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Media Create Sales 4/9 - 4/15

Requesting that in a month or two someone takes all the pie charts and animates them like a flip book, showing Pacman chomping down hard.
Mar_ said:

with a taste of...



Tiktaalik said:
The Wii has proven that you can be successful by ignoring the next gen and instead by releasing a "1.5" edition of your current console. With this in mind, I think we can expect that the PS4 will be two PS3's duct taped together.

The Wii has proven that the common sense of selling consumer products at a reasonable price by not using the most cutting edge technology is still the way to go.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
linsivvi said:
The Wii has proven that the common sense of selling consumer products at a reasonable price by not using the most cutting edge technology is still the way to go.

Well, to put it more realistically.

The consumers aren't willing to pay $301-600 on something that is considered a toy. They sure like paying $100-300 on them.

Lesson is....we love pretty graphics and powerful hardware, as long as you give it to us under $300.


Hcoregamer00 said:
Well, to put it more realistically.

The consumers aren't willing to pay $301-600 on something that is considered a toy. They sure like paying $100-300 on them.

Lesson is....we love pretty graphics and powerful hardware, as long as you give it to us under $300.

And that's why last gen was so great.
Cheesemeister said:
PS3 - NEW TREND: 10-20k. Next Gen Avg = 41,892. Post Holiday Avg = 22,168.
I just wanted to say that I saw this right as the Lost Odyssey Theme came up on my playlist. You know, the ticking clock and all.
Doom_Bringer said:
Looks like HD era is almost dead in Japan. Soon the only Japanese developer making next gen games will be Capcom.

Kinda sad
How can the HD era be dead? Are you saying that in 10 or so years, when all broadcasts in Japan are in HD and the vast majority of viewers have HD sets, there won't be any HD consoles?


fresquito said:
It's going to be hard, really hard for Sony to recover from this. Nintendo has been in a hole for two generations, but they still managed to have profits all along, however Sony... I don't really know what they will cling to. That's what happens when you try to use your most recognizable brand as a Troy horse.

It's going to be a bitter trip for the SDF, they aren't used to this, even in the better times, Nintendo fans had to deal with Sega fans. Xbox fans never tasted the honey of victory and Sega fans... well, what can I say about tghem that we don't know already? On the other hand, PS era was so unstopable that the SDF is only trained to laugh at others.

Will see them cry from moku's train :lol

Or maybe they'll pull a Shawshank Redemption. Being thrust into territory they've never known, can't deal with it and decide to carve their names into a wooden beam a which point they tip the chair and let gravity do the work.

By the way, did I mention there would be a noose around their necks the entire time?


Branduil said:
Nah, here's how it will happen: In 2009, Sony announces they're going third-party. Later they announce that Nintendo has licensed their Cell technology for their new system, the Wiii. The Wiii is backwards compatible with the Wii and the PS3, and goes on sale for 299 US dollars at Holiday 2010.

Change 2009 into 2011, and 2010 into 2012. It is more probable, after the change
Wii comparisons: At 20 weeks, Wii is where GCN was at 75.0 weeks (February 16, 2003), where DS was at 20.2 weeks (April 18, 2005), where PS2 was at 18.0 weeks (July 2, 2000), and where PSP was at 50.1 weeks (November 20, 2005).

To point out a few notables from above if you didn't notice, Wii is now over a year ahead of GameCube. Also, this is the first week it's ahead of DS by Media Create's count.

PS3 comparisons: At 23 weeks, PS3 is where PS2 was at 2.7 weeks (March 17, 2000), where PSP was at 9.9 weeks (February 11, 2005), where GCN was at 15.3 weeks (December 25, 2001), and where Wii was at 4.2 weeks (December 25, 2006).

PS3 vs Wii: This week's PS3/Wii share is 13.6 / 86.4. Wii has only had a higher percentage on the week of its launch. Total share is 28.6 / 71.4. If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 104.8 weeks (April 17, 2009). If the flip occurred, they'd meet in 19.6 weeks (August 30, 2007).

PS2 vs DS: At this week's rates, they meet up in 35.3 weeks (December 18, 2007) at 20.9 million apiece.

Microsoft's 2007 YTD hardware sales have passed their 2005 total, though that basically means they beat X360's launch month plus a dozen thousand Xboxen.

It's worth noting that while Wii has been falling a bit behind the PS2's early numbers, if demand stays high it could soon gain some ground. It looks like at about this time PS2 started going down. How much of it is due to demand being sated and how much is due to Sony preparing for the NA/EU PS2 launches is hard to say. Anyway, if Wii maintains 50K and above it will be making up the difference.


the piano man
I just can't believe in the moku train.

Can you imagine SE making a press statement syaing FFXIII is coming to wii?? I just can´t.
AlphaSnake said:
Sony has no one to blame but themselves. It isn't even the f*cking price anymore, it's just a lack of software. I can't believe how un-aggressive Sony is about Japan. What the f*ck are they doing?

Hey Japanese people, here you go, a an American football game you don't give two rice grains about.
Well I think everyone (including Sony) thought that Gundam Mussou would have a bigger impact both on soft- and hardware. Long development cycles for PS3 games don't help either.

Rur0ni said:
I wonder to myself, can Sony financially do a PS4 if PS3 fails horribly?
I don't doubt it for a second. Sony (as a whole) is on a good course. The walkman mobile line is fairing pretty well, just like the Bravia tv sets and this is after Sony missed the train both on MP3 playback and LCD tv sets. Financially it won't be a problem. MS is bleeding even more money and they'll have no problem funding X360-2.


*drowns in jizz*
Maybe its because I cant sleep and its 1:30 am, but Im :lol :lol :lol :lol at so many posts in this thread. Some of the statements are just awesomely hilarious. Well done.
I like the chart. The shape reminds me of a ChuChu Rocket! cat's mouth.

RaidenZR said:
Am I the only one who never understands this chart?
No, that's come up in the past.

For each week, the software sales between X360, Wii, and PS3 sum to some number which is 100%. Each system gets a fraction of that amount, which determines how much of the height they take that week. By relative thickness you can tell how well they did compared to each other. This week it looks like PS2 has around 20%, X360 10%, and Wii the rest.

sphinx said:
I just can't believe in the moku train.

Can you imagine SE making a press statement syaing FFXIII is coming to wii?? I just can´t.
Did you imagine Dragon Quest IX going to DS? Did you imagine Wii outselling PS3 many times over a few months after launch? Unbelievable things sometimes happen.


Phife Dawg said:
Well I think everyone (including Sony) thought that Gundam Mussou would have a bigger impact both on soft- and hardware. Long development cycles for PS3 games don't help either.

I wanted to add something to this.

When did we hear actually hear about Musou first? I seem to recall it was around the PS3 launch, or maybe even after? Either way, it came out pretty quick from when it was announced - I wonder what the cycle time was on this title? It wasn't the best looking game graphically (well at least according to GAF pre-release :D ) but it sold well.

I'm wondering why developers assume they have to put x-bazillion dollars into a title. Look at Nintendo - moving Zelda and Super Paper Mario (among others) was a good move, even if people didn't think it was (coz they look like shit har har har).

I mean Sony probably isn't breaking the bank on Minna no Golf and that Summer Vacation game, I'm sure other developers can put out something like that and make a decent return. Of course, if they want to not do a full HD game they would just move it to the Wii. Tough choice...



Hey moku, hold one of those train tickets for me. I'm not ready to hop on just yet, but if the PS3 can't manage 30k for golden week, I'm gonna need a ride out of here.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Also, this is the first week it's ahead of DS by Media Create's count.
I said "Wow." Wonder how far ahead the Wii can get until it comes to the time where DS hit "Easter."

EDIT: I'm almost ready to jump on the moku train. You can punch my ticket if PS3 falls more next week or doesn't show a greater than 3k improvement.


RaidenZR said:
Am I the only one who never understands this chart?
It's like a chart pie for all three next-gen systems on a weekly basis since the week prior to the PS3 launch.

Edit: and example:

For this week PS3 got almost 25% sales of next-gen systems. Xbox360 less than 10% and Wii the rest.
sphinx said:
I just can't believe in the moku train.

Can you imagine SE making a press statement syaing FFXIII is coming to wii?? I just can´t.
I'm guessing you weren't around in the N64/PSone days, were you?


the piano man
fresquito said:
I'm guessing you weren't around in the N64/PSone days, were you?

that's right. :) I wasn't there.

I can't imagine how terrible would have been to be a nintendo fanboy back then.

back to the FFXIII thing, I really think the game is set in stone for a PS3 release, that is what we know and it's not going too change.

I really can't believe in the Moku train because the game is perhaps the best looking shit on PS3, there is no way you can simply " downgrade it a little" to make it possible on Wii. It would have to be a whole new game, which then wouldn't be " FFXIII" any more... 360 is out of the question, it's dead in Japan and irrelevant for SE.

I think SE will swallow it. They will go according to plan, they will hope that the game sells hardware and that the losses are kept at a minimum. The damage the FF brand will have taken by then will be beyond repair. FFXIV on wii would only split the audience...

they have 2 choices:

a.- Take it like a men and lose big time.

b.- Lose/invest extra money doing a " from the ground up " port for the Wii and bring the franchise back home for FFXIV..

I don't know.

SE is in DEEP trouble.


That's pretty crazy that the Wii is ahead of the DS at the same time. Although I guess the DS hadn't had it's breakout software hit at this stage, unlike the Wii which has Wii Sports. Although, you never know, Wii Fitness might even bump it up to DS like numbers.


rollin' in the gutter
Lobster said:

Yeah I don't get the chart :\

Here's a quick tip for reading the chart. The big blue blob means Wii is selling a lot of software, about 70% of all software is Wii software. The green blob on the top Is for 360, it's selling about 10% of all the home console software for this week. Finally the black blob at the bottom is Sony and they have a 20% of the software marketshare this week. Just go week by week at the bottom to see the current software marketshare. It's all in the subtraction.
sphinx said:
that's right. :) I wasn't there.

I can't imagine how terrible would have been to be a nintendo fanboy back then.

back to the FFXIII thing, I really think the game is set in stone for a PS3 release, that is what we know and it's not going too change.

I really can't believe in the Moku train because the game is perhaps the best looking shit on PS3, there is no way you can simply " downgrade it a little" to make it possible on Wii. It would have to be a whole new game, which then wouldn't be " FFXIII" any more... 360 is out of the question, it's dead in Japan and irrelevant for SE.

I think SE will swallow it. They will go according to plan, they will hope that the game sells hardware and that the losses are kept at a minimum. The damage the FF brand will have taken by then will be beyond repair. FFXIV on wii would only split the audience...

they have 2 choices:

a.- Take it like a men and lose big time.

b.- Lose/invest extra money doing a " from the ground up " port for the Wii and bring the franchise back home for FFXIV..

I don't know.

SE is in DEEP trouble.

A) PS3 will have its FFXIII

B) FFXIII Wii Edition

The FFXIII for Wii will not be a simple downgrade to Wii from PS3 it will be a game created with another engine that fits the Wii and will be the best looking game on the Wii period. :D

It will come. BELIEVE!
sphinx said:
that's right. :) I wasn't there.

I can't imagine how terrible would have been to be a nintendo fanboy back then.

back to the FFXIII thing, I really think the game is set in stone for a PS3 release, that is what we know and it's not going too change.

I really can't believe in the Moku train because the game is perhaps the best looking shit on PS3, there is no way you can simply " downgrade it a little" to make it possible on Wii. It would have to be a whole new game, which then wouldn't be " FFXIII" any more... 360 is out of the question, it's dead in Japan and irrelevant for SE.

I think SE will swallow it. They will go according to plan, they will hope that the game sells hardware and that the losses are kept at a minimum. The damage the FF brand will have taken by then will be beyond repair. FFXIV on wii would only split the audience...

they have 2 choices:

a.- Take it like a men and lose big time.

b.- Lose/invest extra money doing a " from the ground up " port for the Wii and bring the franchise back home for FFXIV..

I don't know.

SE is in DEEP trouble.

Of the two points there, "B" looks a hell of a lot more attractive. If they go through door A not only does FFXIII get sent to die, the FF brand as a whole suffers immensely and FFXIV won't make nearly as big a splash. At least with option B they have a chance, even if they have to invest a bit.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
75.000 units for Wii is impressive, and that's before Super Paper Mario, One Piece, Brain Training and Golden Week. Has Nintendo already increased their production with the new factory? I think the demand will at least double in April.
marc^o^ said:
75.000 units for Wii is impressive, and that's before Super Paper Mario, One Piece, Brain Training and Golden Week. Has Nintendo already increase their production with the new factory? I think the demand will at least double in April.

I think it was said that the new factory may take a few months to go into full production
can't remember where I read it


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Does someone know how many Wii units were sold overall in March in Japan?
We know of the 260K figure for NA. Europe had increased shipments last month so it could be as high as 300K and I assume Japan was near this number as well. That would leave 150K unsold Wii units from a 1 million month production, which could be kept in Japan to sustain Golden week(s demand?
justchris said:
Hey moku, hold one of those train tickets for me. I'm not ready to hop on just yet, but if the PS3 can't manage 30k for golden week, I'm gonna need a ride out of here.
I don't think Golden Week is such a big deal that it would cause sales to triple without a game to push it.
Juwanna Peezadis said:
I said "Wow." Wonder how far ahead the Wii can get until it comes to the time where DS hit "Easter."
Actually, it seems that's already passed. Wii now is where DS was ~April 18, 2005. The famous "Easter" week was the week of March 21 - March 27, 2005.

I don't think Wii will have a problem staying ahead through one full year at least. DS had some good peaks that year, but the big deal was really how consistently it stayed ahead of PSP; it still had a lot of sub-50K weeks. When the comparison gets to December 2005/2007, then things get tricky because DS explodes.
Lobster said:

Yeah I don't get the chart :\
The 360 sitting at the top doesn't mean it's getting 100% of the software sales. It's the thickness of its section you look at. This week its portion goes from ~90% to 100%, so it's got 10% of the software sales among those three systems.
sphinx said:
I really can't believe in the Moku train because the game is perhaps the best looking shit on PS3, there is no way you can simply " downgrade it a little" to make it possible on Wii. It would have to be a whole new game, which then wouldn't be " FFXIII" any more...
Such things aren't unheard of. Resident Evil in particular seems a series well known for having entries start nearly from scratch well into development.
legend166 said:
That's pretty crazy that the Wii is ahead of the DS at the same time. Although I guess the DS hadn't had it's breakout software hit at this stage, unlike the Wii which has Wii Sports.
Getting close, though. In the comparison of Wii now to DS 2 years ago, DS 2005 is getting Nintendogs next week and Brain Training a month after that.
lupin23rd said:
How many PS1 systems were sold before FF7 / FFT came out or was announced?
Unfortunately I haven't a source for numbers that age beyond ioi's, but for FF VII it would've been probably 1.5-2 million when announced, and ~5 million by the time it was released.
lupin23rd said:
I wanted to add something to this.

When did we hear actually hear about Musou first? I seem to recall it was around the PS3 launch, or maybe even after? Either way, it came out pretty quick from when it was announced - I wonder what the cycle time was on this title? It wasn't the best looking game graphically (well at least according to GAF pre-release :D ) but it sold well.

I'm wondering why developers assume they have to put x-bazillion dollars into a title. Look at Nintendo - moving Zelda and Super Paper Mario (among others) was a good move, even if people didn't think it was (coz they look like shit har har har).

I mean Sony probably isn't breaking the bank on Minna no Golf and that Summer Vacation game, I'm sure other developers can put out something like that and make a decent return. Of course, if they want to not do a full HD game they would just move it to the Wii. Tough choice...

Well I don't know how long Gundam had been in development prior to it's release, but I bet you it wasn't a mere couple of months (4-6). And since when did Mussou games ever looked good?

It's by no stretch of the imagination a "small" game.


JoshuaJSlone said:
I like the chart. The shape reminds me of a ChuChu Rocket! cat's mouth.

Only because of this statement now do I understand how to read the dang thing.

Thank you Chu Chu cat.
marc^o^ said:
Does someone know how many Wii units were sold overall in March in Japan?

Here's the DS. Boy, am I tired.

2/26 ~ 3/04 = 111,926
3/05 ~ 3/11 = 108,631
3/12 ~ 3/18 = 121,630
3/19 ~ 3/25 = 130,684
3/26 ~ 4/01 = 080,012

4/7 week 2/26 ~ 3/04 = 063,958
3 weeks 3/05 ~ 3/25 = 360,945
6/7 week 3/26 ~ 4/01 = 068,582
Total March estimate = 493,485


2/26 ~ 3/04 = 57,972
3/05 ~ 3/11 = 44,495
3/12 ~ 3/18 = 67,070
3/19 ~ 3/25 = 75,571
3/26 ~ 4/01 = 51,365

4/7 week 2/26 ~ 3/04 = 033,127
3 weeks 3/05 ~ 3/25 = 187,136
6/7 week 3/26 ~ 4/01 = 044,027
Total March estimate = 264,290


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Cheesemeister said:
Total March estimate = 264,290
Thanks! That's on par with the NA figure. Let's say Europe received 260K as well. Nintendo sold around 800K consoles in March. The 200K missing will surely be allocated to US and Japan in April, to sustain the demand generated by the Super Paper Mario TV ads. I expect impressive Wii figures in the next charts.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Well well well, the Wii had a firecracker lit up it again for no reason other than a higher shipment, next week will be huge, I'm calling 200k, seriously, PS3, 50k, and DS, well, the number will be higher than awesome, but falls short of being made of Win and God.

Sony is losing Japan, if they were playing operation, the buzzer would have broken by now due to overuse, it's pretty much safe to say they are on life support in Japan, at least until June.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
One thing I'd like to add concerning FFXIII, I'm sure it's probably been touched on.

What if SE decides to switch the PS3 game to a side story and move production of the main game to the Wii? That way they'd still utilize the White Engine and put the main franchise on a bigger install base. I wouldn't think they are that far along in development yet as to significantly shift resources, but I might be wrong on that.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
Amir0x said:
b.) DQIX is on DS; with sales like this, there's a zero percent chance DQX will be on PS3. Wii is almost assured at this point. (Thank god FFXIII isn't held back by Wii, though. At least Square made that decision before PS3 tanked, so we get true next-gen FF.)
You should get on the Moku train amirox, if you stay on the railroad the train will smash through your face and hurt you. A lot.
Cheesemeister said:
Hopefully I won't be making that analysis post anymore... I don't think. *counts on fingers*
Is HE back next week?
Dragona Akehi said:
Five days, fifteen hours.
YAY \o/
RaidenZR said:
Am I the only one who never understands this chart?
It's the weekly relative (in percentage of the total marketshare) marketshare chart for the most recent console gen.

Green is the 360's marketshare, blue is the Wii's and black is the PS3's.


BorkBork said:
One thing I'd like to add concerning FFXIII, I'm sure it's probably been touched on.

What if SE decides to switch the PS3 game to a side story and move production of the main game to the Wii? That way they'd still utilize the White Engine and put the main franchise on a bigger install base. I wouldn't think they are that far along in development yet as to significantly shift resources, but I might be wrong on that.

Yes, that was the 2nd or 3rd car on the moku train. It's the coach class, though.
Blablurn said:
Just reduce the price...

That's like walking up to someone who's bleeding and suggesting the wound be gouged open so as to make them bleed more profusely. It hasn't seemed to faze MS, though. Okay, I'm done.
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