God forbid people criticize retconning of a previously straight character with not one but two male love interests into a lesbian. Imagine if Neil made Ellie straight in tlou3.
Had they made her gay in HZD instead of having her tag along two thirsty dudes all game it wouldnt have been review bombed the way it is now. I saw this coming when they made Elizabeth Soebeck gay in the last game. Of course Elizabeth's clone was also going to be gay. They think they are smart by fully revealing this in a DLC like Neil did with Left Behind. Of course, the only difference is that Neil never had ellie as straight and had hints about her being lesbian in the main game. In HFW, she begins the game treating Varl and Errand like shit, and I couldnt make sense of it. I was like why is she so cold now especially after they helped her when she was outcast in the first game. But by the end of the game, it was obvious that they had retconned her sexuality and she had to be cold to these dudes in order to tell a different story where Carrie Anne Moss was her love interest.
They let you choose whether or not to bone Seyka at the end of the game, so some of this outrage is definitely homophobic, but I just dont care for how they went about doing this. I find it funny that 10 years ago, no one cared about lesbian leads in games like Left Behind, but now in an age where almost everyone is super accepting in real life, we are back to hating gay representation in games. It gives gamers a bad rep, but I suspect there is more to this than simply homophobia. People are probably just sick of what they perceive to be woke agenda.