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Mergers and Acquisitions |OT| Thread Merged

Acquisitions and mergers official topic

  • Is this thread organic enough?

  • The thread merging will lead to the collapse of the forums industry

  • Anti-trust laws should prevent people from creating threads

  • This gaming forum has not been bought out

  • The monopolization of OTs is bad for gaming discussion

  • Your post is in talks to be acquired by another forum

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What about all this organic growth bullshit? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Went out the door with MS moves. They'll still acquire studios they have been working with (Haven, Deviation...), but the list is not long enough, nor diversified enough in terms of genres and expertise, for Sony to limit itself at the names on it. Plus MS orientation, again...
I'm with most of you here, he doesn't know shit.... None of these aquisitions were rumored more than a few minutes before official statements. This is just taking advantage of big news to get attention
Three Little Pigs Wow GIF by Laff


Madden’s dead
It's a yearly copy paste game that was like the 3rd best selling game in the US last year. At this point they probably are hiring a few homeless people off the streets at slave labor to make the few changes every year, how is that dead?


The guy can’t know this but his hint is a Resident Evil 5 trophy, so someone is probably buying Capcom. Who?

Maybe not Sony, maybe not MS…


I don't think MS would buy EA, their studios are a mess and their biggest franchises are in an embarrassing state.
I don't think they would either, but playing devil's advocate here, the best time to buy is when they're down on their luck (same case with Activision).


Sony bought them, so obviously have total control over them. If desired Jimbo can fire all their bosses, rename the studio, to put them inside PS Studios, sell the Destiny IP to Kim Jong-Un and to put all these Bungie 900 devs to make Xperia Play exclusive Knack games.
EA usually doesn't do all of this at once but gradually bit by bit.


You guys are ridiculous with this narrative. Sony is still a multi billion dollar corporation that just bought Bungie and you still believe this load of crap that Sony is this small time local operation like the local town grocer.
Sony couldn't have started these acquisitions years ago. They could have bought Bethesda and make shit exclusive. There is a cancer in our industry. Who not long ago their billion dollar PR machine was convincing you all that exclusives were bad.


You guys are ridiculous with this narrative. Sony is still a multi billion dollar corporation that just bought Bungie and you still believe this load of crap that Sony is this small time local operation like the local town grocer.

I think the last time Sony bought Ip’s they didnt create was Wipeout and Lemmings. No1 has bought publisers and 3rd IP like MS buying Bethesda and Activision


No it's not.

Steam does not care what price a seller prices their game at. There are games well over $70 on Steam. There's nothing stopping 3rd party key sellers from existing under Epic, 3rd party key sellers don't operate with Steam or publishers directly, they get their keys from all kinds of methods and just resell them. Microsoft Store works fine. Microsoft Store isn't even a launcher so apart from buying your product and downloading it which you don't need to do very often you lauch it like you any other app. If Steam were to turn to shit and people do buy more on Windows Store that only increases revenue and give more opportunity for Microsoft to hire more to improve the platform. The platform is already seeing new investment after the "new" CEO kept gutting the Windows teams.

Even if they ban 3rd party key sellers that affects such a small population of people. And the thing is Valve probably never cared to ban them because 3rd party keys is a legit way for a lot of people to download steam and start using it from all those bundles like Humble Bundle, retail stores, giveways etc. The reason Sony probably axed it was because people probably bought cheap digital keys and resold them for higher prices from sites like Amazon. A concept that Valve likely has a problem with too because several years ago you were actually allowed to buy a bunch of games for cheap during sales and store them in your inventory then resell or trade them; but then Valve removed that feature.


There’s no way regulation wise it would be allowed to purchase EA BY Microsoft. Too many anti-trust issues. Knowing grubb it probably It takes two developer getting bought.


MS spent $75b buying 2 pc stores. Now Sony spent $3b on bungie, and will buy big publishers in the future.

Valve owns steam, which has big pc market share. It's value is between $4b-$10b.

If anyone of these 2 companies buy valve, we pc community are screwed.

Future now is bleak.
Sony just spent about 20% of their buying power on one developer. They don't have enough money to buy a publisher.

Valve is valued at around USD$12b, but they're completely private. Gabe Newell would die in a fire before he ever sold, especially to Microsoft.


Gold Member
MS spent $75b buying 2 pc stores. Now Sony spent $3b on bungie, and will buy big publishers in the future.

Valve owns steam, which has big pc market share. It's value is between $4b-$10b.

If anyone of these 2 companies buy valve, we pc community are screwed.

Future now is bleak.
Has there ever been a valuation on Steam? Or how much digital revenue or profits they make?

Steam has got to be worth more than $10B(?).


no I think Disney buying EA
Crystal dynamics getting sold to MS.
That could happen.

Also, Apple (or Facebook, or even Amazon) could buy EA and enter full-on in the videogame market. Heck, it could be Amazon buying Ubisoft and would still make a lot of sense.

I don't think either Microsoft or Sony would do a major acquisition for the rest of the year because if any of those two purchase another company in the short term, regulators would be VERY observant of what Sony and Microsoft are doing (and neither company want that).
Lol man think about what you’re saying and read between the lines. Sony OWN Bungie. Bungie can’t independently own an IP when they don’t own their own company anymore.

That makes absolutely no sense, they will continue to run indepdently in the same way Bethesda does

No, Bungie is saying MORE than what Microsoft has ALLOWED Bethesda to do in their deal. Microsoft totally controls where the games go after existing agreements are up. In this arrangement, based on what the head of Bungie has said, and what Jim Ryan has said, Sony doesn't have the same power over Bungie that Microsoft has over Bethesda, and that we know they will over Activision Blizzard.

In an interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan says that Destiny 2 and future Bungie games will continue to be published on other platforms, including rival consoles.

We remain in charge of our destiny. We will continue to independently publish and creatively develop our games. We will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community. Our games will continue to be where our community is, wherever they choose to play.

Sounds like to me if they choose to be on Xbox, they will 100% release on Xbox. This sounds to me like the first time in modern history I can ever recall it sounding like Sony negotiated from a position of weakness. It looks to me like they paid an absurd sum to share in Bungie's success, yes, but share in success where they don't have the strong exclusivity terms that they would otherwise have. Looks more to me like Sony paid to keep from having another Starfield, Elder Scrolls 6, Redfall, and possible future Diablo, CODs and Overwatch games from not coming to their platform. A timed deal is no longer safe, as Bethesda demonstrated.

Q. Bungie has future games in development, will they now become PlayStation exclusives?
No. We want the worlds we are creating to extend to anywhere people play games. We will continue to be self-published, creatively independent, and we will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community.

Bungie learned the consequence of selling off Halo, and will never make that mistake again by the looks of it.
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Seriously though. What is Sony worth as a whole, and why isn't Bezos swallowing them for Prime members yet? Put on your thinking caps, folks. Go big or go home.


Writes a lot, says very little

yeah some of you better brace for impact. not just for ps, ms as well.

This generation thus far has been some wild fanfiction lol

I never believed we'd even see some of theses massive buys ever, let alone in such a short time frame. So it seems MS buying publishers really did get Sony to change certain things, if they started looking at that deal 6 months ago, it means that Zenimax deal likely factored a lot into it. So Sony knows they need a buy to solidify themselves in the market at this point if MS is out right buying publisher, IP Sony relied on to fill in gaps, so many of us knew that they wouldn't just sit by, they needed to get what they can get so they might be buying teams or companies that they only planned to buy later, sooner.
No, Bungie is saying MORE than what Microsoft has ALLOWED Bethesda to do in their deal. Microsoft totally controls where the games go after existing agreements are up. In this arrangement, based on what the head of Bungie has said, and what Jim Ryan has said, Sony doesn't have the same power over Bungie that Microsoft has over Bethesda, and that we know they will over Activision Blizzard.

Sounds like to me if they choose to be on Xbox, they will 100% release on Xbox. This sounds to me like the first time in modern history I can ever recall it sounding like Sony negotiated from a position of weakness. It looks to me like they paid an absurd sum to share in Bungie's success, yes, but share in success where they don't have the strong exclusivity terms that they would otherwise have. Looks more to me like Sony paid to keep from having another Starfield, Elder Scrolls 6, Redfall, and possible future Diablo, CODs and Overwatch games from not coming to their platform. A timed deal is no longer safe, as Bethesda demonstrated.

Bungie learned the consequence of selling off Halo, and will never make that mistake again by the looks of it.

Again, you’re saying all this but it doesn’t mean what you think it means. Sony OWNS Bungie, The IP they create, and whatever they choose to build for it. Sony is not investing billions of dollars to grow a company to not actually own it lol

If heads of bungie want to walk out after they will leave empty handed not like the microsoft deal.

And that quote saying it won’t be playsation exclusive means nothing. If its on PC, or Cloud, or Mobile its not exclusive. You gotta learn to read between PR babble
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This generation thus far has been some wild fanfiction lol

I never believed we'd even see some of theses massive buys ever, let alone in such a short time frame. So it seems MS buying publishers really did get Sony to change certain things, if they started looking at that deal 6 months ago, it means that Zenimax deal likely factored a lot into it. So Sony knows they need a buy to solidify themselves in the market at this point if MS is out right buying publisher, IP Sony relied on to fill in gaps, so many of us knew that they wouldn't just sit by, they needed to get what they can get so they might be buying teams or companies that they only planned to buy later, sooner.

Yep. If people thought Sony didn't feel the weight of Elder Scrolls 6, Starfield, Doom, Fallout etc., this is the proof they do understand the implications. Activision Blizzard will have only made them even more serious.
Again, you’re saying all this but it doesn’t mean what you think it means. Sony OWNS Bungie, The IP they create, and whatever they choose to build for it. Sony is not investing billions of dollars to grow a company to not actually own it lol

If heads of bungie want to walk out after they will leave empty handed not like the microsoft deal.

And that quote saying it won’t be playsation exclusive means nothing. If its on PC, or Cloud, or Mobile its not exclusive. You gotta learn to read between PR babble

I want to agree with you, honestly, but Jim Ryan confirmed rival consoles himself. Bungie is confirming even new IP is confirmed for all consoles. They're saying they have full control and will be totally multi-platform. It doesn't sound like they're just speaking PC and Playstation. It seems like Sony negotiated from a weaker position, leaving Bungie to maintain an insane amount of contractual freedom and rights while STILL being under Sony's corporate banner. When Bungie say they still control their Destiny, that's them saying they, not Sony, own the IP to Destiny still...

Looks to me like Bungie ain't giving up another IP the way they gave up Halo ever again. Sony will benefit like an owner, true, but just not in the ways Sony is use to benefitting as an owner.

Iced Arcade

Disney buying EA is the only one I can think of being bigger than Bethesda/Activision.

A lot of IPs EA could develop, would deal any and all other Marvel/star wars deals though.


Writes a lot, says very little
Yep. If people thought Sony didn't feel the weight of Elder Scrolls 6, Starfield, Doom, Fallout etc., this is the proof they do understand the implications. Activision Blizzard will have only made them even more serious.

Agreed, it might even be why they are making that statement that we should expect more. If Sony is willing to spend this much for 1 team, they might have their sights on a publisher to even out those genres lost to stay competitive and relevant against MS.

Who fucking knows how this gen will end, this shit turned into some nuclear proliferation, type standoff lol I mean, what MS did buying 2 publishers has forced Sony's hand, its just too much IP lost to really not expect them to counter that by some buys of their own to make sure their future is secure in the west.

in terms of the IP, nahhh Sony likely owns that and Bungie. I don't see Sony spending this much without that IP, so when they are giving them control over Destiny, its no different then Sony giving creative freedom to lots of IP they own. So if Sony wasn't going to fund Sunset Overdrive based on not owning the IP, we have our answer as to what Sony ask for regarding theses deals.

200 million to have Insomniacs IPs, but 3 Billion to allow them to keep the Destiny IP sound illogical and very unlikely. For all we know, they are ok with selling the IP to such a publisher that is allowing them to maintain creative control like you see with other Sony studios and allow them to self publish, but I have strong doubts that Sony doesn't currently own that IP as I don't know Sony to have really any deals where they allow anyone to keep that stuff.
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Why does no one ever talk about IO Interactive. They make fantastic games, Hitman is one of my favorite IPs, especially these last 3.
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