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Media Create Sales 4/30 - 5/06


creamsugar said:
famitsu 4/30 - 5/6

DS Lite - 218,802
Wii - 77,077
PSP - 37,745
PS3 - 18,186
PS2 - 173,33
Xbox360 - 3,753

I notice the difference between Famitsu H/W and M-create H/W.

Is it possible that we are experiencing another statistical issue, like what happened during GC era ?

For those who did not remember it, M-create undertrack GCN sales in 2001, while Famitsu overtrack GCN sales in 2001. In 2002, M-create adjust their GCN multiplier up, while Famitsu adjust their GCN multiplier down.

Historical data
GCN M-create Famitsu
2001 795,206 925,000
2002 1,129,300 1,034,484

Is it possible that what is happening now, with the Wii, is that M-create is overtracking, while Famitsu is undertracking ? I do not really follow weekly Famitsu H/W data, so if anyone have the data, we can try to compare it.

here is Wii H/W data, M-create, starting from Jan 01-07, up to the latest data :
Jan Week 1 (01-07) 195,331
May Week 1 (30-06) 101,320


JoshuaJSlone said:
Someone else pointed out this discrepancy a few weeks back, and we theorized it was a matter of online sales missing from Famitsu numbers. However, Sony's various press sites send some mixed signals:


While the Japanese site doesn't claim that many were shipped on first day...

At any rate, the numbers I'm using are whatever Famitsu has for that week.

ah. then carry on. i've been frantically searching, and what i found was this on gamasutra:

gamasutra said:
Sony Near One Million
Sony has reported selling 980,000 thousand Playstation 2 consoles since the new machines Japanese launch on Saturday, very near to Sony's pre-launch prediction of one million consoles sold in the first two days of release. The figure is better than ten times the sales racked up by the original Playstation at its launch, though the Playstation 2 numbers include online sales of consoles that have not yet been delivered. Of 380,000 consoles ordered online, only 120,000 have been shipped. The company is promising that deliveries will be completed within two weeks. Sony has reported that production has fallen as much as ten days behind schedule due to shortages of memory cards. Sony also reports that it has shipped 1.3 million games for the Playstation 2.


so, yeah, i guess the million is a bit suspect since a quarter of it wasn't actually in gamers' hands. i guess i can go ahead and file the 1 million launch ps2s in the same cabinet that has ps2's production shipments and the 10.4 million xbox 360s by the end of 2006.


santouras said:
I hope I'm not the only one that got this joke :lol

My name is Nintendo Montoya. You killed my market dominance. Prepare to die.



Crap systems!!!!
Japan doesn't want PS1 graphics, And the Pii is nothing but a GC-1.1.!!! When MGS4 and FF hits the PS3, Nintendo and their lame:
Jaked Up
Stuffed Up
Muffed Up
F****d Up
Crapped Up
Systems the Pii and PeeS will start to FLOP to like FLIPPER, the PSP and PS3 will out sell them Wiitarded systems. Japan doesn't want Nintendo THEY WANT PS3 3rd parties DON'T SELL ON THE DS OR THE CRAPPY PII FOR THAT MATTER@!!!!!!

Who the hell would want the Pii when the PS3 start to show it's RAW POWER which is something LAME 359 and PII FANBOYS CAN'T FREAKIN FATHOMhttp://www.ps3forums.com/images/smilies/confused.gif

PiiSPORTS is packaged in with the Pii
PiiPlay is packaged in with the Piimote

Japan will start selling Pii's back to Pretendo once MGS4 ships!!!!! THAN YOU'LL ALL SEE!!!!!!!!!http://www.ps3forums.com/images/smil...on_twisted.gif

:lol :lol :lol :lol
post number 90


seems that way. But denial runs strong in that community.

In any case, many Sony fans are beginnig to come to terms with the reality in Japan. the wii has ridiculous momentum, based off of only a small handfull of titles thus far. the software chart representation really looks like a BLue ocean itself. I had high hopes for the wii, but its even exceeding the wildest expectations I had where it would at least outsell the Cube. Now its at a rate close to outselling the Ps2 in Japan. Its ****ing crazy.


Krowley said:

I agree, real fanboys aren't quite that awesome.

if that community is to be used for entertainment, it would be nice if gaffers weren't in there tainting the control group. it basically ruins the whole thing.

come on, gaf, stay on this side of the looking glass.


Odysseus said:
if that community is to be used for entertainment, it would be nice if gaffers weren't in there tainting the control group. it basically ruins the whole thing.

come on, gaf, stay on this side of the looking glass.

I agree, it's not funny when you fake it.


Eteric Rice said:
I don't care what they do with the PS3, as long as SOMEONE puts some kind of epic RPG on the Wii at some point. That's what I want. :|

Dude, you continually ignore the caliber of the team behind The Crystal Bearers and the impressions that we've got. From 1Up:

"Once the video for Ring of Fates was finished, Toshiyuki Itahana - in a rare appearance - walked up on stage to reveal The Crystal Bearers for the Nintendo Wii. Featuring a much more adventurous feel than any of the Crystal Chronicles games before it, The Crystal Bearers featured sky ships and other elements that draw instant comparisons to Sega's classic role-playing game Skies of Arcadia. Looking nothing like the teaser trailer shown last year, The Crystal Bearers looks less like the other Crystal Chronicles games, and more like a true adventure game. While the video demonstration was very short (around 30 seconds at most), it was notable in that it featured real game footage of the title in action running on Nintendo Wii."

Bolded for emphasis.

From IGN:

"A trailer was shown -- a brief video cut together from short snippets of real-time in-game footage. The video was more meant to show off the art style being employed in the game and not actual gameplay, so we got a lot of shots of the lead character -- a blond haired bloke with goggles -- jumping around in cutscenes. But it was real-time, and it looked sharp and smooth, and it looked like the game's going to be in widescreen on the Nintendo Wii."

Seriously, if this has Wi-Fi, Secret of Mana-esque multiplayer, and music and combat similar to the first game, I'm definitely more anticipated for it than Final Fantasy XIII, which is shaping up to be stylistically VERY similar to Advent Children (which I don't dig). Don't count out its ability to be "epic" because it has a subtitle after the "Final Fantasy" moniker. Whoever denies the epicness of Tactics gets kneed in the nuts.


Odysseus said:
if that community is to be used for entertainment, it would be nice if gaffers weren't in there tainting the control group. it basically ruins the whole thing.

come on, gaf, stay on this side of the looking glass.
It's tainted all the same, there's no observation without alteration.


Odysseus said:
if that community is to be used for entertainment, it would be nice if gaffers weren't in there tainting the control group. it basically ruins the whole thing.

come on, gaf, stay on this side of the looking glass.

It looks like even there, most are coming to the sad realization. Where will we turn for a fresh supply of bitter tears?


Saitou said:
It's tainted all the same, there's no observation without alteration.

oh, well screw it. let's shut the whole site down.

someone call al gore so he can destroy that particular section of the internet.


Tobor said:
It looks like even there, most are coming to the sad realization. Where will we turn for a fresh supply of bitter tears?

Right here on GAF after the next batch of software announcements from 1st and 3rd party developers.
Tristam said:
Seriously, if this has Wi-Fi, Secret of Mana-esque multiplayer, and music and combat similar to the first game, I'm definitely more anticipated for it than Final Fantasy XIII, which is shaping up to be stylistically VERY similar to Advent Children (which I don't dig). Don't count out its ability to be "epic" because it has a subtitle after the "Final Fantasy" moniker. Whoever denies the epicness of Tactics gets kneed in the nuts.

you know, there's a lot of good reasoning behind this.


Clever Pun said:
you know, there's a lot of good reasoning behind this.

Yes indeed. I really want to see what this looks like. A few scans could bump Crystal Bearers way up on the radar.


apujanata said:
Very nice Vinnk Village Report, as usual. What game did you purchase for your US Wii ?

I bought:

Zelda (so can play it in English)
Super Paper Mario (Because I hadn't bought it in Japan)
Metal Slug Anthology (Because it was not released in Japan)
An English copy of Excite Truck to go with my Japanese one (Because... It's very EXCITE!)

As for the lower sales of Wii this week, I am sure it is mostly because there are none to buy. It's the first time since I started doing "Vinnk's Village" that they were sold out at EVERY store.


Battersea Power Station said:
Odysseus, what was the criteria for you quitting gaming? I forgot. Also, when you quit, will you remain on GAF?

i can't remember

the one waggle future is part of it though. which makes it ironic that i'm all up in a media-create thread laughing at nintendo's domination. emo self-loather confirmed?


Canadians burned my passport

Out of curiosity, what exactly is a prefecture? Is it a town/county/province? I've always wondered.


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
Holy ****ing crap.
42/50 games on the Nintendo systems, wow. Very good sales for Wii and DS.
Sony can't compete in Japan at all.

Cheesemeister said:
1. NDS - 285,192 | 256,063 | 2,888,392 | 16,894,071

apujanata said:
Up to April 29, 2007, M-create LTD

DS 6,974,424
DSLite 10,024,629

Total 16,999,053

So which one of these numbers is correct? apujanata's or Cheesemeister's one? Anyone else tracks the hardware sales?

TJ Spyke

I'm sure Vink can give a more accurate answer, but a prefecture could be similar to a state/province. Japan is made up of 47 prefectures. Each are led by a governor and a single chamber parliament.

Edit: Damn, Vinnk already answered while I was typing my reply.

Vinnk, did you make sure to buy those US games at stores tracked by NPD (like EB Games)? :)
apujanata said:
Is it possible that what is happening now, with the Wii, is that M-create is overtracking, while Famitsu is undertracking ? I do not really follow weekly Famitsu H/W data, so if anyone have the data, we can try to compare it.
Here's a comparison chart, using the official numbers to now. It is interesting to note that while they used to bounce back and forth as to which was higher, Famitsu has been consistently lower for the last month or so.

Looking at the running sum, Famitsu's total had previously been higher, so this recent lowness has actually brought it closer to MC's total.
starship said:
So which one of these numbers is correct? apujanata's or Cheesemeister's one? Anyone else tracks the hardware sales?
Cheesemeister's. Mine differs by 3, but I never take into account when they release yearly totals that differ slightly from the sums of the weekly numbers.


JoshuaJSlone said:
At week 26 (one half year), PS3 is where GCN was week 15.6.

If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this rate, it would take 115.4 weeks (July 21, 2009) to catch up.

Those two things really caught my eye. PS3 is doing so much worse than GCN did. And July '09? Man. I remember when we did this stuff for DS vs PSP and the dates just kept getting farther and farther out.

There is just no way for the PS3 to recover at this point. None. The only legitimate chance to make up any ground is with FF XIII, and that's just not going to do it. DQ IX going to the DS really really hurts Sony at this point.
starship said:
So which one of these numbers is correct? apujanata's or Cheesemeister's one? Anyone else tracks the hardware sales?

Feel free to cross-check my numbers.

20154859	4532129	457558	264702	15298079	4169468	14005679	919643	2006-LTD
52037	118186	69944	18235	5732	1258	344953	195331	20070101
22663	48804	25531	9035	3585	611	89328	93708	20070108
20169	37032	21105	7041	3456	554	127770	86395	20070115
20995	35700	19996	7365	2234	347	194608	83754	20070122
17540	31216	18727	6130	1802	306	146192	65740	20070129
16033	32175	23431	4811	1900	383	201298	78550	20070205
16192	34505	20676	5210	1836	347	136999	63618	20070212
15054	100210	19315	4183	2001	323	136260	78506	20070219
15364	66156	44000	3379	1568	303	111926	57972	20070226
14585	56175	32115	3333	1504	240	108631	44495	20070305
13321	43769	21635	2910	1293	367	121630	67070	20070312
16961	41546	20459	3492	1394	270	130684	75571	20070319
17787	39077	16889	3889	1206	205	80012	51365	20070326
14234	31503	14520	2963	1357	255	110935	52583	20070402
12872	24850	11948	2900	1297	167	133471	75759	20070409
11398	29459	11000	2307	1364	266	172440	77913	20070416
12584	33860	12791	3162	1125	167	256063	102522	20070423
14815	35172	12974	3205	653	394	285192	101320	20070430


TJ Spyke said:
Speaking of 2009, how long would it take for PSP to catch up to the DS if the DS stopped selling? Probably like 2013.

correct you are

8/15/2013, to be specific, if psp sold at precisely this week's rate


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
JoshuaJSlone said:
Cheesemeister's. Mine differs by 3, but I never take into account when they release yearly totals that differ slightly from the sums of the weekly numbers.

Cheesemeister said:
Feel free to cross-check my numbers.

20154859	4532129	457558	264702	15298079	4169468	14005679	919643	2006-LTD
52037	118186	69944	18235	5732	1258	344953	195331	20070101
22663	48804	25531	9035	3585	611	89328	93708	20070108
20169	37032	21105	7041	3456	554	127770	86395	20070115
20995	35700	19996	7365	2234	347	194608	83754	20070122
17540	31216	18727	6130	1802	306	146192	65740	20070129
16033	32175	23431	4811	1900	383	201298	78550	20070205
16192	34505	20676	5210	1836	347	136999	63618	20070212
15054	100210	19315	4183	2001	323	136260	78506	20070219
15364	66156	44000	3379	1568	303	111926	57972	20070226
14585	56175	32115	3333	1504	240	108631	44495	20070305
13321	43769	21635	2910	1293	367	121630	67070	20070312
16961	41546	20459	3492	1394	270	130684	75571	20070319
17787	39077	16889	3889	1206	205	80012	51365	20070326
14234	31503	14520	2963	1357	255	110935	52583	20070402
12872	24850	11948	2900	1297	167	133471	75759	20070409
11398	29459	11000	2307	1364	266	172440	77913	20070416
12584	33860	12791	3162	1125	167	256063	102522	20070423
14815	35172	12974	3205	653	394	285192	101320	20070430
Thanks guys. :)
TJ Spyke said:
Speaking of 2009, how long would it take for PSP to catch up to the DS if the DS stopped selling? Probably like 2013.

At the pre-Golden Week surge rate (two weeks ago), it wouldn't happen 'til November, 2014.


Cheesemeister said:
At the pre-Golden Week surge rate (two weeks ago), it wouldn't happen 'til November, 2014.

granted, we're in the crazy land of impossible hypotheticals, but psp numbers have been all over the place this year and the numbers two weeks ago aren't any more meaningful than the current numbers

but the point remains, it would take forever.
AdmiralViscen said:
You must have been livid when RE4 came out on GameCube.


RE4 came out on the Gamecube because all the previous titles had come out on it as well. When RE:make was announced, it was still anyone's guess who would "win" last generation. By the time RE:0 came out it was apparent that the gamecube was doomed, but they kept their "promise" to have the series stay on the Gamecube despite all the spinoffs that came out on the PS2. It kind of reminds me of what square may or may not do with the Final Fantasy franchise on the PS3/Wii. They'll keep the main stuff on the originally intended platform (PS3), but they'll also develop an inordinate amount of "spinoffs" for the Wii as well.

Besides, RE4 came out for the PS2 anyways.
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