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Meta GAF |ON| Gaf on Gaf

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I thought that was awesome because it sums up why I normally don't invest time in fighting games lol, but I kept the person darshing them at the end because you know... I care about the fighting game fans of this forum, you guys are still swell


'why does this guy work out all the time, try so hard, like what even is the point of gitting gud at anything in life'

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speaking of fighting games, is david sirlin still around?

playing to win is one of my favorite books and i always admired his design sensibilities
Politics GAF is worse than I could have anticipated and that creepy old fuck hasn't even taken office. I feel bad for members like Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat who pretty much live off that part of GAF because it's very apparent why the right wing voices have grown quieter and quieter and now I'm thinking of adding myself to the list of people who don't consider it worth their time. I said it in one of the threads but I feel like an XBOX stan in the gaming forum but at least they can hope things get better soon, what am I supposed to hope for? The mid-terms? No, not interested in whether or not Republicans gain seats, if they won't stand up for Trump now I won't stand up for them in 2022. I feel like the sort of tribalism the other sub-forums engender is more tolerable than Lefty GAF ruling Politics, I'd rather endure a majority XBOX Gaming GAF, a majority MCU OT, and this thread being 75% Richard Packer Richard Packer , honestly. I mean, I'm also simply more flexible on those areas, though, I think Infinity War and Endgame are far better than anything DC has produced since BvS, I was a huge XBOT from 2001 to 2010 and a massive troll for most my forum posting life prior to GAF. So I'm cool with all of that. (I know OT is more than just superhero movies but I don't really care about mainstream music or butt threads or whatever).

I'm assuming it's going to become more like it was under Obama, we'll have our dissident voices who mostly attack SJW BS, new Sargon of Akkad's, Paul Joseph Watson's and such, it's too miserable to hope for actual political change in the government so we may as well laugh at the SJW segment of the left losing their mind. If we could find a way to rid the Left of all that shit they might even be tolerable being in charge. Many people like to argue policy but for me any policy that IMPROVES life for Americans is what I support, that's not party dependent, most of why I get despondent over Trump losing is the establishment in politics is so fucking corrupt and the Left has become totally deranged by an overload of soy. Biden might not be that bad, he's already saying he won't cancel student loan debt, lol, man reality hitting people is going to be bliss when they realize the dude is just a Bush era Republican and just as corrupt. But that doesn't mean the posters in our Politics section are any more tolerable.


Politics GAF is worse than I could have anticipated and that creepy old fuck hasn't even taken office. I feel bad for members like Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat who pretty much live off that part of GAF because it's very apparent why the right wing voices have grown quieter and quieter and now I'm thinking of adding myself to the list of people who don't consider it worth their time. I said it in one of the threads but I feel like an XBOX stan in the gaming forum but at least they can hope things get better soon, what am I supposed to hope for? The mid-terms? No, not interested in whether or not Republicans gain seats, if they won't stand up for Trump now I won't stand up for them in 2022. I feel like the sort of tribalism the other sub-forums engender is more tolerable than Lefty GAF ruling Politics, I'd rather endure a majority XBOX Gaming GAF, a majority MCU OT, and this thread being 75% Richard Packer Richard Packer , honestly. I mean, I'm also simply more flexible on those areas, though, I think Infinity War and Endgame are far better than anything DC has produced since BvS, I was a huge XBOT from 2001 to 2010 and a massive troll for most my forum posting life prior to GAF. So I'm cool with all of that. (I know OT is more than just superhero movies but I don't really care about mainstream music or butt threads or whatever).

I'm assuming it's going to become more like it was under Obama, we'll have our dissident voices who mostly attack SJW BS, new Sargon of Akkad's, Paul Joseph Watson's and such, it's too miserable to hope for actual political change in the government so we may as well laugh at the SJW segment of the left losing their mind. If we could find a way to rid the Left of all that shit they might even be tolerable being in charge. Many people like to argue policy but for me any policy that IMPROVES life for Americans is what I support, that's not party dependent, most of why I get despondent over Trump losing is the establishment in politics is so fucking corrupt and the Left has become totally deranged by an overload of soy. Biden might not be that bad, he's already saying he won't cancel student loan debt, lol, man reality hitting people is going to be bliss when they realize the dude is just a Bush era Republican and just as corrupt. But that doesn't mean the posters in our Politics section are any more tolerable.
it's a stasis period, least that's how i feel since we're 17 days from a new potus

pubs seems to be fairing ok considering they just lost the executive and perhaps the legislative

crats looks pretty fucked up, didn't expect trump to hold his own and they are praying to unholy gods they win the runoff


Is the ban review thread the biggest loser thread on gaf?



Politics GAF is worse than I could have anticipated and that creepy old fuck hasn't even taken office. I feel bad for members like Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat who pretty much live off that part of GAF because it's very apparent why the right wing voices have grown quieter and quieter and now I'm thinking of adding myself to the list of people who don't consider it worth their time. I said it in one of the threads but I feel like an XBOX stan in the gaming forum but at least they can hope things get better soon, what am I supposed to hope for? The mid-terms? No, not interested in whether or not Republicans gain seats, if they won't stand up for Trump now I won't stand up for them in 2022. I feel like the sort of tribalism the other sub-forums engender is more tolerable than Lefty GAF ruling Politics, I'd rather endure a majority XBOX Gaming GAF, a majority MCU OT, and this thread being 75% Richard Packer Richard Packer , honestly. I mean, I'm also simply more flexible on those areas, though, I think Infinity War and Endgame are far better than anything DC has produced since BvS, I was a huge XBOT from 2001 to 2010 and a massive troll for most my forum posting life prior to GAF. So I'm cool with all of that. (I know OT is more than just superhero movies but I don't really care about mainstream music or butt threads or whatever).

I'm assuming it's going to become more like it was under Obama, we'll have our dissident voices who mostly attack SJW BS, new Sargon of Akkad's, Paul Joseph Watson's and such, it's too miserable to hope for actual political change in the government so we may as well laugh at the SJW segment of the left losing their mind. If we could find a way to rid the Left of all that shit they might even be tolerable being in charge. Many people like to argue policy but for me any policy that IMPROVES life for Americans is what I support, that's not party dependent, most of why I get despondent over Trump losing is the establishment in politics is so fucking corrupt and the Left has become totally deranged by an overload of soy. Biden might not be that bad, he's already saying he won't cancel student loan debt, lol, man reality hitting people is going to be bliss when they realize the dude is just a Bush era Republican and just as corrupt. But that doesn't mean the posters in our Politics section are any more tolerable.
Look, I hate posting with retards that can’t hold a simple conversation without deflecting and propagandizing, and I empathize.

But it reflects on you even worse, that you’re running away from them. Say what you want. Call them out if you’d like. Ignore them if you’d like. Their goal is to keep you guys from talking about things they don’t like, via anything from distractions to just trying to make you have a bad, frustrating experience. If you deny them that, they have no power.

But if all of sane Gaf collapses because some Resetera idiots and Shareblue astroturfers walked in, it was never much of anything to begin with.


politics is always gonna be a king of the hill situation since there's only two major parties and a limited number of practical ways to push ideas forward

be the opposing voice, relent, or quit

vigilance is the constant price you pay to prevent radicals from taking over, engage w/o fear or second guessing yourself and yull be fine
Look, I hate posting with retards that can’t hold a simple conversation without deflecting and propagandizing, and I empathize.

But it reflects on you even worse, that you’re running away from them. Say what you want. Call them out if you’d like. Ignore them if you’d like. Their goal is to keep you guys from talking about things they don’t like, via anything from distractions to just trying to make you have a bad, frustrating experience. If you deny them that, they have no power.

But if all of sane Gaf collapses because some Resetera idiots and Shareblue astroturfers walked in, it was never much of anything to begin with.

It's just wearing on my patience, they all have the same MO which is to force you to go through so many levels of argumentation before getting to their true argument, they always begin from a position they know you have already argued and answered for and the more you engage the more their position changes into what should have been the original position. Then, the next thread, they're back to the same shit. I get what you're saying but if you look at Politics GAF it feels like they already won, most my favorite posters over there barely post any more and new people keep showing up. But, let's wait a month, maybe once the only political news worth talking about is Joe Biden fucking things up it's going to be hard for them to gloat so much.


It's just wearing on my patience, they all have the same MO which is to force you to go through so many levels of argumentation before getting to their true argument, they always begin from a position they know you have already argued and answered for and the more you engage the more their position changes into what should have been the original position. Then, the next thread, they're back to the same shit. I get what you're saying but if you look at Politics GAF it feels like they already won, most my favorite posters over there barely post any more and new people keep showing up. But, let's wait a month, maybe once the only political news worth talking about is Joe Biden fucking things up it's going to be hard for them to gloat so much.
Well, if you wait a month without posting, what do you think is more likely? They’ll randomly all leave for no reason? Or that like will attract like and even more of them will show up?

I think you care what they say too much. I used to be there as well. If someone replied to me, I had to argue it back, and so forth and so on.

I’m telling you that you don’t have to engage with anyone you don’t want to. I’m telling you that if you decide to, there’s no rule saying you can’t call out their tactics as you did just now to me, while they argue dishonestly.

Focus on saying whatever you came into a thread to say, not what they want you to say, what arguments they want you to get tangled in. It’s a rule as old as the internet, that’s somehow been forgotten — don’t feed the trolls.

As far as the reading experience, I empathize. It really does look like Sane Gaf collapsed, but I suspect that part of that is due to a natural mourning process on the part of many. I know I haven’t been posting, because it kind of makes me sad, and I kind of need time to process through it all. This is how normal humans react, not screaming at the sky and sobbing on camera, as they did four years ago.

I say get back in there, and have fun posting, and who cares what a bunch of ‘My wife’s boyfriend’s have to say about it. Brush them off. Set an example, create fun/interesting conversation, and make Politics NeoGaf again.
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I have to admit I didn’t fully realize this until a smarter Gaf poster pointed it out, but BluRayHiDef is so transparently trying to bait the forum into committing social justice sins in every thread, likely so he can point at Gaf and say, ‘See?’

If it’s not quite that, there is still something seriously wrong/suspicious about that poster.


I have to admit I didn’t fully realize this until a smarter Gaf poster pointed it out, but BluRayHiDef is so transparently trying to bait the forum into committing social justice sins in every thread, likely so he can point at Gaf and say, ‘See?’

If it’s not quite that, there is still something seriously wrong/suspicious about that poster.

He might honestly be my new bestest GAF friend. (Sorry The_Mike The_Mike )

I just love it when they play hard to get!

nicksplat flirt GIF by Hey Arnold
I have to admit I didn’t fully realize this until a smarter Gaf poster pointed it out, but BluRayHiDef is so transparently trying to bait the forum into committing social justice sins in every thread, likely so he can point at Gaf and say, ‘See?’

If it’s not quite that, there is still something seriously wrong/suspicious about that poster.

I think he just has some sort of personality disorder. I don't mind him, I get amusement from the crazy threads he makes.


Glad to see some of the regulars picked up on what I’ve been feeling about poligaf.

I barely have any interest in posting any more. There’s too just too many of them, and they’re too practiced. People like me can’t compete and don’t care to.


Life isn’t a circlejerk, even for the right ideas. Life isn’t fair. Sometimes you end fighting for ideas that should be celebrated, but that’s how it goes with humanity.

As long as you have free speech on NeoGaf, what stops you from disagreeing, and putting forth clearly sane alternatives? What stops you from figuring out and defusing the weasel tactics?

Viewed as a competition, your forefathers fought and died in the mud and the grime for what they thought was right, and you’re afraid of Nobody Important and the brainlet gang typing words?

Now that Gaf is getting more popular, there’s more opportunity than ever for you to get your ideas out there, and make a difference with them, but that requires the mindset of a winner, not someone that takes their ball and heads home at the first sign of resistance.

Even aside from the competition of ideas, what stops you from simply ignoring the attempts at disruption, and making conversation with sane people in threads, building exactly what they’re trying to stop you from doing?

I say all this with love and positive intentions. Get back out there, de-emotionalize encounters with stupid people (that will burn you out faster than anything), and post on your board.



Life isn’t a circlejerk, even for the right ideas. Life isn’t fair. Sometimes you end fighting for ideas that should be celebrated, but that’s how it goes with humanity.

As long as you have free speech on NeoGaf, what stops you from disagreeing, and putting forth clearly sane alternatives? What stops you from figuring out and defusing the weasel tactics?

Viewed as a competition, your forefathers fought and died in the mud and the grime for what they thought was right, and you’re afraid of Nobody Important and the brainlet gang typing words?

Now that Gaf is getting more popular, there’s more opportunity than ever for you to get your ideas out there, and make a difference with them, but that requires the mindset of a winner, not someone that takes their ball and heads home at the first sign of resistance.

Even aside from the competition of ideas, what stops you from simply ignoring the attempts at disruption, and making conversation with sane people in threads, building exactly what they’re trying to stop you from doing?

I say all this with love and positive intentions. Get back out there, de-emotionalize encounters with stupid people (that will burn you out faster than anything), and post on your board.
I appreciate and understand the sentiment, but I just don’t have that level of fight in me. I’ve been here in one form or another since 2004, before the neo. I’m only active the last few years because of EviLore EviLore ’s initiatives. I think it would take moderation level course corrections to keep the forum heading on the same track it has been since the split.
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I think he just has some sort of personality disorder. I don't mind him, I get amusement from the crazy threads he makes.
That’s what I thought, but take a look how one-note and mono-thematic his threads are. They all revolve around getting Gaf to say something ‘alt-right’, or what may be perceived as alt-right.

I don’t have him figured out all the way, but there is something very strange about him.


I appreciate and understand the sentiment, but I just don’t have that level of fight in me. I’ve been here in one form or another since 2004, before the neo. I’m only active the last few years because of @EviLore’s initiatives. I think it would take moderation level course corrections to keep the forum heading on the same track it has been since the split.
Then why not simply make judicious use of the ignore button, or a mental ignore?

I’d hate to not see such a good poster in politics anymore. We all have different roles to play in life, and perhaps yours isn’t so much on the combative side, but rather providing interesting thoughts and conversations with people actually interested in such things?

When it comes to mods, my philosophy is generally to let them do their own thing, as long as nothing like early 2010’s Gaf is happening, and I can speak my piece. It’s out of my hands. But what is in my hands is how I choose to react to people deliberately trying to demoralize me. Same for you.

Much love, Haxan. I understand feeling like you don’t have a home anymore all too well after the fall of Gaf.


I appreciate and understand the sentiment, but I just don’t have that level of fight in me. I’ve been here in one form or another since 2004, before the neo. I’m only active the last few years because of EviLore EviLore ’s initiatives. I think it would take moderation level course corrections to keep the forum heading on the same track it has been since the split.

Don't need mods to intervene unless there's obvious poltrolling or other weasel shenanigans. Even SB Kosmo, even though I'm like 95% certain he's an astroturfer, that needs to be observed and called out by the GAF community, not mods.

TL;DR Just crush them



Then why not simply make judicious use of the ignore button, or a mental ignore?

I’d hate to not see such a good poster in politics anymore. We all have different roles to play in life, and perhaps yours isn’t so much on the combative side, but rather providing interesting thoughts and conversations with people actually interested in such things?

When it comes to mods, my philosophy is generally to let them do their own thing, as long as nothing like early 2010’s Gaf is happening, and I can speak my piece. It’s out of my hands. But what is in my hands is how I choose to react to people deliberately trying to demoralize me. Same for you.

Much love, Haxan. I understand feeling like you don’t have a home anymore all too well after the fall of Gaf.

GAF hasn't fallen lol. Pol has a bit of a roach infestation at the moment but they almost always trip over their own bottom lips eventually. As long as we can still crush them without modcoddling then all is well.


GAF hasn't fallen lol. Pol has a bit of a roach infestation at the moment but they almost always trip over their own bottom lips eventually. As long as we can still crush them without modcoddling then all is well.
I meant the old days. That could have been clearer.

I think I said something about Sane Gaf collapsing, but I somewhat see it the same way you do with the roach infestation. As a temporary thing.

As you said, for Gaf to fall, free speech has to be removed.


Politics GAF is worse than I could have anticipated and that creepy old fuck hasn't even taken office. I feel bad for members like Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat who pretty much live off that part of GAF because it's very apparent why the right wing voices have grown quieter and quieter and now I'm thinking of adding myself to the list of people who don't consider it worth their time. I said it in one of the threads but I feel like an XBOX stan in the gaming forum but at least they can hope things get better soon, what am I supposed to hope for? The mid-terms? No, not interested in whether or not Republicans gain seats, if they won't stand up for Trump now I won't stand up for them in 2022. I feel like the sort of tribalism the other sub-forums engender is more tolerable than Lefty GAF ruling Politics, I'd rather endure a majority XBOX Gaming GAF, a majority MCU OT, and this thread being 75% Richard Packer Richard Packer , honestly. I mean, I'm also simply more flexible on those areas, though, I think Infinity War and Endgame are far better than anything DC has produced since BvS, I was a huge XBOT from 2001 to 2010 and a massive troll for most my forum posting life prior to GAF. So I'm cool with all of that. (I know OT is more than just superhero movies but I don't really care about mainstream music or butt threads or whatever).

I'm assuming it's going to become more like it was under Obama, we'll have our dissident voices who mostly attack SJW BS, new Sargon of Akkad's, Paul Joseph Watson's and such, it's too miserable to hope for actual political change in the government so we may as well laugh at the SJW segment of the left losing their mind. If we could find a way to rid the Left of all that shit they might even be tolerable being in charge. Many people like to argue policy but for me any policy that IMPROVES life for Americans is what I support, that's not party dependent, most of why I get despondent over Trump losing is the establishment in politics is so fucking corrupt and the Left has become totally deranged by an overload of soy. Biden might not be that bad, he's already saying he won't cancel student loan debt, lol, man reality hitting people is going to be bliss when they realize the dude is just a Bush era Republican and just as corrupt. But that doesn't mean the posters in our Politics section are any more tolerable.
Politics GAF is not yet lost, the reeturners have been churned out mostly, Devonshire just came and left within a couple of days. Also based on the responses to my Biden voter thread it seems at least two thirds of posters were not on the Biden train. Missing the Trump presidency or the political climate that entailed is normal but if the increased number of voters for Republicans in 2020 says anything it is that Trumpism isn’t going away into the night. In 1976 Reagan lost the nomination to Gerald Ford barely and then he came back in 1980.
If it wasn’t for Trump the best Republicans would have offered was Jeb level energy, and now that people have had a a taste of national populism they will work harder to get it again. Just as CRT and Blamtifa are supposedly here to stay, the push for a saner political climate increases. I hope that you and Haxan post as much as you want to and I look forward to reading your opinions.
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Me watching my reactions notifications when they appear as Gaffers make their way through the incel topic and knowing in a few more pages that shits going to get real.


Join in the fun, start at page one and don't skip to the end.
Thanks for the name-check E Explosive Zombie . My investment in a community is down to me. Certainly the tone has shifted and that's absolutely fine. I have no intention of turning my back on things - and I don't want to be a returner.
There will always be good posters and compelling engagement to be had, and I've faith in the moderation of the community that it will remain a platform where views from more than one side of the fence are encouraged and allowed to succeed or fail on their own merits.
I'm not one to go deep into speculation and with all the drama since Nov 3rd I've just found it simpler to watch and listen and wait.

Right now everything is in a state of flux. Next-gen platform wars. Politics wars.
The three things I can always rely upon are the Hariseldon World thread and the Breasts thread and the Bans page.

Truly they are NeoGAF's answer to Conan's "What is best in life?" 💪💅🚨


Fingerlickin' Good!
Me watching my reactions notifications when they appear as Gaffers make their way through the incel topic and knowing in a few more pages that shits going to get real.


Join in the fun, start at page one and don't skip to the end.
What a friggen creep

edit: the op, not you (as far as I know??)
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