The post credits scene from Passion of the Christ suddenly makes so much senseThe Christ
The Christ: Age of Crucifixion
The Christ: Heavenly War Part 1
The Christ: Heavenly War Part 2
The Christ
The Christ: Age of Crucifixion
The Christ: Heavenly War Part 1
The Christ: Heavenly War Part 2
Only with more Jesus.
I have never seen passion of the Christ.
Knowing Mels's beliefs.. 'Passion 2: Jews did it'
A Jesus Cinematic Universe?
But will any actors work with Mel Gibson though?
They nailed the first one so why not?
A Jesus Cinematic Universe?
For that BCU
John man
John man 2
John man 3
Andrew: The 1st Apostle
Andrew: The Roman Soldier
Andrew: Holy War
Peter 2: The Dark Hells
The Incredible Tax man
All out in 3 years
Mel kickstarts a new genre
Jesus becomes the new dino and superhuman...
How does the latest Ben Hur remake fits into this?