So what's the actual likelihood that this movie will get made? Don't they need to get a distributor and actors who want to work with him and all that?
Oh, really, those are some decent names.He seems to be in marginally good graces again seeing as he has a WWII movie coming out this fall with Andrew Garfield, Hugo Weaving etc.
Hollywood is enjoying a rebirth of the bible movies and he is a big name in that arena.
“It seems to … that if it is possible, as I’ve suggested, for human beings to choose to live more and more out of tune with the divine intention, to reflect the image of God less and less, these is nothing to stop them finally ceasing to bear that image, and so to be, as it were, beings who were once human but are not now. Those who persistently refuse to follow Jesus, the true Image of God, will by their own choice become less and less like him, that is, less and less truly human. We sometimes say, even of living people, that they have become inhuman … I see nothing in the New Testament to make me reject the possibility that some, perhaps many, of God’s human creatures do choose, and will choose, to dehumanize themselves completely” (Scholar NT Wright, p. 95-96).
Oh, really, those are some decent names.
One of the things that could be covered in the movie is Jesus' three days in Hell (Acts 2:31). Declaring to the demons in hell (1 Peter 3:1822) that they don't have power over people who have received God's pardon, seeing all of the Old Testament believers (like Abraham, Moses, David, etc.) be freed by Christ and taken to heaven, and possible imagery between Jesus and Satan meeting in Hell.
The last section of the movie will probably focus on Jesus ascending into heaven and what heaven looks like. There is more than enough detailed imagery about heaven in the book of revelation to give VFX artists unlimited options on how to show it.
Also, tons of visual opportunities showing the consequences of people losing the divine image. Meaning, what a person ends up looking like when they totally dehumanize themselves:
Passion 2: Resurrection
Passion 3: Rapture
Ugh, why does it need a sequel? He died in the first one. What a stupid idea.
"He died for our sins...again."
Passion of the Christ 2: Payback's a Bitch
Randall Wallace... of "Heaven is For Real" fame.
HOO boy. Ohhh jeeezus. /billburr
Will it resurrect his career too?
So are we all just going to ignore that interview that just got posted of Mel tweaking the fuck out?