Megaman Legacy Collection 2 |OT| For heaven's sake, please don't mention the Switch!

Just beat wily on MM7 normally. One tip is to charge the coil weapon and hold 'up' when firing while on the ground(don't jump). This makes the coils bounce high enough to hit him anywhere he reveals himself, ensuring you are doing dmg every single time he appears. You never need to jump near him to land a shot ever.

At that point it's just attrition and even if you get hit each turn as well, 3 energy tanks will be enough to outlast him. Though his fire pellets do the most dmg to you, so avoid those as best you can, even taking a freeze or thunder pellet if needed as they barely do much.

Don't ice attacks technically also do quite a bit of damage assuming Wily follows up with his ground shot attack? Unless there is a way of getting around being frozen real quick.

But yeah, this was the same method I used, definitely the most efficient way of fighting him but evading his attacks are such a pain... He has a similar attack in Mega Man 8 except they mercifully slowed that down so its easier to evade.

Anyway, finished 7. Stuck on 7's challenges though since the 8th forces you to fight Wily with no energy tanks. Yeah... no. Almost done all of MM8's challenges as well, just have the buster only boss fight to go.

MM7 is probably better than I give it credit for, love the soundtrack in Wily's stages and the bosses are ace (bar Wily's final form). Bass' second form is hilariously easy to beat with just the buster if you know what your doing, his first phase seems more intimidating.,,

Onto MM8 now, looking forward to the boss fights at least, they are some of the most fun in the series.
Just beat wily on MM7 normally. One tip is to charge the coil weapon and hold 'up' when firing while on the ground(don't jump). This makes the coils bounce high enough to hit him anywhere he reveals himself, ensuring you are doing dmg every single time he appears. You never need to jump near him to land a shot ever.

At that point it's just attrition and even if you get hit each turn as well, 3 energy tanks will be enough to outlast him. Though his fire pellets do the most dmg to you, so avoid those as best you can, even taking a freeze or thunder pellet if needed as they barely do much.

Fire is the weakest. You can shake out of it really quick before it does too much damage. Same for freeze. You can shake it off fast enough so the ground lightning doesn't hit you.
I had been using the ice attack since you can aim it up to hit him in the higher areas. But between aiming and dodging, it wasn't really possible to outlast him, specifically because the damage was so low.


i really hope they make a megaman x collection.
this entire series is getting increasingly expensive to purchase individually on the snes & psx these days.

i would love a collection of x1-x6, plus command mission. that would be dreamy.


I think if they do end up doing an x collection, they should just do everything on one disc and charge $60 or something. If they split it up, it would be X1-X4, or maybe X1-X6 for the first set. Then the second set would be X5-X8 or X7, X8 and command mission. Either way, the value of the first set would completely eclipse the value of the second.


I think if they do end up doing an x collection, they should just do everything on one disc and charge $60 or something. If they split it up, it would be X1-X4, or maybe X1-X6 for the first set. Then the second set would be X5-X8 or X7, X8 and command mission. Either way, the value of the first set would completely eclipse the value of the second.

That would be even more of a travesty than this two-set, because at least the classic series legacy collection includes two games the anniversary collection didn't have (9 and 10), while the Megaman X Collection on NGC/PS2 already had X1-X6 + Battle & Chase. A split of X1-X4 and X5-X8 doesn't even make sense system-wise.

I mean, if they wanted to actually drum up good will with a Mega Man game like that they'd put X1-X8+Command Mission on there, but this is 2017 Capcom we're talking about. The fact that they released Legacy Collection 1 without 7 and 8 (or Megaman & Bass, as of LC2) is proof enough they likely will parcel it out for all they can get.


Man the fucking sprites are way too big in 7. The fan made NES version of 7 is superior still.

Not to mention i dont like how 7 and 8 dont let you just pick any of the 8 robots you want. Such mediocre games compared to 9 and 10.


Fire is the weakest. You can shake out of it really quick before it does too much damage. Same for freeze. You can shake it off fast enough so the ground lightning doesn't hit you.
I had been using the ice attack since you can aim it up to hit him in the higher areas. But between aiming and dodging, it wasn't really possible to outlast him, specifically because the damage was so low.
The actual way to deal with the boss is to not get hit at all and you don’t have to worry about outlasting anything outside of your patience.
Ok, so the challenge mode is generally really easy in this but Wily Machine 7 is pretty darn hard as you have to beat it without having access to energy tanks. Tall order, but I did manage it doing the following:

Phase 1 is easy, just use lightning and get the phase over with asap.
Phase 2 as people have mentioned before is all about using Spring Man's weapon since it can always hit Wily. But dodging his attacks can be pretty tough depending where Wily teleports, so I followed up a Spring attack with lightning as long as I could reach. Lightning deals no damage but forces Wily to disappear without doing his 4 orb attack which can save you a lot of health. Then its just a matter of repeating and dodging his attacks when you can't hit him with lightning, its not the quickest method but it works. Vid proof:

Gotta say though its really satisfying to beat Wily without using any health items, easily one of the best achievements I've managed in the series.

Speaking of the challenge mode, I've been playing around some more on it and managed to do a couple more challenges that were tricky - the buster only runs in MM7 and MM8. 7 was especially a pain solely thanks to Slash Man, took me several tries to get a good run against him - he's the perfect storm of annoyance - long invincibility phase, short attack phase, attacks that cause his follow ups to be unavoidable (to my knowledge) while also disabling your attacks. The rest are fairly simple as long as your careful, Burst Man can sometimes be a wild card if your careless since his bombs deal a ton of damage.

MM8's isn't so much hard as it is long (at least it feels that way), a couple of bad bosses can screw you over, you certainly don't want to end up getting Astro Crushed too much that's for sure! But the bosses in both 7 and 8 are among my favourites in the series so the challenges ended up really fun, learned quite a bit from them as well.

One last thing, doing a run on MM8 at the moment, and I forget but is it impossible to get all items in one run on the Playstation version? Could have sworn you could do it on the Saturn one?


One last thing, doing a run on MM8 at the moment, and I forget but is it impossible to get all items in one run on the Playstation version? Could have sworn you could do it on the Saturn one?

Do you mean stage back tracking for the bolts? If so then yes it can't be done cause you have to back track in some areas with Astro Crash. Its the same for the Saturn version.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Don't ice attacks technically also do quite a bit of damage assuming Wily follows up with his ground shot attack? Unless there is a way of getting around being frozen real quick.

Yea you only take damage if the sparks hit you while frozen. I found usually I was frozen in mid air trying to evade while jumping though. Even if frozen on the ground the dmg the sparks do is minor compared to fire still. (Didn't realize you can shake it off? I mash buttons but it always felt I was forced into full damage, maybe want hitting dpad enough?)

I did watch a video of a no dmg run. Tried to mimic and i just couldn't seem to manage or predict the patching of the balls to avoid consistently. Really impressive video though.


That would be even more of a travesty than this two-set, because at least the classic series legacy collection includes two games the anniversary collection didn't have (9 and 10), while the Megaman X Collection on NGC/PS2 already had X1-X6 + Battle & Chase. A split of X1-X4 and X5-X8 doesn't even make sense system-wise.

I mean, if they wanted to actually drum up good will with a Mega Man game like that they'd put X1-X8+Command Mission on there, but this is 2017 Capcom we're talking about. The fact that they released Legacy Collection 1 without 7 and 8 (or Megaman & Bass, as of LC2) is proof enough they likely will parcel it out for all they can get.

I fully expect them to split the X collections into three parts based on platform: 1-3, 4-6, 7+8+CM.
Was this known? Mentions of a 3DS version in the game's files. I wonder how that would have worked.

So yeah, just finished Megaman 8. I really enjoyed it. Perhaps even more than 7? The level design is just great and I really enjoyed discovering new things on replaying of the levels. It's all new to me. On my first run, I probably only guessed about 2 of the weaknesses. Still, the bosses are certainly possible to beat buster-only (and doesn't seem impossible like 7 might be). Of course I eventually figured out what beats who on the refights.
But I guess the game is actually kind of easy. Like how weapon energy is restored on death and you continue from the mid-level point when you lose all lives.
And I hadn't realized how many things Battle Network borrowed from this game. The dust sprite is exactly the same. The explosions are very similar too. Flash Bomb sounds like the Flash Bomb in BN, but looks like Energy Bomb.
Yeah, the voice acting is cheesy and the jump-jump slide-slide can be annoying (especially that Wily Castle 1), but they're minor issues in an otherwise excellent game.

Can't wait to start on 9 and see what all the hype was about.

EDIT:... anyone check if they removed the misplaced art? You never know.
It's still there.
Do you mean stage back tracking for the bolts? If so then yes it can't be done cause you have to back track in some areas with Astro Crash. Its the same for the Saturn version.

Sorry, bad wording on my part. I meant being able to purchase all items in a playthrough - backtracking is a must, but guides I'm looking at suggest there are only 40 bolts in the game , I've spent all but two bolts and according to my save file I already have 34 bolts. But the last three power ups I need cost 15 bolts altogether... So if the guides are correct there seems to be no way to get the last three upgrades I'm short, only one.

*edit* mistake on my part, there are only two buster powerups but no matter what you'll be short a couple of bolts to buy the last one - so you can only get one of the two. Strange that they'd have designed it this way. I need to replay the Saturn version to see if it has the same issue.
Just downloaded a small patch on PS4. Sure enough, they removed the Nintendo mention in MM7 :(

I also finally beat MM10 yesterday, I've now completed every mainline Mega Man game! Gonna try it with Bass now.
Started on Mega Man 9. I remember this game pretty much beat for beat, guess playing it to death on release helped, as I'm breezing through it. Well, bar the Hornet Man boss fight, he was harder than I remember, on the replay I'd say I take more damage against him than I do on Plug Man. This is while doing a buster run, as if you use Magma Man's weapon he's hilariously easy but where is the fun in that!

Really my only complaint is the reused Mega Man 2 music. I get reusing Wily Fortress' intro music but the get weapon theme? Its so boring... out of 2-6's they could have used they chose the worst one :(


Finally got my physical copy of this yesterday and I'm pleased that it's indeed a very well done compilation. It feels a bit barenones in terms of extras, but the actual games seem to run great. Tried all of them except 10 last night and no issues so far, awesome!

Getting to finally play 9 without that shitty filter is a dream come true.

Damnit Capcom! Stop being competent!

Oh don't worry, but tbe new art and the MM7 "licence" are still there.
Ok, in terms of challenge I'm actually believing the Wily Machine fights are the most fun challenges in the game. All the other challenges just feel too easy/kind time limit wise so its nice to be challenged. The Proto Man Vs Wily Machine 9 fight was fairly tough to clear I thought as its a 3 phase fight and Proto Man takes roughly 25% damage per hit, so you've got to use all the weapons in your arsenal to win. Managed it in the end but it took a few tries.

Almost up to 50 Gold challenges cleared, just have a ton of MM10 challenges to do (not sure how hard they will be, I forget how tough the MM Killers were in this game originally).

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Does this have the same save state system as the first collection i.e. you can save anywhere?

As mentioned it now restarts your from checkpoints when you quickload.

You can quicksave if you happen to pickup a difficult to reach collectible so that when you reload checkpoint you need not collect it again.


So what is the easiest special stage in time attack of mm10? And its worth trying it so you can have the mega man killers weapons to have a headstart starting a fresh save?


I've been on a massive MM kick for the past week or so, and having never beaten a game in the classic series before that, I'm now on MM8. A few notes:

1). Anyone else find themselves stop using boss weaknesses for Robot Masters around MM5? Starting around the 5th game, I've found that bosses are much more manageable with just the buster. I suspect this is due to some combination of me becoming better at the games, the introduction of the charged shot, and bosses becoming more forgiving and predictable.

2). I was expecting some X7-esque duds, but so far I've loved all the games. Going through the series in chronological order has been fantastic.

3). The JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE nonsense in MM8 wasn't great on the snow level, and the Wiley version is officially the worst thing I've ever encountered across the entire franchise. The combination of weird controls ("WHY DIDN'T I JUMP"), often not being able to see where I'm going ("WHERE AM I JUMPING"), and length ("HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT OVER") is just something else. Makes me miss even the cruelest disappearing block sections.
I've been on a massive MM kick for the past week or so, and having never beaten a game in the classic series before that, I'm now on MM8. A few notes:

1). Anyone else find themselves stop using boss weaknesses for Robot Masters around MM5? Starting around the 5th game, I've found that bosses are much more manageable with just the buster. I suspect this is due to some combination of me becoming better at the games, the introduction of the charged shot, and bosses becoming more forgiving and predictable.

2). I was expecting some X7-esque duds, but so far I've loved all the games. Going through the series in chronological order has been fantastic.

3). The JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE nonsense in MM8 wasn't great on the snow level, and the Wiley version is officially the worst thing I've ever encountered across the entire franchise. The combination of weird controls ("WHY DIDN'T I JUMP"), often not being able to see where I'm going ("WHERE AM I JUMPING"), and length ("HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT OVER") is just something else. Makes me miss even the cruelest disappearing block sections.

Yeah, after a while I stopped using weaknesses as I got good enough that weaknesses were actually hurting my enjoyment of the game. So I've ended up getting really good at doing buster only runs on the whole series now. I've managed to get good at perfecting bosses, only ones that seem impossible for me are Shadow Man (annoyingly unpredictable) and Air Man (borderline impossible).


It still baffles me that the game isn't available on the Nintendo 3DS, given the last Legacy Collection was.

And before you ask, I don't have a PS4 or XBO. I've tried getting it on Steam, but it won't allow me to purchase it for some reason. :(


Playing MM8 for the first time. At Wily Stage 1. I want to smack whoever thought these hoverboard segments were solid ideas.
Playing MM8 for the first time. At Wily Stage 1. I want to smack whoever thought these hoverboard segments were solid ideas.
Sure, it was one of the hardest parts of the game, but are you backing up as much as you can to give you time to react? I ended up passing that part like 3 times.


So MM9 doesn't have charge shot or slide right? Then how the hell do you get this?
Finished 7 first. Still a fantastic game. And that Wily fight is a real fucker. 4 E tanks and an S tank.

I think I might move on to 9 or 10 next. Barely touched 9 in the past and never played 10 at all.
I raged so hard playing MM9 but I powered through it. Not quite sure what my feelings are. Also I don't think I'll be bothering playing as
Proto Man because he doesn't have access to the shop
. That shit was VITAL to me being able to finish.


Finished 9 last night (final Wily fight was hard as hell, should have brought more E-Tanks with me) and I found the game much easier than I remembered. I'll move onto 10 tonight but I think that 9 may now be my favorite game in the Classic series. It's just perfect.

I'm really optimistic about a Mega Man X collection coming sometime soon (if not Mega Man X9 in the SNES style lol) and despite Capcom's greed I hope they just throw X-X8 on there with some love and care.


I raged so hard playing MM9 but I powered through it. Not quite sure what my feelings are. Also I don't think I'll be bothering playing as
Proto Man because he doesn't have access to the shop
. That shit was VITAL to me being able to finish.

You just need to do 9 very good runs at Plug Man stage to max E tanks

And dont miss the M tank on wily stage, and abuse the shit out of checkpoints


Good thing Protoman can acess a shop in 10 because in mm9 it was a ride even grinding for lives and e-tanks, the most difficult run in the collection.

Protoman in 10 is still annoying with his low hp but now his charged shot can kill SOMETHING and its way easier to grind in Sheep Man stage.
So MM9 doesn't have charge shot or slide right? Then how the hell do you get this?
I was so upset that this was the first level I played and I found out there's no slide.
No, the
Hornet Chaser
still didn't help. It's so erratic. It could get other items though.

This game is so hard though. Like, almost not fun kind of hard. You really have to master every level before you can even beat it completely. I've guessed like 2 weaknesses so far and I'm down to Jewel Man, who's level is still so difficult, I've failed at it for 3 days already. I don't remember any of the classic NES games being this difficult, so that's something.
Got the collection, loaded up Mega Man 9 and noticed how... uneven the pixels are.

I don't know the name of this phenomenon but on my 1080p monitor, no matter how I adjust the game's screen size or the size of the app's window, the pixels are warped everywhere. It looks awful. Is there a fix for this?

This is what I'm talking about:
Notice how the blips on the health meter are inconsistent?
Beat Mega Man 7 and something just occured to me. Capcom patched out the "Licensed by Nintendo" and removed the Famicoms from Junk Man's stage, but did they think to remove the Game Boy that Rush can dig up with Rush Search? :p
Just beat Mega Man 9. What a chore. Game is too damn hard. I just couldn't enjoy it. Unlike all the previous games where they're easy to play, hard to master, this is just hard to play and hard to master. Especially when crap like this can happen.

I appreciate what the game was trying to do, but I just didn't like it overall. It was stressful and not rewarding. There are some nice enhancements like having a shop, and having a pretty good menu. But then there are things that don't make sense. Like why did I buy the most expensive item in the shop for it to do nothing? Or why would I waste money to buy a temporary hard mode? Do I really have to do the whole Wily Castle again just because I returned to the stage select? Why are they still introducing new stage hazards before the final battle?

My final clear time was 04:58:45. Which apparently isn't even good enough for the slowest challenge. Beating the game unlocks 3 more hard modes, which is honestly the last thing this game needs. If anything, it needed an easy mode.

And to further extend the ridiculous skill gap, the built-in challenges are laughably impossible. I'm definitely not going to be attempting those at all. The Legacy Collection challenges are a bit more reasonable, but even then I'm not going to get farther than 15/20.

I certainly would not recommend this game to anyone. Unless they enjoy a blisteringly difficult challenge, which there apparently are. I hope 10 is better.


My friend and I both got Mr. Perfect on the Wii version, and it took less time than we expected. I guess where you fall in terms of skill makes a difference, but 9 is probably my 2nd favorite classic Mega Man after 2.
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