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Media Create Sales 4/9 - 4/15


mclem said:
I'm not willing to go onto the Moku train as pitched; I think the existing dev is a little too important. I think the game we currently know as FFXIII will remain on the PS3, possibly also ported to the 360 but not to the Wii.


I do not believe it'll remain as 'FFXIII'. Bear in mind that the whole Fabula Nova Crystallis thing is meant to be a range of games on a variety of systems. As well as the no-subtitle 'main game', there's a bunch of extra games on the way.

First point: I would be unsurprised if Versus appears on the Wii. It appears to have had less commitment made to it than the main FFXIII, so they may be in a better position to ditch what they have and start over. That and, being an action game, there's scope for interesting remote usage.

Second point: I believe the existing FFXIII will be 'demoted' to being a subtitle game. Avoid the issue of tarnishing the brand by instead making that title into just part of the scattershot approach.

Third point: I believe that there will be further announcements of Wii-exclusive FFXIII titles (Haeresis, perhaps?)

Fourth point: FFXIII will end up either having *no* 'main game' - all games will be subtitled - or the Wii will get the one without a subtitle.

Interesting analysis, I'd only disagree with the "existing dev is too important to move FF13 to Wii" part. As I said in an earlier MC thread :
1) a large part of the production value for FF titles is the production of high quality CG. Those CG are generated at huge resolutions (far beyond even FullHD), so reencoding them to SD would not be a problem. Remember that the Wii has a full-fledged DVD drive, unlike the NGC.
2) FF13 started as a PS2 project. They probably have some assets back from them.
3) PS3 assets that have been done already can probably be reused for a spin-off game (perhaps even multiplatform with XBox360)
4) SE already has a pretty nice engine for Cube architecture with FFCC. It is highly possible that this engine could be tweaked for Wii (are they doing that with FFCC Wii already ?), and used for FF13.

Of course, it would require some extra dev time, but IMHO it far beats releasing on PS3 with the small userbase, not recouping dev costs, and tarnishing the brand name...
And here we go... on to the fourth chapter of the great and illustrious adventure that draws gasps of excitement and horror from all he behold it. Yes, my friends, it's the newest update to...

The Sales-Age Saga

Drama! Action! Laughter! Romance!
Not really


Chapter 1 (MC 3/19 - 3/25 2007)

Chapter 2 (MC 3/26 - 4/1 2007)

Chapter 3 (MC 4/2 - 4/8 2007)


They had scarce landed in the current dimension when Bob gave a scream of mortal agony and crumpled to the ground, one skeletal hand clutching reflexively at his chest.

After various starts of surprise, the majority of the consoles quickly surrounded Bob as he writhed about helplessly, attempting to find some way to aid their friend.

"Bob! What happened, man?"

"...! Hold on, Bob! Just hang in there!"


Another inhuman shriek tore itself from the Playstation 3's throat, and briefly it managed to half-rise into a partially sitting position.


Dennis frowned. "Thousand suns? Wait a sec, assuming that none of the suns are particularly hotter than the other, such as, say, a blue giant as compared to a red one, would a thousand suns really be any more agonizing than a single sun?"

Henry shrugged. "Well, maybe Bob means that it's like being immersed in a thousand suns, one by one."

"But then there's the rest time in between what it would take to traverse the distance between one sun and another. In the end, assuming the same amount of time is spent in a single sun as opposed to a thousand suns, I'd say the agony would be just about equal."

"True, but one leaves out the hurt that comes from being hurtled from a raging hot fireball of igniting gases into the freezing cold of deep space, en route another sun. Of course, that presupposes that we're talking about the suns as they're currently placed in our universe, and not... I dunno, lined up for easy access from one to another or someth-"

"Would both of you cut it out?" Tack said in a annoyed voice over the continuous wail as he rapidly tapped on the PDA he was carrying in with him. "It's the sales. Again."

"Sales? Wha- oh, my." Elsie frowned. "This week's NPD week as well, isn't it?"

"Yup. The little bugger fell just shy of 12K in Nintendoland-"

"Japan. It's 'Japan', not 'Nintendoland'."

"Coulda fooled me. Anyway, like I said, PS3 failed to break 12K in Japan... and it sold 130K in the NPD for March... which means it got beat by the GBA. Again."

"...Right." The Wii shook her head and returned to trying to move Bob into a more comfortable position. "He had this seizures when February's NPD came in, as I recall. They weren't this bad last time, though."

"Um..." John spoke up hesitantly. "Aren't we in a dimension with great Sony sales? Can't he siphon energy from here?"

"Technically, yes." Richard said thoughtfully as he stroked his beard. "However, we're more rooted to the dimension that we originally came from - its sales affects us regardless of where we are. In foreign dimensions, we need to be in close proximity to some sort of display for the sales. And before you ask, don't request a technical explanation from me why this is so. Suffice it to say it is a very long and complicated matter involving quantum theory, nonlinear metaphysics, and the Easter Bunny."

"...Right. So I suppose the fact that we're currently in the middle of some sort of rainforest would pose a problem." John mumbled.

"Yes, there is that." Dennis folded his arms as he heard the soft hooting of some tropical bird in the distance. "The DFA is still an imperfect technology, after all."

"Now what?" Tack sighed. "We're stuck here with an incapacitated console in the ass-end of nowhere, we're still going to need to recharge the DFA before we can get out of here, and there's some giant... thing that's about to eat us."

On that word, the rest of the people there turned around to see it. Later, in a more lucid moment, they would describe as 'sorta like a cross between a dinosaur, a twinkie, and two gamecubes duct-taped together, only a whole lot more evil'. Currently, however, their attention was drawn to the rather impressive of sharp and pointy teeth the creature possessed.

The fact that it was drooling was also probably not a good sign.

It was one of those moments in which the entire group knew what they had to do. No actual words needed to be said. They were quick, they were decisive, and on some hidden signal, they sprang into action.

Namely, they turned and ran liked scared children, screaming all the while.

Now, of course, the discerning reader might be wondering how the 'in-a-very-large-amount-of-pain' Bob was going to pull himself into anything remotely resembling the velocity and/or speed necessary to get himself to heck out of there.

Not to worry. In the true tradition of all close friends, Henry had seized Bob as he fled, and now had a deathgrip on the Playstation 3 as he crashed through the undergrowth.

Of course, he had neglected to pay attention to exactly what part of his boney friend he had seized. And thus it was that over the sound of the screaming, over the sound of the creatures fearsome roars (which, incidentally, sounded strangely like children's laughter), was the sound of Bob's enraged howls.


Henry paid this scant attention, focusing more on not getting eaten before Mass Effect and Halo 3 came out and thus depriving him of the chance to experience the wonder. Using his timing, he veered to the left on a sudden whim, causing the dino-twinkie-twin gamecube creature that had been hot on his heels to make sudden and bone jarring contact with a rather sturdy tree.

Unfortunately for the consoles, the creature was apparently one that suscribed to the 'If at first you don't succeed, try again.' school of thought. Bellowing once more, it charged at Henry and Bob with fresh zeal.

It was then that Elsie appeared at the creature's side like a burst of white lightning. From some hidden fold in her dress, she drew her Wiimote (it's not what you think. You're disgusting), holding it aloft like a saber of divine righteousness. The creature had just enough time to notice the Wii at it's side before she brought it slashing down on the creature's neck.


Elsie glared with naked disappointment at the tennis racket that had appeared in her hand. "Oh, yeah... I'm still loaded with Wii Sports."

The creature had just finished processing the fact that the tiny thing in white was not, in fact, a substantial threat, and in fact stood a fair amount of potential to be rather delicious, and was about to open it's mouth in the intents of carrying out a taste test when a cry came fro the trees.


Suddenly, what appeared to be an extremely localized icestorm exploded from the dense foliage, coating the left side of the foul beast in a thick coat of ice. As the creature roared and struggled to break free, Dennis appeared from the undergrowth, face set into an impassive mask. Raising his scepter, he swung it in a wide arc.


The severed head of the creature slowly slid off the neck and toppled to the ground. A moment later, the body followed, causing the ground to rumble. Only then did Dennis grin, raising his scepter into the air in a symbol of victory.

"And you couldn't have pulled that off a bit sooner?!" A rather exhausted John demanded as he slumped against a tree trunk, panting for air.

"Give me a break, man." Dennis shrugged as he returned his staff to the usual resting position on his shoulder. "I had to boot up and run my game any everything. That takes time, you know."


"Anyway, nice ambush Elsie, even if didn't go as planned." Dennis grinned at his younger sister. "Maybe next time you should try a Virtual Console game instead!"

The Wii merely rolled her eyes.

"Guys?" Tack's voice floated through the woods. "You might wanna come see this."


John gazed over the cliff edge at the relatively large city that spread out before them. "Wow. What kind of rainforest has such a developed civilisation so close to it?"

"Quite a few, even back in our own dimension." Clementine chuckled. "Ah, my legs do ache. I'm not as hardy as Richard back there..."

"Anyway, see that path?" Tack pointed down at a stone trail that led down into the city. "It should lead us into the city. We can get some good sales numbers for Sony there, print 'em out or whatever, and come back."

"What, we can't take Bob with us?" John questioned.

"Well, he's not exactly in the best shape right now. I wouldn't move him unless we really needed to. Plus, the path could be difficult to maneuver if we're carrying someone. Best bet is, we split into two teams. One stays here and looks over the skeleton, the other makes headway into town."

"...The Nintendo systems should stay." Richard voiced after some hesitation. "They've learnt a thing or two over the years on subsisting with lousy sales. We're not really trained with that."

"Got it." Elsie nodded. "We'll do what we can for Bob."

"Meanwhile, Henry, Tack, and John... follow me. We'll go get those numbers he needs so badly." Richard sighed as he said this, and John could sense his disappointment.

"Shouldn't take more than two days, there and back." Tack grinned. "You ready, Henry?"


"Henry?" Tack and John turned, and only then did they see Henry standing stock still, his eyes rapidly flashing red three times.

"Oh, bloody..." Tack grumbled. "He had to break down now?"



No prizes for guessing what game's loaded into Dennis right now.

As always, feedback would be much appreciated.

I'm probably going to do a 'Character Synopsis' post sooner or later...


Junior Member
Hey, props to Panther and JJ. There is somebody else who does charts that I'm forgetting.

Well, I'm on the Moku train. Japan is over for Sony. I just wonder if they'll hit rock bottom. Things will really pick up if 360 overtakes them for a week. Sony is in no position to price drop. That's the biggest factor. It just blinds everybody. No game can overcome it. None. Nor will devs give them the freedom to even try. MGS and FF being ported or outright switched to another platform is inevitable. Or, if it doesn't happen, just plain stupid. A $50 million investment that will have trouble selling 1million? Hell, 500K. Man, this is kinda weird to watch.
I personally can't bring myself to take a seat on moku's train. As much as it would please me as a Wii owner who doesn't plan on owning another console, it just can't happen. It can't.

Can it?


BorkBork said:
One thing I'd like to add concerning FFXIII, I'm sure it's probably been touched on.

What if SE decides to switch the PS3 game to a side story and move production of the main game to the Wii? That way they'd still utilize the White Engine and put the main franchise on a bigger install base. I wouldn't think they are that far along in development yet as to significantly shift resources, but I might be wrong on that.

I'm still working through the backlog of posts, and now I see this; I swear I hadn't seen it when I made my post upthread!


Doom_Bringer said:
What do you think will happen to White Knight Story? Level 5 is a small developer, they probably can't afford the PS3 gamble. Do you think they will bail out? Have they already bailed out? We haven't heard of the game since TGS

There was an interview with the director a couple of days ago on Mainichi Issho. I don't think there was any new info or screens though (I haven't followed the game at all).
AniHawk said:
Remember when FFVII was announced for the PSP way back in ****ing 2004? And it's still not out?

I think the same may happen to FFXIII. At the very least, DQ on the Nintendo systems should offset any losses if FFXIII doesn't sell what it needs to or if they have to scrap the graphics engine and start over.

I think SE's ego would cause them to start over before releasing a mainline FF game that could have mediocre sells.
marc^o^ said:
TOEIC test, is that English Training 2, based on the notorious english test? If so we need it localized in french :)

Besides it's nice to see Zelda is already among the top sellers despite its june release.

Are people even reading the translated titles? Why do I even bother? Sheesh. =P

Cheesemeister said:
07./06. [NDS] More English Training (Nintendo) - 25,264 / 109,909
22./28. [NDS] English Training (Nintendo)
38./36. [NDS] TOEIC Test Training DS (IE Institute)


Bo130 said:
WHAT!? But... Nearly the exact same game, just without online, released with the original Nintendo DS sold about 400k, didn't it? I guess they don't wanna pay full price again :( I was really hoping for some major release here.
It's just one day... I don't think the original one started off so quickly either. But yeah, it is the same, so don't expect it to shift anything like the first one.



Another blog states similar numbers as Sinobi. But some points to note:

1. Large shipment of SPM: it should sell more in weekends since no shortage.
2. Large shipment of Wii starting from last week.
3. Fate Stay Night is expected to be extremely front-loaded. It should sell around 100k the whole week.
4. Price drop of Ouendan 1 (but not official one :( ), it is expected to sell 80k - 100k LTD.
5. Pre-order of Ouendan 2 is........ poor... looks like bomba again (COME ON! BUY THIS GAME!!!)
6. Pre-order of most games in May and June are bad, except Super Robot War Original Generation (PS2).


Tarnishing the brand name? Ruining the franchise? What the ****?

IIRC BioHazard 4 came out on a system that wasn't doing so hot either, and I seem to recall that being the best game in the series, even thought it didn't sell very well on that system. I think it was more politics than sales that resulted in it going to PS2 as well.

If that's "tarnishing", then let's make sure every good game comes out on the "loser" system.



Zoe said:
There was an interview with the director a couple of days ago on Mainichi Issho. I don't think there was any new info or screens though (I haven't followed the game at all).
It's published by Sony, so even if it bombs Level 5 themselves won't be feeling the sting.


lupin23rd said:
Tarnishing the brand name? Ruining the franchise? What the ****?

IIRC BioHazard 4 came out on a system that wasn't doing so hot either, and I seem to recall that being the best game in the series, even thought it didn't sell very well on that system. I think it was more politics than sales that resulted in it going to PS2 as well.

If that's "tarnishing", then let's make sure every good game comes out on the "loser" system.

But CAPCOM has a history of releasing games on losing systems, SE on the other hand has a massive ego, it won't let its Jewel in the Crown be released to bad sales, because the PS3 doesn't have enough userbase.

Also Square has a history of switching hardware makers (aka the N64 and FFVII)
marc^o^ said:
Thanks! That's on par with the NA figure. Let's say Europe received 260K as well. Nintendo sold around 800K consoles in March. The 200K missing will surely be allocated to US and Japan in April, to sustain the demand generated by the Super Paper Mario TV ads. I expect impressive Wii figures in the next charts.
Well, he went for the calendar month of March by splitting weeks, which isn't directly comparable with the March NPD number. The closest comparison would be the Japanese period of March 5 - April 8, which is 291,084 by MC or 286,713 by Famitsu.

If we were to fake up a calendar-March figure from NPD, it wouldn't be very accurate since it assumes sales were completely flat for a month. But since March NPD was March 4 - April 7, we'd want to add 3 days from February and cut one week from the March period that was actually April.
March * 4/5 + February * 3/28
259K * 4/5 + 335K * 3/28
marc^o^ said:
FFXIII won't really need a big userbase: it will create it.
Even huge series can have a tough time doing that when there's competition. See N64 and GameCube.


If the main FFXIII game continues to be on PS3 I still think it will sell >75% of FFX. I just don't think that it will save the PS3 in any way. The industry has shifted more in Japan than anywhere but there are a lot of people who want their Final Fantasy.


enishi said:

Another blog states similar numbers as Sinobi. But some points to note:

1. Large shipment of SPM: it should sell more in weekends since no shortage.
2. Large shipment of Wii starting from last week.
3. Fate Stay Night is expected to be extremely front-loaded. It should sell around 100k the whole week.
4. Price drop of Ouendan 1 (but not official one :( ), it is expected to sell 80k - 100k LTD.
5. Pre-order of Ouendan 2 is........ poor... looks like bomba again (COME ON! BUY THIS GAME!!!)
6. Pre-order of most games in May and June are bad, except Super Robot War Original Generation (PS2).
Thanks. Nice to see another retailer blog.

It's going to be interesting to see just how many SPM and Wii sell this week.

So, Ouendan is looking to make 100k, good sales for the kind of game it is. I really enjoyed it, and plan to buy the sequel, but I wonder if it can drum up similar interest to the first?

I hope Phantom Hourglass manages to revive the Zelda series to a bigger seller in Japan, it's sad if it isn't getting much interest. Hopefully it will pick up.


Nice start for Super Paper Mario. Nintendo games always sell better than other games during the weekend so it could end up doing over 150k this week.
Nintendo ALWAYS has a beeter weekend than most, so i expect SPM to pick up.

Anyways a few Japanese forums and sites (For the lazy Gamasutra have it also) are reporting Resi 4 Wii and DQ:Swords are starting to pull in quite large pre-order numbers.

Japan also sees a large number of pre-orders for titles like Dragon Quest Sword: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou and Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4) this week, months in advance of their scheduled release dates. If this level of demand can be maintained, both games have the potential to become future top sellers upon release.


PS3 - 11,948


XiaNaphryz said:
Pureauthor said:
I'm probably going to do a 'Character Synopsis' post sooner or later...
Save it for the webcomic version. :D

Nooo.. I suggest to do it soon/now.
Full character descriptions (colours included), of course.
I wanna start seeing fanart for this literary GAF-terpiece! *is VERY tempted to do fanart*

Hwaha, the start of a(nother?) GAF franchise (I'm surprised GAF hasn't managed to cobble together a series of crappy webcomics for itself but instead is intent on using VGCats as their vehicle.. Comon' GAF, I know you have artistic talent!). Make it so!

Also, I feel really bad for Sony. They are not my preferred company, but I dislike seeing entities struggle like this. I'm just not cut out for the cruel corporate world. On the other hand, I also want them to fail enough to feel 3rd place for a few generations. It is the circle of things.
DefectiveReject said:
Nintendo ALWAYS has a beeter weekend than most, so i expect SPM to pick up.

Anyways a few Japanese forums and sites (For the lazy Gamasutra have it also) are reporting Resi 4 Wii and DQ:Swords are starting to pull in quite large pre-order numbers.

Rather susprised at the RE4 numbers. I can't imagine retailers wanting to preorder that... DQSwords on the other hand.... heh.

(Unless these are confirmed to be definitively end user preorders).


kinda dissapointed in spm numbers
extremely dissapointed in psp numbers
anyway i'm not surprised re4 is doing really well. i've played the game twice and i'm still buying it day one. thanks to waggle
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
From sinobi blog...

PS2 Fate Stay Night - 90.000 (7:3 regular vs limited edition which is selling out in many shops)
PS2 Persona 3 Fes - 65.000 (6:4 append vs normal, both very good sell through)
Wii Super Paper Mario - 70.000 (will probably pick up in the weekend)
PSP Final Fantasy I - 30.000 (100k shipment looks a little high)
NDS Nodame Cantabile - 15.000 (150k shipment!)

Says something about Atelier Lise and WiFi Asobi Taizen but not easy for me to translate :)

Decent numbers for SPM. I as expecting more but it'll be atleast 100k for the week and Wii games have legs. FF for PSP I;m suprised it even sold that much. Nodame is a flop w/e it is.
enishi said:
4. Price drop of Ouendan 1 (but not official one :( ), it is expected to sell 80k - 100k LTD.
5. Pre-order of Ouendan 2 is........ poor... looks like bomba again (COME ON! BUY THIS GAME!!!)
You are shit at transrate.

"As for Ouendan 2, which comes out on 5/17, it's not getting many orders. The last game, Ouendan, sold most of its copies at special sale prices. This gave it a bad image with the majority of retailers.

"It sold about 80,000 copies on sale, but then word-of-mouth started and it kept going until it passed 100,000 copies. But the copies that sold following word-of-mouth advertising only sold through a certain few stores and Web retailers. Basically, most retailers still have that 'bad image' of Ouendan.

"For the time being, that's the situation. If you're planning on buying it, I highly recommend that you preorder the game."

What this means is that demand for Ouendan 2 might surprise retailers -- not that it's going to bomb.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
From sinobi blog...

PS2 Fate Stay Night - 90.000 (7:3 regular vs limited edition which is selling out in many shops)
PS2 Persona 3 Fes - 65.000 (6:4 append vs normal, both very good sell through)
Wii Super Paper Mario - 70.000 (will probably pick up in the weekend)
PSP Final Fantasy I - 30.000 (100k shipment looks a little high)
NDS Nodame Cantabile - 15.000 (150k shipment!)

Says something about Atelier Lise and WiFi Asobi Taizen but not easy for me to translate :)

PSP continues to sputter out. Wouldn't be surprised if it dips under 20,000 in hardware this coming week. At this rate, Crisis Core may need a PS2 port to justify its development.

Paper Mario is about where most sensible people expected it. It has an incredibly narrow range of appeal for a Mario-branded game.
Dragona Akehi said:
Rather susprised at the RE4 numbers. I can't imagine retailers wanting to preorder that... DQSwords on the other hand.... heh.

(Unless these are confirmed to be definitively end user preorders).
i'd say retailers, as its how it usually works in Japan???
I suppose retailers would only do so if the demand was there? ANd wasn't it in Famitsu this week? Could explain why the article says big pre-order interest as of this week??

cvxfreak said:
If Biohazard 4 Wii Edition outsells the GC edition (220K)... :lol
GC version was TEH kiddi3 remember. Wii is for everyone!!
cvxfreak said:
If Biohazard 4 Wii Edition outsells the GC edition (220K)... :lol

That's exactly what I was going to propose. Oh my, if it starts pulling out great numbers... Resident Evil Deal REDEEMED TOTAL ? That would be an epic turn of events...

Please happen.


Junior Member
miguel_c_hammer said:
PSP continues to sputter out. Wouldn't be surprised if it dips under 20,000 in hardware this coming week. At this rate, Crisis Core may need a PS2 port to justify its development.

Paper Mario is about where most sensible people expected it. It has an incredibly narrow range of appeal for a Mario-branded game.

Haha, Square should just give up on Sony entirely.

Joking. But it'll happen.
DefectiveReject said:
i'd say retailers, as its how it usually works in Japan???
I suppose retailers would only do so if the demand was there? ANd wasn't it in Famitsu this week? Could explain why the article says big pre-order interest as of this week??

Exactly, these are most likely retailer preorders. But RE4 didn't exactly light the charts up in Japan, even on PS2. Which is why I'm surprised at this report. DQ is a no brainer.
Dragona Akehi said:
Exactly, these are most likely retailer preorders. But RE4 didn't exactly light the charts up in Japan, even on PS2. Which is why I'm surprised at this report. DQ is a no brainer.
Capcoms fault announing it on PS2
Nintendo's fault for allowing it to be released on a dead console

Now it's getting the great justice it deserves on a console thats breathing

Resi 4 to this day is the only game i completed (Pikmin don't count as you can play them over and over)
even Zelda is still to be completed
DefectiveReject said:
Capcoms fault announing it on PS2
Nintendo's fault for allowing it to be released on a dead console

Now it's getting the great justice it deserves on a console thats breathing

Resi 4 to this day is the only game i completed (Pikmin don't count as you can play them over and over)
even Zelda is still to be completed

Oh I'm not doubting RE4's quality, it was one of my personal favourites and still is. However, I just can't see a port of a game that already did not appear to tickle the japanese gamer's fancy, suddenly come to life on a console that's attracted people who never played games much before.
Dragona Akehi said:
Oh I'm not doubting RE4's quality, it was one of my personal favourites and still is. However, I just can't see a port of a game that already did not appear to tickle the japanese gamer's fancy, suddenly come to life on a console that's attracted people who never played games much before.

If i was a female i'd still want to marry you :lol :lol :lol [/thinking out loud]

I hope it does as it would have 3rd parties probably reconsider more stuff.
And would probably be a big step towards new gen being the norm
Wait there is a new Clubhouse Games coming out next week. Didn't the previous one do very well?

Am I to assume the previous one wasn't online. This could do very well. If I am not wrong the previous version hit 500k.

Eteric Rice

Dragona Akehi said:
Oh I'm not doubting RE4's quality, it was one of my personal favourites and still is. However, I just can't see a port of a game that already did not appear to tickle the japanese gamer's fancy, suddenly come to life on a console that's attracted people who never played games much before.

I would literally explode if the Wii version outsells the other versions. :lol

What were the total sales of the other two versions?
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