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Media Create Sales: Week 28, 2013 (Jul 08 - Jul 14)

Kid Ying

Short term, I think the following would be easy steps to take (and things everyone else does already for the most part).

-Immediately work and polish demo's for every single first party game you can. Put them out on the e-shop ASAP.
This is something that i think it's unbelievable. We already know from DQX that the eshop is acessed and can do great numbers, but Nintendo have no demos for any of their games. Either you buy or you don't play. You don't have any chance to try and see what's the deal. I don't know how it is in the american or the european stores, but the japanese store got a total of 2 demos: Revelations and Zombiu. 3 if you count Tank Tank. You can say that there's not much games released, but c'mon.

About Nintendo directs, maybe they're starting to do that. There was a Pikmin one, now a Wonderful 101 one... We can't expect that it's a trend, but it's a start.


Well, what I fear about price dropping WiiU next to the PS4 launch (when the big hitters will come) it's because the hype from the PS4 might grab away potential sales from WiiU. Buyers who could potentially buy WiiU would fall for the PS4 hype and buy it instead.

So if you price drop it BEFORE the PS4, it might boost the hardware sales to steady levels. Then when the big hitters arrives at the same time as the PS4, they might keep the hardware numbers stabilized and not fall victim to hype of the competition. I can't see a PS4 launch title who can compete against Super Mario 3D World and DK now.

Don't know if you agree with me. But this is what I think is gonna happen if Nintendo price drop WiiU in the end of september and bring their big hitters in october/november.

If that's gonna work, I can't never tell.

I definitely see the reasoning behind a price drop before the PS4 launch but personally I don't think there's a very big overlap between people that are preordering Sony's next console as we speak and those that are considering getting a Wii U by the end of the year. Of course, I have no hard data to back these kind of claims, so I may be totally wrong here. In addition to this, I don't think ps4 launch software will be very good for Japan and a person interested in both ps4 and Wii U software equally this Christmas is probably going to get the latter since it has the stronger lineup like you mentioned.

Now the question is, will the Wii U move enough units and software after a price drop in September to justify it? I'm not too sure about that. I mean there's certainly Zelda and 3D World to capitalize on it afterwards, but I can't shake the feeling that these games would perform pretty well regardless of any price drop, especially at their set release dates.

Add to that the fact that somebody who is waiting on a price drop to get the console is probably not a person who will be spending a lot right away on software and you have another argument against taking heavy losses this early on.

If a price cut could put the Wii U at a baseline of 30k at least, then I'd agree with you. If it plummets back to 5k a week in two weeks time, then I'll agree with you too but if it somehow manages to stay around 12-15k, I think Nintendo better ride the wave until Zelda + Mario and keep the price cut for when Mario Kart hits. Most importantly, they really need to keep any kind of momentum they build up for the console.

Like I said before, I think the answer for a successful console lies mainly in successful software. Alongside Nintendo's pillar franchises, the console needs more novel and fresh experiences that could push the hardware sales. I know the Wii U pad hasn't been a success. Nintendo Land & Game and Wario neither but that means that Nintendo should explore other avenues and keep taking risks rather than just focus on what it is sure to be successful.


Renovating home so I'm using my phone, so multi quoting is sucking ass.

RE: Nintendo games have legs

Yes I realize they have amazing legs (this sounds pretty tiny in a different context lol); but their sales are front loaded also with the first day being the best out of week.

metalslimer's list:

It all sounds good but 5 & 6 won't be ready till a LONG time.

Attracting consumers isn't enough, Nintendo needs to attract developers. You need to open up Nintendo's development community and encourage discussion amoung developers.

Unity is the right track, but free tools is only half the step. Nintendo needs to provide free knowledge.

Nintendo needs to update Warioworld.net and expose all the knowledge and know-how that is currently internal to Nintendo only. Provide videos, interactive guides, discussion forums, document sharing, etc to all licensed developers.


Also i would open up a nintendo dojo as a fan website for all regions where fans can discuss gamesand nintendo gives at least 1 update on some game every day. It would be great for the nintendo fan community. The Directs are nice, but i feel like nintendo is talking down to us not with us. Get some community managers and even have some interviews with developers. Nintendo right now feels like some otherworldly entity that drops off games in stores once in a while.

They could even do AMA style interviews with nintendo people.They could also show videos of the dev studios. Its always cool to see behind the scenes

The closest thing they have to a community manager right now is probably Tom from Miiverse, haha
I definitely see the reasoning behind a price drop before the PS4 launch but personally I don't think there's a very big overlap between people that are preordering Sony's next console as we speak and those that are considering getting a Wii U by the end of the year. Of course, I have no hard data to back these kind of claims, so I may be totally wrong here. In addition to this, I don't think ps4 launch software will be very good for Japan and a person interested in both ps4 and Wii U software equally this Christmas is probably going to get the latter since it has the stronger lineup like you mentioned.

Now the question is, will the Wii U move enough units and software after a price drop in September to justify it? I'm not too sure about that. I mean there's certainly Zelda and 3D World to capitalize on it afterwards, but I can't shake the feeling that these games would perform pretty well regardless of any price drop, especially at their set release dates.

Add to that the fact that somebody who is waiting on a price drop to get the console is probably not a person who will be spending a lot right away on software and you have another argument against taking heavy losses this early on.

If a price cut could put the Wii U at a baseline of 30k at least, then I'd agree with you. If it plummets back to 5k a week, then I'll agree with you too but if it somehow manages to stay around 12-15k, I think Nintendo better ride the wave until Zelda + Mario and keep the price cut for when Mario Kart hits.

I've mentioned this but retailers order holiday shipments months in advance. If nintendo doesn't price drop they will lose all retailer confidence and have a shitty holiday regardless

Okay, so since some people are bringing up the PlayStation 4, I think it's important to note that this thread is specifically about Japan sales. It hasn't actually been confirmed for 2013 in that territory, yet (only the U.S. and Europe).

True but these threads do shift to ww discussions at times and wiiu is struggling everywhere so improving one region will probably help another.


Attracting consumers isn't enough, Nintendo needs to attract developers. You need to open up Nintendo's development community and encourage discussion amoung developers.

Unity is the right track, but free tools is only half the step. Nintendo needs to provide free knowledge.

Nintendo needs to update Warioworld.net and expose all the knowledge and know-how that is currently internal to Nintendo only. Provide videos, interactive guides, discussion forums, document sharing, etc to all licensed developers.
Yes Nintendo should hold their own dev conference 2-3x a year where all parties can learn from each other. And this will be great for the 4DS and WiiUUU
Okay, so since some people are bringing up the PlayStation 4, I think it's important to note that this thread is specifically about Japan sales. The PS4 hasn't actually been confirmed for 2013 in that territory, yet (only the U.S. and Europe). And even if it does, I'm not so sure its launch titles are anything that would light up the charts outside of the west. Sony ought to probably wait until 2014 and launch it with Final Fantasy XV
Okay, so since some people are bringing up the PlayStation 4, I think it's important to note that this thread is specifically about Japan sales. The PS4 hasn't actually been confirmed for 2013 in that territory, yet (only the U.S. and Europe).

This could actually be a big help for Nintendo when it comes to Japan. What does DK and 3D world have to compete with this holiday season in Japan??
This could actually be a big help for Nintendo when it comes to Japan. What does DK and 3D world have to compete with this holiday season in Japan??

The 3DS where it already has a 3d mario for much cheaper. The 3DS is going to be the system of choice this holiday and will probabl murder everything. The 3DS is 15k yen with every big nintendo franchise plus monster hunter and pokemon coming to destroy japan vs the 26k yen Wiiu with barely any games. Basically their only shot is getting the people who already own 3DS
If a price cut could put the Wii U at a baseline of 30k at least, then I'd agree with you. If it plummets back to 5k a week, then I'll agree with you too but if it somehow manages to stay around 12-15k, I think Nintendo better ride the wave until Zelda + Mario and keep the price cut for when Mario Kart hits.

Yep. I'm glad you agreed.


Junior Member
The more I think about it, the less I want an N64/Gamecube VC. I want studios to remake the plenthora of games on these systems instead. £12.50 each to coincide with Nintendo's 125th anniversary.
Body Harvest HD, please.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Man you guys love to go on and on and on and on :p Dont you have better things to do like play some vita?

You mean I can't do both? *monocle*

MetalSlimer said:
Yes Nintendo should hold their own dev conference 2-3x a year where all parties can learn from each other.

lol wut? Why? This very thing (read: doing their own thing) is why they're in the situation they are in. They thought an iPad competitor would be lighting strike twice. Reality: No one wanted that, they wanted Nintendo to go HD, fix their broken online system (still broken and has been broken since the Wii launch) to match the other three platforms and fix things that people have been saying they wanted them to fix but they didn't listen. They "went their own way" and shows in regards to still having a broken online system, not courting devs enough to coax them into developing things and firing up the Nintendo fanbase into buying said things to help start to rebuild a third party ecosystem.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The 3DS where it already has a 3d mario for much cheaper. The 3DS is going to be the system of choice this holiday and will probabl murder everything. The 3DS is 15k yen with every big nintendo franchise plus monster hunter and pokemon coming to destroy japan vs the 26k yen Wiiu with barely any games. Basically their only shot is getting the people who already own 3DS

Back in the Wii/DS era there was plenty of room for both Nintendo consoles in December.

I think they could do well this holiday, but it could be a rough road until then.
You mean I can't do both? *monocle*

lol wut? Why? This very thing (read: doing their own thing) is why they're in the situation they are in. They thought an iPad competitor would be lighting strike twice. Reality: No one wanted that, they wanted Nintendo to go HD, fix their broken online system (still broken and has been broken since the Wii launch) to match the other three platforms and fix things that people have been saying they wanted them to fix but they didn't listen. They "went their own way" and shows in regards to still having a broken online system, not courting devs enough to coax them into developing things and firing up the Nintendo fanbase into buying said things to help start to rebuild a third party ecosystem.

I dont mean to say nintendo should go at it alone. I meant they bring out a bunch of developers around the world and listen to what they have to say while nintendo shares their methods of making things easier in development. They still should attend GDC, but i think it would be good to have a time without everyone distracted with sony and ms.

Back in the Wii/DS era there was plenty of room for both Nintendo consoles in December.

I think they could do well this holiday, but it could be a rough road until then.

True but i think without a cheaper system, people remain happy with their 3DS


Junior Member
Pokémon and Monster Hunter and the 3DS in general.

I'm waiting for the inevitable Pokémon x Monster Hunter crossover. :p

I dont mean to say nintendo should go at it alone. I meant they bring out a bunch of developers around the world and listen to what they have to say while nintendo shares their methods of making things easier in development. They still should attend GDC, but i think it would be good to have a time without everyone distracted with sony and ms.

Bring back Spaceworld.


The 3DS is going to straight up murk everything this holiday, no doubt. If Sony doesn't launch in JP this year, even more so. That in itself should allow the Wii U some breathing room to flex its heavy hitters.

All in all, I think they're going to have a fine holiday. Here's hoping they're smart enough to ride that momentum well into 2014 with MK and other stuff.


The only thing that could "save" the Wii U at this point is what "saved" the PS3: a massive price drop and a willingness on Nintendo's part to bleed enormous amounts of money.

If Nintendo is willing to drop the price of the Wii U to 150 bucks and lose 5+ Billion dollars on the Wii U as Sony did on the PS3, I can see that having a dramatic effect on sales.

Barring that extremely unlikely scenario, I don't see any method for the Wii U to be any more than a marginal, niche product.

Agree completely.

That being said, I'm not exactly unimpressed with Pikmin's sales, especially with only 2 days of tracking? I mean, given the ecosystem of the console thusfar and the first week sales of Pikmin and Pikmin 2, it's not awful. The good thing is that Pikmin will literally be the only game on the WiiU to buy for the time being and might give it legs. The bad thing is that Pikmin will literally be the only game on the WiiU to buy for the time being and its sales will plummet back to obscurity again.

Pikmin is a niche product. It should have either been released at launch or a month or so after a huge tentpole.


I've mentioned this but retailers order holiday shipments months in advance. If nintendo doesn't price drop they will lose all retailer confidence and have a shitty holiday regardless

I personally think there is enough evidence of good hardware performance from Nintendo's consoles in the holidays generally for them not to lose retailer confidence completely. Especially since the Wii U performed pretty well at the same period last year. I can see Nintendo having convinced retailers to get stock through announcing aggressive bundling plans too.

Like I said though, I'm not completely against the idea of a price cut in the next few weeks, but I'm not sure about its long lasting positive effects. I suspect, through the arguments I've exposed before, that it may be a better idea to wait until 3D World at the earliest for it to happen, or later.
Agree completely.

That being said, I'm not exactly unimpressed with Pikmin's sales, especially with only 2 days of tracking? I mean, given the ecosystem of the console thusfar and the first week sales of Pikmin and Pikmin 2, it's not awful. The good thing is that Pikmin will literally be the only game on the WiiU to buy for the time being and might give it legs. The bad thing is that Pikmin will literally be the only game on the WiiU to buy for the time being and its sales will plummet back to obscurity again.

Pikmin is a niche product. It should have either been released at launch or a month or so after a huge tentpole.

I wouldnt call pikmin niche at all. Its just not the title you send out there after 7 months of jack shit
Like I said though, I'm not completely against the idea of a price cut in the next few weeks, but I'm not sure about its long lasting positive effects. I suspect, through the arguments I've exposed before, that it may be a better idea to wait until 3D World at the earliest for it to happen, or later.

But i think the argument is that even if there is no long lasting effect it allows the product to be on peoples mind. The 3DS price dropped in august with nothing to back it up. But it was to spur momentum going into the holidays. Its better to have good momrntum than come into the holidays dead

Edit: Also nintendo needs to throw a wiimote into the box. Its another expense of what should be a family system.


Junior Member
Iwata needs to works his bollocks off and promptly get Miyamoto to move away from the Board and back into development again. Let him have a team already. He can also oversee new talent at NCL, NoA and NoE.

He's been meddling too much.


Are you talking about actual sales potential or personal wishlist here? Galaxy + Galaxy 2 would probably do well. The rest? None of those would sell without being complete remakes, and even then there are more misses than hits. And you leave out the most important one: "Wii Sports Resort HD Plus (including tennis, baseball and boxing)". The Nintendo Selects versions are still popular.

i think just having software on shelves means sales potential. a system with a meager offering isn't too appealing, but one with tons of even just collections (especially nintendo games) is much more interesting.

even if they only sell 200k-400k in the us each, that would be enough to just keep people interested in certain games, especially if they price such collections at $30 and $40.


I wouldnt call pikmin niche at all. Its just not the title you send out there after 7 months of jack shit

Well, yeah. But it's definitely a weird, experimental little game that has sold alright/maybe/sort of, not a tentpole franchise to drive console sales. There's really nothing broad about it. I'd definitely qualify it as more a niche game for Nintendo.


Well, yeah. But it's definitely a weird, experimental little game that has sold alright/maybe/sort of, not a tentpole franchise to drive console sales. There's really nothing broad about it. I'd definitely qualify it as more a niche game for Nintendo.

It's the kind of game that will always sell at about 500k whatever the platform it is on I feel. It can be pretty hard to explain what the game is about to people who aren't used to these kind of games but it's not a completely niche title either seeing how it consistently sells a decent amount every time.

Also, Pikmin 3 did well sales wise in my opinion.

But i think the argument is that even if there is no long lasting effect it allows the product to be on peoples mind. The 3DS price dropped in august with nothing to back it up. But it was to spur momentum going into the holidays. Its better to have good momrntum than come into the holidays dead

Edit: Also nintendo needs to throw a wiimote into the box. Its another expense of what should be a family system.

Yes, 3DS price drop was very effective with software coming in later to keep up the momentum but it was also a platform that never suffered from the abysmal weekly hardware and software numbers the Wii U was showing.

That's why I'm thinking what was a good strategy for the 3DS might not be for the Wii U, seeing the big losses Nintendo will probably take on it.

But point taken on putting the product on people's minds, I do agree on that.
Iwata needs to works his bollocks off and promptly get Miyamoto to move away from the Board and back into development again. Let him have a team already. He can also oversee new talent at NCL, NoA and NoE.

He's been meddling too much.

Couldn't agree more.

Keep Miyamoto away from management decisions, he's very conservative, holds too much power and Nintendo now needs a new direction. Bring him back for development where his true talents belongs and where he can be really useful.
Okay, so since some people are bringing up the PlayStation 4, I think it's important to note that this thread is specifically about Japan sales. The PS4 hasn't actually been confirmed for 2013 in that territory, yet (only the U.S. and Europe). And even if it does, I'm not so sure its launch titles are anything that would light up the charts outside of the west. Sony ought to probably wait until 2014 and launch it with Final Fantasy XV

Why wait for Final Fantasy? Why not just launch it in fall 2013 anyways? If Sony skips the holiday season, they'll just give more potential sales to the Wii U, and a larger headstart.
Why wait for Final Fantasy? Why not just launch it in fall 2013 anyways? If Sony skips the holiday season, they'll just give more potential sales to the Wii U, and a larger headstart.

What PS4 launch games - that have been announced so far - would be at all appealing to Japan?

If they launch it in Japan with its current lineup in 2013, it'll almost certainly do poorly. If they wait until 2014 and Final Fantasy XV, they can use the stock that would have been in Japan to better compete with the XBox One in the U.S. and Europe (this has been implied as the reason for uncertainty about a 2013 launch in Japan)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
What PS4 launch games - that have been announced so far - would be at all appealing to Japan?

If they launch it in Japan with its current lineup in 2013, it'll almost certainly do poorly. If they wait until 2014 and Final Fantasy XV, they can use the stock that would have been in Japan to better compete with the XBox One in the U.S. and Europe (this has been implied as the reason for uncertainty about a 2013 launch in Japan)

I'm sure PS4 games will be announced in August and September.

There is a much quicker turnaround time from announcement to release in Japan.
In Japan it's almost 6000 yen, which is almost 60 dollars, but some games go for more there. Wonderful 101 is almost 7000 yen, so it's not locked that it's going to be 60 dollars on the west, but in Japan it's certain. The same price as Lego, Pikmin and others and a little more expensive than Wario and Nintendoland.

It's $60 on Amazon right now. Is there a good reason for this? It's 1 game, most HD collections have 2. Is the game being entirely reworked? Are there all new quests and dungeons? Are the graphics being completely redone?

I fear this is another example of Nintendo not paying any attention to what the competition are doing.
i think just having software on shelves means sales potential. a system with a meager offering isn't too appealing, but one with tons of games (especially nintendo games) is much more interesting.

even if they only sell 200k-400k in the us each, that would be enough to just keep people interested in certain games, especially if they price such collections at $30 and $40.

I think this would probably be the best way of filling in lineup issues. But I'd actually go a step further. Give modest sized budgets to random developers they've contracted to revamp some of their really old series for a new era. Similar to what they did with Punch Out (except I'm saying dig deeper in their history and 3rd party contractors)

Might not light up the charts, but would definitely help fill in their lineup.
What PS4 launch games - that have been announced so far - would be at all appealing to Japan?

If they launch it in Japan with its current lineup in 2013, it'll almost certainly do poorly. If they wait until 2014 and Final Fantasy XV, they can use the stock that would have been in Japan to better compete with the XBox One in the U.S. and Europe (this has been implied as the reason for uncertainty about a 2013 launch in Japan)

Generally when a launch is moved past the holiday season, it is pushed to spring (e.g. PS3 launching in EU in March 07). Is there a solid idea of when FF15 is going to be released?
Now that things have calmed down a bit I'm wondering what peoples expectations are for GE2?

6 Months ago I would have said 150k opening on vita was the very high end of possibilities, now I think that would be on the lower limit.

SS and Toukiden have established a good base for this type of game, I could see it opening @ around 200k on Vita. PSP is the SKU I'm unsure on now
I'm sure PS4 games will be announced in August and September.

There is a much quicker turnaround time from announcement to release in Japan.

But launch games? And more specifically, launch games that will appeal to the Japanese market?

Generally when a launch is moved past the holiday season, it is pushed to spring (e.g. PS3 launching in EU in March 07). Is there a solid idea of when FF15 is going to be released?

No, but I'm assuming sometime in 2014 (although with the game's track record probably 2016 or something :lol). I just think - with the system's current very western-focused launch lineup - it would be sent to die in Japan.


Congratulations to hiska-kun for winning by both units and percentages!

BY UNITS                             BY PERCENTAGE

  1    98,501 hiska-kun                 1   65.1% hiska-kun
  2   185,133 Kenka                     2  118.9% XDDX
  3   193,133 XDDX                      3  144.1% Kenka
  4   203,001 Yeshua                    4  152.5% saichi
  5   207,961 Bruno MB                  5  156.6% Yeshua
  6   245,760 strangedopamine           6  163.6% strangedopamine
  7   250,001 metalslimer               7  164.0% metalslimer
  8   252,961 MasterSheen               8  168.4% Bruno MB
  9   255,338 saichi                    9  170.1% MasterSheen
 10   278,539 Kandinsky                10  171.4% Orgen
 11   285,223 Road                     11  175.1% Road
 12   293,001 DrWong                   12  185.4% DrWong
 13   298,001 Zeer0id                  13  185.6% Chris1964
 14   301,197 Chris1964                14  197.8% Nekki
 15   323,001 fek                      15  198.2% deathcobra
 16   334,339 Nekki                    16  199.3% Kandinsky
 17   358,001 deathcobra               17  199.7% fek
 18   363,000 lunchwithyuzo            18  210.4% michaelius
 19   369,471 michaelius               19  214.2% lunchwithyuzo
 20   386,193 L Thammy                 20  224.2% Zeer0id
 21   390,001 Orgen                    21  234.0% L Thammy
 22   433,001 ohlawd                   22  254.8% ohlawd
 23   673,063 Gianni Merryman          23  500.0% Gianni Merryman

                                     Famitsu    Bruno MB  Gianni Me Zeer0id   MasterShe deathcobr strangedo metalslim Nekki     Chris1964 ohlawd    L Thammy  michaeliu lunchwith fek       Orgen     DrWong    Kandinsky Yeshua    Kenka      Road      hiska-kun XDDX      saichi
[3DS] Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D    154,296    225000         0    300000    240000    375000    250000    310000    325000    321098    400000    297151    350000    333333    320000    417000    305000    109900    180000    212000    222222    166000    180000    199999
[3DS] New Etrian Odyssey                 92,566    100000         0    125000    105000    105000    101500     95000    105000     89012    130000     93142     70000     99999    100000     93000    100000     55202    100000     65000     99999     93000     85000    101000
[PS3] Gundam Breaker                    170,020    177000         0    150000    200000    155000    150079    163000    120000    123456    170000     62281    100000     88888    150000    129000    130000    160600     80000    170000     88888    145000    110000     99000
[PS3] Atelier Escha & Logy               58,169     98000         0     85000     75000     75000     42500     70000     55000     67890     90000     50583     55000     66666     70000     61000     65000     82900     90000     80000     66666     67500     65000     53000
[PSP+PSV] Toukiden                      198,012    115000         0    125000     90000    105000     92500    125000    100000    123456     80000     70575    120000    111111     80000    115000    110000    360640    150000    120000     77777    146000    105000     73000

UNIT DIFF                                     0    207961    673063    298001    252961    358001    245760    250001    334339    301197    433001    386193    369471    363000    323001    390001    293001    278539    203001    185133    285223     98501    193133    255338
PERCENTAGE DIFF                            0.0%    168.4%    500.0%    224.2%    170.1%    198.2%    163.6%    164.0%    197.8%    185.6%    254.8%    234.0%    210.4%    214.2%    199.7%    171.4%    185.4%    199.3%    156.6%    144.1%    175.1%     65.1%    118.9%    152.5%

                                        Famitsu   GAF-AVG   MIN       MAX       OVER      UNDER     CLOSEST   BY
[3DS] Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D    154,296   274,487   109,900   417,000       91%        9%   166,000 hiska-kun
[3DS] New Etrian Odyssey                 92,566    95,948    55,202   130,000       74%       26%    93,000 Orgen
[PS3] Gundam Breaker                    170,020   132,827    62,281   200,000        9%       91%   170,000 ohlawd
[PS3] Atelier Escha & Logy               58,169    69,623    42,500    98,000       74%       26%    61,000 Orgen
[PSP+PSV] Toukiden                      198,012   117,957    70,575   360,640        4%       96%   150,000 Yeshua

- Quite the convincing lead by hiska-kun this month.
- I was ready to say everybody underestimated Toukiden, but Kandisky bet 360k...
- Gundam was also underestimated, but not as much in average.
- DKR went in the opposite direction, with most people overestimating.
- Gianni Merryman edited after the deadline...
Donkey Kong killed me. In retrospect, it selling what it did makes complete sense. The audience that played the game and wanted it got it on wii. The problem for sony is their first party is irrelevant in japan which would make this launch very painful without some huge 3rd party games

Monster Hunter 3G and Orochi 3 were announced for Wii U's launch in September.

An up-port of a 3DS game (which admittedly did sell quite well, but Sony isn't getting Monster Hunter at PS4 launch) and a port of a PS3 game that didn't even chart. Sony better have more than that if they want to launch the PS4 this holiday


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
An up-port of a 3DS game (which admittedly did sell quite well, but Sony isn't getting Monster Hunter at PS4 launch) and a port of a PS3 game that didn't even chart. Sony better have more than that if they want to launch the PS4 this holiday

Ok. I'm just saying it is perfectly possible for Sony to still announce Japanese games and launch this year.

I agree there most likely will not be any real heavy hitters.
Regarding Wii U HD remakes. Isn't the Wii U backward compatible with Wii and Gamecube? If that is the case, i don't really see the appeal in HD remakes. They made sense for PS3 due to lack of Backward compatibility with PS2 but it isn't the case for Wii U.

They do sound tempting enough for me. I mean give us RE 0 + Remake in glorious HD on Wii U and i might consider getting one
After price drop

Also i personally think that Games like Final Fantasy XV and Metal Gear Solid 5 can give a big boost to PS4 sales in Japan. Neither of these are coming on Wii U and Xbone is hardly noticeable in Japan. IIRC, MGS 4 and FF XIII gave the PS3 life support in Japan.
Donkey Kong killed me. In retrospect, it selling what it did makes complete sense. The audience that played the game and wanted it got it on wii. The problem for sony is their first party is irrelevant in japan which would make this launch very painful without some huge 3rd party games
Which is why I'm not exactly sure how PS4 will do in Japan.

I have a feeling they've got enough big western support in their lineup to have moderate if not large success in America, but without something big at launch geared toward the Japanese market I can see it having a slow beginning. Not WiiU or Vita level doldrums, but maybe not all that much better.

Regarding Wii U HD remakes. Isn't the Wii U backward compatible with Wii and Gamecube? If that is the case, i don't really see the appeal in HD remakes. They made sense for PS3 due to lack of Backward compatibility with PS2 but it isn't the case for Wii U.

They do sound tempting enough for me. I mean give us RE 0 + Remake in glorious HD on Wii U and i might consider getting one
After price drop
Wii but not GCN. Since the system would go into a GCN mode for BC they'd (because of Nintendo uniqueness) would need support for GCN controllers.

They're just weird like that.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Man, seems like a lot of people had lower expectations for Toukiden.
Man, seems like a lot of people had lower expectations for Toukiden.
It came out of nowhere and ended up way above our expectations. Curious to see how God Eater 2 will perform now.

Also i know this is not the thread for it but is there any chance of GE 2 coming to the states? They had God Eater Burst for free on US PS+ so i thought maybe they wanted us to get into the series before they launched 2 in States.


Junior Member
Regarding Wii U HD remakes. Isn't the Wii U backward compatible with Wii and Gamecube? If that is the case, i don't really see the appeal in HD remakes. They made sense for PS3 due to lack of Backward compatibility with PS2 but it isn't the case for Wii U.

They do sound tempting enough for me. I mean give us RE 0 + Remake in glorious HD on Wii U and i might consider getting one
After price drop

Also i personally think that Games like Final Fantasy XV and Metal Gear Solid 5 can give a big boost to PS4 sales in Japan. Neither of these are coming on Wii U and Xbone is hardly noticeable in Japan. IIRC, MGS 4 and FF XIII gave the PS3 life support in Japan.

Well, HD Remakes will be an excellent "excuse" to plug the holes in the crap arse release schedule. In fact, like Anihawk states, it'll do them wonders.

Anihawk said:
this would do them wonders, especially if a lot of those were off-tv play.

1. metroid prime trilogy hd
2. zelda wii hd (skyward sword + twilight princess)
3. super mario collection hd (sunshine + galaxies)
4. pikmin 1+2 hd
5. xenoblade hd
6. star fox collection hd (the awful gamecube ones in one amazing collection)
7. paper mario hd (spm + ttyd)
8. skip collection hd (giftpia + chibi-robo + captain rainbow)
9. disaster: day of crisis hd
10. fatal frame collection hd (2&4)
11. f-zero gx hd

brawl and melee would be good ones, but i doubt nintendo would do that for retail with 4 around the corner. same goes for mario kart. anyway, you'd get about ten releases, which would fill up the slower months quite nicely for a couple of years, i'd wager.

I'll be all over Xenoblade Chronicles HD.
Ok. I'm just saying it is perfectly possible for Sony to still announce Japanese games and launch this year.

I agree there most likely will not be any real heavy hitters.

There will be a Musou something, Ridge Racer?, Gundam port and maybe something like PSO2 support. I Honestly don't expect much either.

Also i know this is not the thread for it but is there any chance of GE 2 coming to the states? They had God Eater Burst for free on US PS+ so i thought maybe they wanted us to get into the series before they launched 2 in States.

I think it's highly likely, Toukiden is already announced for later this year for US iirc



nope not happening, not until smash bros
Also i personally think that Games like Final Fantasy XV and Metal Gear Solid 5 can give a big boost to PS4 sales in Japan. Neither of these are coming on Wii U and Xbone is hardly noticeable in Japan. IIRC, MGS 4 and FF XIII gave the PS3 life support in Japan.

Most definitely - the problem is that these games aren't 2013 titles. Probably 2014, but even that isn't confirmed yet. Which is why I'm thinking it might be best to wait until they have those titles soon and focus their attention towards the west.

Which is why I'm not exactly sure how PS4 will do in Japan.

I have a feeling they've got enough big western support in their lineup to have moderate if not large success in America, but without something big at launch geared toward the Japanese market I can see it having a slow beginning. Not WiiU or Vita level doldrums, but maybe not all that much better.

Frankly, unless some launch/launch window titles - either first or third party - are announced at TGS (and I'm sure there will be some, but it does seem like many Japanese third party are still happy with the PS3), the PS4 would probably perform worse than both the Wii U and Vita until more games relevant to the Japanese market release. Both platforms had more relevant games than the PS4 does right now (although this will probably change by TGS, but I'm skeptical about how much).
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