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teezzy teezzy I had no idea you were into bondage btw. A better fetish than feet. Wait is wearing shoes considered bondage?

I usually combine the two. I've had my hog tie for like a decade now and it's the best for that.

A go-to move for me is starting off light, and taking off my my belt then either restraining their hands with it or tying it around their neck. I usually give a few playful slaps prior to gauge their interest.

You'd be shocked how many chicks I've had who are just instantly so into being choked by a belt. I've only had one kinda get freaked out by it and I immediately just put it aside and let her know it was chill if that's not her thing,

But yeah, get a chick tied up. Leave them helpless on the bed as you go into the kitchen and they wonder "wtf is this guy up to". Return with an ice cube. Rub it on their nipples. Stick it in their hole, etc.

I get creative.
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Unconfirmed Member
I usually combine the two. I've had my hog tie for like a decade now and it's the best for that.

A go-to move for me is starting off light, and busting out the belt and either restraining their hands with it or tying it around their neck.

You'd be shocked how many chicks I've had who are just instantly so into being chocked by a belt. I've only had one kinda get freaked out by it and I immediately just put it aside and let her know it was chill if that's not her thing,

But yeah, get a chick tied up. Leave them helpless on the bed as you go into the kitchen and they wonder "wtf is this guy up to". Return with an ice cube. Rub it on their nipples. Stick it in their hole, etc.

I get creative.
How do you feel about the full nelson (move)? Is it something you Sadies are into?
This isn't so much about people being civil with me in most cases, my main trouble with PoliGAF lately is the dominant voices have switched to the people we all knew were bad actors. I could just ignore them all, I guess, but the good posters barely post any more, the way the quality voices used to drown out the bad actors has reversed into the opposite to the point knobs like Dick Packer over here will claim Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat is having a meltdown when he's posting the same way he always is, it's just he's getting ganged up on in a way he never did before because he was one smart, rational voice in a sea of others and the bad actors were just a minority. Not to pat myself on the back but I don't feel me abandoning people like him will help things much but man this shit is upsetting, you know people riot when their stupid sports team loses, imagine caring that much about something that stupid and then transplant that to someone invested in politics and the trajectory of the entire country. The Patriots winning the super bowl doesn't mean they get to decide for the next 4 years how football is conducted but for some reason it upsets people far more than a creepy, senile pedophile who outright told us he'd do horrible bullshit to the country entering office.

I hear you on what you're saying, though, and I'm definitely going to re-assess how I deal with stuff. Getting worked up in a forum for video games isn't going to change anything, I've gotta focus on things that make me feel good and get rid of my stress so ignoring some of these people might be the best option. I was just watching a fun movie called Wolf of Snow Hollow and it's about a cop's nervous breakdown/combat with alcoholism in the face of terrible murders in his small town, what not being able to change events does to him, I feel a bit like him except I have even less control over this stuff.
Welcome to the shoe being on the other foot.

I don't think this perceived shift is as much about people here as it is about a reflection of the real world. The shift people are experiencing in the Politics subforum is probably similar to the shift people experience in the Games forum when a different platform becomes the dominant one.
The people you regard as bad posters probably regard themselves as good posters - and may even regard those you deem good to be the bad ones. It's just perspective. And, I suspect, a degree of tribalism.

Remember those times when some people would crop up and call NeoGAF politics "a right-wing echo-chamber". The rational among us knew this wasn't the case and the accusation tended to say more about the accuser than their target.
I don't expect to see NeoGAF become a left-wing echo-chamber - or any sort of echo-chamber.

I hope you find the community one that remains worth participating in.
Welcome to the shoe being on the other foot.

I don't think this perceived shift is as much about people here as it is about a reflection of the real world. The shift people are experiencing in the Politics subforum is probably similar to the shift people experience in the Games forum when a different platform becomes the dominant one.
The people you regard as bad posters probably regard themselves as good posters - and may even regard those you deem good to be the bad ones. It's just perspective. And, I suspect, a degree of tribalism.

Remember those times when some people would crop up and call NeoGAF politics "a right-wing echo-chamber". The rational among us knew this wasn't the case and the accusation tended to say more about the accuser than their target.
I don't expect to see NeoGAF become a left-wing echo-chamber - or any sort of echo-chamber.

I hope you find the community one that remains worth participating in.

The problem with them assuming they're good posters is they tend to deal in little short drive-by posts or just laugh reacting posts. There's very rarely actual effort put into their posts. And even some of the ones who put effort in and write out something actually thought provoking will very obviously dodge topics that puncture their beliefs too hard, I still remember the recent thread where people were @'ing some of the usual suspects for their takes and none were willing to step into the fray.

I do wonder how things go for them once February hits... do they still just eagerly follow everything Trump does and keep telling us how bad Trump is even if he's not President? If you spend all your time railing on Trump and then a buffoon like Biden gets in how easily can you avoid your share of the blame when Biden is incompetent and corrupt as shit? I expect these people to ghost us the second Trump isn't in the headlines and the magnifying glass is on how their side is running the country, not that the MSM will scrutinize too far but this forum won't miss the cracks. Four years of arguing it's okay when you do it is going to be tough, the cognitive dissonance will take a toll on some of them surely. Right now they're pretty energized because they really really hated Trump and they're enjoying his defeat, but like usual the Left only knows what they don't like, they have no clue what they do like or what the alternate answer is.


On RT I would usually return within an hour after being banned under a new name. There was one particular night where they banned me about 15 times I'd say. They always eventually gave up and let me stay for a while until I went too far again. The last one was the worst one, though, I want to say we're talking around 2012 because I remember wanting to make a new name to argue about the movie Prometheus.

The problem with them assuming they're good posters is they tend to deal in little short drive-by posts or just laugh reacting posts. There's very rarely actual effort put into their posts. And even some of the ones who put effort in and write out something actually thought provoking will very obviously dodge topics that puncture their beliefs too hard, I still remember the recent thread where people were @'ing some of the usual suspects for their takes and none were willing to step into the fray.

I do wonder how things go for them once February hits... do they still just eagerly follow everything Trump does and keep telling us how bad Trump is even if he's not President? If you spend all your time railing on Trump and then a buffoon like Biden gets in how easily can you avoid your share of the blame when Biden is incompetent and corrupt as shit? I expect these people to ghost us the second Trump isn't in the headlines and the magnifying glass is on how their side is running the country, not that the MSM will scrutinize too far but this forum won't miss the cracks. Four years of arguing it's okay when you do it is going to be tough, the cognitive dissonance will take a toll on some of them surely. Right now they're pretty energized because they really really hated Trump and they're enjoying his defeat, but like usual the Left only knows what they don't like, they have no clue what they do like or what the alternate answer is.
I think those are legitimate concerns. I guess we'll find out in time.

Political leaders are always going to be scrutinised and criticised. However, I don't think it's healthy to normalise demonization of them. So in spite of me saying "welcome to the shoe being on the other foot" I don't mean to say that TDS should be replaced with BDS. But there's going to be tribalism because that's what us humans are like, sports teams, video game platforms, political parties.

I don't wish to sound defeatist or resigned to things - but I've spent enough years on the internet to know what to expect, and that helps me keep what I feel is a healthy sense of perspective. YMMV.
I think those are legitimate concerns. I guess we'll find out in time.

Political leaders are always going to be scrutinised and criticised. However, I don't think it's healthy to normalise demonization of them. So in spite of me saying "welcome to the shoe being on the other foot" I don't mean to say that TDS should be replaced with BDS. But there's going to be tribalism because that's what us humans are like, sports teams, video game platforms, political parties.

I don't wish to sound defeatist or resigned to things - but I've spent enough years on the internet to know what to expect, and that helps me keep what I feel is a healthy sense of perspective. YMMV.

If Biden starts doing the sorts of things Trump did, or I wanted Trump to do and I complain about it, I'll officially have BDS. That was the thing with Trump, even when he did things the Left allegedly wanted and championed they screamed and cried, it was absurd.
lol don’t let Fudge get under your skin. He has always been a knob but you just need to crush him. He crumples like tissue paper.
cat jumping GIF


I do ok with it.

I find the bookmark-this-post function can be quite useful (symbol just to the left of the post-number).

I bookmark gifs I want to use later but that's about it, I've had a few times where I added tags to a bookmark and they weren't saved, so I said fuck the whole system.

I still want better search, I don't understand why search can't return results with previews. A lot of times I'm trying to find an image, often I know what it is and who is was posted by, but finding it is a chore even with search because image posts are just blank in the list.
I bookmark gifs I want to use later but that's about it, I've had a few times where I added tags to a bookmark and they weren't saved, so I said fuck the whole system.

I still want better search, I don't understand why search can't return results with previews. A lot of times I'm trying to find an image, often I know what it is and who is was posted by, but finding it is a chore even with search because image posts are just blank in the list.
I just add a comment to my bookmarks.

"Me being super-cool"
"Me being awesome"
"Me getting all the attention I crave"
"Me proving how I'm not a narcissist"

It's really handy. Especially on those longer, lonely nights.


My most hated copy/paste thought is "You do realize X, right?"

I see this every single day here. I'll just pull a random example.

2020 and people still acting like mainline Mario and Zelda games are the same between each other XD

You do realize that game design/level design mean something right?

You could literally communicate the same thing by rephrasing to:

Game design/level designs mean something.

The only information being added by the template is that you are conveying with 100% certainty that you are an extremely online and unoriginal asshole
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try to avoid those language traps best i can, eventually you will stumble and say something goofy even untoward

those phrases often make you seem smug or superior to others which is an ugly way to present yourself or good information

i m o


I am a virgin
My most hated copy/paste thought is "You do realize X, right?"

I see this every single day here. I'll just pull a random example.

You could literally communicate the same thing by rephrasing to:

Game design/level designs mean something.

The only information being added by the template is that you are conveying with 100% certainty that you are an extremely online and unoriginal asshole


I am a virgin
I don't use copy paste internet speak and attempt to write original thoughts from my brain, I don't get your point
The only information being added by the template is that you are conveying with 100% certainty that you are an extremely online and unoriginal asshole
Others may say that picking at people for how they speak is an extremely online and unoriginal ass hole behavior


Others may say that picking at people for how they speak is an extremely online and unoriginal ass hole behavior

I don't feel that is known as a common behavior of the extremely online. I am extremely online most weekdays due to the nature of my work however, and an asshole for other reasons.

But merely offering a critique of incredibly worn out crutch phrases is hardly the same thing as repeatedly using phrasings that AFAICT only exist to be annoying, to convey condescension.


I am a virgin
But merely offering a critique of incredibly worn out crutch phrases is hardly the same thing as repeatedly using phrasings that AFAICT only exist to be annoying, to convey condescension.
It's an internet forum holmes
Not exactly a tome of a sophisticated author

One could also argue that most phrases are worn out; like "Worn out crutch," and they find that annoying too, and that really only exist to be annoying and to convey condescension, in the sense that you're not "Creative, hip, or intelligent" enough to use a different phrase. That same person might also tell you "Don't over think it, it's just some dude talking"


I am a virgin
No shit? I like original thoughts and voices, my favourite posters here write in ways that are uniquely them. Don't write something simply because you've seen a billion other people write it this week.
Genuine question; what would you make of the /gaf/ specific comedic copy pasta then?
There's a few that float around that I see


Genuine question; what would you make of the /gaf/ specific comedic copy pasta then?
There's a few that float around that I see

I don't find them amusing but to each their own, community jokes are community jokes. I frequently do not understand them and don't care to. No issues.

But seeing that specific phrasing (You do realize X, right?) has been grinding my gears lately. I do feel like it's specifically chosen for it's condescension, it's light but definitely present contempt. It's just a worn out unoriginal way to be annoying.


My most hated copy/paste thought is "You do realize X, right?"

I see this every single day here. I'll just pull a random example.

You could literally communicate the same thing by rephrasing to:

Game design/level designs mean something.

The only information being added by the template is that you are conveying with 100% certainty that you are an extremely online and unoriginal asshole

Mine is starting a sentence with “ah yes”. Pompous big brains.
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