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Media Create Sales 3/26 - 4/1

hydragonwarrior said:
Someone with an unswayable opinion that many people will want to argue against has to say something to keep this thread going.

*paging drinky crow/drohne/amirox*

We need more hyperbole as well in the next few posts. And gifs. Lots of gifs.

I think people, that were originally interested in PS3, are soon going to buy a Wii. Even the "hardcore"-casuals, that only know "Playstation" will jump over. Therefore, a FF13 port for Wii is inevitable.

(Unswayable opinion enough?)
The Japanese gaming market is how the global market should be. It's like a beacon of truth and light shining and enlightening the infidels.
Diablos54 said:
Not good enough. :lol We need Tabris back. Man, never thought I'd say that.


Sorry, but im too afraid to get banned by some Sony-mod again ;)

Next one...or where are the hardware-numbers?


MasterMFauli said:


Sorry, but im too afraid to get banned by some Sony-mod again ;)

Next one...or where are the hardware-numbers?
I expieranced my first Sony-mod the other day. :lol He was not pleased with me.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
hydragonwarrior said:
We need more hyperbole as well in the next few posts. And gifs. Lots of gifs.











JoshuaJSlone said:
Same time it is every week, Pinky. (when we) Try to take over the world!
The Pinky, The Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain... Barf.
Cheesemeister said:

Pro Baseball Spirits? Ghost baseball! :lol Japanglish alway has some funny translations.

Call of Duty 3 made the list? Wow. It is not all that great of a game . . . it is good but CoD 2 is better. Nice to see a Gaijin FPS up there . . . perhaps not all Japanese get motion sickness as we are often told. :D

BTW, Kudos to Cheesemeister for such well formatted and information rich original posts!
hydragonwarrior said:
Someone with an unswayable opinion that many people will want to argue against has to say something to keep this thread going.

*paging drinky crow/drohne/amirox*

We need more hyperbole as well in the next few posts. And gifs. Lots of gifs.

I wonder why people care if these threads are big or not?

Every single thread is the same, Nintendo love and anything about Sony and MS is trolled against. The smaller these threads get the better we will all be. We should just post the numbers and lock the thread.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
My Chemical Mouse said:
I wonder why people care if these threads are big or not?

Every single thread is the same, Nintendo love and anything about Sony and MS is trolled against. The smaller these threads get the better we will all be. We should just post the numbers and lock the thread.

Don't take it personally. It's just..there really isn't anything posters can say about Sony and Microsoft in Japan that can be taken seriously at this point. Wasn't around, but I'm pretty sure N fans were persecuted to the same or to a worse degree during the Gamecube days.
schuelma said:
Wasn't around, but I'm pretty sure N fans were persecuted to the same or to a worse degree during the Gamecube days.

N fans always used "GBA is doing well!" or "GCN beating the crap out of Xbox".

You don't see Sony fans holding Japan over 360 in these threads though. Odd eh?
My Chemical Mouse said:
I wonder why people care if these threads are big or not?

Every single thread is the same, Nintendo love and anything about Sony and MS is trolled against. The smaller these threads get the better we will all be. We should just post the numbers and lock the thread.

Someone wasn't old enough to read circa... oh say... 1997-ish.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
My Chemical Mouse said:
N fans always used "GBA is doing well!" or "GCN beating the crap out of Xbox".

You don't see Sony fans holding Japan over 360 in these threads though. Odd eh?

Actually, I don't see Sony fans in sales threads period. Odd eh?


My Chemical Mouse said:
I wonder why people care if these threads are big or not?

Every single thread is the same, Nintendo love and anything about Sony and MS is trolled against. The smaller these threads get the better we will all be. We should just post the numbers and lock the thread.

My Chemical Mouse said:
I wonder why people care if these threads are big or not?

Every single thread is the same, Nintendo love and anything about Sony and MS is trolled against. The smaller these threads get the better we will all be. We should just post the numbers and lock the thread.


My Chemical Mouse said:
I got my arse handed to me for making stupid comments in a previous sales thread, so now I'm going to whine about those mean "N fans" instead


The Autumn Wind
GrimReaper said:
Haha, awesome.

My Chemical Mouse said:
I wonder why people care if these threads are big or not?

Every single thread is the same, Nintendo love and anything about Sony and MS is trolled against. The smaller these threads get the better we will all be. We should just post the numbers and lock the thread.
Stop posting. You're not doing yourself any favors.


Ok, my "Vinnk's Village" report is ready to go. Should I put it up now or after we get hardware numbers?


"Vinnk's Village" Anecdotal Report

Here is my 4th report and I am stating to kind of get a system down. It still takes me about 3 hours to check all the stores but it is getting much faster to get the report ready.

For those who missed the last two, here is some background:

My town is in Oita Prefecture (in the Kyushu Region) the population is 80,000 (or 60,000 before it merged with 4 surrounding small villages), which is quite small by Japanese standards.

I will track sales from all the stores that sell video games. They are:

2 department stores that sell games (Jusco and Youme Town)
1 discount store with a very small game section. (Mr.Max)
1 manga/anime/game store (Book-net)
1 porn store that tries to look legitimate buy having a small game/DVD section in the front and a massive porn section behind a curtain. (Goody)
1 electronics chain store with a game section (Best Denki)
2 dedicated game stores (Wanpaku and Famicom Dojo)
**NEW** Yamada Denki, a new electronics store just opened this week.

Most anecdotal reports come from big cities like Tokyo and Osaka and in those places people will line up for new games and things sell out all the time. It doesn’t always paint a very accurate picture of Japan outside of metropolitan areas. My numbers are not supposed to represent Japan, but are just my observations based on the town I happen to live in.

This week I was asked to look for: Wii hardware, PS3, DS lite, and Layton,Yoshi’s Island DS. I went Thursday April 5th, 2007:

Wii: Sold out
PS3: 10 (6 60gig, 3 Gundam Specials)
DS Lite: Sold Out
Layton: 4 copies
DQM:J 3 copies
Yoshi’s Island: 3 copies

Youme Town
Wii: Sold Out
PS3: At least 3 (3 on the floor, unknown in the back)
DS lite: Sold Out
Layton: 4 copies
DQM:J 1 copy
Yoshi’s Island: 2 copies

Mr. Max
Wii: Sold Out
PS3: At least 1 60gig and one Gundam Musou Special (there is a display box out front and the tag on it says, they will bring you one from the back. No idea how many are there)
DS lite: sold out
Layton: 1 copy
DQM:J 2 copies
Yoshi’s Island: Sold out

Wii: Sold out
PS3: 5 (1 new, 3 used)
DS lite: sold out
Layton: 2 copies
DQM:J 1 new, 1 used
Yoshi’s Island: 1 copy

Wii: Never had any to begin with
PS3: 2 used (1 20gig, 1 60gig)
DS lite: 1
Layton: 1
DQM:J Sold out
Yoshi’s Island: Sold Out? (they may never have had any to begin with)

Best Denki
Wii: 2
DS lite: Sold Out
PS3: Several rows behind the counter. More than 15 for sure. Not sure if they are used or new but the store says both are available.
Layton: 2
Yoshi’s Island: 1

Wii: Sold out
DS lite: 3
PS3: At least 1 60gig and 1 Gundam Musou Edition (unknown how many are in the back)
Layton: Sold out
Yoshi’s Island: Sold Out

Famicom Dojo
Wii: 2!
PS3: “Old Reliable” is still there.
DS lite: Sold Out
Layton: Sold out
Yoshi’s Island: Sold Out

Yamada Denki
Wii: Sold out
PS3: at least 5
DS lite: 2
Layton: 12
DQM:J 10
Yoshi’s Island: 9

Wii: 4 (all new)
PS3: A lot (at least 40 could be seen, but probably much higher)
DS lite: 6
Layton: 26
DQM:J 28
Yoshi’s Island: 16


1. Yamada Denki just opened this week and its shelves were fully stocked with every game. I went just after the grand opening so they had everything I was tracking except Wii.

2. At Wanpaku they had a demo of Pro Baseball Spirits 4 (the only new PS3 game this week) but it was running on the PS2. I asked why they were not using the superior looking PS3 version and they said, “We expect to sell a lot more of this one”.

3. “Old Reliable” (The PS3 at Famicom Dojo) has been there since 5 weeks after launch.

4. Yamada Denki is selling new copies of “Love and Berry” for only 2000 yen. Seems they are trying to get rid of them. I wonder if it will hit the million mark now.

5. It is my opinion that DQM:J, Layton and Yoshi’s Island are no longer supply constrained. Also since used copies of DQM:J are now in the market it will continue to be easily available. I will remove DQM:J from the list of games I am looking for. Layton and Yoshi will likely be removed next week.

6. The PS3 is not worth tracking. It is available in every store in large numbers and my report for each week on it could be simplified as “ditto”. Unless there is a major sales push or a new killer app driving system sales. I am going to stop checking for it.

7. I need new games to look for. OR questions you would like answered, such as “How much does a new copy of “Tales of the Tempest” sell for these days?” (Answer: 1500 yen)

8. Wii is still really hard to find. DS lite is rare but attainable with a bit of searching.

Eteric Rice

Hmm, I remember it being quite different a while back. Nintendo fans were practically being tossed into gas chambers. D:
Fuzzy said:
When I used to post the HW chart I'd be hitting the server 2 hours ahead of time.

I've been meaning to make the polling function adjust its frequency over time, on a schedule. But for now, radio silence from me.


1 porn store that tries to look legitimate buy having a small game/DVD section in the front and a massive porn section behind a curtain. (Goody)

I must visit this place. IF i ever go to Japan

Eteric Rice

Thanks for that, Vinnk. I'm surprised that some stores have Wii, though they likely don't last.

The only way you can get a Wii in my area is if you get to Wal-Mart at midnight when they get a shipment.


I've stated this before as a possibility, but I think this kind of makes sense.

The PS3 is a 10-year console. That sucker won't drop to $300 until probably 4-5 years from now. However in 4-5 years from now, Microsoft and Nintendo will be bringing out their next systems. Even though the PS3 is selling around PS2 levels in Japan and GBA levels in America, do that for 4-5 years, and you can have a decent install base (~0.5-1.0 x GCN worldwide size). If the PS3 really is as "future-proof" and full of "potential" as Kutaragi and Stringer would have us believe, what's to stop it from "re-launching" itself again in 4-5 years with essentially the same hardware (maybe + Wii functionality)? That would be the same situation that Nintendo was in for the start of the GameCube, and they "re-launched" essentially the same system (2 x power of GCN) + Wii-mote and are doing gangbusters.

Maybe PS3 is just biding its time for the next round of systems, where it will already be entrenched with the hardcore and ready to pounce on the new HDTV-owning, "$300 isn't too bad" mass market that the Wii is now courting.

I guess it all depends on just how "future-proof" the system really is.

On a side-note if Sony really did that, they'd just be re-proving Iwata's position of "diminishing returns." :lol


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
donny2112 said:
I've stated this before as a possibility, but I think this kind of makes sense.

The PS3 is a 10-year console. That sucker won't drop to $300 until probably 4-5 years from now. However in 4-5 years from now, Microsoft and Nintendo will be bringing out their next systems. Even though the PS3 is selling around PS2 levels in Japan and GBA levels in America, do that for 4-5 years, and you can have a decent install base (~0.5-1.0 x GCN worldwide size). If the PS3 really is as "future-proof" and full of "potential" as Kutaragi and Stringer would have us believe, what's to stop it from "re-launching" itself again in 4-5 years with essentially the same hardware (maybe + Wii functionality)? That would be the same situation that Nintendo was in for the start of the GameCube, and they "re-launched" essentially the same system (2 x power of GCN) + Wii-mote and are doing gangbusters.

Maybe PS3 is just biding its time for the next round of systems, where it will already be entrenched with the hardcore and ready to pounce on the new HDTV-owning, "$300 isn't too bad" mass market that the Wii is now courting.

I guess it all depends on just how "future-proof" the system really is.

On a side-note if Sony really did that, they'd just be re-proving Iwata's position of "diminishing returns." :lol

The problem is, if it continues to sell like this, it won't get the games to last that long. It really is that simple.

Eteric Rice

donny2112 said:
I've stated this before as a possibility, but I think this kind of makes sense.

The PS3 is a 10-year console. That sucker won't drop to $300 until probably 4-5 years from now. However in 4-5 years from now, Microsoft and Nintendo will be bringing out their next systems. Even though the PS3 is selling around PS2 levels in Japan and GBA levels in America, do that for 4-5 years, and you can have a decent install base (~0.5-1.0 x GCN worldwide size). If the PS3 really is as "future-proof" and full of "potential" as Kutaragi and Stringer would have us believe, what's to stop it from "re-launching" itself again in 4-5 years with essentially the same hardware (maybe + Wii functionality)? That would be the same situation that Nintendo was in for the start of the GameCube, and they "re-launched" essentially the same system (2 x power of GCN) + Wii-mote and are doing gangbusters.

Maybe PS3 is just biding its time for the next round of systems, where it will already be entrenched with the hardcore and ready to pounce on the new HDTV-owning, "$300 isn't too bad" mass market that the Wii is now courting.

I guess it all depends on just how "future-proof" the system really is.

On a side-note if Sony really did that, they'd just be re-proving Iwata's position of "diminishing returns." :lol

They could do that, and they're likely planning on it. The problem is, Nintendo will likely put out a system similar in power to the PS3 (or maybe more powerful) and probably undercut, or match the PS3 in price. Add that to the "brand new system!" hype, and they could start this whole process over again.

Either way, I don't believe for a second that Sony isn't making a PS4. :)
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