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Media Create Sales 4/2 - 4/8

Thraktor said:
are there any releases in the coming months that could push XBox360 sales above the PS3?
The day that happens :lol


Serioulsy though, when that happens... :O Just thinking that could happen was a bannable offense 1 year ago, while now it doesn't seem so ridiculous anymore.
Zerostatic said:
Please tell you're not laughing at the idea that Dragon Quest is huge, and arguably the most popular RPG in Japan. If so you are clueless, so stop remarking on comments you have no clue about.
Pope Benedict XVI said:
I always thought that DQ was the biggest. Which is the biggest so? Final Fantasy?
Eteric Rice said:
No, I believe DQ is the biggest in Japan, but FF is bigger worldwide.
johnsmith said:
Wow, you are so clueless.

DQ> FF in japan. You couldn't be more ignorant if you think otherwise.



remember me
Pureauthor said:
I'm laughing at the clueless people who think Dragon Quest is the biggest RPG in Japan, yes.

Edit: Gogogo, GS4!

Wow, you are so clueless.

DQ> FF in japan. You couldn't be more ignorant if you think otherwise.
nli10 said:
Must just add the only thing funnier than all the 'Wii will fail' crow eating will be the resurection of these threads when the PS3 is the best selling home console in 18 months time (Xmas 2008) to see who must consume the crow this time. :D

I've always seen the Wii & DS as massive short term (3 year) lifespan consoles - and as they are always proffit making and have the best games for me at the moment that is fantastic.

There is no way on God's green Earth that the DS is a 3 year system, short of something that physically prevents them from producing anymore DSes. You know, like Sony making a dark ritual with the forces of Evil to cause all Nintendo employee's blood to turn to acid and eat them from the inside out or something. Even if, as of right this minute, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Capcom, Square, Namco, Sega, and whoever else teamed up to make a handheld of AWESOME, the DS would still sell enough to justify continued market presence for at least another year.

PS3 I see as a 5 year proposition, Sony are making more than enough money off the PS2 and are just brand positioning the PS3 for the long haul.

Their brand positioning has nearly killed their entire brand off. As as for Japan, I'm willing to vouch it's dead already.

They need to be seen as the pioneers of the cutting edge stuff otherwise Sony Inc. will look underpowered. They want you to buy the Sony TV and Sony Memory and the whole PS3 lifestyle not just the big black box. I'm not surprised that Sony have no real big releases for a while, the hardcore Sony fans will buy it anyway and promote it anyway and the games can benefit from the extra 6 months in development.

...Every single day, every single hour, every single minute that the PS3 sales remain as disastrous as they are, every 3rd party on the planet is staring at the PS3 and thinking 'Why should I develop exclusively for this thing?'

Sony's 1st party is simply not strong enough in sales to carry a console through a generation. Nintendo is unquestionably the strongest in terms of first party sales, and their GCN, which was the most 1st party dependant console, sold 20 million WW.

If you have insufficient games, people aren't going to buy a system. Pushing the lifestyle and Bluray shtick in lieu of more good exclusives is tantamount to removing the ability to make calls and send SMSes on mobile phones in favour of slapping better vide cameras, movie/music playback, or whatever on that thing.

DQ> FF in japan. You couldn't be more ignorant if you think otherwise.

Final Fantasy? You think I'm talking Final Fantasy?

No console has ever come back from a large deficit. Too many people just don't understand how these things work, they have no comprehension of word of mouth and of how things become tarred with the 'failure' brush if they don't do the business immediately. PS3 isn't particularly sought after now, it won't be particularly sought after ever.

Japan is lost full stop, but elsewhere I think the only possible wildcard card would be if Sony knocked £150/$200 off of its price *immediately* so that it isn't a wildly overpriced rip-off. If they did that, it might come to within 50k of the Wii sales-wise each month. A price cut in 2008 or even late this year would be too late. By then, PS3 will have lost space, retailers will have lost faith and everyone will be happy with their alternatives to the haggard, drab PlayStation brand and its hilariously outdated 'lifestyle' stylings.


Hcoregamer00 said:
They could make New Super Mario Bros. 2 and GS5 and that is enough to get it going again.
You're forgetting the third game in the current Pokemon generation. Currently thought to be "Topaz."


Junior Member
Oh, just coming in to thank MrSardonic, JoshJ and Panther (where ever he might be) for the charts. Man, it really emphasizes how bad off the PS3 is in Japan and how well the DS is doing. I remember some of the charts showing a 3 contenders on a LTD pattern and the plots were generally similar. Not the DS. That bad boy is truly gonna shatter records. What's scary is that it'll be given the opportunity because the PSP is still somewhat of a hardware success. Imagine if Sony announced the PSP2 within a year? Talk about bomba and giving up. I think their arrogance, the need to make any money and the embarrassment would prevent sony from announcing the PSP successor anytime soon. What does that mean? Probably at least another 2 years of DS domination.

So, if the DS stays on track and does, max, 8 million in Japan. What does it do over the next 2 years. 14 million. More? That'll put it around 35 million in Japan alone. With the GBA finally taking a back seat in NA, does that put the NA around that same area? Europe? Possibly 100 million WW in 4 years with a great outlook as a $99 or $79 impulse purchase. Then Sony, I would guess, has to launch the PSP2 against an aging but massively successful DS as an impulse purchase and the DS successor?

I'm tired of talking about the DS current situation. It's a lock. The handheld arena looks to be very price conscious (NA still buys the GBA in droves) and Nintendo knows that. Innovation and games that take advantage of portability will lead you to success. Sony has to give up the all in one handheld if they ever intend to gain dominance in the handheld arena in terms of games. They can sell all the hardware they want but 3rd parties would be more wary next time around unless they can prove they can move software. And next time around, they won't have the luxury of being the dominant console maker with a similar handheld device that lends itself to easy porting. Lots of brain dropping there but just thinking about Sony's prognosis in the handheld arena. Surely, they are devising the PSP2 now. So, with all the evidence of the last year, I'm wondering if they are thinking of changing philosophies.

Right now, the evidence is that the PSP is a hardware success and software disaster, in terms of sales. The message is all wrong and past history has shown us that these gaming companies take awhile to repair their message. Nintendo took 2 hardware cycles, 10 years, to come up with a more successful plan. Sega, is still in disarray. Believe me, I'm not calling the next handheld generation by any means but Sony is in an interesting position right now.

We saw Nintendo stumble for quite some time and really still make a few mistakes (online, graphics are areas they could improve on). So, if they hadn't come up with simpler games, we might still be talking about how it took Nintendo 3 generations to fix some of their issues. I would be interested in hearing your opinions.

nli10 said:
Must just add the only thing funnier than all the 'Wii will fail' crow eating will be the resurection of these threads when the PS3 is the best selling home console in 18 months time (Xmas 2008) to see who must consume the crow this time. :D

I've always seen the Wii & DS as massive short term (3 year) lifespan consoles - and as they are always proffit making and have the best games for me at the moment that is fantastic.

PS3 I see as a 5 year proposition, Sony are making more than enough money off the PS2 and are just brand positioning the PS3 for the long haul. They need to be seen as the pioneers of the cutting edge stuff otherwise Sony Inc. will look underpowered. They want you to buy the Sony TV and Sony Memory and the whole PS3 lifestyle not just the big black box. I'm not surprised that Sony have no real big releases for a while, the hardcore Sony fans will buy it anyway and promote it anyway and the games can benefit from the extra 6 months in development.
Well, not your opinion. Please enlighten us how Sony can flounder for 14 months and magically turn it around. Taking into account that they are not selling the PS3 at a profit but a $200 loss and even if they drop it to $400, MS is showing that a $400 console isn't breaking any sales records but is on track for 30-40 million consoles or 50 million consoles within 5 years. Yeah, it's an improvement but they are still eating a lot of cost. Has MS been profitable with the games division yet? And where can Sony come up with a $400 reduction in manufacturing cost?

Edit: That was a weird decision. All consoles before this gen have cost less than 400 and more specifically, 300. Cost reductions have only allowed them to get that down to sub 100. 200 dollar difference. For the PS3, they have to drop costs by a whopping 700 bucks to get to $99. Or $600 to get to $199. Wow, it just had to make sense if Sony was on drugs. They had to have been high.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
nli10 said:
I've always seen the Wii & DS as massive short term (3 year) lifespan consoles
Ok, so you predict that the DS sales will pretty much stop in JP and NA come November 2007?

nli10 said:
PS3 I see as a 5 year proposition, Sony are making more than enough money off the PS2 and are just brand positioning the PS3 for the long haul.
As usual, userbase -> games -> userbase -> games -> userbase.

The PS3 can't pick up in 5 years time, if it doesn't build a very significant userbase soon the studios will just shift their resources to the Xbox and the Wii (they're already starting to massively do it, by the way) and by the time the proposition becomes "live" there won't be the userbase nor the developer support to revive the console.

Not to mention, of course, that in 5 years Microsoft will already have released their next machine (or will prepare to do so), and Nintendo will unveil the Wii 2 or whatever they name it.

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. No console ever managed to come back from massive damages, and I somehow doubt the PS3 will be the first to do that.
nli10 said:
the hardcore Sony fans will buy it anyway and promote it anyway
They've already bought it, and as we can see there are significantly less hardcore sony fans than the 5 million Sony predicted.


Junior Member
Kafel said:
What was the maximal advance in sales that the Dreamcast had on the Playstation 2 worldwide ?

What, 5 million? It wasn't the 10 million they were shooting for. I remember somewhere around then people started spouting 'First to 10 million' wins. Or maybe my memory is hazy.

But we have a more current contender. 360 had, what, 7million on both the PS3 and Wii before they launched. I'm sure someone has better hard numbers.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, I saw the PS3 #s yesterday. I was referring to some new Mono/Tabris fill-in for the week.


nli10 said:
Must just add the only thing funnier than all the 'Wii will fail' crow eating will be the resurection of these threads when the PS3 is the best selling home console in 18 months time (Xmas 2008) to see who must consume the crow this time. :D

I've always seen the Wii & DS as massive short term (3 year) lifespan consoles - and as they are always proffit making and have the best games for me at the moment that is fantastic.

PS3 I see as a 5 year proposition, Sony are making more than enough money off the PS2 and are just brand positioning the PS3 for the long haul. They need to be seen as the pioneers of the cutting edge stuff otherwise Sony Inc. will look underpowered. They want you to buy the Sony TV and Sony Memory and the whole PS3 lifestyle not just the big black box. I'm not surprised that Sony have no real big releases for a while, the hardcore Sony fans will buy it anyway and promote it anyway and the games can benefit from the extra 6 months in development.
Woo Hoo! It took 10 pages, but we've got one!
nli10 said:
Thats going to be in my head for hours now. Propellorheads FTW


Must just add the only thing funnier than all the 'Wii will fail' crow eating will be the resurection of these threads when the PS3 is the best selling home console in 18 months time (Xmas 2008) to see who must consume the crow this time. :D

I've always seen the Wii & DS as massive short term (3 year) lifespan consoles - and as they are always proffit making and have the best games for me at the moment that is fantastic.

PS3 I see as a 5 year proposition, Sony are making more than enough money off the PS2 and are just brand positioning the PS3 for the long haul. They need to be seen as the pioneers of the cutting edge stuff otherwise Sony Inc. will look underpowered. They want you to buy the Sony TV and Sony Memory and the whole PS3 lifestyle not just the big black box. I'm not surprised that Sony have no real big releases for a while, the hardcore Sony fans will buy it anyway and promote it anyway and the games can benefit from the extra 6 months in development.

Welcome to

Business doesn't work this way.
DeaconKnowledge said:

There are enough used 360's in the retail channel from Blue Dragon for everyone that wants Trusty Bell.

They're probably broken by now. The hardcore jRPGers will have to find new consoles.


Segata Sanshiro said:
The only thing Sony seems to be positioning the PS3 for at this point is a shallow grave.

Oh, I don't know, looking at their release list until June, I'd say they're digging the grave pretty deep.


Junior Member
Segata Sanshiro said:
The only thing Sony seems to be positioning the PS3 for at this point is a shallow grave.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Fear not, we at least get to send the message. 299 or bust. That should be the mantra for next gen.
xabre said:
You need to start including Dreamcast in your comparisons. I'm serious, that just how bad PS3 has gotten.
Pope Benedict XVI said:
That would be interesting, although the data probably isn't available.
I have pretty decent Famitsu numbers from this site that go back to slightly before the launch of Dreamcast. However, since there are a few gaps and I'd prefer to just put up complete chunks of data in the online database, I have things starting at 2000.

However, looking at the numbers right now PS3 seems to be where Dreamcast was sometime during week 38 (~August 12, 1999), so the direct comparison there is still favorable. For that matter, Famitsu stops tracking Dreamcast in early 2002, by which time it's reached 1.9 million, so depending on whether you go with that or the 2.3 million Benedict later mentioned in his post, it seems Wii is right around there.
Kafel said:
What was the maximal advance in sales that the Dreamcast had on the Playstation 2 worldwide ?
Worldwide I can't say, but the week before PS2 launched in Japan Famitsu has DC up to 1.38 million.
SovanJedi said:
(and as far as I'm aware the N64 didn't sell THAT badly, just that the Playstation sold a helluvalot more. Or am I wrong in thinking that? Probably am, but eh.)
Well, it depends on what you compare it to. Worse than Sony's consoles and Nintendo's previous consoles? Yes, but still a good 10 million past what GameCube or Xbox achieved. In Japan, though, it was pretty bad. ~5 million, about the same as Saturn.
Vagabundo said:
I think Bluray and Cell are maybe a (2?)year or so too early. Sony maybe jumped the gun.
Thinking of how early in Blu-ray's release this is, a game console having it now is a bit like a DVD-based console being released between N64 and Dreamcast, when that format was new.
AdmiralViscen said:
What'd GameCube sell in this week of its release?
Famitsu says 133,719.

creamsugar said:

Wii (12/2 ~ 4/8)
Which would make their 4/2-4/8 number (equivalent to this week's Media Create) 44,525.
Mr. Pointy said:
I bet Capcom will port the GBA versions of GS1-3 onto the PSP, maybe with voice-acting for shits and giggles.

It'd be almost free money.
I don't know how serious you mean to be there, but if they were just quickie ports they'd turn out pretty poor I think. If it's a quickie port they wouldn't be redoing the art, and not being a scrolling game (well, other than a few double-length areas) they can't just show more of the play area. That would leave fun options like having a border around the play area and stretching the existing sprites. All of course without the DS controls people have gotten used to.


Still waiting on this week's Pureauthor fan-fic installment.

And what happened to that one guy's offer of doing a comic version of Pureauthor's series? :D
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