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Every post should add something to a thread. If it doesn’t, it’s best off kept in your head.

No need for one word replies, repeating what others have said, etc.


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I honestly don’t disagree with Vyse.

I’ve sometimes been critical of posts or posters that I viewed as spamming or low effort/lack of solid contribution, but I am guilty of treating the threads like twitter or discord sometimes too, so I try not to be too judgmental.

I’m just to here to have a silly goose time.

I’m sure when I get perm’d there might be at least one person who writes “all that fucker did was shitpost and spam GIFs, Bye Felicia.” Well, at least if anyone even notices I’ve been banned in the first place.

I’m supposed to be getting ready for my evening workout right now but I’m feeling so fucking lazy and don’t wanna get up. I haven’t taken a day off in a month. Trying to convince myself to get up and keep swinging the axe, just keep swingin’ (metaphorically)


Every post should add something to a thread. If it doesn’t, it’s best off kept in your head.

No need for one word replies, repeating what others have said, etc.
I agree. Every post should add something to a thread. If it doesn’t, it’s best off kept in your head.

No need for one word replies, repeating what others have said, etc.


I’m sure when I get perm’d there might be at least one person who writes “all that fucker did was shitpost and spam GIFs, Bye Felicia.” Well, at least if anyone even notices I’ve been banned in the first place.

I’ll notice, as will many others. You’ve been awesome to have in the next-gen console threads + fun here on Gaf in general. Aren’t you like the highest reacted user or something? People like MHK would give anything to be you. 😋

But seriously, don’t think like that.

I’m supposed to be getting ready for my evening workout right now but I’m feeling so fucking lazy and don’t wanna get up. I haven’t taken a day off in a month. Trying to convince myself to get up and keep swinging the axe, just keep swingin’ (metaphorically)

Do it! It always feels like a bummer to get out there, be it jogging or whatever you do, but once you’re there, it just feels good. It feels good to keep the schedule as well, and not give in.

I agree. Every post should add something to a thread. If it doesn’t, it’s best off kept in your head.

No need for one word replies, repeating what others have said, etc.

Making it halfway through this post, nodding my head and agreeing, before realizing it was my own, made this so much better. :messenger_tears_of_joy: I need sleep.

Mr Hyde

I hate it when someone quotes the entirety of the OP only to respond with simple one or two word posts. "Great", "Hype", "Cool", "Thanks" etc. It doesn't add anything to a discussion, much less address any specific part of the quoted post.

Cool. Great.
So, I am a little salty. I think this is bullshit.

I think he's a Microsoft mole tbh, defending with the blindest faith I've rarely seen
Nah. The guy just likes joining cliques to feed his like-dislike ratio. He was doing the same thing with Sony not too long ago.

My posting history, as shitposty, typo ridden, nonsensical, and irrelevant as it may be, is at the very least consistent. I don't fuckin join "cliques," what the fuck does that even mean here on GAF? What cliques are you referring to, Claus? Where are these cliques? Who else is part of these cliques? I haven't even mentioned reactions since I posted something stupid in here awhile ago and got called on it, so I stopped. I've tried to better about a lot of things lately, reaction crying/begging being one of them. I've also tried to be better about being a "loony cunt," but I guess I am always gonna be at least a little bit crazy.

I posted some memes in the DualSense Controller thread that were almost entirely just praising DualSense, nothing attacking the XsX (except for one where I had Cerny kicking XsX in the nuts, as a joke of course, which was against just one of the many), so I hope that isn't all you are going on here, Mr. Perfect. I have always said, from day one, that I think both consoles are winners. I was blown away by the XsX specs reveal, and slightly let down by the PS5 spec reveal, and my posting reflects that, but I don't think that is a crime.

But, Claus, I commend you for saying this to me directly. You usually wait for someone to get perm'd before criticizing them. Good for you. You're sacking up.

And me, an MS mole? I have owned an MS console for a total of 6 months over the last 7 years. I am primarily a Sony gamer, and have said so pretty often, so fuck right off with that nonsense. Especially since you (Alter) are the dude just posting nonstop about how "absolute shit" the games were today (literally almost every post from you over the last 2 hours).

Alter came in the thread and started saying 360 games looked better than the games shown today, and that is when I started firing back, because that is disingenuous garbage IMO. I felt plenty of other people posted thoughtful and legit criticism of the stream today, which was FAR from perfect.

I'm not on a side, I think pledging allegiance to a company or console is dumb as fuck. I will own both consoles.


So, I am a little salty. I think this is bullshit.

My posting history, as shitposty, typo ridden, nonsensical, and irrelevant as it may be, is at the very least consistent. I don't fuckin join "cliques," what the fuck does that even mean here on GAF? What cliques are you referring to, Claus? Where are these cliques? Who else is part of these cliques? I haven't even mentioned reactions since I posted something stupid in here awhile ago and got called on it, so I stopped. I've tried to better about a lot of things lately, reaction crying/begging being one of them. I've also tried to be better about being a "loony cunt," but I guess I am always gonna be at least a little bit crazy.

I posted some memes in the DualSense Controller thread that were almost entirely just praising DualSense, nothing attacking the XsX (except for one where I had Cerny kicking XsX in the nuts, as a joke of course, which was against just one of the many), so I hope that isn't all you are going on here, Mr. Perfect. I have always said, from day one, that I think both consoles are winners. I was blown away by the XsX specs reveal, and slightly let down by the PS5 spec reveal, and my posting reflects that, but I don't think that is a crime.

But, Claus, I commend you for saying this to me directly. You usually wait for someone to get perm'd before criticizing them. Good for you. You're sacking up.

And me, an MS mole? I have owned an MS console for a total of 6 months over the last 7 years. I am primarily a Sony gamer, and have said so pretty often, so fuck right off with that nonsense. Especially since you (Alter) are the dude just posting nonstop about how "absolute shit" the games were today (literally almost every post from you over the last 2 hours).

Alter came in the thread and started saying 360 games looked better than the games shown today, and that is when I started firing back, because that is disingenuous garbage IMO. I felt plenty of other people posted thoughtful and legit criticism of the stream today, which was FAR from perfect.

I'm not on a side, I think pledging allegiance to a company or console is dumb as fuck. I will own both consoles.
Yep, ignore them.

Say one good thing about Sony? Sony shill.
Say one bad thing about Sony? Xbox fanboy.
Say one good thing about Microsoft? Microsoft shill.
Say one bad thing about Microsoft? Sony fanboy.

They're fucking loonies with seemingly nothing important in their lifes that they instead have to conduct into meaningless shit such as what company deserves money more. Imagine that.

Lots of projection too. Since they only buy one system (hence fanboys... why even accuse others to begin with?), their feeble minds believe everyone else has to work that way too, instead of being able and capable of owning and enjoying different things to access exclusives from several directions. All the games.

So basically rabid fanboys accusing others of the same thing they do, but playing for the opposite team and sees everything and everyone as a hostile threat needed to be eliminated. That's not normal to say the least.
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Dr. Claus

So, I am a little salty. I think this is bullshit.

My posting history, as shitposty, typo ridden, nonsensical, and irrelevant as it may be, is at the very least consistent. I don't fuckin join "cliques," what the fuck does that even mean here on GAF? What cliques are you referring to, Claus? Where are these cliques? Who else is part of these cliques? I haven't even mentioned reactions since I posted something stupid in here awhile ago and got called on it, so I stopped. I've tried to better about a lot of things lately, reaction crying/begging being one of them. I've also tried to be better about being a "loony cunt," but I guess I am always gonna be at least a little bit crazy.

I posted some memes in the DualSense Controller thread that were almost entirely just praising DualSense, nothing attacking the XsX (except for one where I had Cerny kicking XsX in the nuts, as a joke of course, which was against just one of the many), so I hope that isn't all you are going on here, Mr. Perfect. I have always said, from day one, that I think both consoles are winners. I was blown away by the XsX specs reveal, and slightly let down by the PS5 spec reveal, and my posting reflects that, but I don't think that is a crime.

But, Claus, I commend you for saying this to me directly. You usually wait for someone to get perm'd before criticizing them. Good for you. You're sacking up.

And me, an MS mole? I have owned an MS console for a total of 6 months over the last 7 years. I am primarily a Sony gamer, and have said so pretty often, so fuck right off with that nonsense. Especially since you (Alter) are the dude just posting nonstop about how "absolute shit" the games were today (literally almost every post from you over the last 2 hours).

Alter came in the thread and started saying 360 games looked better than the games shown today, and that is when I started firing back, because that is disingenuous garbage IMO. I felt plenty of other people posted thoughtful and legit criticism of the stream today, which was FAR from perfect.

I'm not on a side, I think pledging allegiance to a company or console is dumb as fuck. I will own both consoles.

Come off it, Jarebear. The only thing you are consistent in is your addiction to likes and dislikes. You try so desperately to connect to cliques and appease them so you can get that dopamine rush. This has been a long and storied history with you as you so kindly pointed out and nothing has changed.

I don't consider you a console warrior, nor a MS mole as I explicitly stated in that post. Never have either, nor will I as your history clearly shows what kind of person you are. You flip flop to whomever will give you attention. Currently that "clique" that gives you attention is the Xbox console warriors like TimDog. Before that, it was the Sony console warriors. Anyone who reads your post history or has been around GAF for more than a few minutes would see this. Hell, if Era would give you the attention you so desperately crave, I have no doubt in my mind that you will go over there and say whatever they want you to say as that is just the kind of person you have shown yourself to be.

Also, there is no need to commend me as I have always called out people and criticized them before they were banned, just like I did for the low effort and low quality trolling of Brap, the blatant console warring of LuvOfTheGame, or the moral grandstanding of cunts like Shiki_. You would have noticed this if you didn't have me on block for months like you did half the community.
Come off it, Jarebear. The only thing you are consistent in is your addiction to likes and dislikes. You try so desperately to connect to cliques and appease them so you can get that dopamine rush. This has been a long and storied history with you as you so kindly pointed out and nothing has changed.

I don't consider you a console warrior, nor a MS mole as I explicitly stated in that post. Never have either, nor will I as your history clearly shows what kind of person you are. You flip flop to whomever will give you attention. Currently that "clique" that gives you attention is the Xbox console warriors like TimDog. Before that, it was the Sony console warriors. Anyone who reads your post history or has been around GAF for more than a few minutes would see this. Hell, if Era would give you the attention you so desperately crave, I have no doubt in my mind that you will go over there and say whatever they want you to say as that is just the kind of person you have shown yourself to be.

Also, there is no need to commend me as I have always called out people and criticized them before they were banned, just like I did for the low effort and low quality trolling of Brap, the blatant console warring of LuvOfTheGame, or the moral grandstanding of cunts like Shiki_. You would have noticed this if you didn't have me on block for months like you did half the community.

Shut the fuck up.
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