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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?

On the one hand, it's nice that we at least got what is almost a game in SFXMM. It's too bad SFXMM is pretty meh all around. Lack of save feature is the biggest ball breaker.


Anyone read Megaman #20?
...and seeing as the Megaman and Sonic crossover is within 4-5 months...aer they seriously gonna try and wrap up Megaman 3 in 4 issues? WITH THAT MANY ROBOT MASTERS?!

Picked it up today.

Pretty weak issue. Dedicated fans can enjoy knowing what all the cameos are, while people unfamiliar with MM canon are just left with a brief and unclear overview of things to come. The big problem is that it's a long series of cameos and nothing but. There's no plot to speak of, and what little there is gets handwaved away. It'll probably come back up again in a few issues as part of the time/space warping that leads to the crossover, but the setup here doesn't stand on its own. Neat, but not satisfying.

As for MM3... hard to say when that's happening. It'll certainly be after the crossover, as that starts with #24 and #22's a Roll/Ice Man/Tempo issue. #23's the interesting one where Break Man finally goes public. The curious part, though, is that the solicit words it as "a vengeful Dr. Wily", when the backstory to MM3 is that Wily's pretending to have mended his ways. So it's definitely going to lead into MM3, but through what is apparently a less direct route than expected.
Picked up #20 today. Yeah, it was one of the weaker issues, but the fanservice was fun. Honestly, I'd say this issue's main purpose was to quickly introduce Protoman and Bass for the future crossover.
Was Quint's second appearance a Rockman and Forte 2 reference?
If it was then I'm surprised they actually included it.

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On the one hand, it's nice that we at least got what is almost a game in SFXMM. It's too bad SFXMM is pretty meh all around. Lack of save feature is the biggest ball breaker.

Tell me about it. Not even a password system... seriously?

In speaking of, I gotta pick a day to play through the entire game.
Tell me about it. Not even a password system... seriously?

It was a design choice. I can kinda understand that he probably thought "it's meant to be like an arcade game" and that's why there's no save system, but I don't think it was the best of ideas :/


I so would've gotten that Servbot shirt if it weren't for the stupid text.

The dialogue on these shirts are bothersome, I agree.

I suppose this one isn't too bad.. at least compared to the others.


On the one hand, it's nice that we at least got what is almost a game in SFXMM. It's too bad SFXMM is pretty meh all around. Lack of save feature is the biggest ball breaker.

The hitboxes are definitely off, the charge shot how it works when it kills an enemy is a little weird as it kills them like a laser shot, and I think they missed the point on why the charge shot was implemented in the first place myself. The charge shot is suppose to be a compliment to the normal buster, you use them in various situations interchangeably to fit the situation. I do wish this had a save feature myself, though.

Tell me about it. Not even a password system... seriously?

In speaking of, I gotta pick a day to play through the entire game.

When I receive my SNES pad in the mail tomorrow I'll give it another shot, make it a more classic experience for me.


Hurray, Mega Man Legends 2 came in.
Now just waiting on Mega Man Legends and I'll finally fully tackle the series next week.

Azure J

Vote for X games. Vote for X collection. Vote for HD X.

Seriously, I spammed the hell out of the Most Likely/YES PLZ buttons for the new entry options with those parts. The ports stuff weren't appealing but still got the second best level of interest. I'd also love to see that Classic MM/MMX digital all-in-one collection if some production values and bonus materials were included a la Sonic Generations.
Heh, that one's the only one that got something less than a "would likely buy" from me, but I still didn't choose "would definitely not buy" because I've never played it even once so I'd probably end up buying it eventually just to see what the big deal is >.>


Eh I liked Megaman #20, mainly FOR the references.
That was Megaman Shadow from Rockman and Forte 2 alright, surprised Ian's allowed to use that game =O
...and Genesis unit, good one~
Went back and played through X5 tonight.

I forgot just how many series callbacks/references was packed into those last four levels. Fighting the Shadow Devil was absolutely mindblowing as a kid.


Saint Nic
I'm going to bump this because I had an odd thought over lunch today...

Was that SUPER SECRET Mega Man 9 secret ever discovered? Or was it all just bullshit to keep people playing?


I'm going to bump this because I had an odd thought over lunch today...

Was that SUPER SECRET Mega Man 9 secret ever discovered? Or was it all just bullshit to keep people playing?

Pop Fiction did a video on that a little while back, with their final conclusion being that it's either just stupidly obscure or the Capcom guys are having a laugh at everyone else's expense.

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In speaking of Mega Man 10 music... am I the only one that likes Chill Man's theme? I mean, it's not the best theme of the game but I like it a lot!
Of course you aren't.

Actually, I like most of Mega Man 10's music. It's not as straight an example of NES Mega Man music as there is (MM9 came closer to that, of the two post-NES "NES titles"), but it still has some well-done melodies.

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I sort of like the show we got. Guilty pleasure and all. The Lion Men episode was stupid as hell though. On the bright side Wily (one of my favorite gaming villains) was great.

But yeah this looks much better. I couldn't stand the character designs for half of the characters in the show.


Weird album. I'd love an instrumental of the Galaxy Fantasy track, the singing is fucking nails on a chalkboard (albeit hilarious) but I love the piano interpretation.

I do agree with you that it's a weird album. I think I like all the arrangements (the music) but the vocals are a mixed bag. I've been enjoying ROCK-MEN 2 and the 2 Capcom albums (the new Techno and Rock). The Stage Select Medley is so good.

I've been replaying a lot of Mega Mans these days, and I have grown so fond of MM10. 9 remains my favorite, but 10 went from "Good, fun, with cool music" to "I love nearly everything about it."

I wish Capcom would port 9 and 10 to 3DS or Vita. I play them a lot and I can only imagine the addiction if they were portable.

I need MM11...
This is going to sound really bizarre, but I've been thinking lately that a lot of Mega Man tracks would translate really well into acoustic Spanish guitar pieces. Like Rodrigo y Gabriela doing a cover of the entire MM2 soundtrack. Maybe not Heat Man or Quick Man. Yeah, I dunno.

I find myself playing 2-4 on PSP once a month, that works for me but I agree 9 and 10 to go would be fun.
Oddly enough, I can imagine Spanish guitar Heat Man, and Quick Man already sounds like a lively Spanish dance song.

You're gonna hate me for putting this into your head, but I can imagine a Heat Man cover by one guy with a banjo and one guy blowing into a jug.

No but seriously, maybe you're right. It'd be an interesting project. Maybe I should learn how to play :p


Checking in to plug the comic again on account of #21 and 22 being back in top form after the jumble that was #20. Break Man next issue, then the crossover.


Man I seriously would not mind a Mega Man 11. Mega Man 9 and 10 were fantastic games.

When Mega Man 9 was first announced, I was one of those few scumbags who were like "Why is this 8-bit again?!?!?"

This past week I played through Mega Man 9 and 10 again and I remembered that I liked them a lot. 10 is better

I am definitely down for another round of 8-bit Mega Man. But considering how the morale of the Mega Man fanbase is so low, why not up the ante? Sure, Mega Man 11 is a sure bet to get people excited, but how about something more like:

The Robot Master Design Contest is brought back.

It would be fucking sweet. Only problem I could foresee is Capcom being swarmed with a ton of entries or somebody sending them porn or something. Hell, I'm terrible at art but I'd give it a go.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
10 is better
I can tell you that you're not alone in this assertion.

I think 9 is better but my conversations with others in the last week or so led me to believe that way more people than I thought adored 10 more than 9. Likely because 9 captured the spirit of 2, and 10 was more along the lines of 3/4 with some MMX4/Bass trappings (but that's mostly relegated to being able to pick from different characters at the outset).
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