Well, for comparison, I have a short but stocky build (1m65cm) so I'm usually S/XS, unless I'm shopping in Asia. Black Rabbit's stuffs seems to adhere to European conventions. I tried on one of their older Devil Reef jackets and it did run a bit wider beneath then jackets would normally do, but the s did fit me well. But that jacket running a bit wide is part of the style, I guess. I passed up on it back then because of the price, not the fit.
Yeah, If I order one I'll probably order the "OG "devil's reef jacket and not the mk3 one as it look a bit slimmer (and I like the colour more).
Though I'm having the price problem now too as I've pretty much used up my months fashion budget and my stuff isn't selling so might not be able to pick up any of them depending on when the sale ends :/
But now I at least have them on my radar for next time they have a sale.