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Media Create Sales 4/16 - 4/22


PantherLotus said:
Like I said. "32x" it. Sega never recovered. What can Sony do? Seriously.

Let's throw all the bullshit, all the fanboy crap, all the OMG LOOK AT THEM FAIL rejoicing out the window. Let's pretend for just a moment, just long enough to make it interesting, that we control Sony.

What should Sony do? You can't just tell your shareholders "LOL 3rd PARTY!Z!" They want answers. Now. Assuming that Sony wants to maintain a level of dominance in Japan in the videogame market...what could they possibly do to change the current (and obvious) trends?
I think the key problem is Sony's current strategy. The console, and most importantly the style of gaming, just isn't going to be popular enough for PS3 to become the dominant console, that boat has sailed, Nintendo has shifted the market to their favour.

Even copying Nintendo would only create a GC level of success because you lose 1st mover advantage. Unless Sony manages to create something totally new for PS3, which consumers catch on to, Wii is going to be the system of choice in Japan this generation.

Nintendo didn't just make DS and Wii on a whim, it took them years to decide what to do, with analysis of what the market could want with relation to their strengths, and years of development on the various sw needed to make this happen. Sure there are games like Brain Training which took a matter of months, but then there are titles like Nintendogs which took years.

The bottom line is Nintendo planned all of this meticulously, some quick, minor shift from Sony isn't going to do anything significant. Also, if 3rd Parties want access to the mass market they're going to develop for Wii.

So, I wouldn't know where to begin for Sony to stage a come back, Sony's path was set in stone years ago and I don't believe they can back down now, imo the only thing they can do with regards to the immediate future is watch things play out.


Tyrannical said:
Outside some first party titles, JP Wii software sales haven't been great. I don't see the PS2 loosing support anytime soon. Which also doesn't bode well for the PS3.

Do we really have to go through this shit every single week? Can't we have a break?


Tyrannical said:
Outside some first party titles, JP Wii software sales haven't been great. I don't see the PS2 loosing support anytime soon. Which also doesn't bode well for the PS3.

Publishers haven't really been releasing killer apps for the system yet. Not even very many games based off popular franchises have been released. When the schedule gets going, when Nintendo is meeting demand, and when the system is in full-swing, we'll start seeing PS2/DS levels of software success.

Remember; PS2 has a huge lead on Wii, so Wii 3rd party software is lucky to be reaching the sales levels is it already.


AniHawk said:

They had a good run.

I mean that seriously, what they did in just 10 years was amazing. And what they're doing now is just as amazing, only not in a good way.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
PkunkFury said:
:lol I remember when the name Wii was going to kill every chance Nintendo still had...

:lol I remember when the remote was going to kill every chance Nintendo still had...

:lol I remember when the DS was going to kill every chacne Nintendo still had...

geez the odds of things turning out the way they did seemed like one in a million just 2 years ago
Don't you learn? Read Pratchett, you'll realize that "one in a million" chances happen 9 times out of 10 dammit!

(doesn't work for "one in a hundred thousands" though, you need exacly the "one in a million" chance)


PantherLotus said:
Some might say I'm bullish on Wii sales.

I sure would. :) Although I looked up the quote and dropped a "the", apparently.

I didn't mean offense by my remark, by the way. There's just something about your earnest Results, Analysis, & Expectations (lowering or raising estimates as if Greenspan or Bernanke is lowering interest rates) that rings unintentionally hilarious to me and the 'bullish' quote epitomizes that feeling. I enjoy your posts as much as the next guy, if not, perhaps, for the same reasons. So nevermind me, please carry on.
The PS3 has never. once. outsold. the Wii.
So, will Square-Enix be satisfied with 300k LTD sales for a 'main' numbered Final Fantasy, or is the announcement that Wii will take over the mainline whilst PS3 receives spin-offs imminent?
It's a big question though. Does a Japanese publisher look at Wii and say "wow it's killing the other next-gen systems, let's make games for it" or does it look at Wii and say "gee, 3rd party games aren't doing well, there's a chance that even if our game is GOTY it will flop in sales, we should stick to PS2/DS/PSP."?
Alkaliine said:
It's a big question though. Does a Japanese publisher look at Wii and say "wow it's killing the other next-gen systems, let's make games for it" or does it look at Wii and say "gee, 3rd party games aren't doing well, there's a chance that even if our game is GOTY it will flop in sales, we should stick to PS2/DS/PSP."?

You bring the best third party games to Wii, they'll sell well. They sold fewer on GC & N64 because there were fewer owners of the consoles, and those who did own said consoles wanted them for Nintendo games only.

When you have the mass-market it's a very different kettle of fish - The vast majority of third party games on PSone & PS2 BOMBED horrendously, but because they had the biggest install base by, ohhh, several million miles they were still worth developing for - there was still that ' smaller piece of the bigger pie' logic at play.

You only have to look back at NES & SNES to see how it would work it Wii got absolutely top notch third party support - Nintendo's games will sell best, but it's all relative. Premier third party games might sell to a smaller percentage of the fanbase, but if you put the effort and marketing in, you'll have your million sellers. Something you haven't a hope of on PS3.


Tyrannical said:
Outside some first party titles, JP Wii software sales haven't been great. I don't see the PS2 loosing support anytime soon. Which also doesn't bode well for the PS3.

That's because most of them have been terrible.
Wait, so Nintendo has a 83% market share?!? Wow, total Nintendomination.

It doesn't matter at what factor the Wii/DS outsells the PS3/PSP now, it's just another "oh, Nintendo is rising to heaven even quicker, and Sony is doing it's best to get under that pole".The only thing that would be a genuine surprise for me would be if 360>PS3. That would be so so awful, yet so funny.

I hope Sony can crawl out of this hellhole pretty quickly, cause they seem to be the ones who need it the most (Nintendo en MS are swimming in piles of money). I don't want next-gen to be between MS and Nintendo. Or is that too fatalistic and not likely to happen? :/


Alkaliine said:
It's a big question though. Does a Japanese publisher look at Wii and say "wow it's killing the other next-gen systems, let's make games for it" or does it look at Wii and say "gee, 3rd party games aren't doing well, there's a chance that even if our game is GOTY it will flop in sales, we should stick to PS2/DS/PSP."?

Except third-party games actually sell pretty good on the Wii. Maybe not in Japan, but 14 third-party titles, that have sold over 100k in the US alone, says hi.


TheDrowningMan said:
So, will Square-Enix be satisfied with 300k LTD sales for a 'main' numbered Final Fantasy, or is the announcement that Wii will take over the mainline whilst PS3 receives spin-offs imminent?

Xavien said:
Don't start up 'that' train, otherwise there will be bannings.
TheDrowningMan said:
So, will Square-Enix be satisfied with 300k LTD sales for a 'main' numbered Final Fantasy, or is the announcement that Wii will take over the mainline whilst PS3 receives spin-offs imminent?
I barely knew ya :\

Very rough Goolge translation for BBA: Wii and One Piece(Dres????, lol):

With as the detonating agent of DS which lines up “brain [tore]”
Large it participated “softly Wii edition of the head private school”,
Also “with Wii softly the head private school” this week sale.
But the number of first day sales approximately 1.5 ten thousand, digestibility one column level large bitter fight.
You think that even with “this week you wrote the main new work of sale”, but is,
The inevitability which is Wii of those which it is possible and are not bad being too thin is difficult point.
“Touch! As for Generations” series
There is a meaning in “being able to play easily with the palm” because?

On the one hand, “the dress” approximately 30,000 book and favorableness.
The shop which is sold completely at first day it is many,
The fact that consecutive holiday is endured at the first shipment amount is harshly so.
With Amazon there is a stock of the benefit attachment still.

"1.5 ten thousand" for BBA(150K?!!?) and 30k for One Piece with shops "sold completely", but then it follows with "harshly so" so I'm thinking it did horrible?.
That BBA figure could perhaps be taken to be 15,000, as the mangled section afterward:

The inevitability which is Wii of those which it is possible and are not bad being too thin is difficult point. “Touch! As for Generations” series There is a meaning in “being able to play easily with the palm” because?

...seems to be talking about there being a reason why Touch Generations games suit handhelds. Perhaps BBA bombed?
Cosmonaut X said:
That BBA figure could perhaps be taken to be 15,000, as the mangled section afterward:

...seems to be talking about there being a reason why Touch Generations games suit handhelds. Perhaps BBA bombed?

You're probably right.

Big Bomba Academy.
ylvis_ said:
Except third-party games actually sell pretty good on the Wii. Maybe not in Japan, but 14 third-party titles, that have sold over 100k in the US alone, says hi.

Oh I realise this, in fact I've been preaching this fact around GAF, but I'm talking more about the Japanese market rather than the US/Euro ones.
I suppose it's possible that the game is not very top heavy at all and might do 60K for the week, and if the game is good, might have thunder legs and surprise everyone. But it's still a bomba as it stands right now.
Well, let's wait and see what happens with a proper translation of the blog. 15,000 day one isn't great, but these types of games don't tend to be front-loaded in the way that, say, a Revenant Wings or FF3 would be, so there is hope. If it comes out the other side of Golden Week still fairly low and with sluggish weekly numbers, then that's a different story.

Perhaps that type of game just won't translate as well to a home console, and Nintendo need to find more ways to adjust the gameplay and features to make it more compelling?
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.


Thraktor said:
Wii Sports is currently at a 64.9% attach rate to hardware, and going by current trends Wii Sports sales would indicate Wii Hardware of about 81,133 this week. With sales of SPM, though, and the potential number of people buying it alongside the console as opposed to Wii Sports, it could be quite a bit higher, possibly even passing 100,000.

Well, I was quite off on that 100,000 guess, but there's actually some very good news from this for Wii Sports. Despite the release of the biggest non-launch game yet, Wii Sports attach rates were completely unaffected this week, they even went up from last week! Even though they are declining (at a very slow rate), the fact that Wii Sports sales don't seem to be in any way affected by other big software releases bodes well for the prediction that, by the time Wii is discontinued, Wii Sports will be one of the best selling games of all time in Japan.
Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.






Iwata een bom zal droppen
Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.
Hey there, we've long ago moved past the shit ps3 sales, we're talking about first day sales now, keep up.
Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.
I will give you complimentary meals, free bath towels and actual 8 ounce shampoo bottles, and a big ass bar of moisturizer soap if you stay more than 5 posts in this MC thread.


Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.

Probably the same thing we said when PS3 outsold everything else when Ridge Racer 7, Virtua Fighter 5, Gundam Mosuo, etc. came.

Oh, wait...
Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.

But PS3 *won't* outsell everything when they come out. If it was going to, it would be outselling them now regardless - Wii hasn't exactly had a software avalanche.

MGS4 won't boost sales by more than 20k, neither will Ninja Gaiden - In fact, a 10k boost courtesy of either game would overjoy Sony execs and be bordering on the miraculous given the console's current state. FF will give it a boost, but no more than, say, Mario Sunshine did for the GC.

What you fail to understand is that there's no coming back when you get so far behind. Too many people here do not understand word of mouth, retailer apathy and how the general perception of an item is irreparably damaged if it fails to come out of the blocks with any sort of forward momentum.
titiklabingapat said:
I barely knew ya :\

I really don't understand why that would warrant a ban. I think it's a legitimate concern at the moment - I'm sure the topic has been done to death, but then so has the notion that Wii is going to collapse in on itself and stop selling altogether within a few months and that doesn't seem to get myriad people banned.

Don't get me wrong, I won't mention FFXIII's possible future destination now I know it's taboo but I genuinely think that it could be a big story in the making.
acuul said:
15000 for BBA on first day?

as I expected, this is not a game suited for wii

It's not 'as' suited as it is to the DS, but it will probably sell consistently, end up with sales of 200k+ and therefore turn a nice, healthy profit as it would be a fairly cheap to develop piece of software.


legend166 said:
When does Lost Odessy release? That should be a funny week.

December. I think that the week when the Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata X360 bundle releases might be fun, if we're lucky.
Uncle said:
December. I think that the week when the Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata X360 bundle releases might be fun, if we're lucky.

I thought that too, but Ninja Gaiden Sigma comes out that week also.

Maybe that'll put the Wii in third place for a week. I'd like to see a NeoGAF meltdown instead of just read about them.
Tyrannical said:
I thought that too, but Ninja Gaiden Sigma comes out that week also.

Maybe that'll put the Wii in third place for a week. I'd like to see a NeoGAF meltdown instead of just read about them.

There's more chance of the moon falling out of the sky that week than Ninja Gaiden or Trusty Bell providing such boosts that niche consoles like PS3 & 360 outsell Wii in Japan.
MGS4 won't boost sales by more than 20k, neither will Ninja Gaiden - In fact, a 10k boost courtesy of either game would overjoy Sony execs and be bordering on the miraculous given the console's current state. FF will give it a boost, but no more than, say, Mario Sunshine did for the GC.
Does that come off as a legitimate opinion? Sorry folks, if you had hope that I would suddenly get into defensive or overly offensive mode, and get banned in result. If you think that best selling franchises won't boost PS3 sales (even if for one week), then I don't know how to react.
Have fun. I await the week when Mina No Golf 5 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma won't boost PS3 sales to more than 20k units.
Ynos Yrros said:
Does that come off as a legitimate opinion? Sorry folks, if you had hope that I would suddenly get into defensive or overly offensive mode, and get banned in result. If you think that best selling franchises won't boost PS3 sales (even if for one week), then I don't know how to react.
Have fun. I await the week when Mina No Golf 5 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma won't boost PS3 sales to more than 20k units.
Gundabump didn't do it. Well, it did about 20k total.

Not sure about Ninja Gaiden but I've always pegged that as a non-factor hardcore game.

Minna no Golf with no waggle against Wii Sports? :lol


Branduil said:
They had a good run.

I mean that seriously, what they did in just 10 years was amazing. And what they're doing now is just as amazing, only not in a good way.
Honestly, I always felt Sony were incredibly lucky. With the PS1 thy just came up with an ok system at the right time, while Nintendo and Sega screwed up around them. They made a few smart moves (Mortal Kombat 3, $299 when the Japanese price was $400), but mostly Squaresoft handed them the generation on a platter.

Sony did very well to continue the run with the PS2, but even then they were just lucky enough to be the first system out with DVD playback, Sega self destructed, and Nintendo and Microsoft were too late to launch (even though they had technically superior systems at a better price). The smartest thing they did was to lie about the machine's capability (60 million polys lol), not exactly a moral high point.

The PSP showed us that Sony isn't really that clever or indestructible if there's decent competition at the right time. And now the PS3 is in the strange position of combining them screwing up with the others not screwing up.

Poetic justice really.

Alkaliine said:
It's a big question though. Does a Japanese publisher look at Wii and say "wow it's killing the other next-gen systems, let's make games for it" or does it look at Wii and say "gee, 3rd party games aren't doing well, there's a chance that even if our game is GOTY it will flop in sales, we should stick to PS2/DS/PSP."?
PSP! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Ynos Yrros said:
Does that come off as a legitimate opinion? Sorry folks, if you had hope that I would suddenly get into defensive or overly offensive mode, and get banned in result. If you think that best selling franchises won't boost PS3 sales (even if for one week), then I don't know how to react.
Have fun. I await the week when Mina No Golf 5 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma won't boost PS3 sales to more than 20k units.
Dude, Minna no Golf might, but there's not a chance Ninja Gaiden Sigma will. If you're holding NJS up as the next PS3 saviour, all you're doing is sending it out to die VF5-style.


TheDrowningMan said:
It's not 'as' suited as it is to the DS, but it will probably sell consistently, end up with sales of 200k+ and therefore turn a nice, healthy profit as it would be a fairly cheap to develop piece of software.

probably you're right, it will have legs to stay in top50 for a while :)
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