Alright bros. Picture time. I post in here quiet a bit so I figure I'd share my do. Excuse it being a bit messy, end of the day. The last picture is how I'm thinking of getting it cut next time on the sides. Basically under the red line is what I want cut buzzed. I'm trying to find a good picture to show the stylist but I'd like to keep it a bit longer down the back of my head. Not sure if the picture conveys that too well.
Looks really good. You are one handsome dude.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Still a bit weird having a line in my head but I've started to get used to it.@luckyboy
Keep that fringe growing so you could really blow it up you sexy bastard. That cut is hot and gonna stay hot for weeks.
Spotted this via a link in the fashion thread tittled "Never under estimate the power of grooming"
Seemed relevant.
Was in a mad rush this morning so I just mashed my hair into a faux hawk.
"Eh it will do, does not look to bad"
Get to work and check in the bathroom..
Not sure dude, I haven't tried. I imagine it would, but it'd look weird considering my hair isn't cut that way. I'll try it out after I get home from work.What happens if you comb it the opposite way? Does it work?
I use shampoo every two days.stop using shampoo every day?
Anyway, I think I'm going to more of this route. Keep the sides short but not shaved and the top longer.
I need your help friends.
What can I put in my hair after a shower to stop it from looking dry, and rough? Everytime I wash my hair, it looks like sand for about two days.
I use shampoo every two days.
I shampoo every day. I feel dirty if i don't.I use shampoo every two days.
I shampoo every day. I feel dirty if i don't.
What kind of hair do you have? If you have curly, don't use shampoo AT ALL.
Also, Make sure your shampoo (and conditioner) has stearyl alcohol and perhaps avocado extract, both of which are great for hydrating.
If no shampoo is too much for you, make it a once-a-week thing. Shampoo is for cleansing grit, etc. Not for everyday treatment of hair.
I think I may make a guide for us curly-haired folk. I'm sick and tired of having literally no information about options, specifically for casual care.
Would love to read that, although I'm unfamiliar with the suggestion to not use shampoo. The fews times I haven't it's felt a bit dirty and I tend to shower everyday. Although I suppose feeling a bit dirty is better than leaving it how it looks right now![]()
The reason is because your body is used to overproducing oils to compensate for the constant use of shampoo. Rinse your hair everyday and use a palm amount of conditioner for a few days and you should notice your hair becoming shinier and have a bit more body to it.
The reason is because your body is used to overproducing oils to compensate for the constant use of shampoo. Rinse your hair everyday and use a palm amount of conditioner for a few days and you should notice your hair becoming shinier and have a bit more body to it.
I'm just not sure if there's much merit to this no shampoo craze.
my face looks weird in this pic lol
Anyway, I think I'm going to more of this route. Keep the sides short but not shaved and the top longer.
That guy has killer hair but I'll be damned if he doesn't bug the living hell out of me.
That guy has killer hair but I'll be damned if he doesn't bug the living hell out of me.
I hate this thread. Mainly because everyone's hair is so much better than mine.
i don't have access to a pic right now, but i have quite thin hair and really struggle to get a style i like. Its slightly receding too, but not all that bad.
what type of styles could work with this??
Time to cut.
Ha! Get it!? FitnessGAF 4 Life
The reason is because your body is used to overproducing oils to compensate for the constant use of shampoo. Rinse your hair everyday and use a palm amount of conditioner for a few days and you should notice your hair becoming shinier and have a bit more body to it.
Looking good bro.
Personal opinion, but I think you went way too short on the sides. Your longish hair looks much better on you (imo). Suits your face much better. Props for trying new shit, though.
oh you.
different hairstyle, something new
Decided to say fuck it and shave the sides. I like it a lot and it is a bit messy right now but there is a lot of potential and am happy with the cut.
So I got my cut today and decided I'd try the razor-part technique that we were talking about a few pages back. At first I wasn't digging it because the part looked a little too wide/harsh, but it's starting to grow on me and I think it'll look great in about a week when some hair grows back.
Combine that with my barber cutting my hair a tad higher than I like and I sort of got a psuedo-undercut (okay, not really, but that's what it felt like at first). I panicked a little but I'm starting to like it now. Thoughts?
Am I crazy, GAF? Does it look alright?
I'm going for a cut this afternoon. It's a new place and a new stylist that came highly recommended for men's cuts.
I'm taking this along.
I just can't pull off the longer styles anymore. It's not that I'm losing my hair or anything - I've got good genes and I'll probably never go bald - but it just doesn't stand up as easily as it used to.
Alright. My hair is looking kinda bad these days, so I need some suggestions. Here's what I have at the moment:
Excuse the shitty t-shirt; I just woke up. I've kept it around 4mm for a few months now, but I decided to let it grow just a bit longer to get it looking darker (looks a lot lighter in these pictures, though), but since my hair is extremely straight the hairs line up making my scalp visible (does that make sense?). This is most noticeable in the last pic. So I'm thinking, let it grow a bit more, trim the sides and back and keep the top slightly longer. I love having short hair, so growing it out isn't really an option right now.
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.