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Undesirable male + low IQ results in high susceptibility to feminist indoctrination. Truly pathetic. Support your local bully so your kid doesn’t turn out like them.

It sounds horrible, but I have to agree.

Some time ago, I wouldn’t have. Most of society wouldn’t, and you’d be some awful person for even suggesting it.

After years of seeing what people do without adversity, when they get supported and praised for everything, regardless of merit, when bad habits are celebrated instead of punished... your thinking changes a lot.

Bullies are essential to preserving social order, and keeping deviants in line, which is good for society, and good for the person themselves.

Granted, sometimes bullying can be for the wrong purposes, or just to be mean spirited. Resetera is a good example. The thing is though, if the bully is wrong, and the victim is right, the victim tends to stand up for what they believe in. Conversely, if the bully is right, and the victim knows they’re wrong deep down, they generally knock it off eventually.

But you know all this. I’m more explaining to everyone else.


Faith - Hope - Love
I thought Ailynn Ailynn ’s GAF dick was pretty big but damn, AmazingLook was 5.24



It sounds horrible, but I have to agree.

Some time ago, I wouldn’t have. Most of society wouldn’t, and you’d be some awful person for even suggesting it.

After years of seeing what people do without adversity, when they get supported and praised for everything, regardless of merit, when bad habits are celebrated instead of punished... your thinking changes a lot.

Bullies are essential to preserving social order, and keeping deviants in line, which is good for society, and good for the person themselves.

Granted, sometimes bullying can be for the wrong purposes, or just to be mean spirited. Resetera is a good example. The thing is though, if the bully is wrong, and the victim is right, the victim tends to stand up for what they believe in. Conversely, if the bully is right, and the victim knows they’re wrong deep down, they generally knock it off eventually.

But you know all this. I’m more explaining to everyone else.

I think of schoolyard bullies like vaccines. A small amount in a controlled environment protect you from much worse in future.


Unconfirmed Member
Women don’t fuck white knights. There is literally zero reason to be a male feminist weasel. They’re despised by men and women alike and are a walking rape whistle. Do they not realise that their mating strategy is totally transparent and laughed at by everyone?

A funny thing. My wife was having a zoom pissup chat with her friends and one of said friends is single so they do the customary looking through the blokes on a dating app. As an aside, women are vicious. Absolutely vicious. We are nowhere near as shallow as they are, but I digress. This single friend is a massive mad nutcase feminist, to the point I had to block her on facebook for being such an utter cunt - a privileged white girl with a trust fund who went to private school has no place telling me how privileged I am as a white male who grew up in a poor household to a drug-addicted violent dad and a mother who enabled him. However, one bloke had on his profile under non-negotiables "destroying the patriarchy". It had all of them howling with laughter and miss super-woke got the boke, she absolutely saw through this drivel, despising his blatant bullshit attempt to get laid by being a male feminist. If that vicious harpy can see through it, anyone can. These fuckers aren't getting laid.


I post mostly in OT, some in politics (but mostly to point and laugh at NI and Lil Arky). I guess your question kinda applies to me.

For me personally, I signed up over a decade ago when I had more free time to play games. Now that I’m working full time, I struggle to keep up with gaming but still need a place to shitpost and get my general internet lols. GAF offers the best of both worlds, so I hang around.

Also gaming side is full of retard male feminists who just aren’t worth the time to bully because they’re that pathetic. The amount of simping going on in the Druckmann threads made me feel like I got lost and stumbled into Ree. Ain’t nobody got time for that level of depravity.
The Druckmann threads especially the death threat one. Is some of the most cringe stuff ive seen here at Gaf in awhile imo. The woke clickers are exhausting.


Pssht, there's no excuse to be a true bully. Just means you're a shit human.

One of my bullies from way back in kindergarten ended up stabbing his mother.

There's also no real excuse for saying shit like "because you killed Jesus" when asked why you nearly chopped my fingers off. Though that one kind of apologized later on...(kind of).

Also no excuse to throw stones at a 4 year old. That's attempted murder.

So yeah, excuses for that behaviour can get fucked.
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Pssht, there's no excuse to be a true bully. Just means you're a shit human.

One of my bullies from way back in kindergarten ended up stabbing his mother.

There's also no real excuse for saying shit like "because you killed Jesus" when asked why you nearly chopped my fingers off. Though that one kind of apologized later on...(kind of).

Also no excuse to throw stones at a 4 year old. That's attempted murder.

So yeah, excuses for that behaviour can get fucked.
WTF? I think that goes beyond just bullying. That's hate crime territory.
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The Druckmann threads especially the death threat one. Is some of the most cringe stuff ive seen here at Gaf in awhile imo. The woke clickers are exhausting.
Speaking of such threads, the one that I'm surprised stayed open for as long as it did featured the video of Druckmann criticizing other character designs and talking about misogyny, considering another thread with the same video in the OP was posted a week earlier and was presumably closed for being old news. Basically a duplicate thread of a controversial topic, only this time the OP got his facts wrong and gets banned for trolling.
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bullying is retarded but some targets have it coming, weasels and such

(the whole inoculate muh tribe thing is madness)

standing ground is good, stark and stoic is the name of the game

white knights are losers, inter sectional social justice types, kick them into metaphysical meat grinders
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Next time people are mean to you Lil' Taytay just let me know. I'll fuck them up for you bud.
Let nush know i hit 10,000 just to be petty. :) Thanks.

cyber bullying is fairy dust tho
Physical that is true, but with how connected children are with social media children will have a harder time escaping the bullying. At least back then before the internet was a thing you could escape it from school.
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Rodent Whores
there prolly is some kinda pathological weakness / insecurity at the bottom

smash the skulls of bullies
There usually is with most types of anti-social behavior that have no obvious benefit.

Whether it be innate mean-spiritedness, a mask to hide one's own low self-esteem, or an overreaction to personal grievances and past inflicted wounds - similar to a stereotypical SJW; humans find all kinds of ways to rationalize bad behavior.


Pssht, there's no excuse to be a true bully. Just means you're a shit human.

One of my bullies from way back in kindergarten ended up stabbing his mother.

There's also no real excuse for saying shit like "because you killed Jesus" when asked why you nearly chopped my fingers off. Though that one kind of apologized later on...(kind of).

Also no excuse to throw stones at a 4 year old. That's attempted murder.

So yeah, excuses for that behaviour can get fucked.


Don’t conflate psychopathy with bullying


From where I’m sitting, all I’m going to say is that bullies seem like a necessary evil.

The rest of us respond to bad behavior, and try to alter it. By then, it’s often ingrained and too late. Bullies on the other hand, set a standard and an expectation, with no chance for deviant behavior to grow.

This comparison has become overused, but they look a lot like the alpha of a pack, setting expectations, punishing deviations, and weeding out weird, strange, weak behavior.

And that’s the thing. Nobody wants to come out with this, but it’s the truth.

If you’re being bullied, you probably did something to deserve it, or come off as a weak, ineffectual person that can’t hold your ground, take a joke in good humor, or just ignore it.

As we covered before, there are good bullies, and there are bad bullies. But... again, that’s on you. Are you a victim, helpless to the whims of others, or do you chart the course of your own life? I have been (socially) bullied, and every time, I gave as good as I got, or proceeded on with my life. I would never allow someone to control me, and the way I feel.

A bully can only take what you give them. For all it’s delusions of grandeur, humanity is still extremely animalistic. The strong win, and the weak lose. Decide what team you want to be on.

This social Darwinism largely leads to the best aspects of humanity prevailing, and passing on to the next generation. The last decade is a wonderful, beautiful, horrifying slow-motion train wreck example of what happens when that system is removed, and the weak are allowed to rule.


Bullying is wrong. Cyberbullying is wrong. But some people in this life would benefit greatly from knowing what its like to be slugged in the mouth or nose at least once in there life. Specifically for talking shit. It'll give them perspective about consequences of saying random vile shit to people.

I apologise for being brutish. I'm very nice. 😅


Bullying is wrong. Cyberbullying is wrong. But some people in this life would benefit greatly from knowing what its like to be slugged in the mouth or nose at least once in there life. Specifically for talking shit. It'll give them perspective about consequences of saying random vile shit to people.

I apologise for being brutish. I'm very nice. 😅

You gotta precisely define bullying though otherwise you hand the reigns over to the helicopter parents (women) who will try to wrap everyone in cotton wool and never let them develop a social immune system. Unintended consequences, road to hell, etc.


You gotta precisely define bullying though otherwise you hand the reigns over to the helicopter parents (women) who will try to wrap everyone in cotton wool and never let them develop a social immune system. Unintended consequences, road to hell, etc.
I agree 100% dude. Completely coddling a kid is a recipe for disaster. They wont be able to cope with any problems as an adult.


I agree 100% dude. Completely coddling a kid is a recipe for disaster. They wont be able to cope with any problems as an adult.

Right, but that’s why I try to add a bit of nuance to the discussion around bullying. Like no shit, some kid getting swirlied or beaten for the crime of wearing glasses is wrong. But by letting the Hillary Duffs of the world browbeat everyone with anti-bullying feel goodery, we’ve overreached and pathologised normal and necessary social feedback mechanisms as bullying. There’s a stark difference between a boy being called a retard for wearing a Dora the Explorer backpack versus being beaten within an inch of his life for it. But when you establish a cause as an unquestionable moral good, you invite all the low IQ amoebas with no inner monologue to dogpile anyone who says “hold on a minute”. At that point it’s no longer about protecting a helpless child but about the amoebas boosting their egos by denouncing others. It’s no longer about doing the right thing but appearing good and, most importantly, getting praised for it. That’s the real pathology, and we see it echo through many other aspects of society, not just anti-bullying campaigning.


A lot of Gaffers remind me of me before all this cultural crap started.

Once you’ve really, truly looked into the eye of how bad things are, a lot of the ‘niceties’ you formally held as the absolute truth, have to go. You end up having to adopt a more realistic view of the world, and not just make decisions based on whether they make you feel like a good person or not.

To be clear, you should always endeavor to be good, but sometimes being a good person means making hard choices, being able to see the long-term, and taking uncomfortable positions.

Society and conceptions need a hard reboot from the soft, off-course state they’re in, or Resetera is the future of the real world, and nobody will have the tools to stand against it.


might is supposed to be for right, not right itself, i don't think it's wise to get ahead of that no matter how many skulls you've cracked and crushed
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Bullying is wrong. Cyberbullying is wrong. But some people in this life would benefit greatly from knowing what its like to be slugged in the mouth or nose at least once in there life. Specifically for talking shit. It'll give them perspective about consequences of saying random vile shit to people.

I apologise for being brutish. I'm very nice. 😅

for sure, there's a lot of pussies out there


you can be good and surf the high ground, it's not always easy but it's possible

As an example:

Not that it did anything, but I pushed back hard on the Syrian refugee thing. It kind of broke my heart that I was pushing back against innocent men, women, and especially children, relocating to a safe area.

However, I believed the cultures to be fundamentally incompatible, that all kinds of trouble would start, that violence would erupt, and people would lose their lives. That western countries had an obligation to their own citizens, rather than others, others that had ruined their own spaces with a culture they chose to participate in, one that they would bring to the west.

I was right. Staring at the picture of the pieces of Ebba Akerland on the road, was a defining moment for me, and there were many, many more examples.

If I wanted to meet the popular definition of a good person, I would have advocated for the refugees. I wanted to be an actually good person, though, and that’s why I pushed against it.

That’s what I mean. There’s hard choices out there, that aren’t compatible with the feel-good moralizing of the current age.
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