Horse Detective
Why the long case?
It was something that Sean!, I think, was putting together. It was supposed to show what kind of product would work best on different kinds of hair.
Still working on it.
It was something that Sean!, I think, was putting together. It was supposed to show what kind of product would work best on different kinds of hair.
Horse Detective is on the case!Still working on it.
Every time I try to grow my hair out I get to this stage where it looks so bad and is so annoying that I end up buzzing it all off. I've been through this cycle too many times to count
give it 2 weeks and you'll wake up with "HOLY SHIT THIS LOOKS GOOD"
Im going to show this picture to my hair stylist:
what do you guys think?
Its really a shame, because I have wanted to go for a Don Draper style for a while. I tried it once, and it just doesnt work, my face ends up looking morbidly obese. Having the sides super short really helped.Same here, I look like I have an afro if I leave it longer than 3 weeks.
I wish I was in a place where I could try a bunch of different products.Horse Detective is on the case!
Are you happy with it so far? What did your hair look like before?
Anyone here with curly/wavy hair? Seems most people here have straight hair.
Every time I try to grow my hair out I get to this stage where it looks so bad and is so annoying that I end up buzzing it all off. I've been through this cycle too many times to count
Anyone here with curly/wavy hair? Seems most people here have straight hair.
Hair thickening shampoo/conditioner.
Hairspray would work too, I can't really recommend any because the ones I've used have been so-so. I've tried got2b, Samy Fat Hair and John Frieda Frizz-ease. All "meh".
Going to give these a try, just ordered them on Amazon. I'll come back to post results in a couple of weeks. (I've got very thin hair and I'm also slightly balding at the front.)
You can immediately feel the thickness in your hair as soon as you apply the shampoo, it's great. The conditioner leaves a lot to be desired though. I've noticed most conditioners make my hair feeling limp and thin, if you're going to apply the conditioner then I'd recommend only adding it to the ends of your hair.
Sea Salt Spray and a hair dryer has been my friend...
And the worst part is, it's unevenly wavy. It's almost straight on the sides, but pretty wavy at the front. What I hate the most is the random super-wavy/curly hairs that stick out no matter what. I will get frustrated and pluck them, and their shape will be like "the fuck were yout thinking, hair?"
So yeah, I'm super jealous of all you guys with straight hair.
I love the way my hair feels after being thinned out.
I thought you were going bald.
Don't mind the horsing around, Sean. We're just busting your chaps.I really need a friend
Lots of blow drying I assume. No way his hair stays like that once he walks out of the studio though.Man, how the eff do you even style hair like this?
Man, how the eff do you even style hair like this?
Layrite smells really, really good. But, I personally think the standard hold is nothing great.Anyone want to recommend a good pomade? I have suavecito and i really like the hold and shine it gives my hair but my gf doesn't like its scent. Looking for something similar with a weaker scent.
Whats that?
edit: "tousled waves and a lite matte finish to any hair type. Infused with natural dead sea salt & sea kelp this salon formula has you and your hair on the boardwalk all year long. "
I absolutely love my hair texture after the beach. Is that what this magical product simulates?
Also any recommendations on volumizing shampoo? haha omg re-reading this post I sound like a woman.
Yep, pretty much! As my hair is quite thick, wirey and heavy, it helps it have a bit of er, vertical structure (which I fix in place with some light hairspray-age).
Pretty happy with it actually. I just need to work up the courage to get the sides and back shaved again which is taking a while!
I actually have wavy hair but use a straightener whenever going out to whatever I consider special events (parties, clubbing, interviews, dinners) but otherwise I just rock my hair in its natural form.
My hair before:
We should all only post practical haircuts and not studio haircuts.
why don't you order some to try and give some thread feedback, huh? HUH?
I would do it but I don't use pomade.
I'm getting a cut this week. Gonna change it up, length is too much.
I'm almost out of my Baxter pomade so I might be willing to give this a try. I'll check my barbershop and see if they stock any of this stuff. That or I can just ask my barber his opinion of it.I have a task for you guys.
There is this company called "Imperial" that makes different pomades. I have heard some good things about them, but I am wondering if anyone here is willing to order some to try and give some thread feedback?
I go three days sometimes without washing my hair. Usually just two. With the right amount of layrite you can hardly tell that there is product in my hair. Until the third day, after two days of touch ups. It's great stuff.Wait, you don't wash your hair with product in it?