Megaman Legacy Collection 2 |OT| For heaven's sake, please don't mention the Switch!

My friend and I both got Mr. Perfect on the Wii version, and it took less time than we expected. I guess where you fall in terms of skill makes a difference, but 9 is probably my 2nd favorite classic Mega Man after 2.

Agreed. I didn't find 9 really all that hard at all, but then again I've played it so much now that I pretty much know it back to front! I'd definitely rank it up there with 2 and 3 for sure. Its pretty much my favourite game in the entire series.


So mm9 has save states and half damage? Good. I might actually finish that overly difficult mess. Definitely going through 7 and 10 again. Maybe 8 if I can stomach jump jump slide slide long enough.
I am shocked at people that don't like 9. Its my favorite in the whole series, even over 2/3.

And its also the one I have the easiest time beating. With the shop it's super easy to buy items and blunt force your way through.

I think 9 is fantastic. It blows 10 out of the water. 10 is a cake walk even without items, but I am not understanding why people think 9 is so hard.


Personally 9 is my second favorite behind 2, but it's definitely the overall hardest game out of the 8-bit ones. Game is challenging in virtually every screen and IMO it has the most challenging Wily Fortress and final boss as well, so I see why some would find it exhausting.

I don't like using items though.


Mega Man 9 was actually my first Mega Man and sold me on the series, so it's hard for me to think it's "too hard". Definitely some cheap stuff, but meh. Had more trouble with some janky design in the older games like MM1 lacking temporary inviciblity for spikes and that one MM2 Wily stage boss that requires carefully managed ammo.
Personally 9 is my second favorite behind 2, but it's definitely the overall hardest game out of the 8-bit ones. Game is challenging in virtually every screen and IMO it has the most challenging Wily Fortress and final boss as well, so I see why some would find it exhausting.

I don't like using items though.

Without items the Wily Stages can be brutal, but with them even the final boss is a joke.


I am shocked at people that don't like 9. Its my favorite in the whole series, even over 2/3.

It has some soft "kaizo" elements that are kinda unfair for some people, 10 fixed that.


Ugh Its annoying that awkward pause between finishing the robot master energy and starting the fight in mm10...there is not that on wily refights or I wasnt having more problems with it at that point.
Got the collection, loaded up Mega Man 9 and noticed how... uneven the pixels are.

I don't know the name of this phenomenon but on my 1080p monitor, no matter how I adjust the game's screen size or the size of the app's window, the pixels are warped everywhere. It looks awful. Is there a fix for this?

This is what I'm talking about:

Notice how the blips on the health meter are inconsistent?

I checked up on this on the steam forums and apparently the games are scaled at 4:3 instead of 8:7 which is why the pixels are uneven. There are a couple of fixes Capcom could do but it's all of the matter of them actually doing them.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It has some soft "kaizo" elements that are kinda unfair for some people, 10 fixed that.


Ugh Its annoying that awkward pause between finishing the robot master energy and starting the fight in mm10...there is not that on wily refights or I wasnt having more problems with it at that point.

10 also doubles down on annoying boss fights to make up for it. I think 9 is the much stronger game.
I just did a playthrough of 9. I already brought up the aspect ratio issues but the sound mixing is also poor (can't customize it) and I occasionally hear some crackling sounds too. Despite these disappointing cons, the port otherwise plays great. I'm going to bring this up on the steam forums. I know wbacon posts here too so I might PM them as well. This collection needs to be the best it can be.
Just finished 10, and while it's overall much more tolerable (and not off-the-charts hard), there's something not quite right. But I liked the level design more and the L/R switching for weapons. The levels were certainly shorter and therefore the game. Final completion time of 2 hours 54 minutes. So a full 2 hours shorter than 9.

That Block Devil though. The game really hit a huge difficulty spike around that point. I think I wasted like 5 energy tanks there.

But wow the weapons are just terrible. Has to be the worst weapons in the entire series. The blade one is about the only good one. There's like 3 weapons that do crap damage if the actual projectile hits. And they all run out too quickly. I certainly wasn't using any special weapons for a long period of time. At least 9 had some great weapons like the bee, the fire, the trident, and the shield. 10? The blade, and maybe the fire.

Oh, and I like the built-in challenges that came with the game. Some are really tough, but they're mostly fun. I might even try a Bass run. Proto Man continues to be a weird not-fun hard mode.


But wow the weapons are just terrible. Has to be the worst weapons in the entire series. The blade one is about the only good one. There's like 3 weapons that do crap damage if the actual projectile hits. And they all run out too quickly. I certainly wasn't using any special weapons for a long period of time. At least 9 had some great weapons like the bee, the fire, the trident, and the shield. 10? The blade, and maybe the fire.
It's been a while since I played it, but I think most of the weapons have very effective uses during speedruns. So maybe they were created for that purpose.


Sheep Man weapon Thunder Wool must be one of the most useless in the entire series.

Nah, Top Man "spin" is still the king...
Sheep Man weapon Thunder Wool must be one of the most useless in the entire series.

Nah, Top Man "spin" is still the king...

Agreed. Just completed my MM10 run and hated Thunder Wool. Its damaging but the damage radius is just too small for its own good.

Anyway, now that I've finished MM10 I've cleared all 4 games on the collection. Still got a few challenges left in MM10's challenge mode to do, plus the original challenges for the heck of it but I must say I'm impressed with this collection. Having good versions of MM9 and 10 on the PS4 (as opposed to the blurry, input delayed PS3/360 ones) is a huge improvement and having all the DLC on disk is also a big plus for my MM collection.

Really my only complaints are that I don't like how all the challenges are gated off into the challenge menu, as MM9's and 10's were originally available within the games themselves, I hate quitting out from one set of menu's and diving through another set just to see what challenges I still need to do (especially for 9 which has a ton of optional ones to clear). Oh, and obviously the lack of Rockman and Forte in the collection was a huge loss, as having a translated version of the Snes game would have made it the definitive English version (since the GBA version has weaker sound and less screen space making it a bit harder).

I do have a new appreciation of MM8 now though. Seems I only remembered the bad parts of it (which are only a couple of bits in actuality) while I glossed over how great most of the game is. Especially the boss fights, some of my favourites in the series.

Now just to do Proto Man and Bass runs on MM9 and 10 for the couple of trophies I'm short...


I'm going to break the rule in the title, so forgive me, but Megaman Legacy Collection 1&2 were just announced for Nintendo Switch during the 30th Anniversary stream. I didn'y catch the release date for sure, but I think they said 2018.
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