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Media Create Sales 4/30 - 5/06


Professional Schmuck
This Week Sales:


Since 11/27/07:
23 Total Weeks of Next Gen sales.
13 Total Weeks of post-holiday sales.

360 - Established Trend: 2-4k. Next Gen Avg = 8,010. Post Holiday Avg = 4,430.
Wii - Growing Trend: 70-90k. Next Gen Avg = 103,122. Post Holiday Avg = 73,932.
PS3 - Dropping Trend: 8-14k. Next Gen Avg = 38,027. Post Holiday Avg = 20,418.



Results, Analysis, & Expectations
● The 360's sales are insignificant. They will not hit 1 million units before its successor is announced. 2k-5k per week for the foreseeable future.

● The PS3's sales are insignificant. Sony will not break 35% market share this generation. 8-15k for the foreseeable future.

● The Wii's sales have clearly established market dominance. Expect it to return to earth a little, but a little buoyed coming off of a couple big weeks. 75k (+/- 10k) for the summer.

Expectations for 05/07-05/13
360 - 2.8k*
Wii - 77k*
PS3 - 11k*

* = within 5k estimation success the previous week!

This Week's Market Share:


LTD Market Share Week-to-Week

Date____               360             Wii             PS3
11/27-12/03:            25%             49%             26%
12/04-12/10:            24%             49%             27%
12/11-12/17:            21%             50%             29%
12/18-12/24:            17%             57%             26%
12/25-12/31:            16%             56%             28%
01/01-01/07:            15%             58%             27%
01/08-01/14:            14%             59%             27%
01/15-01/21:            14%             60%             26%
01/22-01/28:            13%             60%             26%
01/29-02/04:            13%             61%             26%
02/05-02/11:            13%             61%             26%
02/12-02/18:            13%             62%             26%
02/19-02/25:            12%             62%             25%
03/26-03/04:            12%             62%             26%
03/05-03/11:            12%             62%             26%
03/12-03/18:            11%             62%             26%
03/19-03/25:            11%             63%             26%
03/26-04/01:            11%             63%             26%
04/02-04/08:            11%             63%             26%
04/09-04/15:            11%             64%             26%
04/16-04/22:            10%             64%             25%
04/23-04/29:            10%             65%             25%
04/30-05/06:            10%             66%             24%

Significant Notes:
● The Wii now has a 1.5 million unit lead! (1st week)
● The Wii sold 7.81x the PS3 this week, and has 2.71x LTD.
● The Wii is around 9-10 weeks from breaking 3 million.
● The PS3 is around 10-12 weeks from breaking 1 million.
● The PS3 has never. once. outsold. the Wii.
● The Wii seriously has 103k weekly average (23 weeks). The PS3? 35k.
● The Wii has sold as much as the 360 and the PS3 put together. Twice. (1.91x)
● One would note that Sony has finally dropped below 1/4 (24%) market share, and Nintendo is close to 2/3rds (66%) market share.

If sales repeated this week's results indefinitely, barring all other factors:
(with the mental note that these ARE Golden Week numbers)
● The Wii will have a 2 million unit lead by JUNE 2007.
● The Wii will have a 3 million unit lead by SEPTEMBER 2007.

Additional thoughts
1. 117.5k home consoles sold this week in Japan (101K were Wii units--that's 86%).
2. If you're developing for the PS3, you're going multi-platform. If not, Sony is paying you the difference.
3. Japan has decided.
4. It's as if Sony doesn't even care about Japan. Or they've already given up. Shameful. They have brought shame on what was once a glorious empire.
5. Hype for DQS, FFCC, Opoona, and Dewey all growing. All 3rd party.

The one last thing I would add this week is just how astounding it is to think of where we've come from just two years ago. Even then the DS stuff might've been considered a fluke. Right now, Nintendo has Japan's number and it's not really even up for debate at this point. The one thing I am counseling myself with (and hopefully other Sony fans) is that one day, so so long ago...nobody dreamed that Nintendo could be taken down. 10 years later, nobody dreamed that Sony could be taken down. Cycles change, dominance wanes, but great games are forever. This isn't the last battle. Remember that.
Originally Posted by King Ding A Lin' 86

Crap systems!!!!
Japan doesn't want PS1 graphics, And the Pii is nothing but a GC-1.1.!!! When MGS4 and FF hits the PS3, Nintendo and their lame:
Jaked Up
Stuffed Up
Muffed Up
F****d Up
Crapped Up
Systems the Pii and PeeS will start to FLOP to like FLIPPER, the PSP and PS3 will out sell them Wiitarded systems. Japan doesn't want Nintendo THEY WANT PS3 3rd parties DON'T SELL ON THE DS OR THE CRAPPY PII FOR THAT MATTER@!!!!!!

Who the hell would want the Pii when the PS3 start to show it's RAW POWER which is something LAME 359 and PII FANBOYS CAN'T FREAKIN FATHOMhttp://www.ps3forums.com/images/smilies/confused.gif

PiiSPORTS is packaged in with the Pii
PiiPlay is packaged in with the Piimote

Japan will start selling Pii's back to Pretendo once MGS4 ships!!!!! THAN YOU'LL ALL SEE!!!!!!!!!http://www.ps3forums.com/images/smil...on_twisted.gif

This guy seemed to be the leader of the pack... I mean just look at that stupidity :lol :lol :lol
PantherLotus said:
The one last thing I would add this week is just how astounding it is to think of where we've come from just two years ago. Even then the DS stuff might've been considered a fluke. Right now, Nintendo has Japan's number and it's not really even up for debate at this point. The one thing I am counseling myself with (and hopefully other Sony fans) is that one day, so so long ago...nobody dreamed that Nintendo could be taken down. 10 years later, nobody dreamed that Sony could be taken down. Cycles change, dominance wanes, but great games are forever. This isn't the last battle. Remember that.

Well said, Panther, and so very true, and always love your analysis. And thanks to JoshuaJSlone for his always, in-depth analysis and statistics. You guys make these Media Create threads so enjoyable to read.
Market share
360 Wii PS3

10% 66% 24%

A two thirds market share for Nintendo. It wasn't even this much during the Genesis days was it? This has got to be like the biggest market share Nintendo has had since........there was Just Nintendo! ( ok, well it was never just nintendo. Atari had like a 1% market share when the NES was around )

BTW, don't NPD numbers come out next Thursday? It will be interesting if Sony blames shortages once again for falling sales.


..pakbeka.. said:
yea it was :(

lovely karma :)

Well I haven't visited there in a few weeks, but I assume everything is the same now. If that's the case, it's just as painful to be a Nintendo fan: wave after wave of posts and topics reading "teh lil wiiwii's grafx are made with my butt lol," "sheep all u got is sales lol," "sheep what happens when mgs4 and ffxiii come out???," "wii is a fad and a gimmik lol," "u sheep only have kiddy games lol."

Am I off the mark?


Tristam said:
Well I haven't visited there in a few weeks, but I assume everything is the same now. If that's the case, it's just as painful to be a Nintendo fan: wave after wave of posts and topics reading "teh lil wiiwii's grafx are made with my butt lol," "sheep all u got is sales lol," "sheep what happens when mgs4 and ffxiii come out???," "wii is a fad and a gimmik lol," "u sheep only have kiddy games lol."

Am I off the mark?

That's how it is here, isn't it? :lol


As much as I love to see the DS and Wii doing well, these home consoles were just released. Please wait until people crown who is the winner or not. It's way TOO early to decide who won the war yet.


StevieP said:
That's how it is here, isn't it? :lol

The quote (to paraphrase) "wii grafx suk i can make them wit my butt" is in the sig of at least a few Nintendo fans there. For reference, in SW lingo, sheep are Nintendo fans, cows are Sony fans, lemmings are Microsoft fans, and hermits are PC gamers.

Anyways, looking at the pie chart PantherLotus posted, if only we could've seen that right before launch!

EDIT: I didn't realize you said here, heh. I guess the posts are masked by better spelling and grammar (otherwise I'm sure a mod would pull out the banstick), but the message is there all the same. Still, as much as you may think the Wii is hated on in GAF, there is NO comparison to System Wars.

StevieP said:
Drinky's a Nintendo fan, though... despite his schtick. I couldn't imagine a forum full of joke posts, though, as bad as the "LOL WIITARD" "LOL XBOT" LOL "SONYTHING" crap gets here.

NO comparison. You can spend a few hours in there if you want, but I'd really advise against it.


KevinRo said:
As much as I love to see the DS and Wii doing well, these home consoles were just released. Please wait until people crown who is the winner or not. It's way TOO early to decide who won the war yet.

So please tell us what will save the PS3 and 360 in Japan.

Oblivion said:
Wait, Wii actually dropped this week?

Dropped 1,198 while the PS3 increased in sales by 183 units. Obviously it means that this is a turning of the tide.


KevinRo said:
As much as I love to see the DS and Wii doing well, these home consoles were just released. Please wait until people crown who is the winner or not. It's way TOO early to decide who won the war yet.

Not in Japan it isn't. You've maybe got an argument worldwide, despite historical trends telling you otherwise, but Japan is done.
StevieP said:
That's how it is here, isn't it? :lol

Oh god no. Nothing can compare to Gamespot's system wars forum.

Purple kiddie cube
Wait til Brute Force
Wait til Fable
etc. etc.

At a glance it might sound similar to what you get here. But, it was persistent over there. Every thread was filled with garbage and lists and excuses and joke posts and whatever. A forum full of Drinkys, when there really can be only one.

It was so bad that I sought refuge in...the IGN boards.

Thank god GAF took me under it's wing so many years ago.


Forgotten Ancient said:
At a glance it might sound similar to what you get here. But, it was persistent over there. Every thread was filled with garbage and lists and excuses and joke posts and whatever. A forum full of Drinkys, when there really can be only one.

It was so bad that I sought refuge in...the IGN boards.

Thank god GAF took me under it's wing so many years ago.

Drinky's a Nintendo fan, though... despite his schtick. I couldn't imagine a forum full of joke posts, though, as bad as the "LOL WIITARD" "LOL XBOT" LOL "SONYTHING" crap gets here.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
mj1108 said:
Dropped 1,198 while the PS3 increased in sales by 183 units. Obviously it means that this is a turning of the tide.

PantherLotus said:
YEAH! By almost 33% of the 360's weekly sales, too!

Okay, I'm lost here. I thought Wii had near (or over) 100k last week?


This PhoenixDark's old post deserves to be seen:

DS Lite:





Xbox 360:

I think I'm gonna cry now. Good times mates, good times. :)


Professional Schmuck
Oblivion said:
Okay, I'm lost here. I thought Wii had near (or over) 100k last week?

Wii Last week = 102k
Wii This week = 101k
Wii Dropped = 1k

360's Weekly Sales = 3k

(Wii Dropped)/(360's Weekly Sales) = 33%


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Oblivion said:
Okay, I'm lost here. I thought Wii had near (or over) 100k last week?

The 1,200 units the Wii dropped by is about 1/3 of the 360's sales.

Edit: Beaten. Soundly.
davepoobond said:
because there's still money to be made from releasing games on the PS3.

Japanese developers will be seen as technically inferior if all they're releasing is Wii games (don't even have to worry about 360 games atm). They need to show that they are at the forefront of this industry and showing powerful software. Do you think it would be a good idea for the Japanese developers to lag behind the Western developers? I dont think it would be.

and that too.
davepoobond said:
simple solutions:

1. release a downloadable game through the PSN

2. figure out a way to not spend so much money while still exploiting the market the PS3 has created
You're pretty much contradicting yourself here. I do agree though that publishers will put out software as long as they can make money on it, regardless of userbase.

TheGreatDave said:
The thing with the DS is there's no obvious drop-out point. It's a handheld system, there's really no need to rush a new generation piece of hardware, especially when you're beating the PSP. The Gameboy lived on for years, why would the DS have to be replaced any time soon?

Based on the way Nintendo have positioned this thing in the marketplace, there's no limit to the potential audience if you can offer good software. You can make fully fledged educational tools, PDA software, all kinds of non-games. There's still price drops and big games to come.
Speaking of which, did the DSL see a price drop yet in Japan? Can't remember.

Tristam said:
Dude, you continually ignore the caliber of the team behind The Crystal Bearers and the impressions that we've got.


Seriously, if this has Wi-Fi, Secret of Mana-esque multiplayer, and music and combat similar to the first game, I'm definitely more anticipated for it than Final Fantasy XIII, which is shaping up to be stylistically VERY similar to Advent Children (which I don't dig). Don't count out its ability to be "epic" because it has a subtitle after the "Final Fantasy" moniker. Whoever denies the epicness of Tactics gets kneed in the nuts.
I couldn't agree more. Then again I'm biased since I don't like JRPGs but do like J action adventures. Anyways it seems SE has two solid offerings on the Wii in CC and DQS. It's nothing to scoff at.

In the end to not miss out you'll have to have more than one console. Wouldn't have liked not to have a GC last gen for instance.

60_gig_PS3 said:
PS3 is getting stomped. I request change in username :(
So you're one of those "fans" that always stick to the winning team? I think your username in correlation with your tag is rather hillarious.
Heidir said:
DSL 285,123
Wii 101,320
PSP 35,172
PS2 14,815
PS3 12,974
Xbox360 3,205
GC 394
GBM 340
DS 69
GBA 11

I'm up. Almost 300k for the Nintendo DS is a great achievement. Wii > 100k was expected, but it is clear it is has supply problems as always.

Speevy said:
Why doesn't Nintendo really just twist the knife and start releasing port-ups of Mario Kart, Brain Age Wii, and such?

Because it is not necessary. The Wii is selling so well, that they take all the necessary time to make great games. With the Gamecube, sales were so pathetic that they were obliged to ship games like Mario Sunshine earlier and we have seen the results in quality.
As long as the Wii sells like crazy with only Wii Sports, Wii Play and Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy will not come out so soon.
Cheesemeister said:
The strength of DS and Wii shine during the latter portion of Golden Week sales

Sales of the top 100 titles totaled 1,432,561 units, an amount 101.42% of last week's number and 109.35% of the weekly average. Every year, new titles generally aren't released during Golden Week, so the top 100 is comprised of previous releases.

DS and Wii titles are jockeying for the top ranks. Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, released last week, sold about 109,000 to keep its #1 position. Likewise, Super Paper Mario (about 90,000) and Wii Sports (about 85,000) continued on. Of the top 20, DS took 16 and Wii took 4 rankings to the exclusion of all other platforms, demonstrating the popularity of the formats. Furthermore, the spread of the DS during Golden Week was quite drastic, causing this Golden Week's total software unit sales to greatly exceed those of the same period last year (about 1,265,000).

Also, Nintendo took the majority publisher marketshare, overwhelming others. Unit sales for the Mario series, Brain Training, and others for DS and Wii rose to the top of the stack.

Unbelievable. Unglaublich. Incroyable. Che roba gente !!!


KevinRo said:
As much as I love to see the DS and Wii doing well, these home consoles were just released. Please wait until people crown who is the winner or not. It's way TOO early to decide who won the war yet.
It's over. Sorry. Things are going to get worse for the PS3, not better. The game was over 2 months ago.


you can't put a price on sparks
Phife Dawg said:
You're pretty much contradicting yourself here. I do agree though that publishers will put out software as long as they can make money on it, regardless of userbase.

i dont think so. you can still make a technically impressive game downloadable. It just won't have as much content in it, but that comes with the type of distribution.


Unconfirmed Member
jesus, if you had asked me 10 months ago if I would guess the phrase "Never looked back" would describe the Wii's performance until now, I would have laughed in your face. I was still going to buy one day one, but I would have laughed in your face.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
PantherLotus said:
Wii Last week = 102k
Wii This week = 101k
Wii Dropped = 1k

360's Weekly Sales = 3k

(Wii Dropped)/(360's Weekly Sales) = 33%

The confusion arose when I saw Famitsu numbers. That's a pretty big discrepency.


And even i am moderately surprised
the Pii and PeeS will start to FLOP

i'd love to hear how a system with 16 million plus unit sales to date starts to flop.

"Ronaldo is going to be a flop by the end of this game, despite his 14 goals in the first half..."
PantherLotus you do an excellent job. If I had a company....that.....did things....I'd hire you.

Wii is cleaning up. Wow. It's price people, I tell you its price. You release a cheap console and one big game (wii sports), get every person competing with each other at it....and BOOM.

I bet Mario and Smash Bros. are just going to clean up later this year. I can't friggin' wait.


Professional Schmuck
davepoobond said:
i dont think so. you can still make a technically impressive game downloadable. It just won't have as much content in it, but that comes with the type of distribution.

I'm admittedly jumping into a conversation, but the same argument could be made for making certain games downGRADEable so they could fit onto certain other less hardware-intensive systems.

Nothing on the top of my head though.
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