well sneakers are generally a high-margin good wherever you get them from, but mj sneakers use nice leather, are fully leather lined, and made in italy (a few oxfords are made in croatia, but these are the exception). They are way better than anything I've worn from nike etc. Whether or not you'd want to pay $500-$600 for them (the usual msrp) is another issue.Are trainers like this particularly well made or something? I don't understand why they charge so much. Because those look like the sort of trainers you'd get if you wanted to get some Nike running shoes but couldn't quite afford them. They look like cheapo knock offs, and I bet they're made in the same factory.
Kind of like that crazy $850 black hoody a few pages back that looked like a $10 Primark special.
I don't mean to be negative, I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely intrigued. I post in this thread because I'd like to think I dress fairly well and have an interest in fashion, but some of the stuff that gets posted looks incredibly cheap, but is astronomically expensive.
I get paying a couple of hundred for a really well made, smart looking coat or something (like the one mac posted) but I actually wouldn't want to wear some of this super expensive stuff! It often looks really tacky IMO.
I don't mean to be negative, I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely intrigued. I post in this thread because I'd like to think I dress fairly well and have an interest in fashion, but some of the stuff that gets posted looks incredibly cheap, but is astronomically expensive.
Yeah, I suppose that's true.You can't really tell the quality of leather or whatever from photos
please tell me more about his tie.
Fuck my life I just found a boutique using comme des garcons shop locator called A'marees. It's right here in Newport Beach right in front of my face this whole time.
It's basically the only good place in OC now that the South Coast is becoming a joke. All this time I could have been checking that place out and getting a superior shopping experience. I'm gonna call them up and see how extensive the mens selection is and head on over there.
What cdg shit are you looking for?
American Rag has cdg now and then.
Speaking of which as I was entering a building at school today a girl said my cologne smelled really good. But it wasn't just any girl she was rocking a 8.5 gap rating.
Speaking of which as I was entering a building at school today a girl said my cologne smelled really good. But it wasn't just any girl she was rocking a 8.5 gap rating.
it's really sad innitManshion doesn't know of the gap? D:
Manshion doesn't know of thigh gap? D:
What is it?
Yeah, I have no idea that that means.
She was an 8.5 out of 10?
She has an 8.5mm gap in her teeth?
come agian?
I C Uit's really sad innit
just hit up fragrantica and explore on your own, try a few out (luckyscent or ebay samples if you have to) and figure out what you like and what notes you enjoy, and go from there.I've always wanted to get into fragrances, but the fragrance thread on SZ scares me away
also, the lack of gap knowledge on manshion is upsetting
dude i live in the middle of nowhere in montana, I don't even have gucci stuff local haha. this is kind of why i'm trudging through all this weird off-the-path stuff, it's really no different to me than anything you'd get at macy's in terms of availability.Are there retail shops that carry the men's fragrances you get, mac?
not sure what you're looking for exactly, a derby laceup that isn't 'dressy' or minimal sneakers? pointer and vans otw have the latterI'm looking for a nice, black shoe for casualwear. Sub-$100 preferred, no more than $120 max. Streetwear influence is cool, but I prefer simple/streamlined and not a lot of obnoxious detail.
Any recommendations?
really depends on what kind of shit you wear, but maybe look to walkover? they have some nice contrast sole oxfords, some regular ol brick soled oxfords, as well as some roughed up stuff. keep are pretty casual-non-sneakery already, so no point in recommending what I recommend above.Manshion gaf I need your help.
I've been rocking a pair of Wolverine 1000's thanks to this thread and they are the best for the winter.
But now I'm looking to up my shoe game for the spring/summer. What should I go for? I'm trying to stay away from sneakers because I've got a decent amount of those (i usually wear Keep sneakers).
not sure what you're looking for exactly, a derby laceup that isn't 'dressy' or minimal sneakers? pointer and vans otw have the latter
What on Earth is happening in here?
if you want something funky maybe one of those wedge sole oxfords?
Were I not totally happy with my current shoes, I would be all over these
Camper never done me wrong. That comfy leather ages up real good.
never looked at camper up close, but they run a great hotel in berlin, so i'd say go for it!