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Media Create Sales 4/16 - 4/22

bgassassin said:
True, but Nintendo had billions laying around to hold them over while at the same time not trying to introduce a new media format.

N64 Carts.

But still, yes I realise that Nintendo still had things to keep them afloat. So does Sony technically. SCEI isn't the only branch of the company. As soon as PS3 makes a profit on hardware (no pricedrops ever) it won't be so bad.
Damn, I wanted to see PS3 go below 10k! I can't wait for that faithful day when the 360 finally out sells the PS3 in one week (Probably when LO ships)

I'd love to see the 360 out pace it in weekly sales though without a big name game, GAF would explode :lol


Bo130 said:
A month!? I give it two weeks top.

EDIT: ...If it wasn't for Golden Week. Hm, I wonder how much of an effect it will have on the PS3-sales...

I said a month since there's Golden Week and the possibility that it'll take a little while for sales to go back down the curve. :p

But yeah, I know it's still early in the console race, but I bet Sony is really worried now. PSP has only done so much before the DS trampled over them and the PS3 was pretty much dead on arrival. With DQIX being on DS, I honestly can't see any game saving the PS3 at this point. FFXIII is its best hope but that's still in the air since Square-Enix might be tempted to do a quick and dirty port to Xbox 360.


Professional Schmuck
The Sphinx said:
For all the things Nintendo screwed up with the N64, one thing they managed to do right was sell it for a profit, and that's what saved their tails. (That and Pokemon). Sony is dumping cash down a big black hole right now.

To be fair, Nintendo never had a world-wide Television business, nor a very successful movie division -- or a music division. In fact, it was no where remotely close to being a worldwide media conglomerate that Sony is.

I mean, we can all joke about Sony and everything, but they are much, much bigger than the Playstation brand. They've weathered much more troublesome storms than this before. Funnily enough, they were format wars too.



Nuclear Muffin said:
Damn, I wanted to see PS3 go below 10k! I can't wait for that faithful day when the 360 finally out sells the PS3 in one week (Probably when LO ships)

I'd love to see the 360 out pace it in weekly sales though without a big name game, GAF would explode :lol


the word you wanted to use was fateful

and i doubt that day comes unless sony just pulls the plug entirely


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I said it last week and I'll say it again: Wii is now sure to be the primary console in Japan.
People will buy a PS3 as their 2nd console, which is quite a turn of events.


Dragona Akehi said:
N64 Carts.

But still, yes I realise that Nintendo still had things to keep them afloat. So does Sony technically. SCEI isn't the only branch of the company. As soon as PS3 makes a profit on hardware (no pricedrops ever) it won't be so bad.

I think proof of Sony's trojan blu-ray strategy is the price. I think they were planning on selling at 600 for a long time until the price of blu-ray players went below 600, then Sony would enact a price drop. They were expecting the PS3 to sell like hot hobos and wouldn't need a price drop because it's gaming competition wouldn't even come close due to an overwhelming and fantastical craving for Wii.

I mean PS3. Did I say Wii?

Sony really wanted to win a format for once, unfortunately they may have gimped their gaming division in the process.
Dragona Akehi said:
N64 Carts.

For movies? :D

PantherLotus said:
I mean, we can all joke about Sony and everything, but they are much, much bigger than the Playstation brand. They've weathered much more troublesome storms than this before. Funnily enough, they were format wars too.


I agree. With them combining a console with a brand new format though, that might have a different effect on them as a company. Not to mention some of their other recent debacle(s). We all know Sony isn't going anywhere, but this may cause some more shake-ups internally.


marc^o^ said:
I said it last week and I'll say it again: Wii is now sure to be the primary console in Japan.
People will buy a PS3 as their 2nd console, which is quite a turn of events.

i think people in japan are buying wii as their 2nd console

their first being ds


If I'm a Japanese developer at this point, I cannot begin to imagine developing for the PS3 over the PS2. The PS2 has the huge install base, and from there, it's just a shot hop to getting my game onto the Wii. And, if I'm looking to make a Wii game, it would only make sense to also release a PS2 version if it can be done.

I could be completely wrong, but I can totally see the Wii keeping the PS2 alive, and have it continue to be a far more viable system than the PS3.


I wouldn't be surprised if half the people who own Wii's had never bought a console before (not including DS, as it's a staple in Japan now). Damn them for making it hard to find one for me!

A couple of points:

- Sorry, I bad use of words for "drop PS2". I guess it amounts to the same, what I meant was to see about getting some of those games to get a slight upgrade and put them on PS3 / PSN instead. Probably a tough task when looking @ the PS2 install base and thinking wow we could milk that.

- New Star Ocean is announced. If this is coming out this year for PS3, will we give PS3 a few more months? Or not?

My Sigma demo download is too slow.



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Oh yeah- according to Nintendo's figures, this weeks sales officially pushes the Wii past 6 million sold world wide.


davepoobond said:
so then he wasn't lying?

there won't be any games.



:lol I remember when the name Wii was going to kill every chance Nintendo still had...

:lol I remember when the remote was going to kill every chance Nintendo still had...

:lol I remember when the DS was going to kill every chacne Nintendo still had...

geez the odds of things turning out the way they did seemed like one in a million just 2 years ago


I think this is the first MC thread where there's been no defence, and everyone seems to have accepted what's going on.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Slurpy said:
Id wager its ~ 6.5- 6.7 mil by now.

Probably, just going by the official numbers, most of which are as of March.


PS2 11,398
PS3 11,000

I think at this point Sony is better off not dropping the price anytime soon. They're not going to win even if they dropped the price $200 tomorrow, they might as well bleed as little money as possible.
Mar_ said:
I think this is the first MC thread where there's been no defence, and everyone seems to have accepted what's going on.

GAF has gone through Shock, Denial, Bargaining, Fear, Anger, Despair, and Acceptance.


Cheesemeister said:
GAF has gone through Shock, Denial, Bargaining, Fear, Anger, Despair, and Acceptance in MediaCreate threads.

Fixed. Folks like Freeform and Nameless still continue to parade the fad argument in non-MC threads :lol

TJ Spyke

schuelma said:
Probably, just going by the official numbers, most of which are as of March.

According to the Wikipedia page on Wii (which I am a regular editor on, i've made over 600 edits on the Wii page and helped get it to Featured Article status), the Wii is at about 6.59 million worldwide (2.342 million in North America, 2.167 million in Japan, 2 million in Europe, 86,000 in Australia/New Zealand).


TJ Spyke said:
According to the Wikipedia page on Wii (which I am a regular editor on, i've made over 600 edits on the Wii page and helped get it to Featured Article status), the Wii is at about 6.59 million worldwide (2.342 million in North America, 2.167 million in Japan, 2 million in Europe, 86,000 in Australia/New Zealand).

ioi's site would agree, but Nintendo's own forecast said they sold just under 6 'till March. Yeah I know it's gone up by then, so you're probably closer to the total. Either way, if it continues at a mill/month, give or take, it'll be worldwide leader before the end of the year and I don't think it'll look back. PS - how much of those Wiis are in Canada? :D


TJ Spyke said:
According to the Wikipedia page on Wii (which I am a regular editor on, i've made over 600 edits on the Wii page and helped get it to Featured Article status), the Wii is at about 6.59 million worldwide (2.342 million in North America, 2.167 million in Japan, 2 million in Europe, 86,000 in Australia/New Zealand).
Your source for Europe's number is from Enterbrain, which tracks Japan. It even says so in the link which provided said number.

Outside of that, Australia/NZ would be included in any "other" outside of NA and Japan. So basically you're off by about 800k.

TJ Spyke

The North America numbers are all from NPD, Japan from Media Create, and Australia/New Zealand from a post here (where a New Zealand newspaper reported sales for the two countries up until March). Europe is the only fuzzy one since everyone here already knows that European numbers are rarely released. The 6.59 number is still reasonably close (I say reasonably because it depends on if the 2 million number for Europe can be trusted, the other three can be).

If anyone has a more accurate source for Europe, I would be happy to use it in Wii's article.
Outside some first party titles, JP Wii software sales haven't been great. I don't see the PS2 loosing support anytime soon. Which also doesn't bode well for the PS3.


mj1108 said:
I wonder how is the weather in Other?

I don't know about all of 'other'. But I can tell you here in 'other - miscellaneous', it's cold and has been raining for the last few days.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Mar_ said:
I don't know about all of 'other'. But I can tell you here in 'other - miscellaneous', it's cold and has been raining for the last few days.

I love other, bet then that other other though.
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