Andrex said:
By new I assume you mean, unlike the MyTouch which has been on the market in other territories for months and with better specs. This is a device that will launch in the US first, then.
So they ditched that ridiculous "G1v2" nonsense, then? Good to hear.
Sorta kinda sorta. Thats the best I can do to comment on rumors and speculations /microsoft PR
Andrex said:
How high up on the T-Mo ladder are you?

Do you make these decisions, about branding and such?
Nothing high like that. But we get access to upcoming things cause its part of my job to know. All I can say is I'm not some doof at a kiosk at the mall

(please note I do appreciate our retail workers and when I say doof I mean love)
And as dorky as it sounds, we DO take customer feedback seriously. You may not feel it or see it as much. But we see it. Hopefully the more feedback we get the better we can roll stuff out that people want.
As an example, on the forums at Tmo there was a poster that was worried about people posting how to and discussions on rooting the G1, since Tmo doesn't support rooting he figured that the website should delete and ban all posts and posters on the subject. But one of our mods quickly answered that we don't for two reasons 1) it allows us to data mine what our users are doing and in effect we can roll out some features that customers really want that badly and 2) even if you root or brick the phone, our tech support is going to do its best to get that phone running again. Its not a matter of so sorry, buy a new phone.
Remember, we get monies on service, not selling the phones.
To be honest I'm looking at a ADP or G1 now that you told me the RAM is the same. I rested easy knowing at some point in the future I could port Sense to it, even if I never actually did it. But with that gone, I dunno.
Doesn't help the G1 is a full $100 less (half the price for the same specs!) with the same contract.
Thats my gripe with the Magic/Mytouch. But what I can say if you're looking for something with win, just be patient for a few more weeks for an announcement.
But with that said, I REALLY REALLY REALLY love my G1. Granted I haven't owned a phone in a while, so I'm all wide eyed at what phones have been able to do in the past 5 years since i've had one. But its pretty snazzy, it's replaced my DS as my portable device to do stuff while on the toilet or in the car (no I don't play ds in the car, it was my car's sound system ;p) or waiting in line at the dmv or just wowing my friends with goofy emulators, there's a free Commodre 64 emulator on the marketplace as well as ScummVM. I also got the nes, snes and genesis ones but the emulators for those on the DS are still much better at the time being.
Andrex said:
Indeed. People may bitch about FM Radio but those headset jacks are what's truly been missing from HTC's line when compared to other vendors.
Werd, its really a huge hassle now since Cupcake disabled the 3-in-one sub hub that let you charge and talk on a handsfree or listen to your music plugged into your line in on your car while you charged. This even goes for the HTC branded 3 in one. Hopefully "donut" or whatever update that comes out next will address this. I was really hoping to fully replace my DS (I don't even have a cd player in my car, just radio

so I use an RF modulator that plays music over my car's radio) for music but the battery gets drained REALLY quickly on the G1.
As for an FM tuner itself:
I know. I know. But flash 10 will fix a lot with being able to stream radio. Only problem is you can't wifi and be on a call at the same time. Edit: well techically you CAN if you're using UMA. But thats for calling on the phone itself.
I'm suprised there aren't like 3rd party usb addons or something to that effect. You know like the Wii Motion Plus dongle, you could probably create a usb radio addon that sticks out like the that.