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Media Create Sales 4/16 - 4/22


Junior Member
You can't create a PlayStation 3 and then recreate the system before it. I mean if they did they couldn't simply call it a PlayStation 2 or everyone would feel like they were buying outdated hardware. While the PS2 and Wii are similar in graphical power, all people know about the Wii is that it's a new system so they want it. You can't say "hey here's the PS2 again with a new controller" they'd have to redesign the console (or change the name of the PStwo?) and throw in their own waggle.


bgassassin said:

I've seen this gif a thousand times and only just noticed they are holding DSs.


Whoops, forgot a couple things.

I am actually thinking in the opposite of TheSphinx.

I say drop PSP. Now. NOTHING is going to compete with the DS at this point - hell it's going to overtake the PS2 in no time. Put those resources to use in creating games that should have been out during the upcoming (or past) dry spells.

And while ou're at it, drop PS2 as well. Move that stuff to PS3 as either budget HD-ified releases, or PSN games.

I know it's tough to let go, but it's about time. If they want to last 10 years with the Triple, they gotta do it.

PantherLotus said:
Your shareholders would fire you, but you're right.

Unfortuntly, Sony in Japan doesn't have a PS2 to fall back on, like in the states. Guess they'll just have to ask Square to put some PSX+PS2 Final Fantasy ports on a disc and release it this winter, along with a FFXIII demo.


PantherLotus said:
Like I said. "32x" it. Sega never recovered. What can Sony do? Seriously.

Let's throw all the bullshit, all the fanboy crap, all the OMG LOOK AT THEM FAIL rejoicing out the window. Let's pretend for just a moment, just long enough to make it interesting, that we control Sony.

What should Sony do? You can't just tell your shareholders "LOL 3rd PARTY!Z!" They want answers. Now. Assuming that Sony wants to maintain a level of dominance in Japan in the videogame market...what could they possibly do to change the current (and obvious) trends?

they should turn on the cell capacitor and get that sucker up to 88 miles per hour
lupin23rd said:
Whoops, forgot a couple things.

I am actually thinking in the opposite of TheSphinx.

I say drop PSP. Now. NOTHING is going to compete with the DS at this point - hell it's going to overtake the PS2 in no time. Put those resources to use in creating games that should have been out during the upcoming (or past) dry spells.

And while ou're at it, drop PS2 as well. Move that stuff to PS3 as either budget HD-ified releases, or PSN games.

I know it's tough to let go, but it's about time. If they want to last 10 years with the Triple, they gotta do it.


...the PS3 isn't failing because of the PS2 or PSP. This isn't like the DS' problem with the GBA until recently in Japan; PS3 is failing because it costs far to ****ing much for a console with a limited amount of mass market games. Get rid of the PSP and PS2 and their profit margin goes from minus a million to minus a bazillion.


Professional Schmuck
lupin: You simply can't blame 3rd parties for their PS3 games not releasing timely. Look at the uptake on the DS and ask yourself if the GBA (the PS2 of handhelds) had something to do with it.


The Autumn Wind
lupin23rd said:
After May 12th, we'll see what Square is up to. I bet they will be able to push a few units out just giving a demo of FF13 though. People will get a PS3 for the demo, and keep it until the game comes out.
At this point, I'm not so sure.


Microsoft and Nintendo have respectively pinned Sony from so many angles that it almost appears they planned it that way.


lupin23rd said:
Whoops, forgot a couple things.

I am actually thinking in the opposite of TheSphinx.

I say drop PSP. Now. NOTHING is going to compete with the DS at this point - hell it's going to overtake the PS2 in no time. Put those resources to use in creating games that should have been out during the upcoming (or past) dry spells.

And while ou're at it, drop PS2 as well. Move that stuff to PS3 as either budget HD-ified releases, or PSN games.

I know it's tough to let go, but it's about time. If they want to last 10 years with the Triple, they gotta do it.


so basically you want them to destroy the entire playstation line instead of just the upper end of it

who sent you? nintendo, microsoft? are you the ghost of sega past?


lupin23rd said:
Whoops, forgot a couple things.

I am actually thinking in the opposite of TheSphinx.

I say drop PSP. Now. NOTHING is going to compete with the DS at this point - hell it's going to overtake the PS2 in no time. Put those resources to use in creating games that should have been out during the upcoming (or past) dry spells.

And while ou're at it, drop PS2 as well. Move that stuff to PS3 as either budget HD-ified releases, or PSN games.

I know it's tough to let go, but it's about time. If they want to last 10 years with the Triple, they gotta do it.

I'm operating on the theory that 1) Sony can't or won't absorb cost-cutting on the PS3 to the point that it's at a mass-market price (which STARTS at $300). and 2) The price is hurting sales far more than the lack of games even. So nothing will save it except dropping the price NOW, but they can't drop the price NOW. The only market where it really has untapped potential is in the video enthusiasts market, as the cheapest (and maybe best) Blu-Ray player available. So emphasize that, and stop wasting money on games that won't make their development costs back.


The Autumn Wind
Sony's really between a rock and a hard place right now. They can either continue to have terrible sales and destroy the strength of the PlayStation brand, or they can cut the price, and bleed money so heavily that they may not be able to recover from it. And even then, we don't know if sales would even pick up all that much. Customers and third parties may have already just decided to move on, which would just doubly screw them.


Professional Schmuck
Speevy said:
Microsoft and Nintendo have respectively pinned Sony from so many angles that it almost appears they planned it that way.

Sony's problem is that Microsoft is better at the US and that Nintendo has finally figured out Japan. Europe was their only hope but it honestly seems like a nice middleground between western and eastern tastes (soccer + karoake omg).

I think Sony tried to take the US with PS3 strategy. They forgot the first rule of warfare. NEVER FIGHT A LAND WAR IN ASIA!

And whoever wins Japan wins the war.
Link said:
Perhaps he meant first to 5 million in Japan?

Yeah, that'd make more sense...

Hypothetical PantherLotus said:
I know nobody asked, but I just wanted to assert that my personal belief is that the first to 5 million in Japan always wins. And whoever wins Japan wins the war.
Thoren said:
Yeah! They just need a groundbreaking game for the platform, something that makes the Japanese go nuts. Sort of like how Pokemon first was in the US. Something to explode sales.(Besides their 360s).
Thoren said:
LO is bigger though, plus it has a famous Manga Artist Takehiko Inoue doing character design. Lets just say a manga of his alone made basketball popular in Japan and sold hundreds of millions of copies.

The game has jumped to 12th place in the Famitsu top 20 and has been the most anticipated new IP for the magazine for a long, long time.

If it really isnt marketed well and ends up failing in Japan like most Microsoft related games, I think it will be strong enough to sell better than Blue Dragon will in NA and Europe.
I think at this point it's pretty safe to say that the 360 is and will be insignificant in Japan. Funding big big budget games to cater to the japanese market will just help burn MS even more money (not that they can't afford it though). Plus we all know that the Famitsu most wanted don't really reflect the gaming market that well.

Maybe sales in the west will help accomodate costs, who knows. You gotta give MS props though, they still refuse to give up. I read some funny line recently from the Japanese general manager of the XBox division: "I believe the PC gaming market in Japan has been under-developed. We hope to revitalize that market in Japan, and that will in turn create momentum for Xbox 360."
He was talking in reference to Live for Windows.

Blue Dragon Quest didn't help so I doubt Final Odyssey will. Hope I'm wrong though since MS's wallet is the last thing that can save real games made in Japan at this point.
Hey, I haven't read that line for quite some time now. You tell 'em what the real games are.


*drowns in jizz*
You know, all I was hoping for was at least a 7:1 Wii:pS3 ratio (up from 6.34:1 from last week)- and I got that. So Im satisfied.

And for the people suggesting that Sony drop the PS2.. no words. The damn thing probably accounts for 95% of their profits in the division right now.


PantherLotus said:
Sony's problem is that Microsoft is better at the US and that Nintendo has finally figured out Japan. Europe was their only hope but it honestly seems like a nice middleground between western and eastern tastes (soccer + karoake omg).

I think Sony tried to take the US with PS3 strategy. They forgot the first rule of warfare. NEVER FIGHT A LAND WAR IN ASIA!

And whoever wins Japan wins the war.



Professional Schmuck
That's what I said, cheesy. Duh. ;)

Thank you legend, for assuring me that my humor isn't completely lost in this crowd sometimes.
Yeah Cyan. Here are the three separate gifs.


Speevy said:
Sony has pinned themselves from so many angles that it almost appears they planned it that way.


It was like there was an internal bet at Sony of "How much can we screw up a top-level brand name?"

EDIT: But hey considering how long ago that DS commercial came out, I wouldn't expect my idea to be that original. Especially with the gif gurus around here.


Imagine being the guy on the Nintendo board who said all this Wii and DS stuff was a bad idea. I bet he has to sit in the corner from now on.


PantherLotus said:
That's what I said, cheesy. Duh. ;)

Thank you legend, for assuring me that my humor isn't completely lost in this crowd sometimes.

I think you just need to chill out. That bit about land war in Asia was a bit too much. Suffice to say that whatever happens in Japan has a significant impact on global sales, the last time we saw that happen was very recently with the DS. People can disagree with that assessment at their own peril.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Ahhh...back from my mandatory one week vacation.

Note to self- never get on, or even ponder the possibility of getting on one of moku's "trains".

Nice Wii and SPM sales.

Bad PS3.

Nothing new..its getting a bit old.

As far as what Sony can do..I really don't know what they can do, at least in the short term. I guess just hope like hell that FF13 comes out soon and catches fire. Kind of like a hail mary from the 1 yardline.


milanbaros said:
Imagine being the guy on the Nintendo board who said all this Wii and DS stuff was a bad idea. I bet he has to sit in the corner from now on.
Actually I just post on GAF.


Deku said:
I think you just need to chill out. That bit about land war in Asia was a bit too much. Suffice to say that whatever happens in Japan has a significant impact on global sales, the last time we saw that happen was very recently with the DS. People can disagree with that assessment at their own peril.

watch the princess bride

and, for the record, never go in against a sicilian, especially when death is on the line
schuelma said:
Ahhh...back from my mandatory one week vacation.

Note to self- never get on, or even ponder the possibility of getting on one of moku's "trains".

Nice Wii and SPM sales.

Bad PS3.

Nothing new..its getting a bit old.

As far as what Sony can do..I really don't know what they can do, at least in the short term. I guess just hope like hell that FF13 comes out soon and catches fire. Kind of like a hail mary from the 1 yardline.

Honestly, the only thing Sony can do is concentrate on 1st party offerings, increased PSN production and hold the rudder steady.

...Which was essentially what Nintendo did from 1997-2005.
Deku said:
I think you just need to chill out. That bit about land war in Asia was a bit too much. Suffice to say that whatever happens in Japan has a significant impact on global sales, the last time we saw that happen was very recently with the DS. People can disagree with that assessment at their own peril.
Quoting a beloved children's movie is a bit too much now?


PS3 sales are pathetic. I give it a month before it dips below 10K a week.

Which figurehead at Sony said even if they didn't have any games they would have no problem selling the first couple of million PS3's?


Hero said:
PS3 sales are pathetic. I give it a month before it dips below 10K a week.

Which figurehead at Sony said even if they didn't have any games they would have no problem selling the first couple of million PS3's?

some scee dude

5 million without games


Hero said:
PS3 sales are pathetic. I give it a month before it dips below 10K a week.

A month!? I give it two weeks top.

EDIT: ...If it wasn't for Golden Week. Hm, I wonder how much of an effect it will have on the PS3-sales...


Dragona Akehi said:
Honestly, the only thing Sony can do is concentrate on 1st party offerings, increased PSN production and hold the rudder steady.

...Which was essentially what Nintendo did from 1997-2005.

Nintendo also turned a profit.


The Autumn Wind
Dragona Akehi said:
Honestly, the only thing Sony can do is concentrate on 1st party offerings, increased PSN production and hold the rudder steady.

...Which was essentially what Nintendo did from 1997-2005.
I'm not sure Sony's first party content is strong enough to keep a console alive on their own. At least not in Japan.


Dragona Akehi said:
Honestly, the only thing Sony can do is concentrate on 1st party offerings, increased PSN production and hold the rudder steady.

...Which was essentially what Nintendo did from 1997-2005.
For all the things Nintendo screwed up with the N64, one thing they managed to do right was sell it for a profit, and that's what saved their tails. (That and Pokemon). Sony is dumping cash down a big black hole right now.
Dragona Akehi said:
Honestly, the only thing Sony can do is concentrate on 1st party offerings, increased PSN production and hold the rudder steady.

...Which was essentially what Nintendo did from 1997-2005.

True, but Nintendo had billions laying around to hold them over while at the same time not trying to introduce a new media format.
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