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Media Create Sales: Week 10, 2013 (Mar 04 - Mar 10)


The original did 350k. I'd say it's going to be a notable step up, probably 550k plus lifetime.
I am extremely curious to see how it does. Big budget 3D platformer/adventure games are pretty rare for portables. I would love to see more games of this sort in the future from Nintendo. I think I've had enough of their 2D platformers to last me for the next 5 years.
Inafune must be pretty chuffed with those first weeks sales. What happens over the coming weeks will be a different story, but for now let us bask in the revival of the Vita and some promising numbers for a new IP that, by all accounts, is an excellent game.
just wondering why you would say that ..

Its just an unusual set of circumstances I think is unlikely to be repeated, a hugely pushed release coming the week after a price cut, we've seen bigger releases on vita than ss (persona and miku) and they didnt bump hardware much
So that's why Capcom have an exclusivity agreement with Nintendo, because that's why MH4 is on 3DS rather than MHP4 PSP. Seriously. It's all about money.

Even though that was never confirmed why would you put your flsgship series on a patform that will be dead by next year. There are many reasons to go 3ds and in the longterm they make more money

Im also somewhat confused at what 3rd party is going to be impressed with these weeks sales


I like the consistency:

Media Create
[PSV] Tales of Innocence R (Bandai Namco) - 54,853
[PSV] Tales of Hearts R (Bandai Namco Games) - 55,258

[PSV] Tales of Innocence R (Bandai Namco) - 47,312
[PSV] Tales of Hearts R (Bandai Namco Games) - 48,178

You posted this to just kick NA in the balls didn't you? Just admit it you heartless sap....


What is the evidence that the PSP MH fanbase is inherently loyal to Sony platforms?

They aren't, you're doubtlessly losing some sales with exclusivity, and so far it seems like Mohun is not selling any more on 3DS than it sold on the PSP (a struggling platform when Mohun exploded on it in the first place). All the data shows that aside from Xbox iterations, Mohun is fairly platform agnostic, which is why it makes no sense to go 3DS exclusive. This talk about mainstream handheld is rubbish, since the PSP was never the mainstream handheld against the DS, even if it did manage to start outselling it relatively consistently after the DS outsold it 2-1 lifetime in Japan. If you wanted to actually try and expand, you increase platforms, shifting exclusivity is just going to lose you as many diehards on the platform you left as it will gain you some diehards on the other side. They never needed a 3DS ecosystem to have their fanbase thrive and shifting to the 3DS ecosystem won't and isn't helping them, it's the mainstream portable anyway.
Apples and oranges. What could Bravely Default possibly do on the Vita? 75k? Is that really worth it?

Not really, reaching a wider audience in both cases.

As for your 2nd point, I don't know how it would do but it would also bode well for sequels, just like Bioshock and Mass Effect late ports on PS3 eventually got the audience used to the franchises and the sequels end up selling more, being more hyped.

What is the evidence that the PSP MH fanbase is inherently loyal to Sony platforms?

There's no evidence, the only evidence we have is that MH3G has not sold as well as MHP2G and MHP3, whether or not MH4 can sell 4+ and 5+ million like the last 2 iterations on PSP remains to be seen.

Wait what? this post is full of misinformation. Battlefield came out a year before cod back in th early days.

Sonic plays not like mario...

Realistic racing games have been releasing for years...

Sure, but Battlefield 3, the one that broke the franchise wide open, took a lot from COD.
I remember reading that Sonic was a response to Mario in having a mascot/2D platforming game for the Genesis.
And just like Lips and Scene It copying Singstar and Buzz, MS was copying every major Sony's 1st party franchise to add to their portfolio so there wouldn't be any gaps. I thought this was well known.
They aren't, you're doubtlessly losing some sales with exclusivity, and so far it seems like Mohun is not selling any more on 3DS than it sold on the PSP (a struggling platform when Mohun exploded on it in the first place). All the data shows that aside from Xbox iterations, Mohun is fairly platform agnostic, which is why it makes no sense to go 3DS exclusive. This talk about mainstream handheld is rubish, since the PSP was never the mainstream handheld against the DS, even if it did manage to start outselling it relatively consistently after the DS outsold it 2-1 lifetime in Japan.

You will undoubtedly lose sales when the biigest local coop game cant be played together
Even though that was never confirmed why would you put your flsgship series on a patform that will be dead by next year. There are many reasons to go 3ds and in the longterm they make more money

Im also somewhat confused at what 3rd party is going to be impressed with these weeks sales

Still doesn't explain why they moved away from the PSP when each successive entry sold more than the last. So instead of trying to built upon the 4 million sales and possibly capture the new Vita market (Vita could have played the PSP digital version of the title), they abandoned it for another platform and made less sales, iirc.

That sounds logical to you?


They aren't, you're doubtlessly losing some sales with exclusivity, and so far it seems like Mohun is not selling any more on 3DS than it sold on the PSP (a struggling platform when Mohun exploded on it in the first place). All the data shows that aside from Xbox iterations, Mohun is fairly platform agnostic, which is why it makes no sense to go 3DS exclusive. This talk about mainstream handheld is rubish, since the PSP was never the mainstream handheld against the DS, even if it did manage to start outselling it relatively consistently after the DS outsold it 2-1 lifetime in Japan.

Monster Hunter 3G is the third best selling Monster Hunter game ever. And that's for the third iteration of a game with a significantly smaller userbase than the Wii/PSP at the time of its release.
Counting in the double pack it did about the same. Also consider the massive difference in userbase. And no SS wasn't meant to carry Vita from March till holidays. No one in their right mind would have thought of that.

But they have been trying to hype up this game since about a year and made a really big deal out of it. Is there even any other game that may do decent numbers from now until the holidays?
Still doesn't explain why they moved away from the PSP when each successive entry sold more than the last. So instead of trying to built upon the 4 million sales and possibly capture the new Vita market, they abandoned it for another platform and made less sales, iirc.

That sounds logical to you?

When the DS sold 30 million and Sonys entire platform revolved around MH? Yes. Sorry I cant explain myself better here my right arm is in a cast


Any more games big selling coming to Vita after this, or is the Vita just going to slowly lower down to usual levels? One of the reasons the 3DS is selling so well is because of constant big releases.


Lol. No. Sony has always had the largest stable of developers and constantly create new IP every generation. They didn't do anything different. Uncharted, Motorstorm, Lair, Heavenly sword, Resistance, Flow, Folklore and that is excluding the PSeye games. The largest influx of new IP from Sony for the PS3 was at the start of the PS3's life. They just kept the ball rolling with familiar franchises and kept on throwing a few new IP's in the mix to keep it fresh.

Still unsure about what is coming for the Vita as far as japan is concerned but I am sure that Sony will create new Ip as usual.

It´s not because they want to keep things fresh. Like Level5 they love to milk their new franchises with several sequels on the same console. When they milked them dry and aren´t profitable anymore -> a new cow.


Still doesn't explain why they moved away from the PSP when each successive entry sold more than the last. So instead of trying to built upon the 4 million sales and possibly capture the new Vita market (Vita could have played the PSP digital version of the title), they abandoned it for another platform and made less sales, iirc.

That sounds logical to you?
I think their reason was to keep development costs down on the 3DS vs. Vita.


Junior Member
Still doesn't explain why they moved away from the PSP when each successive entry sold more than the last. So instead of trying to built upon the 4 million sales and possibly capture the new Vita market (Vita could have played the PSP digital version of the title), they abandoned it for another platform and made less sales, iirc.

That sounds logical to you?

MH3G on 3DS + Vita would've still sold less than MHP3. What matters is how MH4 and future titles sell, not another game in the MH3 series.


Not really, reaching a wider audience in both cases.

As for your 2nd point, I don't know how it would do but it would also bode well for sequels, just like Bioshock and Mass Effect late ports on PS3 eventually got the audience used to the franchises and the sequels end up selling more, being more hyped.

But why would you want to move the franchise over? It's done too well on the 3DS, and you've already built potential for a better-selling sequel on the 3DS. Why throw that all away and move to the Vita?


Any more games big selling coming to Vita after this, or is the Vita just going to slowly lower down to usual levels? One of the reasons the 3DS is selling so well is because of constant big releases.
Of the scheduled releases for Vita, the more notable one are multiplatform games like FFX HD, One Piece, God Eater 2.
Among platform owners Sony have probably optimal strategy when it comes to new IPs and sequels (optimal for being liked by gamers not sales potential).

They are doing a lot of sequels for their big IPs like everyone else but they also have enough new IP titles created to not look like sequel factory.

And they spice it up with some "risky" titles - which honestly aren't that risky - stuff like Heavy Rain or Gravity Rush or LBP probably has relatively small budgets than can be recouped with much less sales than people expect when you consider they take both publisher and platform owner cuts.


I've explained many a time before why it is 3DS exclusive. Monster Hunter is a social game. If it releases on both 3DS and Vita, it would alienate the fanbase. Three people have a 3DS, one has a Vita. Those three can play MH together, Vita person is left out.

For starters Platform agnosticism is possible from a coding perspective, secondly you wouldn't be alienating any of your fans since the majority of Mohun players play with their friends and therefor would end up coalescing around the majority just like you see with Xbox live influencing third party purchases in America. You're not going to alienate your fanbase by adding another platform. Fans will choose and the one left out will still make money. This is of course predicated on the idea that Capcom couldn't get cross platform local between the two versions, and even if they couldn't no big deal.

But why would you want to move the franchise over? It's done too well on the 3DS, and you've already built potential for a better-selling sequel on the 3DS. Why throw that all away and move to the Vita?

You wouldn't be throwing anything away.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Still doesn't explain why they moved away from the PSP when each successive entry sold more than the last. So instead of trying to built upon the 4 million sales and possibly capture the new Vita market (Vita could have played the PSP digital version of the title), they abandoned it for another platform and made less sales, iirc.

That sounds logical to you?
Vita isn't PSP just because it can play its downloadable releases. Just as the 3DS being capable of playing the vast quality back catalogue of DS didn't help it one bit before it got its own games. Maybe another PSP game could have repeated 3rd's success (most of it in retail, not digital distribution), maybe it couldn't. We'll never find out at this point and it was only going to be one more at best anyway. Given the necessity to move to the next portable gen at some point they chose what they thought is best. They also seem to have chosen wisely. So, yes, it all sounds very logical. Maybe Vita at some point will justify a change in direction. If it does, it will happen, so you don't need to worry about that. For now just enjoy Sony's MH clones in SS, Toukiden, God Eater 2, etc, even if most are ports from PSP. They're clearly pushing them in hopes of getting a piece of that player pie.


Among platform owners Sony have probably optimal strategy when it comes to new IPs and sequels (optimal for being liked by gamers not sales potential).

They are doing a lot of sequels for their big IPs like everyone else but they also have enough new IP titles created to not look like sequel factory.

And they spice it up with some "risky" titles - which honestly aren't that risky - stuff like Heavy Rain or Gravity Rush or LBP probably has relatively small budgets than can be recouped with much less sales than people expect when you consider they take both publisher and platform owner cuts.

Yeah, its the end of the generation and they are still pumping new one's out left and right (Last of Us, Beyond, Rain, Puppeteer etc.).


Junior Member
Any more games big selling coming to Vita after this, or is the Vita just going to slowly lower down to usual levels? One of the reasons the 3DS is selling so well is because of constant big releases.

There are no other games announced at this point with as much draw as Soul Sacrifice.

Hardware spikes are a dangerous thing because they give people false hope.

This one in particular is causing a lot of fans of the platform to throw logic out the door with talks of the system stabilizing.


For starters Platform agnosticism is possible from a coding perspective, secondly you wouldn't be alienating any of your fans since the majority of Mohun players play with their friends and therefor would end up coalescing around the majority just like you see with Xbox live influencing third party purchases in America. You're not going to alienate your fanbase by adding another platform. Fans will choose and the one left out will still make money. This is of course predicated on the idea that Capcom couldn't get cross platform local between the two versions, and even if they couldn't no big deal.

Monster Hunter isn't like CoD here in America. CoD is focused around online multiplayer, not local. Monster Hunter's the opposite. If you can't play with all your buddies, you're going to have to purchase the most popular version and you're stuck if you purchased a Vita and MH. You're going to feel burnt.


When the DS sold 30 million and Sonys entire platform revolved around MH? Yes. Sorry I cant explain myself better here my right arm is in a cast
Only to begin with. The big library of PSP games also helped the system a lot, not just the Monster Hunter games. I understand why they moved it to 3DS though (it is afterall the successor to the DS, and Nintendo probably gave intensives to Capcom).


If anything I think this shows how the Vita can have a similar repeat of the performance the PSP had in Japan. It just needs to survive long enough for the 3DS market to reach a saturation point.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
If anything I think this shows how the Vita can have a similar repeat of the performance the PSP had in Japan. It just needs to survive long enough for the 3DS market to reach a saturation point.

How so?


There are no other games announced at this point with as much draw as Soul Sacrifice.

Hardware spikes are a dangerous thing because they give people false hope.

you're funny.

Soul Sacrifice 2: Electric Boogaloo
Senran Kagura Shinovvi Versus and Senran Kagura Shinovvvi Versus

All announced next week and out by next month.


Monster Hunter isn't like CoD here in America. CoD is focused around online multiplayer, not local. Monster Hunter's the opposite. If you can't play with all your buddies, you're going to have to purchase the most popular version and you're stuck if you purchased a Vita and MH. You're going to feel burnt.

Considering the trade in rate for hardware/software in Japan what you're talking about won't happen often. And like I said, platform agnostic coding for local play is possible, if not likely. You're right that Mohun is local focused and online is the big draw in the west, but the principal in the same.

Better graphics on Vita versus more people already owning a 3DS? People will make their choice over what their friends are doing.


Vita > 3DS?

i gotta go ly dow'

If Sony gave revenue guarantees to the publishers they wouldn't care. Seriously, it's all about the bottom line.

Revenue guarantees don't necessarily cover opportunity cost, and there is a considerable one inherent in diverting resources from viable consoles to a failing handheld.


Revenue guarantees don't necessarily cover opportunity cost, and there is a considerable one inherent in diverting resources from viable consoles to a failing handheld.

I think this is one of the main things people forget with money hats and platform choice in general, even when it comes to simply porting an existing title.

Like the argument "You could make a profit!" is not enough, it has to be "You can make equal or more profit than using the required resources to make something else."


Part of the reason that Capcom probably chose the 3DS had to do with not having to update the assets (as much) (and this meant less work for future iterations as well), though they should realize that this wasn't mandatory on the Vita in the first place since the power could have been diverted to 60FPS/AA/AF/Resolution/Shaders while keep actual asset generation as similar as it is on the 3DS.

Hardware sales are highly elastic to software releases. The PSP didn't take off until a hardware revision price drop combo and developers started adopting it more seriously as the DS market became saturated.

Sony need to announce Shadow of Colossus 2 and Demons Souls 2 with multiplayer similar to Monster Hunter.

Sony really should announce Demon Souls 2.
Now the Vita is doing better, I hope for both 3DS and Vita to keep doing these numbers and promote healthy competition. It's good for the both of them!

People need to calm down, anyway.

Vita's result is great, that's true.
But developers won't start tomorrow to develop after seeing those figures, if they haven't done until now. And a sales boost of 60k doesn't pave for a bright future.

I mean, the GC crossed the 100k mark weekly several times. Was this enough to save the platform, to have third parties support, to have an healthy enviroment? No. Let's see what happens in the near future. If Vita will come back to abysmal levels of sales, let's say around 15k, then nothing happend. If it will steadily sell around 20-25k per week, then some hope left exists.

But for now, saying that third parties should develop on Vita instead of other platforms, that this shows that the platform could sell well in the future, etc. is a bit too much.
Happy to see a more healthy market but it only takes a nice bump in the Vita numbers for the crazies to come out and proclaim devs should be shuttling all those 3DS games to the Vita.

We are still entertaining the idea of a 3DS-Vita multiplatform MH4 with cross-play? Though I see some of you have already been stumping for MH4 Vita exclusivity. :lol
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