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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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Junior Member
it implies they are hiring for new games, not TPP (potentially)

I'm sure they're making new games after TPP but they just want someone with a lot of experience. That listing alone doesn't imply they're making other games.

It's the equivalent of saying "You need to have X years of experience in a certain field."

edit: I see it nvm. I'm dumb.

I'm sure they're making new games after TPP but they just want someone with a lot of experience. That listing alone doesn't imply they're making other games.

It's the equivalent of saying "You need to have X years of experience in a certain field."

yeah, i know, but wanting experience with pre-production implies they might be ready to start development on whatever post MGO/TPP game they are going to work on. it's reaching a bit, but at this point i'll take whatever i can! i want the game now!


Hard to describe, but the others just haven't interested me. I bought 4 going in blind and the characters & story were all intriguing to me. I just don't feel like going back and playing older-generation games at the moment. Plus, it's not going to have the same main character (old snake). Hmm.. maybe I will skip.

Play the older games, you will love them. MGS4 is one of the weaker MGS games when it comes to narrative/characters. It's kind of a train wreck after Act 3. MGS1, MGS2 both have Solid Snake (old snake). And MGS3 is probably the majority's favorite (especially of non MGS fans). It's no secret that most casual players love MGS3.


Sometimes when I play MGS3 my game slows down for some reason and I look like Olga slow running. So detail kept?

Do you have the HD collection?

Because the games in the HD/Legacy collection were ported by Blue Point games. They have done a terrible job imo. Many areas in MGS3 and MGS2 have huge slow down (especially the VR missions that are set in Arsenal Gear). And in PW with the monster battles the framrate can sometimes go under 10 fps (no joke).


Do you have the HD collection?

Because the games in the HD/Legacy collection were ported by Blue Point games. They have done a terrible job imo. Many areas in MGS3 and MGS2 have huge slow down (especially the VR missions that are set in Arsenal Gear). And in PW with the monster battles the framrate can sometimes go under 10 fps (no joke).



Junior Member
Do you have the HD collection?

Because the games in the HD/Legacy collection were ported by Blue Point games. They have done a terrible job imo. Many areas in MGS3 and MGS2 have huge slow down (especially the VR missions that are set in Arsenal Gear). And in PW with the monster battles the framrate can sometimes go under 10 fps (no joke).

Yeah I do. So it wasn't just me. I figured it was something on my end but glad to know that's not the case.


Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes when I play MGS3 my game slows down for some reason and I look like Olga slow running. So detail kept?

only had that heppen with Volgin and The Boss. Guessing they couldn't fix the engine that much with the time they had.


I just had a crazy thought tonight....

Do we know who Big Boss's father is? I wonder if Kojima hired Kiefer simply to blow our minds with a scene with his father who is voiced by ...

Donald Sutherland

That is what you call "Breaking the 5th wall"...
Any new teases from Kojima?


Okay. :(

I love life right now. HD MGS2, Halo 1&2... It's 2003 all over again, but better.

Real talk for a moment, HALO 1 and 2 Anniversary are blowing me away also playing the MP at what feels like a steady 60fps while looking almost as good or better than Reach is fucking amazing.

The work they put into the HD versions of both the Anniversary Halo editions is amazing.

MGS3 HD though, now that's the best MGS right there.

As cool as MGS2 is, I didn't really like it very much compared to MGS1. MGS3 for life.



I guess he means 'Ogre'? Project Ogre, huh


I'm playing through AC:U too. Ignoring every side mission and collectible except for the cafe missions since they pay a lot of money. The game is just so boring and Paris is such a bland city, which is a shame cause I used to love the AC series. The mediocre story is the only thing keeping me from dropping it. That and the fact that I payed $50 for it and I want to get my money's worth.


Junior Member
I traded in Unity last week after playing for about 3 hours. Such a shame, AC was one of my favorite and 4 was one of the best games of 2013. I was really put off by the British accents in France.


I traded in Unity last week after playing for about 3 hours. Such a shame, AC was one of my favorite and 4 was one of the best games of 2013. I was really put off by the British accents in France.

Pure garbage. This is one of the reasons I'm not enjoying it, the game's just so generic.
Do you have the HD collection?

Because the games in the HD/Legacy collection were ported by Blue Point games. They have done a terrible job imo. Many areas in MGS3 and MGS2 have huge slow down (especially the VR missions that are set in Arsenal Gear). And in PW with the monster battles the framrate can sometimes go under 10 fps (no joke).
I know the framerate can get really low in mgs2 shooting stinger missiles at the Harrier.


Any info on the bonus GZ will give in TPP, will it be to only those who preordered GZ (did you get a code), those who had GZ before TPP or will everyone who has GZ get it?

Im asking this, because right now Im going through GZ on PC, but I really want to play TPP on PS4. Controller support on PC seems kinda iffy to me (Im using my DS3, so maybe thats why) and I dont want to get it on PS3 either(next gen graffix). Thing is, I dont have a PS4 yet
Any info on the bonus GZ will give in TPP, will it be to only those who preordered GZ (did you get a code), those who had GZ before TPP or will everyone who has GZ get it?

Im asking this, because right now Im going through GZ on PC, but I really want to play TPP on PS4. Controller support on PC seems kinda iffy to me (Im using my DS3, so maybe thats why) and I dont want to get it on PS3 either(next gen graffix). Thing is, I dont have a PS4 yet

It's possible that the bonus will be unlocked via your GZ save files or your progress that is synched with the game's servers because this is how it works with the bonuses you unlock in the GZ-app motherbase game. I only play it on one system (PS4) so I can't tell how it works if you're playing on different platforms.


I think the game will check if you have GZ save on your hard drive.

What I hope is that we get bonuses rewards if players have completed side missions. Like getting Kojima as a recruit for motherbase in TPP, but only if you saved him during GZ. Or getting Glaz and Palitz to be members of the Combat or Intel team but only if you also finished the mission by capturing and escorting them. Stuff like that would be awesome.
I think the game will check if you have GZ save on your hard drive.

What I hope is that we get bonuses rewards if players have completed side missions. Like getting Kojima as a recruit for motherbase in TPP, but only if you saved him during GZ. Or getting Glaz and Palitz to be members of the Combat or Intel team but only if you also finished the mission by capturing and escorting them. Stuff like that would be awesome.

Yep, I hope I'll get something special for reaching 100% completion.


I'm close to the end of Persona 4: Golden and want to dive into the MGS-Series after that. I have the Legacy Collection and have a few questions about the first one.

Has Metal Gear Solid aged well or should I read the graphic novel in the collection?
If it still holds up, should I play it on the Vita or PS3?

Thanks in advance.
I'm close to the end of Persona 4: Golden and want to dive into the MGS-Series after that. I have the Legacy Collection and have a few questions about the first one.

Has Metal Gear Solid aged well or should I read the graphic novel in the collection?
If it still holds up, should I play it on the Vita or PS3?

Thanks in advance.

I played metal gear solid 1 for the first time a year ago and i found it aged really well.
It may take you ten to twenty minutes max to get used to the controls. I beat it on both the ps3 and vita, but i preferred the vita for the better d-pad.
Almost finished with 100% Ground Zeroes and finishing up Alien:Isolation on PC, while trying to play a bunch of other stuff across my other consoles.

Pure garbage. This is one of the reasons I'm not enjoying it, the game's just so generic.

Play it with French audio and English subtitles...much better.

I got the game free with my Xbone and all I can say is it is the worst in the series and yet at times it is still better than ACIII which was...a boring shitfest that not only managed to squander its setting but also the characters themselves.

AC:U has lot's of issues, the garbage framerate on Xbone regularly dips into the sub teens, we're talking slideshow 10-15 fps here if not lower.

The crowds add nothing but ugly LOD issues and performance drops, the English accents in France are ridiculous, The graphics are only really good in the sense of how realistic some of the clothing looks and the occasional cutscene with the right lighting looks okay, most of the lighting looks flat and again the LOD issues and low res textures ruin the experience. Paris itself is pretty boring to walk around in, all of the NPCs re-use the same fucking bad animations, and most of the sidequests are absolute garbage.

Arno does incredibly stupid things that no one would do on several occasions
Yeah okay let's just casually toss this lantern into a bunch of powder kegs for no apparent reason. OH FUCK THE WHOLE PLACE IS ON FIRE? OH GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED.... No, wait that's exactly what happens when you nonchalantly fling things that are ON FIRE, into things that are combustible and explosive...let me add that all he was supposed to do was grab some papers and leave, YOU HAD ONE JOB ARNO. ONE JOB.

Or the part where he
Somehow manages to kill a Templar GRANDMASTER.
how in the fuck is a lowly not really an assassin guy, assassinates someone who has far more experience than him? Solid Snake vs Big Boss doesn't even compare here because holy fucking shit, Big Boss trained Snake alongside Kaz and Grey Fox.

And even then Snake had to pull some bullshit to win because well, Big Boss is the baddest dude who ever lived.

The game itself even feels like it had maybe a year or two of development time, I cannot count the sheer number of times I've parkour'd straight into a fucking lamppost expecting Arno to immediately vault over it only to start infinitely running in place, or not be able to grab something that he can clearly grab so he just sits there rubbing his chest against the wall like an idiot while he gets stabbed.

I'd rather play Sunset Overdrive or DA:I which I also have on my Xbone and are million times better than AC:U.
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