sales to be as they are. You can't just assume a company that's done a good job of ****ing Microsoft, Nintendo and Sega


Because Sony have dominated for 10 years. Nobody expected them to not win this generation a few years ago, and nobody expected the Japanese sales to be as they are. You can't just assume a company that's done a good job of ****ing Microsoft, Nintendo and Sega
Oh, alright.

So then just one more question - when the DS and the PSP were about to be released (after 15 or so years of utter Nintendo domination in the handheld sector), the gaming press was shouting from the rooftops that Nintendo was going to be slaughtered by this new, fancy Sony equipment.

So if what you're saying is true about the media's "Sony's still got a chance" mentality, why wasn't the same mentality afforded to Nintendo and the DS...especially before it was even launched?

I guess it's a moot point, though, considering the PSP/DS battle is nothing but a distant (and hilariously one-sided) memory.
1 PSP game outselling all DS and Wii games combined? :lol

always wanted to do this

Are people really putting much weight into games like Gundam Mosou, Heavenly Sword and VF, as far as sales go? The only games that can push PS3 are big franchises, and from what I know there isn't any coming soon. GranTurismo, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry. For now PS3 is doing quite good, without any game in top 30.




Famitsu for last week.
Finn said:
Oh, alright.

So then just one more question - when the DS and the PSP were about to be released (after 15 or so years of utter Nintendo domination in the handheld sector), the gaming press was shouting from the rooftops that Nintendo was going to be slaughtered by this new, fancy Sony equipment.

So if what you're saying is true about the media's "Sony's still got a chance" mentality, why wasn't the same mentality afforded to Nintendo and the DS...especially before it was even launched?

I guess it's a moot point, though, considering the PSP/DS battle is nothing but a distant (and hilariously one-sided) memory.

I think the PSP/DS thing is exactly why people are more cautious with their predictions now.
fresquito said:
Why is this?

Well, last generation probably would have lasted longer if it wasn't for Microsoft's rush to bring out the Xbox 360. I don't think its going to last 10 years but 7-8 years is a possibility. Besides, the machines are so expensive that at the rate, by the time PS3 would be $200 or less, the PS4 would be out that year.

Why does the ridiculously bad sales of the PS3 get a pass and a "it's not too late to turn it all around!" from media outlets, while when Nintendo and its GC was in last place, it was getting a "Nintendo R teh D00MED!!!1" everywhere you looked? The hypocrisy is maddening.

Nobody said Nintendo was doomed until Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker failed to kickstart any momentum. For the PS3, the thing has only been out for three months. Way, way too early to declare failure. At this point in time next year if things don't improve, then its time to declare that Sony is teh doomed.

As for it being maddening, its ****ing video games, dude. Chill out.
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