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Media Create Sales 4/30 - 5/06


Odysseus said:
if that community is to be used for entertainment, it would be nice if gaffers weren't in there tainting the control group. it basically ruins the whole thing.

come on, gaf, stay on this side of the looking glass.

But that basicly means

PS3 boads


I'm a little ( a lot??? ) drunk..

But I actually feel bad about it.

I was on a cube board last gen before I found the wonderful world of GAF. I was never delusional, but I saw that it was mainly kids and crazy people on the cube board that didn't see the truth. I bought ps2 and xbox pretty fast because they were obviously getting more sales and better support.

I can't really make fun of them in good faith.. I can make fun of them, but deep in my soul i realize they all spent 600 dollars based on brand name and loyalty. They didn't look at the market or think things through at all. They didn't have the wisdom of GAF sales threads. they did exactly what sony had been grooming them to do.. They bought the new Playstation because it was called "playstation"

I actually feel bad for them. If I hadn't bought a 3do back in the day I might have made the same mistake. That experience taught me that price is a formidable issue.

Everybody should say a silent prayer for the ps3 fans. It sucks to be on the losing side, especially when you invested 600 bucks. I didn't even spend that much on my 3do, because i waited a little while... it was still too much money for the system to die that fast. It sucks to be in that position.


well, with FF13 and FF vs 13, MGS4, biohazard 5 it should at least spike a bit....and maybe rise to reasonable weekly sales.....but passing up the Wii? I think not. Ever. At least not in Japan. The Wii hit a pricing sweet spot, has the right casual/nongamer software killer apps, the right timing, the right hype, and despite Squares weaker offerings it still has a pretty impressive third party support from Japanese devs and proven franchises that continue to sell like gangbusters. Its got the legs and the wherewithall to keep moving units for a long time, especially with a controller so perfectly appealing to those crazy japanese and their love of all things quirky and strange. But I honestly had a feeling the wii would sell like crazy there because of all this before it even launched.


junkwaffle said:

That. Is. Awesome!

I had no idea "Vinnk's Village" would lead to fanart and really good fanart to boot.

I kind of want to show it to Hiro but considering he forked out the money to get the thing in the first place, it might not be as funny for him. I'll save it.. it will be funny in a year.

Unless it still hasn't sold. Then it will be VERY funny.


I have a question about old faithful...

Is Old Faithful maybe just a demo unit? Is that maybe why it hasnt sold? Or is it actually a saleable item and hiro just hasnt sold a single Ps3?
perfectchaos007 said:
A two thirds market share for Nintendo. It wasn't even this much during the Genesis days was it?
In Japan? Probably, though I don't know where to look for Mega Drive and PC Engine totals. Second/third place systems have always been pretty distant seconds/thirds there. PSP is pretty much the most successful second place system there's ever been, though due to DS's explosive success it doesn't seem that way from a percentage standpoint.
Phife Dawg said:
Speaking of which, did the DSL see a price drop yet in Japan? Can't remember.
Neither DS nor DSL have dropped.


Hype for DQS, FFCC, Opoona, and Dewey all growing. All 3rd party
same here, but I'm european so it will continue until the end of time. anyway, at this point I can't see a recovery from sony until a big price-drop, I don't think some good (very good) games could turn around the situation that much...


zallaaa said:
same here, but I'm european so it will continue until the end of time. anyway, at this point I can't see a recovery from sony until a big price-drop, I don't think some good (very good) games could turn around the situation that much...

I'm sure Mario Sunshine will propel the Gamecube into heaven (if not that, then Wind Waker for sure) ;)


Innotech said:
I have a question about old faithful...

Is Old Faithful maybe just a demo unit? Is that maybe why it hasnt sold? Or is it actually a saleable item and hiro just hasnt sold a single Ps3?

It's a 60gig retail PS3. Hiro was unable to get any PS3s on launch week. He got his first one on week 5. And he was so proud to get it in his shop, he was sure he would sell it that same day...

I live in a small town, the average income is not that high. Very few of these systems have sold at any of the shops. And if you ARE going to buy a system that expensive, you will want to buy it from a big chain who has a point card. Famicom Dojo is a small family owned shop. As funny as Old Reliable is, I feel bad that Hiro (and likely a lot of other small game shops) are loosing money on it.
Vinnk said:
It's a 60gig retail PS3. Hiro was unable to get any PS3s on launch week. He got his first one on week 5. And he was so proud to get it in his shop, he was sure he would sell it that same day...

I live in a small town, the average income is not that high. Very few of these systems have sold at any of the shops. And if you ARE going to buy a system that expensive, you will want to buy it from a big chain who has a point card. Famicom Dojo is a small family owned shop. As funny as Old Reliable is, I feel bad that Hiro (and likely a lot of other small game shops) are loosing money on it.

You really should give Old Reliable a home, Vinnk. I'm fairly sure that whenever you enter the shop, it gets all excited that today will be that day and you will take it home where it will be happy, not left to languish unsold. Unloved.


Dragona Akehi said:
You really should give Old Reliable a home, Vinnk. I'm fairly sure that whenever you enter the shop, it gets all excited that today will be that day and you will take it home where it will be happy, not left to languish unsold. Unloved.

I know. And part of me really wants to take it home. But the other part of me knows that if I do, it will just poop all over my house.


Innotech said:
and it comes with Master Quest!!!!! omgomgomgomg

OMG, that OOT's version where items and events are mixed up???? OMGOMGOMG I'v ALWAYS thought it was some kind of fairy tale. now, THAT's true LUCK!


Dragona Akehi said:
They can be housetrained! I managed!

I gotta say I am close to giving in.. but does one really buy a system just because you feel bad for it?

:: Vinnk's Atari Jaguar turns up it's head ::
davepoobond said:
i dont think so. you can still make a technically impressive game downloadable. It just won't have as much content in it, but that comes with the type of distribution.
Showing that they're the forefront of the industry with downloadable games? This gen seems all about "polish" and "cinematic feel". I don't see how you could recreate that with a downloadable game or a game that doesn't cost too much. Something like Heavenly Sword, Mass Effect etc. wouldn't be possible as a downloadable game and those kind of games seem to be on the forefront of the industry right now.

JoshuaJSlone said:
In Japan? Probably, though I don't know where to look for Mega Drive and PC Engine totals. Second/third place systems have always been pretty distant seconds/thirds there. PSP is pretty much the most successful second place system there's ever been, though due to DS's explosive success it doesn't seem that way from a percentage standpoint.

Neither DS nor DSL have dropped.
Thanks, wasn't sure.


Oddly enough, I haven't seen many "Nintendo's going to go third-party" threads recently... I wonder why those guys have been so quiet...
Dragona Akehi said:
You really should give Old Reliable a home, Vinnk. I'm fairly sure that whenever you enter the shop, it gets all excited that today will be that day and you will take it home where it will be happy, not left to languish unsold. Unloved.

Nah. He needs to get one straight from a kennel. The store bought ones are always so hyper and always demand your attention.

Wait...what are we talking about again?


Slavik81 said:
Oddly enough, I haven't seen many "Nintendo's going to go third-party" threads recently... I wonder why those guys have been so quiet...

Tabris isn't allowed into Media Create threads anymore?

TJ Spyke

JoshuaJSlone said:
In Japan? Probably, though I don't know where to look for Mega Drive and PC Engine totals. Second/third place systems have always been pretty distant seconds/thirds there. PSP is pretty much the most successful second place system there's ever been, though due to DS's explosive success it doesn't seem that way from a percentage standpoint.

Neither DS nor DSL have dropped.

According to Steven Kent's "The Ultimate History of Video Games" (page 303 for those who have it), at one point the Famicom had more than 90% of the Japanese market againt the Mark-III (Japanese version of the Master System). Don't know how much that dropped for the Super Famicom since the PC Engine was pretty popular there.


Slavik81 said:
Oddly enough, I haven't seen many "Nintendo's going to go third-party" threads recently... I wonder why those guys have been so quiet...
It was always wishful thinking, since Nintendo made steady profits all the way through the N64 and GCN.

Sony 3rd party in 2009 is more likely then Nintendo 3rd party was when they said it.


Cheesemeister said:
Feel free to cross-check my numbers.

20154859	4532129	457558	264702	15298079	4169468	14005679	919643	2006-LTD
52037	118186	69944	18235	5732	1258	344953	195331	20070101
22663	48804	25531	9035	3585	611	89328	93708	20070108
20169	37032	21105	7041	3456	554	127770	86395	20070115
20995	35700	19996	7365	2234	347	194608	83754	20070122
17540	31216	18727	6130	1802	306	146192	65740	20070129
16033	32175	23431	4811	1900	383	201298	78550	20070205
16192	34505	20676	5210	1836	347	136999	63618	20070212
15054	100210	19315	4183	2001	323	136260	78506	20070219
15364	66156	44000	3379	1568	303	111926	57972	20070226
14585	56175	32115	3333	1504	240	108631	44495	20070305
13321	43769	21635	2910	1293	367	121630	67070	20070312
16961	41546	20459	3492	1394	270	130684	75571	20070319
17787	39077	16889	3889	1206	205	80012	51365	20070326
14234	31503	14520	2963	1357	255	110935	52583	20070402
12872	24850	11948	2900	1297	167	133471	75759	20070409
11398	29459	11000	2307	1364	266	172440	77913	20070416
12584	33860	12791	3162	1125	167	256063	102522	20070423
14815	35172	12974	3205	653	394	285192	101320	20070430

So the PS3 only had one week so far this year that could have possibly outsold a week for the Wii.


Vinnk said:
That. Is. Awesome!

I had no idea "Vinnk's Village" would lead to fanart and really good fanart to boot.

I kind of want to show it to Hiro but considering he forked out the money to get the thing in the first place, it might not be as funny for him. I'll save it.. it will be funny in a year.

Unless it still hasn't sold. Then it will be VERY funny.

Well, you said you were going to buy it if it hadn't sold by TGS. Take a print out in when you go to buy it. Hiro will get a good laugh, and recoup some of his investment :)

edited so I didn't use it to refer to two different objects
As expected, sinobi is still very accurate with Famitsu figures. But wow at 2 straight weeks discrepancies with Wii 100k vs 75k. (Maybe Famitsu overtracked before that? Or maybe MC is catching up?)

Final Fantasy Tactics Shishi Sensou is going to do around Valkyrie Profile Lenneth LTD in its first week....thus leading SE to more china-porting I'm sure....


I don't want to be branded as a PS3 defence force fanboy or anything, but how do we know that Ol' Reliable really is the same system since the beginning? Couldn't they just be putting a new system in the same spot every time they sell one? Or is there some discernible mark on the box that lets you know its the same system?


Tiktaalik said:
I don't want to be branded as a PS3 defence force fanboy or anything, but how do we know that Ol' Reliable really is the same system since the beginning? Couldn't they just be putting a new system in the same spot every time they sell one? Or is there some discernible mark on the box that lets you know its the same system?

As I understand it, Vinnk knows the owner of Dojo. So I'd guess he'd trust him if the owner told him it's the same PS3.



Tiktaalik said:
I don't want to be branded as a PS3 defence force fanboy or anything, but how do we know that Ol' Reliable really is the same system since the beginning? Couldn't they just be putting a new system in the same spot every time they sell one? Or is there some discernible mark on the box that lets you know its the same system?

I don't really see a reason for them to lie about it. Plus it's true, there is no benefit from buying a PS3 from a mom and pop type store in Japan. When I bought my 20GB system from Yodobashi I got enough points from that purchase alone to pay for a game (Resistance) outright.

Why anyone would want to bother going store to store taking inventory of games and systems is another issue in itself ;)


AniHawk said:
So the PS3 only had one week so far this year that could have possibly outsold a week for the Wii.

guess that's why the Wii got all the big Square announcements ehh ;)
Vinnk said:
I gotta say I am close to giving in.. but does one really buy a system just because you feel bad for it?

:: Vinnk's Atari Jaguar turns up it's head ::

I'll be honest here, I was <-> this close to buying a PS3 just because I felt sorry for Sony. But then Sony did that whole nasty animal sacrifice thing with GOW2 and I came to my senses, may they die in the pit that they dug! :D


kpop100 said:
guess that's why the Wii got all the big Square announcements ehh ;)

To be fair, HD dev cycles usually take around 2 years, and even the minimum dev cycle for a standard 10-20 hour Wii game is about a year... 2008 will be bearing the first fruits of the Wii's worldwide domination, not 2007. The things that you saw earlier today (and even the FFXIII greenlight) were the result of PS3 being the easy-to-call winner at this point last year.

That said, Square's whole "hey Nintendo fans, pay particularly close attention to the conference!
" was almost insulting at this point. The only 2 things they announced (in comparison to the 10 other things for other platforms) were a Matrix remake of FFIV and a kid's game.
StevieP said:
To be fair, HD dev cycles usually take around 2 years, and even the minimum dev cycle for a standard 10-20 hour Wii game is about a year... 2008 will be bearing the first fruits of the Wii's worldwide domination, not 2007. The things that you saw earlier today (and even the FFXIII greenlight) were the result of PS3 being the easy-to-call winner at this point last year.

That said, Square's whole "hey Nintendo fans, pay particularly close attention to the conference!
" was almost insulting at this point. The only 2 things they announced (in comparison to the 10 other things for other platforms) were a Matrix remake of FFIV and a kid's game.

The main event hasn't even started yet.

SE is a moneywhore more than anything else.


StevieP said:
That said, Square's whole "hey Nintendo fans, pay particularly close attention to the conference!
" was almost insulting at this point. The only 2 things they announced (in comparison to the 10 other things for other platforms) were a Matrix remake of FFIV and a kid's game.
I think thats the biggest kick in the teeth, almost like they were sending a message to nintendo fans that even tho Wii and DS is dominating in Japan they weren't going to get any more massive games other then those that have been previously announced.
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